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The Unique Charm of Universal Studio Japan


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9768/12169)

以下のとおり、各文の説明と添削文をお答えします。 >I thought I’m the best familiar with Osaka in this class so I decided to write it. In my second blog, I wrote about Universal Studio Japan. I’ve never been to Universal Studio in the United States, but I think the Japanese one is very unique compared to the United States. Because it often collaborated with some popular animes like "One Piece," "The Attack on Titan" and "Dragon Ball." I thought these topics make people will be interested in. *I thought I’m the best familiar with Osaka in this class so I decided to write it. 時制の一致をさせた方がいいと思います。また、「下記のことを書くことにした」のでしょうから、itよりthisの方がいいでしょう。 →I thought I was most familiar with Osaka in this class, so I decided to write this. *I’ve never been to Universal Studio in the United States, but I think the Japanese one is very unique compared to the United States. 「アメリカのそれ(スタジオ)に比べて」compared to those in the United Statesとする方がより正確だと思います。 →I have never been to a universal studio in the United States, but I think Japanese studios are very unique compared to those in the United States. *Because it often collaborated with some popular animes like "One Piece," "The Attack on Titan" and "Dragon Ball." anime は単複同形です。manga / Japanimationでもいいようです。 →Because it collaborates frequently with popular anime (manga / Japanimation) such as “One Piece”, “Attack on Titan”, “Dragon Ball”. *I thought these topics make people will be interested in. 「~することになると思った」は、I thought … would ~のように言います(wouldを忘れずに!)。「(大いに)興味をそそらせる」は、(greatly) make people be interested inとしてもいいですが、カッコよく(greatly) intrigue peopleとも表現できます。 →I thought these topics would (greatly) intrigue people / make people be interested in. お勧めの文をまとめて書くとこうなります。 I thought I was most familiar with Osaka in this class, so I decided to write this. In my second blog, I wrote about Universal Studio Japan. I have never been to a universal studio in the United States, but I think Japanese studios are very unique compared to those in the United States. Because it collaborates frequently with popular anime such as “One Piece”, “Attack on Titan”, “Dragon Ball”. I thought these topics would greatly intrigue people.



回答ありがとうございます。 時制の一致、頭ではわかっていてもいざ文章にするとわからなくなります笑。 またI thought these topics make people will be interested in.はwillではなくwouldなのですね。またmakeの前に入れるんですね。 勉強になりました。 今回は日本語文を入れていなかったのですが、色々提案していただきありがとうございます。


  • 英文を添削してください

    Since the United States was born, people have guns and are allowed to hold it. Individuals people in the United States stood up with guns and fought against those who tried to make it a colony. In the disorder of the West Pioneering era, people fought with outlaws with guns. アメリカは個人個人が銃を持って立ち上がり、アメリカを植民地にしようとする者達と戦ってきた。また西部開拓時代の無秩序の中で、人々が銃を持って無法者たちと戦ってきたという事実がある。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 西部開拓時代や無法者とか少しわかりにくい言葉がありますが、日本語をそのまま英文にしたいというわけではなく、言いたいことが伝われば大丈夫です。 ですので、日本語を変えていただいても大丈夫です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします

    Why is the composer whose XX attracted attention with a focus on the United States to each country in Europe? It seems that his principle of composition has a unique construction that completely different from Western music even if it was using the same Western instruments. 「なぜ、XXという作曲家がアメリカを中心にヨーロッパの各国から注目を集めたのだろうか? 彼の創作原理は、同じ西洋楽器を使用していても、西洋的なものとはまったく異なる独創的な構造を持っているからのようだ」 *創作原理は作曲家なので、compositionとしました。 *アメリカを中心に~から の訳し方がわからず…こうではないか?と思って英文にしてみました。 *西洋的なもの、をWestern musicとしました。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    If Mexico were to enter war against the United States, it would strain relations with those nations. The Carranza government was recognized de jure by the United States on 31 August 1917 as a direct consequence of the Zimmermann telegram, since recognition was necessary to ensure Mexican neutrality in World War I. After the military invasion of Veracruz in 1914, Mexico would not participate in any military excursions with the United States in World War I, thus ensuring Mexican neutrality was the best outcome that the United States could hope for, even if Mexican neutrality would allow German companies to keep their operations in Mexico open. The telegram was sent to the German embassy in the United States for re-transmission to Eckardt in Mexico.

  • 添削してください

    「逆にmedicareやeducationの費用削減にはあまり賛成できなかった。Obamacareには、合衆国内のすべての居住者が健康保険を受ける権利があります。 これは多大な費用がかかっているが、健康保険に加入するという制度はアメリカ国民にとってhelpfulだと思う。」 In contrast, I could not agree with the cost reduction of medicare and education. Obamacare, all people who live in the United States are entitled to health insurance. Although it costs a lot of money, I think that this system is helpful for American citizens to take out health insurance. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削をお願いします。

    It seems that contemplating and woking on the cause of lose in the election will lead to the next win (victory). Furthermore, in today, a very small number of wealthy people are in the wealth of the United States. 日本語文= (アメリカの大統領選挙の話です) 「これらのように、負けた原因も熟考し取り組んで行くことで、次の勝利へとつながると思う。また今日ではごく少数の最裕福層が米国の富を握っている。」 >I thinkという表現はあまりよくない、と聞いたのでIt seemsにしました。 こちらの英文の添削をして欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします

    It was familiar with people because of easy to play. 「演奏するのが簡単だったため、人々に親しまれた」 We necessarily come across the name XX. 「必ずXXの名前を目にする。」 *親しまれたをfamiliar with peiopletしたのですがあっているでしょうか? *以前にcome acrossという表現を教えていただきそれを使用しました。 こちらの英文を添削してほしいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    President Wilson agreed to this, in the belief that such cooperation would sustain continued good relations with Germany, and that more efficient German-American diplomacy could assist Wilson's goal of a negotiated end to the war. The Germans handed in messages to the United States embassy in Berlin, which were relayed to the embassy in Denmark and then to the United States by American telegraph operators. However, the United States placed conditions on German usage, most notably that all messages had to be in the clear (i.e., uncoded). The Germans assumed that the United States cable was secure and used it extensively. Obviously, Zimmermann's note could not be given to the United States in the clear. The Germans therefore persuaded Ambassador James W. Gerard to accept it in coded form, and it was transmitted on 16 January 1917. In Room 40, Nigel de Grey had partially deciphered the telegram by the next day.

  • 英文の疑問

    It is the biggest city in the state - in fact, with over 8 million people it is the biggest city in the United States. このwithはどういう意味ですか? 仮定法でしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削してください

    米ラスベガスで2017年10月1日、乱射事件があった。ラスベガス警察によると、少なくとも59人死亡。確認された負傷者は527人に増えた。被害者の多さで、近年の米国最悪の乱射事件となった。 米国での規制銃に関する議論は、民間人の武装勢力による殺人事件などによって次第に大きくなっていった。 There were a shooting incident in Las Vegas on October 1. According to Las Vegas police, at least 59 people were killed. The number of injured people is 527 people. Due to the number of victims, it was the worst shooting incident in the United States in recent years. Discussions on guns control in the United States gradually increased due to murder cases by civilian’s armed groups. こちらの上の英文を添削してほしです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 4th ‘10 I went out to drink with my entering in the same year after work. I thought it was enjoyable for me. I don’t need to care for them and I can talk anything I think. I wander a drink of yesterday will not be same. And I wander I have to go to drink a place I wouldn’t like to. I have to think it is a business. Is it happy life for us to do so?