• ベストアンサー



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  • ベストアンサー率18% (2/11)

(1)は「なぜ、developmentにおけるlocal information はimportant なのか?」 (2)は「なぜ、local development はimportantなのか?」 となりますので、あとは単語を訳してみてください。





  • 英文和訳と英文解釈を教えてください。

    次の英文の和訳とできれば文法解釈をお願いします。 文法的にあやしいような気がします。 出来る範囲でかまいません。教えていただければ助かります。 Beyond this regulatory aspect which is not similar in your company, efficiency of that part remains an important matter difficult to manage because of low preventive change level in normal operation. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳がわかりません。

    One of the reasons why non-recruitment works so well in artificially lowering workers’ wages is that it deprives employees of information about the job market 上記の和訳が分かりません。 教えてください、お願いいたします。

  • 和訳と文法について教えて下さい

    以下の英文の和訳と文法について教えて下さい。 why does is it take federal intervention to fix the N.Y.P.D.?

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願い致します。  I can understand when a boss is telling an employee what to do on the job or someone is giving a report at a company meeting. “Official” talk is very important; however, it is only a small part of talking. As much as 80 percent od the talk in the workplace and about 90 percent of the talk in restaurants or coffee shops is not really important in terms of what is said. That is to say, the information carried by the word inot very important. Such talk is often carried “small talk,” which is not essential to the conversation. Rather, taking itself is very important for the participants. Let me explain.   Suppose that two college friends are sitting in the university cafeteria. One student tells the other that her sister went on a date and her boyfriend had forgotten his wallet so she had to pay for dinner. The two friends laugh at the story. The story has no real meaning. It's just a chance for the friends to be together and have a laugh. Any story would do. The information contained in the story is not important. Telling a story to the friend is important in order to build and maintain the relationship between those two people. Sharing is the purpose of the talk.  On the other hand, think about a teacher telling students that they have to read Page 27 in their textbook and answer the questions for homework. In this case, the information is important. The telling is not as important. It does not change the relationship between the teacher and the students. What is important is not the telling but the information itself. In fact, the same information could be communicated by writing it on the board or by one student telling another who was absent or asleep in class. Who, when, and where are not important in this case.   What was said is the only thing that is important.  The case of the two students in the cafeteria is the opposite. Who said it, in this case the friend, is very important. Where and when are probably important too. But what was said doesn't matter. Any funny or interesting story would be okay as long as the two friends enjoy the story together. 以上になります。 スペルミス等がみられましたら、ご指摘お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!

    Very little of what is said is important for the information expressed in the words. It is crucially important, as a way of showing that we are involved with each other, and how we feel about being involved. お願いします(>_<)

  • 名詞 of SV

    IELTS14のテスト1リーディング1で質問です。 although some of the steps in the puzzle of how and why play is important have been looked at, という文の、 the puzzle of how and why play is importantはどのような文法になっているのでしょうか。 「どのように、そしてなぜ遊びが重要なのかという謎」程度の訳になるかなと考えてみたのですが、 ofの前後には名詞しかこないのに、howやwhyが副詞ですし、play is importantもSV Cで続いているので、訳が分からなくなりました。 文法的な解説をよろしくお願いします!

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    この英文の和訳をお願いします。 just as it is important to learn ways of fostering therapeutic exchanges , it is also helpful to recognize responses that interfere with effective communication. 意訳は禁止で、原文と和訳文の単語がそれぞれ合致するように訳していただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳

    The researchers believe their results can be applied to evolution as a whole. it seems that , in human evolution , it was very important that the majority of people be right-handed. This is because most of the time cooperation was more important to our survival than competition. However in certain situations , competition was more important. In these cases , having about 10 percent of the population left-handed was an advantage for human beings. 文法の解説を含めて和訳が知りたいです。 回答お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    She ran the nozzle across my skin in gentle, swooping strokes while explaining that cellulite is no respecter of the lean, healthy or lissom, which pleased me no end. この英文の和訳を、できれば文法的説明もお願いします。 while以降が特によくわからないのです。

  • 和訳をお願いしたいのですが…

    英語はからっきしダメなので、どなたか英語が得意な方、下の英文を和訳していただけませんか? 自分の低脳さ故だという事は重々承知ですが、本当に困っているので、よろしくお願いします。 This example illustrates how important it is for you to know something about the social conventions and structures of the country whose language you are studying. In this connection I've mentioned address terms. There is also the question of how people greet each other: what is the appropriate way to use the various greeting expression, with different categories of people? My dictionary says that “Good morning” in English is “Ohayo gozaimasu” in Japanese. But the dictionary may not explain that, whereas “Good morning” is used right up until midday, “Ohayo gozaimasu” is used only in the early part of the day. It may not explain either that “Good morning” is used by some English speakers in the sense of “Goodbye”. This information is part of the “meaning” of the words. よろしくお願いします。 エキサイト翻訳やその他翻訳サイトを利用して和訳したものは、日本語がめちゃくちゃで理解不能になってしまうので、控えて頂けるとありがたいです。