• ベストアンサー

a bout of unemployment


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"a bout of" = "a period of" =「一時的な期間の」 [ご参考]: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=bout I only recently got back on my feet after a bout of unemployment. 私は一時の失業状態を経て、つい最近、立ち直りました。





  • flew her out

    My father began dating four years after my mother passed away from a terrible bout with cancer. He and I have always been close; in fact, I have always considered him to be one of my best friends. But since he started dating he has changed. I just traveled across the country for a family funeral and discovered that he has a new love in his life, and that he flew her out to see all of our extended family. My dying grandmother got to meet her, but I didn't even know her name! flew her outはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、got toはcouldに置き換えられるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • a bag of worms

    Over the past year or so, two things have happened: 1) after years of questioning and repressing various feelings, I’ve finally come to terms with my bisexuality, and 2) I’ve realized that I might be in love with my best guy friend, “Sam” (I’m a woman). Admitting feelings for a platonic friend is always a bag of worms, but my situation has an additional worm: a bag of wormsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband died about four years ago. He died very suddenly two days before his 50th birthday from a very aggressive form of blood cancer. It was a shock to everyone, and very tragic. At that time, my older sister and my mom were in Korea, my younger brother in Hong Kong and my younger sister was local but pregnant. my younger sister was localとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • keep a piece of my skull

    頭部に銃弾の破片が残っている人が手術を受けたシーンなのですが A fair division was afterwards made, by which the doctors kept a piece of my skull and I got the bullet,which I have in a show-case still. A faie divisonは多分頭部を切り開いた手術がうまくいったという意味だと思うのですが、kept a piece of my skullの意味がピンと来ません。 銃弾は取り出されたのでしょうが、kept以下の解釈をアドバイス頂けないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • part of? or a part of?

    基本的な問題ですが、分からなくなってしまいました、、、。 例えば、「私がスタイリストになった理由のひとつは、Oscar de la Renta の存在です」 のように言いたい時。 1.Oscar de la Renta is part of my reasons why I became a stylist. か、 2.Oscar de la Renta is a part of my reasons why I became a stylist. か? part of か?a part of どちらが正しいですか?もしくな、意味が全く違ってきますか? 教えてくださいませ。

  • 最上級について

    She informed me in a most matter-of-fact manner that my father had died a half-hour before I got there. a mostはなぜthe mostではないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I recently lost my wife after many years together. It was an amazing marriage, and I miss her immensely. I am looking to find a companion. The problem is, my daughter is not in my corner on this issue. not in my cornerは「賛成していない」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • B of  A

    B of A の使い方がよくわかりません。 1:教会の屋根が見えます。  Can you see the roof o f the church? これを、Can you see the church 's roof? とはできないのですか? 2:私は駅で兄の友人に会った。  I met a friend of my brother's at the station. これを、I met my brother's frinds at the station.  とは出来ないのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am in my early 30s, and a few months ago I moved to a new city where, through a mutual acquaintance, I met a great man who I had a lot of chemistry with. Shortly thereafter he got engaged to his then-girlfriend. I have become relatively close with both of them, and they are both amazing halves of the couple. halves of the coupleとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • a lot of my homework ?

    お世話になっております。 I have a lot of my homework. と言う言い方はOKでしょうか?myが余計だと思うのですが。