• 締切済み


Abortion services for the 20,000 women who seek a chemically induced abortion every year could be transformed should the Department of Health's official evaluation of the pilot confirm initial findings. 上の一文でtransformed should the Department ってありますよね? なぜにshould がこんな場所にでてくるんですか?倒置法かなんかでしょうか?そこに置くことによってどんな働きをしてるのか?教えてほしいです!

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数1


  • ricanmuri
  • ベストアンサー率12% (50/411)

申し訳ないのですが、そんなに難しいことではなく、should=ifとゆうことでよくあちこちの英文で見かけますよ。 確かに文法的には下の方々の説明でよいはずですが、ifと考えたら倒置とか仮定法とか判らなくても意味はすぐ通じますよね?

  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

should the Department of Health's official evaluation of the pilot confirm initial findings. これで一文なのではないでしょうか? should を使った倒置だと思います。 元の文章は、 if the Department of Health's official evaluation of the pilot should confirm initial findings. なのでは? 「もし保健省のパイロットに関する公式審査によって、初期の調査結果が裏付けられた場合・・・・」くらいの意味でしょうか? 部分的なのでちょっと判りませんが。



なるほど!!!!!! すっごいわかりました! みなさんほんとありがとうございます^^


couldがあるので、何となく仮定法くさいぞ、とにらむと、見えてくると思います。 Abortion services for the 20,000 women who seek a chemically induced abortion every year could be transformed ここまでが主節です。 そしてここからは、if節です。 if省略の倒置がおわかりなら、大丈夫だと思います。 should the Department of Health's official evaluation of the pilot confirm initial findings. = <if> the Department of Health's official evaluation of the pilot <should> confirm initial findings. 簡単に書くと Abortion services could be transformed if the Department should confirm initial findings. If ~ should は「万一~ならば」の、起こる可能性が低い仮定法です。


toransformed のあとにカンマを入れて、もう一度読んでみてください。倒置だと感じるんですから正解はすぐそこです。


  • should it come up

    I am a mentee in a "future women leaders" program at my organization. I am paired with a director of a different department. She and I get along very well, but she is not on speaking terms with the director of my department, and has gone so far as to file a complaint against my immediate supervisor, a woman I respect greatly. So far, my mentor has not reached out to me to organize our first mentoring session. Perhaps it is because she is very busy, but I suspect it is also because she is basically at war with my department, going so far as to instruct some of her subordinates not to speak to my colleagues (although they still speak to me). I sent an initial, "Thank you, and I'm looking forward to working with you" email to her upon the human resources department informing us that we were paired together. I have not reached out to her again and haven't heard from her. I am not sure how I would handle any discussions about my department, in particular my supervisors, should it come up. should it come upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Among the many findings of a city traffic study released on Monday was that 80 percent of all crashes in a five-year period in which pedestrians were seriously injured or killed involved men who were driving. The imbalance is far too great to be explained away by the predominance of men among bus, livery, taxi and delivery drivers, said Seth Solomonow, a spokesman for the city’s Transportation Department. The statistic would seem to put to rest, for good, the Mars versus Venus question of who is better behind the wheel, and to confirm what auto insurance companies — and at least half the city (women, that is) — knew all along.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Brown in 1996 and Simpson in 2001 concluded that extending British supply routes over the ridge, which had been devastated by the mines and millions of shells, to consolidate the Oosttaverne line and completion of the infrastructure further north in the Fifth Army area, was necessary before the "Northern Operation" (the Third Battle of Ypres) could begin and was the main reason for the operational pause in June and July. In 1941 the Australian Official Historian recorded II Anzac Corps losses from 1–14 June as 4,978 casualties in the New Zealand Division, 3,379 casualties in the 3rd Australian Division and 2,677 casualties in the 4th Australian Division. Using figures from the Reichsarchiv, Bean recorded German casualties for 21–31 May, 1,963; 1–10 June, 19,923 (including 7,548 missing); 11–20 June, 5,501 and 21–30 June, 1,773. In volume XII of Der Weltkrieg the German Official Historians recorded 25,000 casualties for the period 21 May – 10 June including 10,000 missing of whom 7,200 were reported as taken prisoner by the British. Losses of the British were recorded as 25,000 casualties and a further 3,000 missing from 18 May – 14 June. The initial explosion of the mines, in particular the mine that created the Lone Tree Crater, accounts for the high number of casualties and missing from 1–10 June. In 1948, the British Official Historian gave casualties of II Anzac Corps, 12,391; IX Corps, 5,263; X Corps, 6,597; II Corps, 108 and VIII Corps, 203 a total of 24,562 casualties from 1–12 June. The 25th Division history gave 3,052 casualties and the 47th Division history notes 2,303 casualties. The British Official Historian recorded 21,886 German casualties, including 7,548 missing, from 21 May – 10 June, using strength returns from groups Ypern, Wijtschate and Lille in the German Official History, then wrote that 30 percent should be added for wounded likely to return to duty within a reasonable time, since they were "omitted" in the German Official History, reasoning which has been severely criticised ever since.

  • Follow-upとはなんですか?

    教育についての英文を読んでいて、よくわからない文が出てきたので、教育に詳しい人、もしくは英語の得意な方、説明をお願いできませんでしょうか。 まず、授業の構成はPretask→Task→Follow-upという順番で成り立っている。という前提があります。 In the communication classroom,the teacher will seek to maximize the time that the students are processing the language ore interacting with each other. The teacher will also caregully monitor the students to ensure that they know what they are supposed to do and are carrying out the tasks correctly. Following the task proper,there should e some sort of follow-up. ●This also has a number of function : to elicit feedback from the students about their experience,toprovide feedback to the students on how they had done,to correct errors that the teacher might have noticed in the course of the instructional sequence,and to get students to reflect on the task and engage in self-evaluation. ●からが問題の、よくわからない英文です;; ここでのfeedbackとはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 全体的に、(●の前も;;)うまく日本語にできないので、直訳でなくて構わないので、わかりやすい日本語に訳していただけたら、感激です;;

  •  「should」

          私はどうやってそのチケットを買えばいいですか?                 How should I buy the ticket?              一応、ネットで訳してみたのですが、正しいですか?。    もし、正しければ、この場合、「should」は日本語のどこにあたりますか?。                                  お願いします。

  • shouldについて

    Or if you say something that you shouldn't have said. 上記の英文の shouldn't have saidのように現在完了形と一緒に使われるshouldは、どう訳すのですか? あと上の英文はどう訳せばよいのでしょうか? 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • should の使い方


  • どうして should?

    http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=757393 で、should と must の違いを質問したものです。 それと関連するのですが、以下の文ではどうして、must ではなく should が使われるのですか? The Queen ordered that Alice should be put to death. order はかなり強い命令ですから、should よりも must が合うような気がします。上記のURLの回答でもそのようなお答えでした。 一応、ふつうに入手できるような文法書は読みましたが、載っていませんでした。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • shouldについて

    If she should come late,give her this message. もし彼女が遅れえてくるなら、彼女にこの伝言を伝えて下さい。 上記の英文でshould comeとshould が 使われてますが、would comeでは、ダメなんでしょうか? shouldは、主語が1人称の時に使う助動詞だと習った記憶があります。 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • このshouldの使い方

    Should he think it is too hard for him, I would help him. の意味がよくわかりません。 「大変すぎると彼が思うのだったら、私は手伝います」(仮定法?)なのか 「彼には大変すぎるでしょうから、私がお手伝いします」なのでしょうか。 Souldが文頭に来ているのですが、疑問文ではないのです・・・。 教えてください。