• ベストアンサー

if not の使い方

Add to that their multitude of looks and gestures , and you have the basis for genuine communication - if not cocktail-party conversation. 全訳見るとif以下が“カクテルパーティーの会話のようにはいかないだろうが”と訳されているんですがなぜそのような訳になるのですか?あとifとnotの間に省略があるんですよね?


  • ベストアンサー

- if not cocktail-party conversation. は、 - ( you will have genuine communication ) ( even ) if ( you can ) not ( have ) cocktail-party conversation. ということだと思います。  同じように、たとえば if not important なら、 ( even ) if ( it is ) not important [訳:たとえ重要でないにせよ] です。  「さらにそこに彼らの多彩な表情やしぐさを加えてごらんなさいな、まごころ通う意思疎通のための土台はすでにそろっています-たとえカクテルパーティーでのような(上品でしゃれた)会話はできなくても。」


その他の回答 (2)


 genuine communication という名詞句と,cocktail-party conversation という名詞句が並列になっていると考えてください。「カクテルパーティのような会話とまではいかなくても,心からのコミュニケーション(の基礎)までは(できあがっている)」という意味になります。  A if not B で,「Bとまではいかなくても,Aとまでは言ってもよい」という意味になり,AとBの間には,例えば名詞句同士のように,対等な関係が成り立っています。


英和辞書でIfの成句If not...を調べてください。



  • if by skirt

    全文: Caleb: You have a quick wit Seth, amazing you're not better at skirt chasing. Seth: Oh... well if by skirts you mean girls in your outdated cowboy speak, I have a little news for you. It turns out that somebody has a date to your party. And its not a big deal or anything but if you must know, Summer asked me. "if by skirts" と "girls in your outdated cowboy speak" の意味を教えてください!

  • この英文を和訳してください

    問題を解いていてどうしでもわからないのでお願いします。 I wonder if the mirror is not world's worst invention. The optimist looks into a mirror and becomes too optimistic

  • 英文の訳が分かりません

    英文の訳が分かりません。 in representing the coffee-house these literary materials , more than anything else, established and confirmed the place of coffee in modern urban life. It is in the nature of satire to exaggerate what it describes, to heighten foolishness and vice, and to portray its material in the most colourful language. The coffee-house satires can nevertheless be considered not only as works of literature but also as historical evidence: these low and crude satires are not a simple criticism of coffee-house life, but part of their conversation, one voice in the ongoing discussion of the social life of the city. この英文をできれば全訳していただけると嬉しいです。

  • fanfare

    At one particular wedding, the couple did not even greet their guests at the back of the church after the ceremony. They secluded themselves in another room and left their parents to greet and thank the guests for coming, and then they made their exit from the church with the usual fanfare and entered the party bus. with the usual fanfareとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • If ~, these slaves have been impaled.この現在完了は、「未来完了の代用」ですか?

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 下記の現在完了は「未来完了の代用」ですよね? 背景:セクタス・ポンペイウスとの戦争を終えた、オクタビアンは敵方の奴隷の処置について述べる。 If their former masters could not be found because Sextus Pompeius had killed them, these slaves have been impaled. (出典は、 書名:ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA 著者:Colleen McCullough) 要するに「もしも、(その奴隷の所有権を主張する者があれば前の所有者に返されるが)前の所有者がセクタス・ポンペイウスに殺されており見つからない場合は(自分の意思でローマの反逆者に組したと見なし)、その奴隷は串刺し刑を(執行)されるであろう。」という事ですよね。  As their former masters could not be foundじゃなくて、If their former masters could not be foundと言っているのだから、「串刺し刑」は話している時点よりも後ですよね? 文法書を読んでみると、現在完了の「時や条件を表す節の中で、未来完了の代用」以外には、説明が付かないような気がします。 合っていますか?  よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を日本語に訳し、()に入る言葉を選んでください

    When a person`s words do not agree with his or her body language, on which should you rely? Can you tell when someone is lying to you? Aside from some kinds of criminals, some politicians and those with psychological problems, most people become uncomfortable when telling a lie and send signals about their lies through their body language. If people`s words disagree with their body language, you would be wise to rely on their body language as a more accurate reflection of their true feelings. Eye, nose, and mouth movement, along with hand gestures, are the four major non-verbal cues typically associated with lying. The statue of the Tree Wise Monkeys accurately shows the primary hand-to-face gestures associated with lying. When people are doubtful or lying, they often use their fingers to block their mouth ( 1 ) they were filtering their words. This hand-to-mouth geture is commonly referred to as "speak no evil." The second hand gesture associated with lying is called "see no evil," and it occurs when a person rubs or ( 2 ) his or her eyes. The third hand gesture "hear no evil" is displayed when a person covers his or her ears. ・(1)に入る適切な言葉を選んでください。 (1)as if (2)before (3)though (4)even if ・(2)に入る適切な言葉を選んでください。 (1)closes (2)touches (3)drops (4)narrows

  • 古いせいもあって読みくい翻訳英文です

    練られてないうえに読点の多い和訳なんですが、こりゃまずいだろというところがあったら手直しお願いします。 ※文脈が必要なときは英文を検索にかけていただければ前後は出てくるはずです。 1のinconsistency, 「矛盾」もどうかとおもったので「無節操」と辞書の言葉を使いましたが、よくはないです。代案はないでしょうか。 1 If they were asked to exert themselves in some definite way for the common good, with the inconsistency characteristic of weak people they regarded any such suggestion as a malicious attempt to compromise them still further, and either did not do what they were ordered at all or did it with half heart. もし彼らが、公共の利益のために、ある明確なやり方で努めよと求められると、弱い人間に特有の無節操でもって、このようないかなる提案をも、さらに彼らを汚そうとする悪意の試みとみなし、要求を無視するか、やる気なく行うのである。 2 their daily work consisted in criticizing, ridiculing, and bemoaning every occurrence great and small, and in unnerving and discouraging the multitude by their own sluggishness and hopelessness. 彼らの毎日の仕事は、大小の出来事一つひとつを批判し、嘲笑し、嘆息すること、彼らに染みついた怠惰と絶望感で大衆のやる気を奪い、邪魔をすること、これらで成り立っているのである。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。

    Eye movement is another reliable indication of lying. It is normal for a person to look up to the left when thinking about the (1) and up to the right when thinking about the (2). For example, if you ask people the color of their first car, or some other question from their past, they will look up to their left to access their memory. If instead they look up to their right, they are thinking of the future, which indicates that they are likely to be making up a response. Policemen are trained to routinely monitor eye movement during interviews. According to Paul Ekman, a professor of psychology at the University of California, San Francisco, there are small body movements called "micro-gestures " that are useful to observe. Two of the most common micro-gestures that are associated with lies are the nose wrinkle and the mouth crul. The nose wrinkle is the same gesture that occurs naturally when you smell something unpleasant. The other facial micro-gesture is a slight downward curl of the corners of the mouth. Even liars who make a conscious effort to hide all of thier major body gestures will still transmit micro-gestures. People sometimes lie, but their body language always tells the truth! ・(1)に入る単語を文中から抜き出してください。 ・(2)に入る単語を文中から抜き出してください。

  • 接続詞で迷っています

    I'm Japanese and not good at English... so* will you be my friend? If you want to talk to, add me on... 文章がまずいせいか、接続詞をどうすればよいかわからないことがしばしばあります。ここでso*はふさわしいでしょうか? 御教示下さい。

  • 英語の誤文訂正問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) Even if/(2)they more their heads/(3) up and down,/(4) the Japanese/(5) do not necessarily/(6) mean that/(7) they agree/(8) with/(9)what is/(10) having been said.