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Smashing Pumpkins Make Stunning Scott Weiland Claim


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9770/12171)

むずかしいです! 誤訳があるかもしれませんが、以下のとおりお答えします。 (長いので、原文は添えません。) スマッシング・パンプキンズ(敢えて訳せば、「猛烈かぼちゃバンド」)が、スコット・ウェイランドの主張を引き立てる スマッシング・パンプキンズ公演旅行のキーボード奏者ケイティ・コールが、新しいインスタグラムのQ&Aでクリス・コーネルやサウンドガーデンへの賞賛とともに、故スコット・ウェイランドとストーン・テンプル・パイロットを高く評価した。 あるファンが、「スマッシング・パンプキンズは別として、90年代の中で好きなロックバンドは何ですか?」と尋ねた。 コールはこう答えた。「私は、ソウル、ロック、ブルースなど幅広い多様な音楽で育ちました。けれども、90年代のロックで言うと、間違いなくSTP(昨年一緒に演奏しました)、特にパープルのレコードですね。 Soundgarden Superunknown(超無名・音の園)はピッタシだったね。『Skunk Anasie(スカンク・アナシー)』とオシーのバンド『Baby Animals(赤んぼ動物)』とは楽しいひとときを過ごしましたよ。スーズ・ダマルキはまるで女神だね。」 ビリー・コーガンは、ウェイランドの死後、感動的な2015年12月の酬恩会に触れて、スコット・ウェイランドを「世代の声」と呼んだ。 「このニュースくだりに私は目を覚ましたので、ペンを持ってスコットに敬意を払わなければならない気になりました。そしてその点で、私は現に知っていること以上に知ったかぶりをすることも、彼が人生をいかに愛したかについてお粗末な小言をつけ加えることもしないつもりです。少なくともその点で、私は今、彼が間違いなく神の恵みと永遠の愛に浴している、と言うことができます。 私はまた、この大きな損失を悲しんでいる彼の家族、友人、およびバンドの仲間たちにささやかながらお悔やみの気持ちを捧げたいのです。誰にとっても誇りであった彼が、あまりにも早く逝ってしまったことについては、起こってしまったことの何もかもを悼まずにはいられません。 いかなるファンとしても、私は自分の宝箱に本当に持っていたものが、どれほどのものだったのかを思い返しています。スコットと私は、同世代の人や競合相手として話し合ったことはほとんどありませんでした。そして、私たちは世界に送り出すことに忙しくして、脚光を浴びたり斜陽になったりしたときを過ぎて、(その後は)お互いを他者(もう一人の自分?)として知ることができました。* *この段落、誤訳があるかもしれませんが、その節はどうぞ悪しからず。 反省としてはありふれているように見えるかもしれませんが、私たちが行っていた間抜けのパーティー(それもハリウッドですよ、うっそぉ!)の騒々しい混乱が不当なストレスを引き起こしているのを見たとき、私は彼をクスクス笑わせたかったな。 STPがいかれた人力ロケットのような形で(舞台に)登場したとき、私がSTPに対して大いに批判的だったことを詫びるための、私なりの方法がそれだったのだ、と言われるかもしれませんね。そして、正面の騎士が、失敗に対して清々しいほどに見事な対応をしただけでなく、歌うこともできました! 最高の俳優が演じるキャラクターごとに異なる本物の声を出すのにも似ていました。 私が夢中になったのはSTPの3枚目のアルバム、グラムとポストパンクの絶妙な混合調で、彼らのネイティブとしての輝きの評価ではひどい間違いをしたことを私はスコットだけでなくバンドにも告白しました。そしてボウイができるように、独特で突き止めるのが難しい審美的な音場に自分なりの音楽を押し込んだのがスコットの言い回しでした。 最後に、私は不器用ながら、Scott In Hominum(人の中のスコット)を喜ばせることを願う考えを共有したいと思います。誰が私たちの世代の素晴らしい声だと心から信じているのか尋ねられるなら、それは彼スコット、レイン、およびカートだと言うでしょう。 それで、私たちが彼らを失ったというのは、悲劇を超えた悲しみなのです。





  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    SCOTT WEILAND REFERS TO HIS SOLO BAND AS ‘THE ROCKABOUTS’ Scott Weiland called his solo band ‘The Rockabouts’ at his show in San Francisco on Friday night. The band has been known as the Wildabouts since last year. Scott also referred to them as The Walkabouts though in a recent interview. Weiland also introduced the new special guest Rockabouts drummer, Frank, who was filling in for Danny Thompson who had to take a couple of days off according to Weiland. ※ 『the Wildabouts』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』『Danny Thompson』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Weiland is getting ready to embark on a solo tour where he will perform songs from the first two STONE TEMPLE PILOTS albums, 1992's "Core" and 1994's "Purple". "Originally, it was an idea I came up with for STP for the anniversary of 'Core' to do the 'Core' album in its entirety," Weiland told MLive. "The rest of the guys didn't want to do it. So, it was still something that there was a lot of public interest in. Having that said, the idea was brought up to me through management. I talked to the guys in my solo band, THE WILDABOUTS, and they were totally into it, as were the promoters. It worked out." ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』『THE WILDABOUTS』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Core』『Purple』はアルバム名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    STONE TEMPLE PILOTS bassist Robert DeLeo recently spoke to Bill Bodkin of Pop-Break.com about the band's decision to fire its former lead singer, Scott Weiland, and join forces with LINKIN PARK's Chester Bennington. "When you're a band that's had a career like we've had and you're considering terminating your singer, people kinda react to that like 'riiiiight' [because] I think with any band that's the person [the lead singer] people relate to the band," he said. "I felt that over time, it wasn't really about the music anymore. It was, for live purposes, the novelty of what condition Scott was going to be in. It gets very frustrating to have to be in that position with someone over that amount of years."

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Billy Corgan Reveals If Scott Weiland Disliked Him Billy Corgan has been very busy recently with The Smashing Pumpkins, with a new album called CYR set for release next month. Corgan just announced a Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 25th anniversary tour for 2021, also featuring original members James Iha and Jimmy Chamberlin. The Pumpkins are also set to record a 33-song sequel to Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. Corgan took some time though in a recent Q&A to reveal that he and late Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland liked each other. Corgan and Stone Temple Pilots recently reacted to tragic news. Alternative Nation transcribed Corgan’s comments. Scott Weiland’s 53rd birthday would have been tomorrow.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    In a 2012 interview with Rolling Stone, Weiland stated about the status of STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: "I think we kind of overplayed ourselves by playing the same set over and over. I think the band needs to take some time off and be creative again. I always felt that our creativity and the growth we made within making records as artists was equally as important as we were as a live band. The transformation from 'Core' to where we ended up before we took that time off, when I started with VELVET REVOLVER, was enormous. I think we need to get back to that. I don't think that touring consistently with a greatest-hits package gets you anywhere. It diminishes things." ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS』『VELVET REVOLVER』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Core』はアルバム名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    CHESTER BENNINGTON CALLS FORMER STP SINGER SCOTT WEILAND “ONE OF THE GREATEST FRONTMEN OF ALL TIME” In a recent interview with the Phoenix New Times, Stone Temple Pilots frontman Chester Bennington was asked if he's spoken to his predecessor Scott Weiland since replacing him. He was also asked about Weiland saying he had “no ill will” against him: “Uh, no, I haven’t talked to him. I really appreciate that, though, because I have the utmost respect for Scott. He's one of the best frontmen of all time. He's definitely given me someone I can look to and go, that's how I want to perform . . . I want to put on a show like that. To be that passionate about that. So, in that respect, I have nothing but respect for Scott. I appreciate, too, that he sees that this is not something personal, from my point of view. It's something that I take very seriously and I want him to be successful in his life. But at the same time, as a musician and as a fan of the band, I want the band to continue. So if I can be a part of making that happen, then that's great. But I can tell you very confidently that, you know, if it wasn't me, it would be somebody else. But this is a choice the band made and this is how they felt that they needed to move forward. So I support that and I'm stoked that it's me that's taking over the reins because I know I can pay it the respect it deserves.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    EXCLUSIVE: LISTEN TO CLIPS OF TWO UNRELEASED SCOTT WEILAND SONGS FROM THE 90'S Ashley Hamilton was kind enough to send me two songs that prominently feature Scott Weiland on vocals,”Circles” and “Massive (Heart Attack)”. The tune is an upbeat sounding, eccentric yet dark rocker that was recorded as a track for the first Wondergirls album, an effort that went unreleased due to legal matters. The band featured, among others, Hamilton, Weiland, Troy Van Leeuwan of Queens of the Stone Age and A Perfect Circle, and Shannon Leto of Thirty Seconds to Mars (predating that band). Fans of STP may recognize the chorus, which was reused as a part of “Dumb Love”, the opening track of 2001's Shangri-La Dee Da. “Massive (Heart Attack)” has been of great STP fan interest due to Scott Weiland's lead vocals and its “My Bloody Valentine” feel, according to the band. The assessment seems to be accurate. The tune has a post punk feel and its yet another STP related outtake which can go down as a classic, alongside tunes like “About a Fool” and “Only Dying”. The band will most likely officially release the two songs in their entirety in the future, but here's two thirty second samples to hold you over until then.

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    Filter frontman Richard Patrick & new Stone Temple Pilots frontman Chester Bennington talk about Scott Weiland and playing with the DeLeos for the first time in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter Patrick: Army of Anyone was a completely separate outside band. We wanted to take the DeLeo brothers to my sound design and we did a lot of that, but I went at it so that under no circumstances could I be compared to Scott Weiland. I had to sing everything high and I wanted to sing way up there because Scott's a baritone and the moment you start singing baritone stuff… so I was adamant that they stay in the key of drop D because that's where my voice likes to hang out. I kept saying things like, “I wanna rock. I wanna do really fast, exciting stuff!” Bennington: They had decided to move forward without Scott, and were talking about who they wanted to move forward with. My name got brought up … and I was like, “Fuck yeah!” I didn't even think about it. It was like a dog looking at a squirrel, getting instantly excited and wanting to chase it.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    So that's the gist of it. That's also the reason why the “firing” happened right as Weiland left on tour for this run. So when Slash said he “heard Weiland was fired”, that threat had been made if he went through with this tour. The band put the ball in Scott's court and he said whatever I'm doing it. I don't think Scott was fired when Slash said he was, but the threat had definitely been made, and Scott decided to call the Deleo's bluff. Well, now he's fired and it's up to their lawyers to sort through the mess.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Per Scott Weiland: I learned of my supposed “termination” from Stone Temple Pilots this morning by reading about it in the press. Not sure how I can be “terminated” from a band that I founded, fronted and co-wrote many of its biggest hits, but that’s something for the lawyers to figure out. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing all of my fans on my solo tour which starts this Friday. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。