• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:カルパチアンって何)



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。のカルパチアンに会いにくる日本人は、呆れている感じですか?  母語でない英語ですからはっきりとはいえませんが、そうでもないような気がします。 2。あと、私の年齢を忘れてるわね?ってどのへんで、そう思いますか?  I already told you. You must have forgotten. のところでしょう。 3。要約して、カルパチアンって何ですか?。 山です。ルーマニアに半分、ウクライナには5%(だから遠望しかない)ぐらいでポーランドやスロバキアにも伸びヨーロッパで3番目に長い山脈です。  https://www.google.com/search?q=carpathian+mountains+map&tbm=isch& source=univ&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcz- TQ5LTiAhVFjK0KHbMGAYwQsAR6BAgHEAE&biw=1920&bih=848 4。下記はカルパチアで大分前に撮った写真です。








  • よろしくお願いします

    Your predecessor Ann Landers published a poem called "Dead at Seventeen" to get the attention of new drivers and impress upon them the dangers and responsibilities of driving a car. Might you have that on file somewhere? I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it. Might you haveはDo you happen to haveみたいな意味でしょうか?あと、whom I'd like to see itが文法的に分かりません。whomの後に完全な文体があるのはOKなのでしょうか?whomはgranddaughterにかかっているのですよね?I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it.全体の意味もよろしくお願いします

  • 海外のメール友達の英文でよくわからないところが

    カナダに住んでいるという人とたまにメールをするのですが(あったことはないです) 先日僕のほうが文章の一部で Do you have some hobby or something that you specially like? I like driving a car and practicing a martial art. と書いたところ(この英文が変だったらスミマセン^^;) 相手が Oh and over here ,driving is more of something that you HAVE to do, and that you dislike more than a hobby XD と返してきました、、、が何を意味しているのかよくわかりません。 解説していただける方いらっしゃいませんでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • すみません、翻訳お願い致します。

    すみません、翻訳お願い致します。 Thanks so much for the car i have picked the car and is so nice,it has all the extras that i needed.Am happy with you pse lets maintain the transactions Now about these ones you have sent they are ok but do they have all the extras like the one you sent!!!! and how much do i need to send exactly for atleast two cars. Is it possible to talk to you president and you begin suppling cars and remit the money after sale in Uganda? Thanks Tonny

  • 英文のおかしい所を直してください!

    I went to a driving school and an ion on Saturday. In the morning, I ran on the street by car. It was very fun. I went to an ion with a friend in the afternoon. I was very glad to be able to do shopping. 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 私の書いた英文があっているかどうか教えてください。

    この英文があっているかどうか教えてください。 1.私は、卒業論文を書くのが終わりました。とても嬉しいです。 Writing a graduation thesis finished me. It is very glad. 2.まだ、私は、”the League of Extraordinary gentlmen”を見ていません。 Yet, I have not seen "the League of Extraordinary gentlmen." 3.私は、車の免許をまだ取得していません。 I do not acquire license of a car yet. 4.“L”platesについて分かりません。そのことについて教えてもらえませんか? It does not understand about "L"plates. Could you tell me about L"plates? 5.日本の車の免許は、オートマとミッションがあります。 OTOMA and missions have license of the car in Japan. 6.女性にはオートマが人気があります。 Many women enjoys OTOMA popularity. 7.なぜならミッションより運転しやすいからです。 It is because it is easy to operate from missions. 8.イギリスでは、オートマとミッションは、ありますか? Are there OTOMA and missions in Britain?

  • とても長いのですが…

    You can trust London's taxi driuers. They will take you to any address by the shortest possible route. When I took a taxi in London, I saw the driver's license and a green badge on display inside the car. I asked him what the green badge was. "My green badge? It means I know all the street names in London. I can take you anywhere you want to go." "How do you get a green badge? Is there a school for taxi drivers?" "No, there isn't. You have to study by yourself. But the test is difficult. On average only six people in every hundred pass." "How do you learn all the street names in London? You must have a wonderful memory." "I went round London on a motorbike, learning the street names in one area at a time. You have to remember which streets are one-way. When you remember them all, you take a test. It's not a wirtten test. You have an interview with an examiner face to face. The examiners are usually very rude, but you must keep calm. Taxi driuers must not only know every street in London, but they must also be able to deal with all kinds of passengers. If you get angry when the examiner is rude, you fail." "How long does it take to learn the whole of London?" "That depends. Everyone is different. But after you have passed your test, you still have to attend a two-week course to learn where all the theaters and museums are. Finally you take a special driving test. The examiners always ask you to do things you are not allowed to do. But you must not break the law. You can only fail the test once. If you fail twice, you'll never be a London taxi driver." かなり長いのですが、訳していただけたら光栄です(T_T)

  • 以下の文を訳してください

    proble はスペルミスかもしれませんが、一応そのままコピペします。 私が I cannot make cakes. 等とメールに書いた事に応えてくれているようですが、私の理解が不十分です。教えていただけるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 I have a proble with your translation and I am worried. When you say that you can not do cakes, it is because you do not have the ability to do it or it is forbidden because prices are too expensive. To make a carrot cake it is very easy! It will be the perfect excuse to visit me and I will make a carrot cake!

  • 翻訳願います。

    It is not that I do not want to marry you, it would be a lovely dream to do so, I think. I do not think that we have this path ahead of us... but I want to have you in my life always, somehow. Duty as a man? To stand and hold the load, to carry it forward. To move and put the wants of man away. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。(下の方にちょっと分かる所は書いてみま

    英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。(下の方にちょっと分かる所は書いてみました) If you don't understand my emails ... don't worry I only tell good things:)Congratulations with the new car! I wonder that type of car it is? Maybe such a strange Japanese box car? It must be nice for you to drive the new car ... are you not scared to drive a new car? I know I am ... every time I buy a new car it takes some time before I get used to it. Please drive carefully. And no ... you are not allowed to drive the waffle van :) Although I sure that if you would be selling Belgian waffles in that van ... you would sell a lot more than that guy ... hahahaActually I have a bit of a car problem ... now I have 2 cars. And I need to drive both cars from time to time ... troublesome. Maybe after the summer I will sell my small car.It would be nice if you could visit Belgium. If you do you are welcome to stay in my house. And I would be happy to show you my country (or Paris or Champagne or London everything is very close).August ... is it because Obon holiday? Hahaha ... my doriyo also go on holiday then.Thank you for thinking about a company name. I'm not going to change jobs ... this company is for financial reasons. I can explain another time, it's too difficult to explain in an email.Chibariyo ... that's・Okinawa・version of "ganbatte" right? No no no ... you don't need to help me. I will hire a cleaning lady ... but I still need to find one. Until I have a cleaning lady ... I have to do all the cleaning :)Besides .. you are too pretty to clean the house! But I would like to cook with you. That would be nice to make something together.But I'm afraid I'm too lazy to cook breakfast ... but I would try to make egg for you in the morning if you come to my house ... we need to keep your hair pretty .. hahaha 新しい車を買ったんだね!何の車を買ったの? 良い乗り心地だろうね、‥‥車運転するの怖いの? あなたはワッフルの販売車で運転するのはできないよ。もしベルギーに来たらうちに来ていいよ。あなたに私の国を見せることできて嬉しいです。 8月って日本で言うお盆休み?私の同僚もお盆に休みを取るよ。 会社の名前考えてくれてありがとう。 今の会社はやめない。 詳しいことはあとで話すよ。いやいやいや、私を手伝う必要はないよ。メイドを雇う予定だから。

  • 翻訳おねがいします!(2)

    However, he argued that other kinds of information can also be stored in short-term memory. For example, suppose you are driving along focusing on steering the car, avoiding pedestrians,and keeping a safe distance behind the car in front. In addition,you may be holding some visual and spatial information in short-term memory(e.g.,speed limit on the road;width of the road;the distance of the car behind you) to assist you in driving. In what follows, we will mainly consider the theoretical approach to working memory put forward by Baddeley and his colleagues. However,other theorists have proposed different approaches to working memory. These other approaches are discussed in a book edited by Miyake and Shah(1999).