• 締切済み

does lufthansa require ma


  • abiwirang
  • ベストアンサー率39% (52/133)

It appears that the question is incomplete and lacks context. However, based on the given statement, it seems to suggest that Lufthansa, an airline company, requires passengers to wear a mask while moving around the aircraft, except for those who are exempted due to certain circumstances. It does not refer to any requirement for a "MA," so it is unclear what the question is referring to.


  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Actually,I noticed many peculiar things about American's eating habits.I mentioned only their habit of rushing through a meal, but there are other peculiar practices.For example, they eat anywhere.I've seen people eating in their cars while they are driving. On campus, I see students and teachers walking while drinking coffee or eating a sandwich.I think these habits are all related to time.They don't want to 'waste' time eating.They have to accomplish something else while they eat,such as walking somewhere, or driving, or studying,or reading the newspaper,or watching TV.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします

    京都大学志望です 和文 あなたがどこかの場所を訪れようとすると、当然のことながら土地が主人公となる。ガイドに案内されようと、ガイドブックを持って歩こうと同じことなのだ。まず、どこへ行こうかとプランを立てるそもそもの始まりから、場所が主導権を握り、あなたはその従順な奴隷となってしまう。 訳 When you visit somewhere,needless to say,a place is the most important purpose;so is when you are guided by guides or when walking with a guidebook in hand.At the beginning when you are planning where to go,the place matters,and you have only to follow it.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a senior citizen with an issue regarding children who use the restroom without being educated or properly trained in etiquette. I have seen kids standing 3 feet from the toilet (because they are too short to use the urinal) and spraying the seat. This is not a competition to see how far away you can be and still hit the target. Some parents are concerned about germs and tell their kids not to touch the seat, so you can imagine the messes I have witnessed when using a public restroom. ここでのseatは何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳してください

    和訳してください 宜しくお願い致します。 This is our busy season we are at about 6 weeks for a turn around. Do you want me to ship complete or would you like us to ship a partial when we get when we are over 50% or 75%.

  • findの受け身について

    Find O Cという文はO is/are found Cには書き換えられないのでしょうか? The main cause of this disease has already been found derived from daily habits such as too much drinking coffee, eating, and smoking. という文をライティングで書いたのですが、ネイティブに found to be derived from~と直されました。 think O C は O is /are though C のように受け身で表せるので、findの場合も大丈夫だと思っていたのですが、、 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳を教えてください お願いします Question:what are the bodily changes that cause us to have a dry throat when we are nervous? Answer:You get a dry mouth during public speaking because when you are nervous the body gose into a “fight or fight”state. This is because the system of nerves is your body becomes active. It is seen throughout the animal kingdom,and has evolved to help animals deal with dangerous situations―when escaping from enemies,for example. The nerves, become active selectively,depending on how important they are for the response. Because eating is not considered to be important at this time ―you want to get out of the place―the nerves to your mouth that control the salivary glands are suppressed,so your mouth dries up.

  • 何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか?

    何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか? 正確さを欠くため、自動翻訳機による翻訳はなしでお願い致します. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway.

  • 和訳の仕方

    福祉系の学校に通っており英語の授業があります。 和訳が難しくお力をお借りできればと思います。 以下自分で訳してみました。 添削をしていただけたら有りがたいです。 During the meal,make sure you sit where you can keep an eye on your client.(食事の間、あながたがクライアントを目を離さずみるおところに座る??)←文の構造が分からないのです。 Look for any signs that your client is having trouble eating (あなたのクライアントが食べることがうまく出来ないといういなかる兆候でも見つけなさい。) It is sometimes necesarry to persuade your client to eat what is nutritionally good for him. (栄養的に何を食べたらいいかをクライアントに説得させることは時々必要である。) If your client is reluctunt to keep eating,try cutting up the food to make eating easier. (もしクライアントがが食べ続けることをしたくないのなら、??) Eating and drinking are personal matters. So you will need to take the client's feelings and personality into account. 食べることと飲むことは個人的なことである。だからあなたはクライアントの気持ちと性格を考慮しなければならない。

  • will と be going to

    英語圏以外の人が勉強するための教科書(ALL-STAR Vol.3)に、will と be going toの使用時の使い分けに以下のように記載が有りました。が、日本人専用でない為日本語訳がなく、よく判りません。どなたか訳を教えてもらえませんか? 書かれていたのは以下の通りです。 1)Use will or be going to when talking about future plans or making a prediction about the future. この場合は、以下の使い方どちらでも可と書かれています。 例文・When you are ready, we will leave/we are going to leave. 2)Use be going to when talking about prior plans about the future. この場合は、以下の使い方と書かれています。 例文・When I graduate, I am going to travel. 3)Use will when no prior plan has been made and you are deciding to do something while speaking. この場合は、以下の使い方と書かれています。 例文・When we are finished, I will wash the dishes. 宜しくお願い致します。(誤字有ればスイマセン)

  • 英文翻訳できる方いませんか?

    こちらの英文を日本語に訳していただきたいのですが、どなたか訳していただけませんか? スマホの翻訳機能などを使ってみたのですが、直訳ばかりで意味がよくわかりません。 自分でもやってみたのですが、私の英語力では翻訳不可能でした… どなたか翻訳お願いします。 Great! Thanks for the information. We need a license for fishing and hunting here, but they are affordable and easy to acquire in USA. Do you have to worry about radiation from the meld down when eating the fish. Or do you catch and release only. By the way, we feel great sorrow for what happened to your country, and your people when the tsunami came a ashore.