• ベストアンサー



  • elice
  • ベストアンサー率11% (1/9)

(1)Japan is very poor in natural resources. =日本は天然資源に乏しい。○ <充分伝わります。 ・しかしテストなら乏しい”国”と書いてあるからにはcountryが必要になるかも。 Japan is a country that are poor in natural resources. >We should keep in mind how important they are and should not waste them. =私たちは資源の大切さを念頭に置き、無駄遣いしてはならない。 ・We should understand the importance (of them) and . (2)Recently, we have paid attention to deforestation, but =最近(この頃)、私たちは森林伐採に注目した。× <自然破壊ですよね。 ・pay attention to~ 大抵何かを気にかけるときに使います。 ・・自然破壊 = destruction of nature , ”今日”に至ってはRecentlyよりnowadaysまたはtodayの方が良いかもしれません。 >more than two thirds of Japan is forest and Japan is one of the most forested countries. =日本の3分の2は森林であり、日本は森林の多い国である。○ <この文だけで見れば大丈夫です。 この文章に至っては読めば読むほど何を言いたいのかが分からなくなっていきます(><↓ (たとえ世間で自然破壊がどーだの叫んだとしても未だ日本の土地の2/3は森なので、この国の自然は大丈夫だ???) (・Though people yelling destruction of nature, there are still 2/3 of Japan's land covered with forest. This country is full of nature.) (3)People are the same in many ways, =人々は多くの点で同じです。○ <少しニュアンスが違うかも。 ・あえて”どこでも”を書くとしたらこの文の前頭にこんなのを足してもいいかも。 Despite our different countries, people are the same in many ways. >but different areas have different languages and customs. =しかしが異なれば言語も習慣も違います。○ <大丈夫でしょう。 ・しいてあげるなら”area”よりも”country”のほうが良いかもしれません。違いが出やすいのは地域より国ですから。 元々感覚でしか英作文できないので難しいことは説明できませんが、気になった点書いておきました。 アドバイス程度にとお考えください(^^;



これだけ丁寧に見ていただけてとても助かりました! 試験で出題される以上やはり英作文は一語一語訳さないとダメなんですかね...確かにちょっと不安が残るところです。 すごく勉強になりました!どうもありがとうございました!!


  • 英文を訳していただけませんか?

    We are looking for an au pair to expose our wonderful children (1,7 and 9) to japan. We already have a nanny, so this is a true au pair experience. We have a lovely townhome to share and, if you are interested in film, my wife is a producer and would be willing to get you involved in her films. 英語が得意な方、日本語に訳してほしいです。

  • 英文和訳 

    Many Americans have begun to wonder whether or not we've simply lost our appetite for bold policy solutions. And folks who claim to know how our system works these days have told us we might as well forget about our political system doing anything bold, especially if it is contrary to the wishes of special interests. And I've got to admit, that sure seems to be the way things have been going. But I've begun to hear different voices in this country from people who are not only tired of baby steps and special interest politics, but are hungry for a new, different and bold approach to genuinely solve our problems. アル・ゴアの演説の一部です。 どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    To clarify the dynamics depending on k, we have reported a bifurcation diagram in Fig. 4. It shows different values of quantity for different values of k, particularly between 0.15 and 0.29. It is easily illustrated that we move from stability through a sequence of a period doubling bifurcations to chaos.

  • 英文みてください

    長くてすいません 〇日本の7、8、9、10月はとても暑いの。私暑いのが大嫌い。汗沢山かくし。 I hate summer season because I'm sweating all the summer, but 7,8,9 and october are most hotiest months in Japan. 〇私が嫌いなのは、夏、虫、野菜、おばけ あなたが日本に来るのとは関係ないよ。 I have dislike thing, summer insect, vegetbles and ghost. But It's don't matter with you coming to Japan. 〇日本の幽霊は、姿、形がおっかないの、TVで幽霊番組やるけど、みたら1人でトイレいけなくなるの。 If you see the ghost program in Japan, you must not go to the toilet alone. 〇毎年夏に怖い番組がやるの。怖さで暑さを吹き飛ばせみたいに。 Every summer season we have phantom program on T.V. It seems swept awayheat. 〇日本はレヴェルがあがった。しかし世界ではみとめられないよ。(サッカーについて) Level went up of Japan, but the world could not recognize about that.   アメリカいったことある? Have you ever been to America? (everは抜いてもいいですか?) 別に今までにとは言わずに、行った事あるか、ないか が知りたいだけなんですが・・・。 お願いします

  • 至急! 英文翻訳

    In fact,when it comes to agricultural imports,Japan buys the most. The products that we import most are wheat, soybeans, and corn.We import them from the United States,Australia, Canada, and China.Why do we import such a lot of agricultural products? It is partly because Japanese have begun to eat more meat. To produce one ton of beef,we need seven tons of grain. To produce seven tons of grain, we need 7,000 tons of water. We are importing millions of tons of grain in order to eat meat. That means we are using billions of tons of water from overseas.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いいたします

    どなたか以下の英文を翻訳できる方が居ましたらぜひお願いいたします。 As this book seeks to demonstrate, the visual world and its producers, its users and its designers, are engaged in a heated debate over the status of design - who has ownership of it, who is qualified to do it, and how we receive and interpret it, It is in a period of evolution, and requires more developed and rigorous understanding. It may seem odd to say this , but whatever your view of the discussion in this chapter, it should ve clear that design is not simp;y a visual medium; it is a social and, as we have identified, a political one. It just happens to be most apparent visually in the messages sent to us by commerce, media and government, and the subtler but equally important messages we send each other in our everyday practices. Like an iceberg, 90 per cent of visual communication is hidden beneath the surface. And, just like an iceberg, it is the invisible 90 per cent that provides the raw power of visual communication. So, there we end this overview of some of the key ideas that are involved in the study and under standing of visual communication and its relationship with design. Undoubtedly, like some of the practitioners interviewed for the book, you will disagree with some of it. Hopefully some of it will have challenged your own positon on this subject.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    送られてきた以下の英語のメール文が上手く読めません。途中までは訳してみたのですが、だんだん難しくなり、途中から全く分からなくなりました。英語に堪能な方、どうかよろしくお願いします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1. ACT in general is an organization of teachers and non-teaching personnel, from pre-school to colleges and universities. Most of the members are from the public schools that is more than 500,000 nationwide. We have chapters in all (17) regions in the country. It is in the Philippine Constitution that public servants have the right to unionize and in 1987, there was the Executive Order 180, that created the Public Sector Labor Managemant Council. It was only recently, September, 2011 to be exact, that the government thru Civil Service Commision has come up with a clear guidelines on how public school teachers will be unionized. The main essence is that public school teachers can form union on a regional basis. With this, we registered our very union in the National Capital Region (ACT-NCR union) then gained our recognition from the government last Septembr 17, 2012. We are now in the process of negotiation with the Deped NCR. In fact, we already had 2meetings with them. Our Davao region is already in the process of registration. Soon other regions will follow. We are the only teachers organization that is already officially registered and recognized. 2. The ACT-Ncr union is more or less 26t members out of 50t. Membership campaign is on going. Over all we have, 40t members. Trade unions in the Phil are separate from teachers. And also private schools have different unions (school to school basis) 3. Some of our major issues are  a. Increasing of education budget from 3% to 6% of the GDP like all other countries. So that shortages in the number of teachers, rooms, chairs, toilets and sanitation facilities will be addressed  b. Adequate , decent and living wages for teachers and non-teaching personnel. At present, the minimum salary of teachers in the public school is $464.  c. Increase budget for the state colleges and universities  d. Basic education curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the people and national development. We are campaigning for education that is scientific, mass oriented and nationalistic.  e. Implementation of the laws in education that is related to the benefits of teachers like RA 4760 Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, RA 8790 GSIS Law, etc Hope that this explation helped.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    下記の英文を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I wanted to ask you for a favor, as you know we have been using a lot of prints and among them some animation characters but in 2015 we want to acquire “Anime” characters to use as part of our design. Since all Anime characters originate from Japan I wanted to ask you if you know where we can acquire the rights to some character designs. Here in USA, normally there is a website service that we can purchase the designs for use but for Anime characters most of them are in Japanese so we’re having a difficult time searching for the right company. Can you help us?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。日本に発送できますか?と質問したら下記のようなお返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Thank you for your interest in AAA and sorry we have not responded earlier. At the moment we don’t have a distribution in Japan. Therefore we do not import to Japan at the moment. We are in conversations for a partner in your country and as soon as we find a good match we will connect you. In the meantime, please send us your company profile, store information and interest in AAA.

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。とても安くて小さいものなのでまとめ売りらしいです。 発送ができるか質問を相手にしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 We are in receipt of your below mail and thank you very much for your interest in our articles. Of course we would be pleased to welcome you as our new customer and we could deliver our articles directly from LA to your address in Japan. Please kindly note that we have quite a few customers in Japan and it is absolutely no problems to import our goods. Since you have not clarified which articles you would like to purchase we suggest to have a look at our homepage 11111 and choose the requested items. Once you will let us know which items you would like to purchase we can send you our best offer. Since most of our articles are packed in boxes containing 2 or 3 pieces we normally request a minimum order quantity of a complete box. In case of orders for less than a complete box our prices get increased by 30 %. If the order is for more than 5 pieces of one article our prices will get decreased. Hoping to have been of assistance to you and awaiting your detailed inquiry.