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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:意味を教えてください)

How to Handle a Jealous Lover in an Open Marriage


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。drapes herself all over Fredの意味を教えてください。 drape oneself は、下記の例文に「だらりと凭れかかる」とあります。元々はど地rかというと厚めの布地のカーテン、という意味ですから。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=drape  フレッドの身体中にまとわりつくようにしな垂れる、ということでしょう。 2。How do we handle this, if at all?の意味を教えてください。   (何にもしないという選択肢もあるでしょうが)もし何かするとしたら、どうすればいいでしょう。





  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My husband and I have been married for just over a year. He is a hard worker and keeps busy doing little chores all the time. We’ve been running into a frequent problem lately, and it happened again this weekend. We were at a family vacation house, and the lawn needed to be mowed. It is a normal-size yard—kind of big, but not a field or anything. It took him five hours to mow. FIVE HOURS. He was on a riding lawn mower and went over it a zillion times. I swear—he’d go out with a pair of scissors to make sure it was perfect if that weren’t a crazy-person thing to do. went over itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    The basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. You've got to be the right kind of person and do the right thing in order to have balanced success in all areas of life. Once we've reestablished the fact that good foundational qualities are the successful beginning of all car. この文のThe basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. はどんな意味になるのでしょうか?教えてください、よろしくお願いします。

  • 意味を教えてください

    I’m a 39-year-old woman, and my husband is 43. Our sex life has always been very good, and we each have done our own fair share of initiating. However, in the past few years, the frequency of sex has really dwindled. Currently, as long as I do all of the initiating, our sex life remains great. If I don’t, no sex for months. I’ve found myself becoming somewhat resentful, as it makes me feel like he no longer desires me or cares to make an effort. I’ve talked with him a number of times about this, and I only get the same responses over and over. He says he’s just getting older, his sex drive is down, etc., and he says that it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I don’t believe his explanation, as he has no problem getting an erection, is ready to go at the barest of hint from me, and also still masturbates. When I ask him why he masturbates instead of having sex with me, he says he just needs the release in the moment. ready to go at the barest of hint from meとneeds the release in the momentの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えて下さい(英文)

    We all have our past and things we've went through. However, we met each other in our current life. Connecting with you in the sky. I will not be able to never love like that again. There is no love between you and me all over the world if it is loveless.

  • 英語の訳について

    Over the last few years, we've heard a lot about something called family values. And like many of you, I've struggled to figure out what that means. But since my accident, I've found a definition that seems to make sense. I think it means that we've all family, that we all have to have value. And if that's true, if America really is a family, then we have to recognize that many members of our family are hurting.の文章なのですが自分で訳してみたもののあっているのかがわかりません。英語が得意な人教えてください。 過去2、3年にわたって、我々はたいへん、家族主義的価値観と呼ばれている何かについて聞かされました。そして、あなたの多くの様に、私はそれが何を意味するかわかるのに苦労しました。しかし、私の事故以来、私は意味をなすようである定義を見つけました。私は、それが我々には全ての家族がある、みんなが価値を持たなければならないことを意味すると思います。そして、それが真実ならば、アメリカが本当に家族であるならば、我々は我々の家族の多くのメンバーがつらくなっていると認めなければなりません。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am a mother of three children, but it's the oldest my husband and I worry about. When "John" went to college, he started drinking a lot. I asked him about it then, and he admitted that he might have a problem, but he did nothing about it. That was 10 years ago. He has had two DWIs since, and he drinks every day. I found out from his girlfriend that he actually gets into the shower with a beer in his hand. I recently noticed that the whites of his eyes are yellow, which I'm told is a sign of liver damage. We've tried talking with John, but he denies he has a problem. My daughter and her friends have gone out socially with John, and she says he is fun to be with, and then suddenly a switch flips and he yells and curses. gone out socially with Johnはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I've been working within my industry for over 25 years. I've been working at my current firm for a year. Recently, we advertised a job opening. As regional manager, I screened the applications and passed my selections on to human resources to finalize. The candidate I preferred was a woman with 24 years of experience, "Barb." Barb was making $115,000 per year but said she was willing to take a cut. We decided to offer her the job. When I got a copy of the offer letter from HR, I was astonished that the head of HR, "Sarah," had offered Barb $120,000. My other seven sales reps' salaries were averaging between $100,000 and $105,000. Only one of them was making $110,000, and he has 19 years of experience. I had a talk with Sarah as to the reason for this unfairness. Her reply was that she had crunched the industry salaries on the market and decided to offer this amount. crunched the industry salaries on the markeとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • このoverはどのような意味でしょうか

    I've read the entire Eragon cycle, Harry Potter series, and Fablehaven series, all within the last month and a half. However, last week, I finished the Divergent trilogy, and, naturally, I've felt some emotions over the end of the final book, over the end of the final bookのoverはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My husband of 25 years was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s shortly after we married. He has been lucky until recently and the disease has been mild. However, he’s now rapidly declining. I am a research fanatic (and a bit bossy, I admit) and have spent years reading everything I can get my hands on, but no matter what I discover (the benefits of PT! tai chi!) he pooh-poohs it and won’t even discuss it with his doctor. Now, at the point where he is barely mobile, unable to work, and susceptible to falls, I find myself deeply upset that he has never been willing to try the (proven, not wacky) things that might help him. I work full-time (to support the family); we have three kids. I would never leave him, but I feel like a big boulder is hurtling down the hill at me. And I am so, so angry. Not at the unfairness of it all, but at him, for not even trying. What’s coming is not good, so I need to figure out how to let go of all this bitterness. ここでのWhat’s comingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳出来る方 いらっしゃいますでしょうか?

    Willie Nelson & Julio Iglesias - To All The Girls I've Loved Before の歌詞を 和訳出来る方 いらっしゃいますでしょうか? 和訳サイトで変換したのですが 変な和訳になっちゃうので 宜しくお願いいたします To all the girls I've loved before Who travelled in and out my door I'm glad they came along I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before To all the girls I once caressed And may I say I've held the best For helping me to grow I owe a lot I know To all the girls I've loved before The winds of change are always blowing And every time I try to stay The winds of change continue blowing And they just carry me away To all the girls who shared my life Who now are someone else's wives I'm glad they came along I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before To all the girls who cared for me Who filled my nights with ecstasy They live within my heart I'll always be a part Of all the girls I've loved before The winds of change are always blowing And every time I try to stay The winds of change continue blowing And they just carry me away To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors We're glad they came along We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors We're glad they came along We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before