• ベストアンサー

日本語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)



  • 日本語にしてください( ^_^)

      Hi again. How have you been!? My fri end from LA has been visiting so I've been busy. She leaves tomorrow tho ugh. Sad. We have been having fun t hough, went to Fukuoka yesterday! H ope you're doing well! Is that you in your new picture? お願いします!

  • 次の英文を日本語にしてください。

    I might want to try Feung Sui,maybe it can help with my nightmares.You know ○○(人の名前) maybe there is a chance that you could play baseball, life has a crazy way of surprising us! Who knows? May I ask you another question? よろしくお願いします。それからこの英文って文法的に少しおかしいですか?教えてください。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “I know something about addiction and I know how hard it is to overcome that, but the reality is what do you do if you're in a band and you want to continue making the living you have and you want to continue putting out new music and you're co-dependent of the needs and wants of someone who just doesn't want to do anything, who doesn't want to go anywhere. Someone that is just not there, is just not present.”

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    以下の文章がものすごく難しくてどう訳せばいいかわかりません。 だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)you might have become a slightly different person. (2)your old culture has been totally changed. (3)other people may notice changes in your appearance. (4)it is something you have expected.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    日本語訳をお願いします。 You're the one thing I have that's true My life used to be nothing to me. I never want to feel that again. You're taking my heart with you. I'll do anything for you. 洋楽の歌詞です。学校の課題ではありません。 お願いしますm(__)m

  • どなたか日本語への翻訳をお願い致します!!!

    どなたか大変恐縮ですが、以下の長文を日本語に翻訳頂けないでしょうか? 英語力が足りず、お力をお借りしたいです。 どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 I see that you have put your International Verification order through. That is great and thank you! I have completed the process by changing the $5.00 amount to a random dollar amount between .01 and $2.00 USD. If you could check you account either online or by phone to find out that exact amount that has been charged and email me back with that amount. If it happens to be in a different currency, that is fine, just let us know the currency and we can convert that for you. Thank you so very much for your patience with us on this policy of ours. I do want to let you know that you will not have to go through this process again on any orders you may make in the future. Have a great day!

  • すいませんが翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが翻訳お願いします。 Thanks for your email. We notice that all of your orders on our website have been shipped out, we are sincerely sorry that we cannot add the item for you. If you really like the item, how about you place a new order of the item on our website. The order will be shipped out within 1-3 business days after the payment has been cleared. If there is anything else we can do for you, just feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!

  • 日本語に翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    相手So I was bored so I was on the app we met on to see if I could find you. And I did! And seeing the pic you have saying love made me really happy. I really want to be with you. We don’t even have to do those stupid things I want when we first meet. I just want to be around you. And I know our first kiss will be so sweet (heart)(heart)(heart)(heart) 私Pic??? What are you talking about? 相手On your profile 私??? Sorry, I don't know 相手You have a piece of paper that has love written on it :( 私??? This? 相手Yes :3 私why are you happy? 相手Because I think you draw that with me in your mind

  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    It is okay about the late reply... I don't usually use tge phone by the way... if youvhave facebook it would be awesome or whatsapp :$ Thank you so much for helping me. I will study this hardly to get it <3 <3 Does it work if I want to say "I will sing for you to feel happy"? Or "I wrote and a letter to her, but she hated it" I wrote and sent* Well I will find text books in hiragana and read carefully the sentences and how it works. But tell me... how have you been? 長文ですが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    どなたかお分かりになれば翻訳をお願いします! You have the star of Pisces the celestial fish setting over the western horizon. Anyone with Pisces on their seventh house will have a cross to bear in relationships. In love you have lacked real relationships. You have loved the shadow not the substance. Escapist romance, in love with love, your dreams, not the real person. You tend to choose impractical people to love. Those who are perceptive, idealistic full of tenderness, but who in the end may be weak, indecisive and elusive. You are easily manipulated by partners who play on your feelings and emotions. You have a deep feeling nature, and you have made sacrifices. You know the pain of love. Something in you has died for love, or loneness, many times. Partners who have been elusive, weak or out of reach who seemed to promise you something but then disappear like the mist. Like a dream. You long for something real and lasting and this time you’ll find it.