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funny numbersの意味(英語)


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9762/12160)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >Or administrative procedures for initiating studies may provide adequate space for the exercise of political choice, without the need for funny numbers. >上記英文のラストのfunny numbersの意味をお教え下さい。 ⇒「奇妙きてれつな数字」といったニュアンスだと思います。 ちなみに、全訳はこんな感じです。 「(先行文の内容に加えて)あるいは、研究を開始するための行政手続きとしては、(こんな)奇妙きてれつな数字を必要とするまでもなく、政治的な選択を遂行するための空間・場面が十分に提供されることでしょう。」



ご指導に感謝致します。 「特異な」ではいけないでしょうか?


  • withoutの訳(英語)

    Amid repeated evidence that social opinion, inside academia as without, was governed by ideology rather than science, they began to talk of the need for a harder science, a science of facts and numbers that could moderate or dispel the pervasive irrational conflicts of political life. 上記英文中最初の方のas without, を如何訳せば良いでしょうか? ご指導下さい。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Discussion The aim of the study was to evaluate the applicability, safety and effectiveness of the exercise intervention program for the population of this VA nursing home. The results indicated limited applicability, high acceptability and safety and partial effectiveness. Only~10% of the male residents of the ZVAMC NHCU were found to be candidates for the moderate to high-intensity exercise program employed in this study. Furthermore, only two of three qualified candidates consented to participate. The resulting estimate that only ~8% of the male residents were cadidates for the exercise intervention should, however, be considered a lower limit. Other appropriate candidates may have been excluded during the screening process because of the rigid criteria. The largest number of independent ambulators who were excluded from the study consisted of individuals requiring an assistive device. Of this group many fad suffered a previous stroke or hip fracture resulting in asymmetrical focal deficits. Certainly some of these individuals were physically capable of participating. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease or other early forms of progressive illness, although excluded by the screening criteria, may also have been able to participate in the study and may have benefited from the program. すみませんお願いします http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします。

    Results Results of the recruitment process The study group were drawn from a population that consisted of 200 predominantly male subjects residing at the ZVAMC NHCU from October 1989 to October 1990. The recruitment period extended from October 1989 to June 100 and the exercise program was conducted from January to October of 1990. The inclusion and exclusion criteria shown in Table 1 were applied to the study population. Independent ambulation, requiring no supervision with or without an assistive device, was a prerequisite for study consideration. Because of this criterion, 112 of the NHCU residents were excluded from the study. Another 60 residents were omitted because of significant illness, dementia, leg amputation or dependence on an assistive device for ambulation. Of the remaining 28 subjects, 5were excluded because they scored above the predetermined cut off point on the Tinetti mobility assessment scale; it was felt these individuals were too functional to derive significant benefit from the intervention program. Of the 23 remaining subjects, 15 provided informed consent. Because of resource and supervisory limitation only three to four individuals could reasonably participate in the exercise sessions at any one time. Consequently, only 12 of the potential 15 subjects were actually able to participate in the study. Six subjects joined the exercise group and six the control group. After completion of the control protocol, four of the control subjects then participated in and completed the exercise protocol. Of the original subjects in the exercise group two were forced to total of eight subjects in the exercise group protocol. Selected characteristics of the subjects are described in Table 2. No significant differences were noted between the initial profiles of the exercise and control groups, although weight, length of stay and number of major diagnoses demonstrated more variability than age, height and number of scheduled medications. Baseline Testing of the Exercise and Control Subhects Baseline data for the participants who completed the study indicated that their initial scores for strength, work capacity and gait were substantially lower than age-specific nomal values recorded in the literature30 31 33.the participants demonstrated deficiencies of 21% for tinetti mobility skills, 62% for gait velocity and 56% for stride length. The exercise and the control groups were not significantly different with regard to their profile of baseline deficiencies in these functional capacities. タイプミスあったらすみません。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 経済英語なのですがこの部分の訳を教えてください。

    急ぎなのですが、下記の英語の訳がわからず困ってます・・。そのまま訳していると日本語じゃない感じになるので、教えていただけないでしょうか? If changing developments in business administration presented a challenging area for comparative analysis, the study of innovation seemed to furnish the proper focus for such an investigation. Historically, administrators have rarely changed their daily routine and their positions of power except under the strongest pressures. Therefore a study of the creation of new administrative forms and methods should point to urgent needs and compelling opportunities both without the firm. For a study of such forms, that of the organizational structure used to administer the largest and most complex of American industrial enterprises seemed to offer the widest prossibilities.

  • 経済英語ですが、この段落を訳してもらえませんか?

    This need to enlarge the scope of the study made possible a broadening of its objectives. One way to ascertain the impact of the more general economic and administrative developments on the growth and organization of these industrial enterprises was to compare the experience of the four studied with that of many other similar large corporations. Such an expanded comparison not only could make the process of innovation in the four selected companies more comprehensible, but could also provide information on which generalizations might be made about the history of the industrial enterprise as an institution, and one of the most critically important of modern institutions at that. In this way what began as an experiment in comparative business history was broadened into one in the writing of institutional history.

  • 経済英語の訳をお願いできませんか?

    経済英語なので、難しいかもしれないですが、次の部分の訳をお願いできないでしょうか? 英語が苦手なので教えていただけると助かります・・・・。 This need to enlarge the scope of the study made possible a broadening of its objectives. One way to ascertain the impact of the more general economic and administrative developments on the growth and organization of these industrial enterprises was to compare the experience of the four studied with that of many other similar large corporations. Such an expanded comparison not only could make the process of innovation in the four selected companies more comprehensible, but could also provide information on which generalizations might be made about the history of the industrial enterprise as an institution, and one of the most critically important of modern institutions at thet. In this way what began as an experiment in comparative business history was broadened into one in the writing of institutional history.

  • 和訳等

    But for therapists trying to treat patients who are overwhelmed or hard to reach-single parents, low-income people. for example - the study may provide an alternative to in-person care. 1.who are overwhelmed or hard to reach-single parents, low-income people. はどう訳したら良いのですか? 2.for example  ピリオドの後で小文字で始まっていますがどうしてでしょう? 8月25日 New York Times です。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    The gains in muscle strength, stride length and gait velocity were greater in the left leg than in the right leg. All study participants were right side dominant. The most plausible explanation for the consistently greater nondominant side improvements is that the left lower extremity may have been subject to greater disuse atrophy than the right lower extremity. The finding of asymmetrical left lower extremity strength improvement in conjunction with left stride length and velocity improvement supports the work of Bassey et al 20. Correlating muscle strength to customary gait velocity. The percentage improvements in strength, tinetti mobility score, stride length and stride velocity were only 6,10,5 and 3% of the baseline values, respectively. These changes appeared to be small in relationship to the baseline deficiencies of 62% for strength, 71% for tinetti score, 56% for stride length and60% for gait velocity. Such changes are likely not trivial, however, because increases in gait speed of the magnitude produced by the present exercise program have proven to be predictors of eventual independent mobility in poorly mobile subjects 39. It is also possible that the type of exercise utilized in this particular study, but with greater intensity or longer duration, could magnify the gains. Finally, it needs to be emphasized that the inclusion/exclusion criteria for the study, in addition to the complexity of the protocol, resulted in an extremely small sample size. The small group of subjects may not have been representative of the entire ZVAMC NHCU population. These considerations limit the general izability of the study’s conclusions. 最後です。;; すみませんお願い致します…

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Experience of the Exercise Group Compliance The eight exercise group subjects completed all 36 sessions. However, before completing all exercise sessions, total of 16 sessions were missed accounting for an overall compliance rate of ~95%. The average heart rate of 103 beats /min, achieved during stationary crying, equaled 82%of the exercise stress-tested maximal heart rate and 70% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate. The exercise participants used the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers 85% of the time and the Ergo-Metric models the remaining 15%. Because of the added upper extremity exercise provided by the reciprocal arm movements, the subjects achieved higher average heart rates and were encouraged to use the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers. Safety and intercurrent Illness The exercise program was safe with no apparent adverse side effects and no session were missed because of musculoskeletal complications. None of the subjects dropped out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Twp participants, both in the exercise group, were forced to withdraw from the study because of intercurrent illnesses. Results of testing at the end of the exercise program Compasidon of the first to the last exercise sessions showed that each of the men participating in the exercise program increased the amount of weight lifted in the 10 repetition maximum. Baseline weight lifted averaged 7.6 lbs for the hip muscle groups, 28 lbs for the knee extensors and 46 lbs for the ankle plantar flexors. The increase in weight lifted over the course of the study averaged 7.3 lbs (99%) for the hip muscle groups, 21lbs(81%) for the knee extensors and 37 lbs (80%) for the ankle plantar flexors. Although one repetition maximum values were measured before the first exercise session, they were not repeated at the end of the exercise program. The control subjects did not undergo baseline weight measurement determinations. Table 3 provides information regarding each of the before and after variables measured in the exercise group. The mean increase in tinetti mobility scores of+3.37 was significant (P<0.05), with each subject scoring higher after completion of the exercise program. The tinetti scale was divided into three parts, consisting of strength items (12 points), items combining strength and balance (6 points) and items that were primarily related to balance (16 points). Increases in items primarily related to strength were significant (P<0.01), while increases in balance-related item approached significance (P<0.06). Table2&3 Isokinetic strength measurements that increased significantly included overall strength combining the individual muscle group measurements (P<0.01), combined right and left quadriceps strength (P<0.05) and right- and left- handed muscular endurance (P<0.05). left quadriceps strength improvements approached, but did not achieve significance (P<0.07). post-strengthening measurements of gait and balance revealed significant improvements in left-sided stride length (P<0.005), left gait velocity (P<0.01) and average stride length (P<0.005) and velocity (P<0.05). no significant changes occurred for the other measured parameters including V02 max and balance. Experience of the control group The results for the control group can be found in Table 4. All control subjects completed the testing protocol without complications. No outcome variable improved significantly at the end of the 12-wk control period with the exception of the combined hamstring strength (P<0.05). Between group comparisons Table 5 compares the magnitude of change between the before and after test measurements in the exercise U the control group. Differences of significance included the tinetti mobility scores (P<0.005), left stride length (P<0.05), left velocity (P<0.05), average stride length (P<0.05) and average velocity (P<0.05). よろしくお願いします。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Before this day ends, the last of some 45 kinds of plants and animals will die.A month from now, species will be gone. Within a year, the number of vanished species will total about 17,500.Scientists provide these estimates, which represent the most hopeful case.The actual numbers may prove to be much higher.Among the vanishing species are African elephants.Ivory hunters kill the elephants illegally at the rate of about 200 a day.Farmers in overcrowded countries squeeze elephant herds into spaces too small to support them.Ten years ago 1.5 million elephants roamed the African countryside.