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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の邦訳)



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1。訳  しかしながら、自国の銀行が補強できない外国通貨によって国際貿易をしなければならない発展途上、あるいは小規模の経済では、多くの場合海外の規制失敗による危機と救済の反射的繰り返しは、国家独立の実存的存続を脅かす。 2。 reactive cycle of crisis and bailout のreactive を「反応的」としてみましたが,意味が善く掴めません  経済危機が起こると救済措置を反射的に(すなわち中・長期間にわたる影響を考えないで)取る、ということの反復、という意味でしょう。





  • 英文の邦訳の添削

    On the one hand, the growth of these SWFs constitutes a proactive attempt by owning states to insulate themselves from overseas economic shocks in a way broadly congruent, rather than contradictory, with global neoliberal market logics. However, these funds have also proven to be important liquid shock absorbers for host economies, playing an early leading role in crisis recapitalizations of Western banks and automotive firms. 上記英文の下記の試訳の添削をお願い致します。 「一方では,これらSWFsの成長は,グローバルな新自由主義的な世界市場の論理と矛盾し,対立するのではなく,その論理と広く適合する形で,国家による先を見越した試みを選びながら海外の経済的衝撃から自国を巧に遮断している。しかしながら,これらファンドはさらに,ホスト経済圏のための重要な流動性ショックの緩和・吸収役としての実績を示しており,同時に西側の銀行や自動車会社の恐慌時における資本再構成に際して初めから主導的な役割を演じたことも証明されている。」 以上,宜しくお願い致します。

  • leverage

    And with most of the nation’s biggest banks out of the bailout program, the president may soon lose some of his leverage over the banks. (自分の訳) 大手銀行のほとんどが救済措置から抜け出すなか、大統領の銀行に対する影響力が弱まるのも時間の問題かもしれない。 あってますでしょうか? 他にいい訳し方ありませんでしょうか?

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    The crisis appears at about the same time as the crisis of the empty nest- the departure of the last child from the home-which affects particularly the wife. She may be unable to turn to her husband for help in dealing with the empty-nest crisis, because he is preoccupied with his own crisis of adjusting to the limits on his career and the implied limits on his abilities. Especially if the wife has learned only the traditional view of woman’s role in society-wife and mother-the departure of the last child will be a crisis. For such a woman one of the main purposes in life has ended, bringing about a sudden “retirement” that was unwanted and largely unanticipated. お願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    With its maze of underground tunnels, dugouts and concrete emplacements, Guillemont was a veritable fortress and an unquestionably tough nut to crack, as evidenced by the earlier failures of the British attacks during the previous two months. The 3 September attack finally saw Guillemont fall to the British. Other targets during the wider attack, such as High Wood and the Schwaben Redoubt, remained however firmly in German hands. On the banks of the Somme the French succeeded in taking both villages of Clery and Omiecourt.

  • NHK WORLD Central Banks

    Six central banks from Europe, North America and Japan have agreed to take steps to secure an ample supply of currencies, including US dollars and euros, for financial markets. The coordinated measures aim to help financial institutes raise dollar and euro funds smoothly amid the European credit crisis. The Bank of Japan, the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada and the Swiss National Bank on Wednesday announced plans to take additional measures to stabilize financial markets. The central banks will borrow dollars from the US Fed to allow banks to secure dollar liquidity at low interest rates. They will also be able to secure other currencies including euros, British pounds and Japanese yen should the need arise. 分からないのは最後の文です。 should the need arise の部分、shouldはなんでしょう? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の意味がわかりません、、、

    現在資料をみているのですが、どうしても以下の意味がわかりません。どなたか教えてくださいませんでしょうか? The usual productivity savings for the client overcompensated by the start of production of new madical projects with higher margins, value engineering activities, the globalization of the supplier base,and economies of scale driven by the higher sales volume.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Matters of dispute by the participants, writers and historians since the war, have included the wisdom of pursuing an offensive strategy in the wake of the Nivelle Offensive, rather than waiting for the arrival of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in France. The choice of Flanders over areas further south or the Italian front, the climate and weather in Flanders, the choice of General Hubert Gough and the Fifth Army to conduct the offensive, debates over the nature of the opening attack and between advocates of shallow and deeper objectives, have also been controversial. The passage of time between the Battle of Messines (7–14 June) and the Battle of Pilckem Ridge (31 July, the opening move of the Third Battle of Ypres), the extent to which the internal troubles of the French armies motivated British persistence with the offensive, the effect of the weather, the decision to continue the offensive in October and the human cost of the campaign on the soldiers of the German and British armies, have also been argued over ever since.Belgian independence had been recognised in the Treaty of London (1839) which created a sovereign and neutral state. The German invasion of Belgium on 4 August 1914, in violation of Article VII of the treaty, was the reason given by the British government for declaring war on Germany. British military operations in Belgium began with the arrival of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) at Mons on 22 August. Operations in Flanders commenced after reciprocal attempts by the French and German armies to turn their opponents' northern flank through Picardy, Artois and Flanders, known as the Race to the Sea, reached Ypres. On 10 October, Lieutenant-General Erich von Falkenhayn, the Chief of the German General Staff, ordered an attack towards Dunkirk and Calais, followed by a turn south to gain a decisive victory. On 16 October, the Belgians and some French reinforcements began the defence of western Belgium and the French Channel ports at the Battle of the Yser.

  • 代名詞の指すもの

    But Citigroup’s troubles, and those of other banks, are far from over. Some analysts believe the banks are too weak to repay the taxpayer money. If the government allows banks to deplete their capital levels too soon, they argue, they may be setting the stage for another crisis. (質問) ・後半の they argue, they may be... のそれぞれの they は何を指しているのでしょうか? ・deplete their capital levels はどう訳せばいいのでしょう? よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    “High-quality, performance-driven low-VOC products continue to be important, not just for their regulatory compliance, but because many of them, specifically those that are water-based, have features and benefits that 21st Century DIYers want including low odor, fast dry times and easy soap-and-water cleanup,” said Ferrara. どなたか宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    As the conference's decisions were enacted unilaterally, and largely on the whims of the Big Four, for its duration Paris was effectively the center of a world government, which deliberated over and implemented the sweeping changes to the political geography of Europe. Most famously, the Treaty of Versailles itself weakened Germany's military and placed full blame for the war and costly reparations on Germany's shoulders – the humiliation and resentment in Germany is sometimes considered[by whom?] one of the causes of Nazi electoral successes and indirectly a cause of World War II. The League of Nations proved controversial in the United States as critics said it subverted the powers of Congress to declare war; the U.S. Senate did not ratify any of the peace treaties and the U.S. never joined the League – instead, the Harding administration of 1921-1923 concluded new treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary. Republican Germany was not invited to attend the conference at Versailles. Representatives of White Russia (but not Communist Russia) were present. Numerous other nations did send delegations in order to appeal for various unsuccessful additions to the treaties; parties lobbied for causes ranging from independence for the countries of the South Caucasus to Japan's unsuccessful demand for racial equality amongst the other Great Powers. A central issue of the Conference was the disposition of the overseas colonies of Germany. (Austria did not have colonies and the Ottoman Empire presented a separate issue.) The British dominions wanted their reward for their sacrifice. Australia wanted New Guinea, New Zealand wanted Samoa, and South Africa wanted South West Africa (modern Namibia). Wilson wanted the League of Nations to administer all the German colonies until such time as they were ready for independence. Lloyd George realized he needed to support his dominions, and he proposed a compromise that there be three types of mandates. Mandates for the Turkish provinces were one category; they would be divided up between Britain and France. The second category, comprising New Guinea, Samoa, and South West Africa, were located so close to responsible supervisors that the mandates could hardly be given to anyone except Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Finally, the African colonies would need the careful supervision as "Class B" mandates that could only be provided by experienced colonial powers Britain, France, and Belgium; Italy and Portugal received small bits of territory. Wilson and the others finally went along with the solution. The dominions received "Class C Mandates" to the colonies they wanted. Japan obtained mandates over German possessions north of the equator.