Gaslighter: A Tale of Deception and Manipulation

  • Learn the meaning of gaslighter and set the facts to rights
  • Discover the dark secrets of gaslighting and its impact on relationships
  • Uncover the truth behind an old friend's betrayal and offer support
  • ベストアンサー


I recently ran into an old friend I ceased contact with when I found out my then-partner had once cheated on me with her. I was young, there was a huge age difference, and he was a classic gaslighter. She was even younger—and he put all the blame on her. Now I know he probably took advantage of her in the same way he did me. Since our awkward run-in as adults recently, I’ve considered reaching out—mostly to acknowledge what happened and offer to set the facts to rights, if she wants. gaslighterとset the facts to rightsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"gaslighter" 「自分の利益の為に人を精神的に追い詰め、その人の心を巧みに操る人」 ー 「ガス燈(原題:Gas Light)」という映画から [ご参考]: "set the facts to rights" 「あったこと(事実)を清算する」





  • よろしくお願いします

    A few years ago, I left my husband after I found out he was a serial cheater. We are now divorced. I have been seeing someone new, and he seems like a great guy. However, he is also divorced, and it's because he cheated on his ex-wife. He was very honest with me about this. He did not attempt to lie about or hide it. Instead of making up an excuse for what he did, like, "She didn't do the dishes when I asked, and if she really loved me she would have, so she deserved it" (which was literally one of the reasons my ex-husband gave for why he cheated), he told me he had "made a mistake" and that he regretted it. Our relationship is otherwise fantastic and I don't want to miss out on what could be something great just because of my own hang-ups. But in the back of my mind I can't help but think, "He did it to her, what's to stop him from doing it to me?" what's to stop him from doing it to me?の和訳をお願いします。what's to stop himの文法的解説もよろしくお願いします

  • get out of work

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 6½ years. He went on vacation a few months ago without me (I could not get out of work), and he met a woman on the plane ride there. She is his age, had similar interests, and loves beer. He gave her his number with the intent of possibly setting her up with our mutual friend whom he was visiting on vacation. get out of workとsetting her up withの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • refer

    I broke up with someone a year ago. After we broke up, she unfriended me on social media, never responded to my birthday message, and stopped spending time with mutual friends lest she end up around me. Recently I found out that she is looking for new work opportunities. A friend of mine works in the same sector and has a job opening that would be perfect for her. She is extremely qualified, and I think she would enjoy this role. Should I reach out and let her know I can refer her? refer herはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どんな内容か教えてください。お願いします!

    He was used to her being silent. But this silence went on and on and on. She was just staring into the garden. After a time,she said,in her precise conversational tone, "The only thing I want,the only thing I want at all in this world,is to see that boy." She stared at the garden and he stared with her,until the grass began to dance with empty light,and the edges of the shrubbery wavered. For a brief moment he shared the strain of not seeing the boy.Then she gave a little sigh,sat down,neatly as always,and passed out at his feet. After this she became,for her,voluble. He didn't move her after she fainted,but sat patiently by her,until she stirred and sat up;then he fetched her some water,and would have gone away,but she talked.

  • 訳をお願いします。

    They really need her to come clean with anything else she knows about Phillip . I told her Phillip is not the man he portrayed himself to be . He never was . He used his con game for his first victim and then again on Katie Calloway , the victim he was in prison for before he kidnapped me . It's always been about what's best for him . All those times he would say the angels protected him that day that he took me from hill never once did he even think that I was the one in need of protection that day . I'd like to believe she felt badly for me all those years , but in a way it was always a selfish act on her part . Yes , she didn't want me to go through all that , but to turn a blind eye to what she knew he was doing to an eleven-year-old girl . How could she splits and other things , all for her husband ? She said she hoped one day that my mom could forgive her , and I said I wouldn't hold out for that . ある本の中の一節で、三箇所抜き出しました。わからないので、訳を教えてください。お願いします。

  • 意味を教えてください

    I recently got engaged. I want all of my family members to be there and to be happy. Ideally, I would love for my (once) fun aunt to just be kinder to my mother and brother (she is generally nice to me). Should I NOT invite her, and risk some other guests (who might be aligned with her at that moment) also not coming? Do I call her out on her bullying and risk making things even harder for my mom while caring for her mother -- as she will be blamed for raising a bad kid? aligned with her とcall her out on her bullyingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    He pulled a sheet of blotting paper towards him. He dipped his pen in the ink and started writing on the bottom of the sheet of paper before him, comparing it from time to time with the one he had taken out of the safe. I was not surprised, but I was thrilled, when the door behind him slowly opened. It was like seeing the film of the book. Dorothy advanced on her creeping feet, and he did not hear, but formed the words he was writing, on and on. The rain pelted down regardless. She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 he=検眼士です。 Dorothyは検眼士の姉です。 窓の外から主人公が検眼士の様子を窺っている場面です。 ----------------------------------------------- ●It was like seeing the film of the book.のthe film of the bookのところがわかりません。 "本の映像"ですか? the bookと定冠詞がついているのも気になります。ここでa bookとしていないのはなぜなのでしょうか? ●She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper.について、この英文はShe was looking at the paperという繋がりになるのでしょうか? 前文は Then he took up the pen. I can still smell the rain and hear it thundering about me, and feel it dripping on my head from the bough hanging above me. He raised his eyes and looked out at the rain. It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station between the tree and the window. I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain. Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he me, for it was growing dark. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • 話法の問題が解けません。

    話法の問題が解けません。 1. She said to him, "Please help me with her homework." She ( ) him ( ) help her with her homework. 2.She said to me, "Do you remember me?" She ( ) me ( ) I remembered her. 3. She said to him, "What do you mean?" She ( ) him ( ) ( ) ( ). 4. She said to him, "Let's talk about it." She ( ) to him that ( ) ( ) talk about it. 5. She said, "How happy I am!" She said with joy that she was ( ) happy. 6.He said, "May God help me!" He ( ) that God ( ) help him. 7. Yesterday she said to me, "I'll see you tomorrow". Yesterday she told me that she would see me ( ).

  • よろしくお願いします

    My sister has recently got engaged to a man I’ve never met. I’m happy for her as she sounds happy. She has now asked me to be her matron of honor and with my understanding of the responsibilities, I feel I cannot properly fill the duties. When I was getting married, she showed up hung over to my shower, canceled my bachelorette party the day of as “she had to work,” only to find out she went to be with her boyfriend, and purposely told me a later time for a bridesmaid dress appointment so she had her dress picked out by the time I got there. fill the dutiesは「役目を果たす」でしょうか?あと、showed up hung over to my showerはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have 14-year-old daughter in her first year of high school. Recently she told me she wants to try out for the drill team in the spring. She had some off-and-on dance lessons when she was younger, but she's never been super-coordinated. super-coordinatedはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします