• 締切済み

looking for greeting card

I'm looking for artist to design online greetings cards specifically for birthday cake with name like https://happybirthdaycake24.com


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 訳でしたら 「特に、https://happybirthdaycake24.com にあるような名前の誕生日ケーキのためのオンラインカードをデザインしてくださる絵描きさんを探しています」



  • 前置詞 to とfor との使い方

    基礎英語2に次のような文があり to と for が使われていました。微妙なニアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか、それともどちらでも良いのでしょうか何方か教えてください。 I'm writing invitation cards to my birthday party! Let's write invitation cards for my birthday party together!

  • 英訳なのですが

    海外のホテルで、birthday cake(cakeというより名前がお皿に書かれたデザートプレートのようなもの)とフルーツの盛り合わせを事前にリクエストしておいて当日Barで、指定した時間とシートに出してもらいたいと思っております。一応考えたe-mailですが My name is @, I booked your hotel 20August. Actually my friend's birthday was @,so I'd like to celebrate her birthday in this opportunity. Can I request a Birhtday cake plate with her name decorated chocolate and some appetizers at @bar @pm ? And If possible, Could you please prepare table and seats with the best view for us? (My budget is @.) 一生懸命考えてみましたが、手直ししていただけたら幸いです。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Regards,

  • hit in the nuts with~の意味

    男の子がつぶやく、このセリフの意味を教えていただけますか?よろしくお願いいたします。 Dating online for an average looking guy, is just about as fun as getting hit in the nuts with a steel pipe. Not like that’s ever happened to me.

  • 意味を教えてください

    My daughter was born on Christmas Eve. From the time she was 5 and able to recognize that her birthday cards were getting scrambled in with the other holiday cards, we started celebrating on June 24 -- her half-birthday. getting scrambled inの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • Thanks for the interestin

    Thanks for the interesting and beautiful photos. (heart eyes) Cute bear cake. I'm glad you had a good birthday. You bought a great gift. A beautiful bag - backpack. I think this is a very expensive gift. I'm sorry. I eat plain food. Mostly Ukrainian cuisine. I eat everything. I don’t eat much. Usually 2 times a day. At lunch and in the evening. The food in your photo is very expensive for me. I didn’t eat squids, crabs and octopuses. I think it’s delicious. (smirk) Habits? I like to drink coffee with a sandwich in the morning .. Black tea in the evening. I go to bed late at 2 - 3 in the morning. Bad habit. I have to think about what habits I have. In general, I am usually calm, not conflicting. Not talkative. I have a soft character. I look younger than my age. Would you like a young man like me? (sweat)Do you have habits? と来ました。訳してください。 私のような若い男が欲しいか?ですか? 私より、年上なんですが、 あと、クマのケーキは、ロウソクを年齢すうぶち刺しました。これは、海外では、おかしいんですか? もう、一人のアメリカ人からも面白い写真と言われました。そんな、山火事みたいなロウソクにはなってません。年齢すうの蝋燭を立てるのは日本だけ?。 びとんのバッグはアメリカ人からもグレイトプレゼントと言われました。海外でも高額なんですか?教えてください。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My friend and I enjoy writing letters and receiving things via regular mail. For my birthday, she told me to watch the mailbox because she was sending me something. Well, long story short, nothing arrived. I did get cards from other people in the mail. She also has my email address, but no birthday greetings came that way, either. came that way,はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • エラーがよくわからないです

    Eclipseで入力した内容からテーブル内を検索して結果を出すプログラムを作っていますが、エラーを起こしてしまいます。 <Javaソース抜粋> try{ String sql = "select * from student_table where id like= '*" + student.getid() + "*' and student_name like = '*" + student.getstudent_name() + "*' and student_adress like = '*" + student.getstudent_adress() + "*' and student_tel like = '*" + student.getstudent_tel() + "*' and student_birthday like = '*" + student.getstudent_birthday() + "*' and student_entrance like = '*" + student.getstudent_entrance() + "' and student_sex = '" + student.getstudent_sex() + "*' and student_subject = '" + student.getstudent_subject() + "'"; <エラー内容> com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near どうもこのselect文が問題を起こしているらしいのですが、何がなんだかさっぱりです どなたかヒントをいただけませんか?

  • 翻訳

    カナダから質問が来ているのですが、どなたか翻訳してもらえませんでしょうか? Hello. I am Mr Bently Lihra from Canada i saw your item paste on auction site i will like to buy it for my son as a birthday gift so i will like to offer you $2,000:00dollar for the item and the shipment cost via EMS SPEED POST and i will like you to reply me back to (bentlylihra@hotmail.com)so i will like to hear from you soon about your full bank information for the payment of money BANK NAME AND ADDRESS ACCOUNT NAME & ACCOUNT NUMBER & Email Address Thanks.

  • ebayの取引で困っています。翻訳サイトにかけてもよくわからないので翻

    ebayの取引で困っています。翻訳サイトにかけてもよくわからないので翻訳お願いします。 as long as its under $100.00 and is just cards its flat rate of $12.00 us. mats and card orders over $100 i like to ship express with insurance which cost $35.00. Thank you. sorry for getting back to you late. Tim

  • 和訳お願いします

    I wanted to thank you for placing your orders with us this year. For your convenience, we will be sending you online access to view all items we have available for your future orders. You can also place your orders directly online if you would like and Tom will contact you with shipping and payment details. 宜しくお願いします。