• ベストアンサー



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  • ベストアンサー率45% (24/53)

イはだめでしょう。 with a title which ならいいように思います。 the titleでは「彼」も私もすでに知っているタイトルだと言うことになり,変です。





  • 4択問題です

    英語の4択問題です。 答えを教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 ・He mentioned a book ( ) I can't remember now. 1which title 2with the title which 3in which the title 4the title of which ・There are numerous cases ( ) Japanese modesty causes misunderstanding. 1which 2that 3where 4how 個人的には、1,3 だと思うのですがどうでしょうか?

  • 関係代名詞

    He mentioned a book the title of which I can't remember now.  彼は私が今そのタイトルを思い出せない本について語った。 これは、所有格の関係代名詞なのですが He mentioned a book of which I can't remember the title now. というようにするのは可能ですか? また listening to a performance not a word of which they can understood and of which they seldom the part. はどのように解釈すればよろしいですか? 分かる方いたらよろしくお願いします。

  • 関係代名詞問題を解きました。採点下さい。高校入試

    (1)He has an aunt( ウ  ) lives in Kobe. ア. which   イ.what    ウ.who    エ.where (2)Is this the book ( イ )you bought last Saturday? ア.who    イ.which    ウ.when    エ.what (3)She is a kind girl( エ ) everyone likes. ア.what    イ.which    ウ.whose   エ.whom (4)That is shopping center( エ ) just opened two days ago. ア.who    イ.what    ウ.which    エ.it (5)There is someone at the door ( イ )wants to see you. ア.which    イ.who    ウ.whom    エ.whose (6)The lady ( イ )was my teacher. ア.to that I spoke    イ.whom I spoke   ウ.I spoke to エ.I spoke (7)You can see the mountains( エ ) top is covered with snow ,can’t you. ア.who     イ.whose ウ.whom    エ.that (8)The day will soon come( ウ )we can make a trip to the moon. ア.where イ.what   ウ.when     エ.which (9)He lends money only to the people ( ウ )word he can trust. ア.who    イ.whose    ウ.whom    エ.which (10)Look at the boy and the dog ( エ )are running over there. ア.who   イ.which    ウ.that    エ.what

  • 英語の質問です。

    英語の質問です。 (1)「関係代名詞」って何ですか? (2)主格・目的格とは? (3)並び替えの問題があるのですが、[the][a]とかをどこにつけていいのかわかりません。  並び替えの分かりやすい考え方を教えてください。  「私はずっと前に見た、ある映画の題名が思い出せない」  I can't remember the title of a movie which I saw a long ago. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    各問題に、訳と解答解説をつけてくださると助かります。 お願いします。 1 The air conditioner (), we had to take out our old fan from the closet.   アwas broken down イbroke down ウbeing broking down エhaving broken down 2 Wooden bridges are inferior () concrete bridges.   アfrom イto ウwith エin 3 There is no () in complaining any further.   アdoubt イpity ウpoint エpossibility 4 You´d better not work much ; () you won´t get over your fatigue.   アotherwise イunless ウso エtherefore 5 This is the () best book I´ve ever read.   アfar イmost ウmuch エvery 6 Mike goes fishing every Saturday () the weather is bad.   アexcept when イin spite of ウnevertheless エregardless of 7 He looked for a place ().   アfor how to sleep イin where to sleep ウin which to sleep エfor where to sleep 8 “Why are you so angry with him?”“He kept me waiting () two hours.”   アso long as イas long as ウvery long as エquite long as 9 This apple is not as delicious as () I bought yesterday.   アmuch as イsuch as ウit エthe one 10 I came () an old friend of mine at the station yesterday.    アover イup ウacross エat 11 I´ve run () of sugar. Will you give me some?    アfull イshort ウwant エlack 12 I was reading a book last night when Jane called ().    アme off イover me ウme up エat me 13 A fire broke () in my neighborhood last night.    アup イout ウover エinto 14 This country is so () that it takes no more than a day to drive around it.    アlarge イnarrow ウsmall エwide 15 “Is the tax () in the price?”“No. It will be added later.”    アexcluded イincluded ウconcluded エconnected

  • 英語

    1This is the very dictionary ( ) I have been looking for. アwhat イthat ウall エwhere 2He is one of the greatest pianists ( ) Japan has ever produced. アwhich イwhose ウthat エwhat  3He is a writer ( ) novels are very popular among young people. アwho イwhom ウthat エwhose 4Japanese people are great tourists. They usually visit places ( ) they haven't seen. アbecause イwhich ウwhere エwhat 5Anyone ( ) has stood in sunshine and then moved into shade knows that sunshine is warm. アwho イwhom ウwhose エwhich 6Thank you Keiko. This book is exactly ( ) I wanted. アwhat イwhich ウof which エthat 7Tom is no longer ( ) he used to be. アthat イwhich ウwhat エwhen 8In the eighteenth century, we had little idea of the effect ( ) industrial inventions would have. アthat イwhat ウwhen エwhy 9Genes, the basic parts of cells ( ) are passed eown from parents to children, may have something to do with human behaviour. アwhat イwhose ウwhich エwhere 関係代名詞(副詞)の問題です。 迷ったものが幾らかありました。

  • 名詞・代名詞の問題です。

    名詞・代名詞の問題が3種あります。分かるところは分かりますが、問題によって、どっちだろうとか、全部入りそうだとか思うものがあります(記号問題とか)。記号問題だけ、訳をつけていただけると助かります。見極めるコツなどがあったら教えてください。スペル間違いがあったらすみません。 記号選択問題 1 I lost my umbrella,so I have to buy().   アone イit ウthe one エthem 2 The ears of a cat are shorter than()of a rabbit.   アone イother ウthat エthose 3 Ann gave me()last week.   アthis her book イher this book ウthis books of her エthis book of her 4 It´s one thing to have a fine library and it´s quite()to make wise use of it.   アother イthe other ウanother エsecond thing 5 You can pay in cash or with a credit card.()will do.   アEither イSome ウNone エEvery 6 George is a good man and is known()to everyone.   アas so イso as ウas such エsuch as 7 I have two sisters;one is doctor and()a teacher.   アan other イthe other ウanother エother 8 A husband and his wife should always respect()opinions.   アeach others´ イeach ウothers´ エeach others´ 9 My wife is the only daughter in a large family so I have many().   アbrother-in-low イbrothers-in-low ウbrother-in-lows エbrothers-in-lows 10 “How much gasoline is left in the tank?”“(),I´m afraid.”   アNot some イNot one ウNothing エNone 11 He makes careless mistakes and()so often.   アsuch イthis ウthat エwhich 語句補充問題 1 3/5は5分の3と読みます。   3/5 reads three-(). 2 妻は私の誕生日にこれら2本のネクタイを買ってくれたが、私は2本とも気に入っているわけではない。   My wife bought me these two ties for my birthday,but I don´t like()of them. 3 彼女は花をたくさん持っている。 そのうちのいくつかは赤で、あとはみんな黄色だ。   She has a lot of flowers.Some are red()()yellow. 並び替え問題 1 コンピュータは、情報のほとんどをハードドライブに保存する。   Computers(on,store,most,their,information,of)the hard drive. 2 私は2人の人に道を尋ねたが、どちらも助けとならなかった。   I asked two persons for directions,but(of,could,them,me,neither,help). 3 日本の教育制度はアメリカとは全く異なる。   The educational system of Japan is(from,quite,that,the United States,different,of). 4 姉は毎日あれやこれやで忙しい。   My sister is(or,busy,thing,another,with,one). 以上です。

  • 英語の問題です。

    特に【A】と【E】が難しく感じました。 それぞれの問題で訳や何か重要なポイントなどを合わせてつけてくださると助かります。 お願いいたします。 【A】 1 Linda doesn´t dance much now, but I know she () a lot.   アwas used to イused to ウwould エwould have 2 The tourists were made () for more than six hours at the airport.   アwait イwaited ウto wait エwaiting 3 A seventeen-years-old is () to vote in an election.   アnot enough old イold not enough ウnot old enough エenough not old 4 John, () the news of the earthquake, couldn´t utter a word.   アshock at イshocking at ウshocked at エhaving shocked by 5 We were taught that the American Revolution () over in 1783.   アis イhas been ウhave エwas 6 Mother seems to be () on Monday, when she has lots of things to wash.   アbusiest イthe busier ウthe more busier エthe most busiest 7 () from the expressionon her face, she doesn´t seem to be very pleased with the result.   アSeem イLooking ウGuessed エJudging 8 I´m afraid Tom´s argument rests only on his imagination, not on ().   アfancy イfictions ウopinions エfacts 9 Look () the words in the dictionary whose meanings you don´t know.   アon イout ウup エwith 10 I was late because my car broke () on the way.   アup イin ウdown エby 11 The result fell short () our expectations.   アfrom イof ウfor エin 12 She took her guests into the kitchen to show () her new washing machine.   アoff イup ウaround エinto 【B】 1 Everyone laughed loudly when he appeared on the stage.   Everyone burst into () when he appeared on the stage. 2 I never see this picture without thinking of my high school days.   This picture always () () of my high school days. 3 We met her at the station by chance.   We () () meet her at the station. 4 He got quite angry with me when I broke his cup.   He () () temper with me when I broke his cup. 【C】間違いの指摘 1 The road remained (closing) for (more than) a week (owing) to the (heavy) snow. 2 This is the park (where) we (used to) (visit) (when young). 3 (That´s) (the way how) she (got) (out of) danger. 4 Jane is (much) (pretty) (than) (beautiful). 5 He was (long) lost (in) deep (thought) with his arms (folding). 【D】 1 It (be,remains,to,whether,seen) the new car will sell well. 2 He suggested (she,to,that,take,her,up) music lessons. 3 He (from,is,for,far,suitable) the job. 4 He speaks French, (say,English,nothing,to,of). 【E】次の英文と同じ内容を表すもの 1 Not all of his plans were accepted.   アThey didn´t take any of his plans. イThey turned down some of his plans.   ウThey accepted all of his plans. エAll of his plans were rejected. 2 He stops in from time to time.   アHe never comes to see us. イHe visits us occationally.   ウHe visits us ever hour. エHe hardly ever comes to stay. 3 We have something in common.   アIn two ways, we´re different. イIn one way, we´re similar.   ウIn no way are we identical. エIn some ways, we´re the some in appearance. 4 The trouble with Seth is that he always takes things seriously.   アSeth has trouble taking things seriously.    イIt´s a lot of trouble for Seth to take things seriously.   ウSeth takes things seriously, and as a result, gets other people into trouble.   エOne of Seth´s problems is that he takes things seriously. 以上です。

  • 連立完成問題の解答を教えて下さい。(高校入試)

    (1)The captain didn’t let them rest they worked hard. ア.for   イ.though   ウ.so   エ.since (2)He will start the morning of July 7. ア.on   イ.in   ウ.at   エ.of (3)I’m going to call the police you give my car back. ア.because   イ.for   ウ.if    エ.unless (4)Please wait here five o’clock. ア.in   イ.by   ウ.for    エ.unless (5)その仕事をやる人が誰もいなければ、君か彼のどちらかが、それをしなければならないでしょう。 If there is no one to do the work,(    )(    )(    )he (    )(    )(    )do it. (6)彼は低い声で何かを言おうとした。 He tried to say something(    ) a low voice. (7)私たちは彼がすぐにやって来るかもしれないと思いました。 We thought(    ) he (    )come soon. (8)このようにして、彼はその難問を簡単に解決した。 This is (    )he solve the difficult problem (    )ease. (9)明日、雨が降ったら行かなくていいよ。 You don’t (    )(    )go (    )it(    ) tomorrow. (10)君は新しい法律に賛成かい、反対か。 Are you(    ) or(    ) the new law?

  • 【至急】 高校英語問題

    自信のない問題を載せました。 力を貸していただけると幸いです。 【A】 次の(   )内に入れる語句として最も適切なものを選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) Sending some money was (   ) he could do for his aged parents. ア.a least   イ.at least   ウ.the least   エ.less (2) The man is a responsible and capable employee (   ) a delightful person to work with. ア.as well as   イ.better than   ウ.much better than   エ.superior to (3) He made (   ) his small income and was content with his life. ア.for   イ.off   ウ.away with   エ.the best of (4) Even if you are ill, don't take more medicine (   ). ア.than is necessary   イ.than necessary is   ウ.than necessary it is   エ.than is it necessary (5) Blondie wore her curly hair in the prettiest style (   ). ア.imagined   イ.imaginary   ウ.imaginable   エ.imagination 【B】 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(   )内に最も適切な語を入れなさい。 (1) a) She is younger than he (   ) two years. b) She is two years (   ) to him. (2) a) His word once given was never broken. b) He was always as (   ) as his word. 【C】 次の英文の(   )内の語句を並べ替え、意味の通る英文にしなさい。 Democratic decisions are made by majority vote, which is based on the idea that ( is better than / of the few / of the many / that / the judgement ). 【D】 次の英文を日本語訳しなさい。 (1) Hardly anything in this field is free of controversy. (2) At issue is the degree to which humans are different from other creatures. 以上10問です。 よろしくお願いします。