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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:I would know. のニュアンス)




(ほとんどの米国民は知らないだろうが,)高官のひとりである私ならわかる。 仮定法じゃないですか。



上記補足コメントの理解の仕方が間違っていました。I would know. が主文で I am on of them. はその説明だったのですね。ありがとうございました。



I am one of them.(私もそういう高官の一人だ) の前置きとしてのI would know.なのでその含意を理解したいと思っています。


  • なんのwould

    During our sophomore year, Matt developed a drinking problem. In our college environment, it was at first difficult to tell if he was truly an alcoholic or … simply in college. But quickly his behavior changed drastically. Matt would drink before class or smuggle gin into lectures in a water bottle. He spent most of his money on alcohol, amassing a liquor cabinet in his dorm that would have been impressive to Don Draper. Worst of all, my sweet friend became violent. He slapped a friend of ours in the face and roughly pushed me as well. Matt would cite the impact of his own father’s alcoholism on him when confronted. Matt would citeのwouldの意味を教えてください。(一時の出来事なので「~したものだ」ではおかしいですよね?)よろしくお願いします

  • 【英語】意味の違いを教えてください

    次の4つの英文の意味の違いを教えてください。 (1)I know that the president of USA is Donald Trump. (2)I'm knowing that the president of USA is Donald Trump. (3)I've known that the president of USA is Donald Trump. (4)I've been knowing that the president of USA is Donald Trump.

  • man would who getsとは?

    下の一文のwouldがよくわかりません。 I said, shivering at this recital as a man would who gets hysterical while taking a shower if a bit of soap stings his eye. wouldは何を表現するために使われていて、なぜwhoの前にあるのか教えていただけるでしょうか?

  • Jefferson Begins #36 質問07

    この文章はVOAの一節です。 学習を目的に、訳してみました。 間違いを指摘して頂きたいと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 www.manythings.org/voa/history <= Back [ Program 36 ] Next => "Please understand me. I am speaking only of high offices. I do not ask that you dismiss small officials because they are Federalists. They have a right to their political beliefs. Let them keep their jobs. This will show that you are a president who can accept different political opinions." 「どうか分かってください。私は高官の仕事についてのみ話しています。私は、彼らが連邦党員であるから、あなたが責任の軽い閣僚を解任するように頼んではいない。彼らは彼らの政治的な信念の権利を有する。彼らの仕事を彼らにさせよ。これはあなたが異なる政治的意見を受容できる大統領であることを証明するでしょう。 *high offices/. small officials の区分   *I do not ask that you dismiss small officials何を聞いてない/と? As the Federalists and the Republican leaders kept asking Jefferson for positions in the government, the president was thinking of his cabinet. He quickly decided who would be his secretary of state and secretary of the treasury. 連邦党と共和党の幹部は内閣の中の役職をジェファーソンに頼み続けるので、大統領は閣僚について考えていた。彼は、早速、国務長官と財務長官を決めた。

  • either OF

    either OF のこのOFは どう思っていればいいですか? 辞書で  I don't know either OF his parents ..  彼の両親のどちらも知らない。。 は OF は 家族の の と思えばいいのでしょうか? 他に例は何かありませんでしょうか?? なんだかよく分かりません。。 教えてください。

  • on his own terms

    My grandfather passed away three years ago. It was the first death in the family I’ve experienced. I was absolutely in bits when he died. He was very healthy all of my life until that point. He had an ongoing “flu” for a couple weeks that turned out to be cancer, and he passed within a month of letting all of the immediate family know about the diagnosis. He did not opt for treatment that would have lengthened his life, which I absolutely am grateful for. He passed on his own terms in his home. He passed on his own terms「自分が思うがままに死んだ」?でしょうか?どういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    he wife of the Republican presidential front-runner said Tuesday he is “an adult and he knows the consequences” of his prolific and sometimes inflammatory Twitter use. She was asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if she ever tried to get Trump to put his phone away and rein in his social media activity. “Anderson, if he would only listen. I do say it many times,” she replied, after revealing that she doesn’t let their young son, Barron, on Twitter. Trump, who has 7.5 million Twitter followers and nearly as many on Facebook, boasted about his social media prowess, saying it gives him a huge advantage over his rivals while marveling at its great reach. “I really enjoy doing it but it’s an asset,” he said. “You see what’s going on and there is some genius there. You just have to find the right genius.” Trump, who said he would sharply curtail but not eliminate his Twitter use if elected president, acknowledged that his retweets of supporters comments have gotten him in trouble. He has come under fire several times for his Twitter usage, most recently when he retweeted an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz, the wife of Republican rival Ted Cruz. But Trump insisted that he composes his own tweets and doesn’t run any posts past an adviser or focus group. “During the day when I’m in the office, I just shout it out to one of the young ladies in the office,” who then does the typing, Trump said. But “during the evenings, after 7 p.m. or so, I will always do it by myself.” The Twitter revelations came near the end of an hour-long town hall in which Trump was joined by his Slovenian-born wife, a former model, and his four grown children. Trump ceded center stage for much of the evening, as his children answered a dozen question from the New York City audience and attempted to cast a warm, humanizing light on their sometimes abrasive father. Ivanka Trump, who gave birth two weeks ago, spoke eloquently about her father, who is aiming to decisively win the primary next week in his home state of New York, increasing the chances that he can clinch the Republican presidential nomination before the party’s convention this summer.

  • 英字新聞の記事内での時制

    先日の12月4日(土)のある英字新聞に、”Bush picks ex-N.Y. top cop to head homeland security”の見出しのもとに次の記事が載っていました。   President George W. Bush (1)will name Bernard Kerik, a career law-enforcement officer who was New York City’s police commissioner during the Sept. 11 attacks, as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, senior administration officials said Thursday. Kerik, 49, who spent 41/2 months in Iraq last year to rebuild a police force, (2)would take over a department created less than two years ago to keep Americans safe from terrorist attacks. He would replace Tom Ridge, the first head of the department, who announced his resignation Tuesday. 最初の(1)をwouldにせずwillとしたのは、この部分が過去(12月2日(木))になされた政府高官の発言の中味であるにもかかわらず記事の冒頭であり、「今」という時間を読者と共有することで生き生きとした表現をねらって時制の一致を受けさせなかった、と解釈できると思います。 それでは(2)から(5)を現在時制にしなかったのはどのように解釈すればよいのでしょうか? 次の2つの可能性を考えてみました。 (a)それぞれの下線部を含む部分がこの政府高官の発言内容の一部である. (b)発言内容の一部でなく、政府高官の発言の時点、あるいは記者がこの記事を書いた時点にあくまで軸足をおいたうえで、記者がその時点以降の未来に予想されることを客観的に記述するという形をとった. (a)は大いにありえることかと思いますが、(b)の可能性はあるのでしょうか? 

  • I am confident that if...

    I am confident that if a teacher were to ask his pupils to make regular reports on himself he would discover that many unexpected details were blocking his effectiveness.Habits of dress, mannerisms of speech, intonations of voice - things easily corrected, but obstacles of importance when they are not - would be revealed to him. when they are notは、何を修飾してるのでしょうか。辞書を見たら形容詞説として名詞を修飾できると書いてあったのですが、obstaclesを修飾していると考えるのでしょうか。

  • ちょっと質問です【2】

    ちょっとした質問です。 気づいたところだけでいいので教えてください。 1. , and Etienne was hot on his tail. (hot on his tailって?) 2. I suppose I sort of know. (sort of knowっていったい…。) 3. , when we are clear of the water. (「水を完全に払ったとき」という感じでしょうか?) 4. If I'd been in your shoes I might have done the same thing. (最初の文章は決り文句でしょうか?意味は「もし僕が君と 同じような状況に陥ったら」というような感じだと思いますが…。) 回答よろしくお願いします。