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Little known fact my great uncle Charlie produced Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock’s music from outer space record. The genre was “outsider music”


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  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 あまり知られていないが、私の大叔父のチャーリーが、「アウタースペースレコード」から出ている Leonrd Nimoy 扮する Mr. Spock の音楽を製作した。  ジャンルは「アウトサイダー・ミュージック」であった。





その他の回答 (1)


偉大な私のおじのチャーリーが宇宙空間(?)での記録からレオナルド・ニモイのスポック氏の曲を作ったというほとんど知られていない事実。 そのジャンルは「アウトサイダー・ミュージック」であった。 ちょっと訳に確信が持てないですが......






  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Weiland wrote the band's lyrics and performed vocals. In 1992, they released their first album, Core, spawning four hits ("Sex Type Thing", "Wicked Garden", "Creep", and "Plush") and leading them to becoming one of the most influential bands of the grunge movement, the music genre that was started in Seattle in the late 1980s and became rock and roll's central movement in the early-mid 1990s. ※ 『Weiland』は人物名、『Core』はアルバムのタイトル、『Sex Type Thing』『Wicked Garden』『Creep』『Plush』は曲名です。

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Did you know Scott Weiland well? “A little. We got on well. A truly talented guy.” What happened to the SP message board that was up around the time Machina came out? “I got tired of paying a big hosting bill for people to squat on there and tell me what to do or say that I sucked or we sucked or that they should become our bass player or lighting designer.” FYI the SP Reddit is mostly positive and friendly. Probably more trolls/zombies over here. “Maybe I’m jaded (I honestly don’t look) but I did a Reddit chat once and mod said it was the worst negativity they’d ever seen on over 100 Q&A’s. And when I did look back in the day (you know the boards) all I saw was FAT STUPID IDIOT WASHED UP HAS BEEN WISH HE HAD DIED/WAS DEAD over and over.” What do you think mainstream guitar culture and music disappeared? “I disagree with the question. I think there is a mainstream rock culture. It’s just that pop culture has grown and used tools beyond music to stay relevant.”

  • 英訳お願い致します

    ご親切な方、お願いします。 次の英文に、日本語をそれぞれ英語に直して続けなさい。 There‘s the lady ______. 1列車でハンドバックをとられた。 2夫が今なお行方不明の 3彼がそのお嬢さんと結婚しようと思っている 4絵が一等賞になった whoseの代わりにof whichを用いなさい。 1 The house whose window are broken is Mr.Johnson‘s. 2 The house whose roof you can see was built by my uncle. 3 The table whose leg was broken was thrown away.

  • 助けてください!至急翻訳お願い致します!

    以下の文を至急翻訳お願いします! 今週中にどうしても知りたいです。よろしくお願いします! Ireland is a rather small country with a population of just under four million people. But in the United States, there are around 40 million people that claim to have Irish blood. There are also many people of Irish ancestry in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. How did the Irish come to be so spread out around the world? Since joining the European Union in 1973, Ireland has become a very prosperous country. Before that, however, Ireland was always one of Europe's poorest countries. The Irish were often forced to leave their country to look for work. Many left in the middle of 19th century,when disease hit the Irish potato crop. Potatoes were the staple food of the Irish. Many were faced with the choice of either leaving their homeland or starving to death. Among those that left Ireland at this time was a man called Kennedy. He settled in Boston, the city with the largest Irish population in the U.S., where he become a saloonkeeper. His son ,Joseph,grew up to be a millionaire and U.S. ambassador to Britain. His son,John F. Kennedy, became President of the United States. Today about 40 million U.S. citizens claim Irish ancestry. Irish-Americans can boast at least three U.S Presidents: John F. Kennedy,Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Irish-Americans are very proud of their roots. Many become interested in tracing their family history,and even travel to Ireland to visit the place where their ancestors lived. Ronald Reagan,who was Irish on his father's side, made an official visit to Ireland in 1984. While he was there, he took the opportunity to visit the home of his ancestors in Country Tipperary, in central Ireland. Irish-Americans like to keep the traditions of Ireland alive. The cities with the largest Irish-American populations―Boston, New York, and Chicago―have many Irish pubs, where you can drink Guinness, Ireland's famous dark beer, and listen to live bands playing traditional music on instruments such as violins, whistles and bagpipes. The best-known day in the Irish calender is March 17th. This is St. Patrick's Day, the day that commemorates the saint who brought the Christian religion to Ireland. In these and many other cities, this day is marked by large parades, music, dancing and street parties. The national colour of Ireland is green, and so on St. Patrick's Day celebrations are bigger and noisier in North America than in Ireland itself. The Irish community in Tokyo also organizes a St. Patrick's Day parade, which goes along Omote Sando.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    December 3, 2016 I lost my best friend last year on this day. I remember standing side by side speaking at Jeremy's funeral... two friends died in the Wildabouts in only one year in an 8 month period. A horrible nightmare of a year. But we also had some of the most amazing positive experiences in the last 10 years we played/spent time together. I got to create so much beautiful music with him and was blown away even that he wanted to write. Our record never got to see the light of day, he said many times Blaster was his favorite album since Core. It was a blessing to create music with him. I have so many good stories I can't even begin... Not a day has gone by that I have not thought about Scott. Today Scott would be want everyone to be happy and listen to music. I miss you my friend...

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Smashing Pumpkins Make Stunning Scott Weiland Claim Smashing Pumpkins touring keyboardist Katie Cole had high praise for the late Scott Weiland and Stone Temple Pilots in a new Instagram Q&A, along with praise for Chris Cornell and Soundgarden. A fan asked, “Aside from The Smashing Pumpkins, what’s your favorite rock band of the 90’s?” Cole responded, “I grew up on a wide variety of music, soul, rock, blues etc. But talking 90’s rock definitely STP (whom I played with last year), especially the Purple record. Soundgarden Superunknown was my go to, had some good moments with ‘Skunk Anasie’ and Aussie band ‘Baby Animals.’ Suze Demarchi is a goddess.” Billy Corgan called Scott Weiland the ‘voice of a generation’ in a touching December 2015 tribute after Weiland’s death. “Having just woken to the news of this passing, I feel compelled to put pen to paper and pay my respects to Scott. And in that I will not pretend to know more than I know, or add some sad homily to how he loved his life. At least in that, may I now say he is undoubtably in the arms of grace and eternal love. May I also offer my humble condolences to his family, friends, and band mates; who have, and are, suffering this great loss. For when anyone as vaunted leaves far too soon, we mourn all that might have been. As any fan, I find myself reflecting on what I do have in my own treasure chest: in scarce moments where Scott and I spoke as contemporaries or competitors, and got to know each as people other past the footlights and shadows we were so busy casting to the world. It may seem trite in reflection, but I’d try to make him giggle when I saw that the manic whirl of the dumb parties we were at (in Hollywood, no less!) might be causing undue stress. It was, I’d guess you’d say, my way of apology for having been so critical of STP when they appeared on the scene like some crazy, man-fueled rocket. And not only was the knight up front freshly handsome to a fault, but he could sing too! As any supreme actor gives a real and different voice to each character played. It was STP’s 3rd album that had got me hooked, a wizardly mix of glam and post-punk, and I confessed to Scott, as well as the band many times, how wrong I’d been in assessing their native brilliance. And like Bowie can and does, it was Scott’s phrasing that pushed his music into a unique, and hard to pin down, aesthetic sonicsphere. Lastly, I’d like to share a thought which though clumsy, I hope would please Scott In Hominum. And that is if you asked me who I truly believed were the great voices of our generation, I’d say it were he, Layne, and Kurt. So it goes beyond tragedy to say it is we who lost them, and not the other way round…”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    ASHLEY HAMILTON TALKS FRIENDSHIP WITH SCOTT WEILAND, THE WONDERGIRLS & IRON MAN 3 Once upon a time, a record label would mean a band’s avenue to success, or prove to be its undoing. The Wondergirls, an ambitious project spearheaded by entertainer Ashley Hamilton, fell victim to the furtive tactics of the industry. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, the concept of needing a label is obsolete. With that in mind, Hamilton and his partners in the group are planning a comeback. In concept, the band, the brainchild of actor/songwriter Ashley Hamilton, was a late 90′s/early 2000′s rock and roll dream team: the roster was filled by some of the most popular artists of the time, including Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots, Jay Gordon and Ryan Shuck of Orgy, Troy Van Leeuwen of A Perfect Circle, and Ian Astbury of The Cult. However, after recording a full length album, a string of mishaps led to the destruction of the band. Besides an interview with the Stone Temple Pilots fansite Below Empty last year that first unearthed some details of the group; not much was known about the ill fated band. This was before the band’s sudden and inexplicable return for the Iron Man 3 soundtrack, and I had the chance to talk with Ashley Hamilton himself and shed some more light on both incarnations of the project.

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    Scott Weiland is extending his ‘Purple at the Core’ tour dates into the late summer. The rocker, who has been on the road for most of the year with his solo band the Wildabouts, will continue to perform music from Stone Temple Pilots two most successful records — ‘Core’ and ‘Purple.’ His continuing usage of Stone Temple Pilots music in his shows has been a thorn in the side of his former bandmates, who sued Weiland earlier this spring. They claimed that he sabotaged the band's attempts at a 20th anniversary tour in support of the ‘Core’ record and was trying to gain all the glory by scheduling his own dates singing the songs from the record. They also claimed that doing so violated a legal agreement the band had signed about the best interest of the band. ※『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Stone Temple Pilots』『the Wildabouts』はバンド名、『Core』『Purple』はアルバム名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Later in 1993 STP performed on MTV's Unplugged. The acoustic version of “Plush” was a hit, having already being performed earlier in 1993 on MTV. Atlantic Records wanted the band to record an EP based around an acoustic version of Plush, but the band shot this down, telling the label they didn't want to be known as the Plush band. STP debuted “Big Empty” during their Unplugged performance, which ended up appearing on The Crow film soundtrack and Purple. STP had originally planned on contributing a new version of their 1990 demo “Only Dying” to the soundtrack, but lead star Brandon Lee's death on set made the band decide to use another song. Steve Stewart recalls, “I don't recall a new version of Only Dyin' actually being recorded, but it might have been.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    The band had jobs to make ends meet. Weiland chauffeured models (including his future wife Mary, who was 16 at the time) and got a graphics job by pretending to be a student at the Otis School of Art and Design. He drove a 1986 Nissan pickup at the time. For a time Robert worked occasionally as a counter clerk in soda fountains, he later worked at a record store. Weiland and Dean DeLeo lived together for a time in a flat in Los Angeles, which they believed to be haunted. The band was thirsty to get outside of Southern California, and when the Seattle Grunge scene broke out in late 1991 and record labels began seeking out alternative rock acts, STP would finally get their shot. Steve Stewart recalls the band getting signed by Atlantic Records in April 1992, “The band was signed off the Mighty Joe Young cassette, when a very hard-working A&R guy at Atlantic named Tom Carolan came to see them after hearing from his best friend Don Muller, to whom I had given a demo tape and invited to a show. Don became their first booking agent and is one of the top music agents in town today. Tom's immediate boss was Jason Flom, who also believed very much in the band. Danny was being brought in to run Atlantic on the west coast at that time and was also there for the signing.”

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