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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:make the break)

The Meaning of 'Hard to make the break' and the Significance of 'The Most Unusual of Places'


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。It was hard to make the breakはどのような意味でしょうか?  ここは、make the breakの普通の「(主語が)チャンスとなる」と言う意味ではなくて、下記にある break の原意「中止」と言う意味だと思います。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=break  したがって「(結婚の)中止を作る(=離婚する)のは容易ではなかった(しかしまた一人でやっていく(=多分経済的に)ことはそれ以上に難しかった」  と言うことでしょう。 2。あと、the most unusual of placesのofはなぜ必要なのでしょうか?  of all places 場所もあろうに(ととんでも無い驚きを表す)文法的には partitive of とか言います。





  • 英語の分かる方お願いします

    Do not be sad, I was jerk to ¨A¨...I am single, I attracted to you ¨B¨... ◆悲しくないよ Aが急に引いた 私は一人 私は(辞書にも載っていませんでした) 貴方に 訳してみても分かりません… Jerk とattractedさっぱり分かりません…何と言っているのでしょうか? Attractedは最後にedがあるので何か過去形の話し?かなぁ?と思ったのですが… どなたか教えて下さい。 お願いします。

  • beingとは何ですか/2回目

    *The question asked of each volunteer was whether the second event was caused by the passer-by's behavior towards the beggar. Most answered "NO", the assumption being it was the shoelace, or the beggar's foot, or the car. (1) Most answered "NO", the assumption being it was X について   多くの人は、“NO”と答え、その推論は‘それはXである“ということを答えた。これは正しいですか。 (2) ‘it’とはthe assumptionのことでしょうか。 他に、the cause of the second eventという言葉があって、   この意味は“It”のように感じです。  (3)次のように、(It wasを略して)読み変えることができますか。 Most answered “NO” and the assumption being X  (4) it was the shoelace… について    it was <caused by > the shoelace…と読めますか?  (5) beingについて   意味上の主語はthe assumption, かつ、“it was caused by…‘を 補語とする独立分詞構文と考えて良いですか。     この場合、beingは自動詞の現在分詞になると思います。  

  • 下記の英文で不明な箇所が2つあり困っています。

    ⑤の英文について、2点不明な点があるのでご教示して頂いきたいです。 I tried to visit my neighborhood zoo one afternoon but found it closed for renovations. As I turned and headed back toward home, I was thinking only of the old black rhino, wondering whether he'd be back when the zoo was re-opened. Judging from my enormous visits, he was never a very big draw, being, I suppose, entirely too inactive to look at for long. ⑤And yet I found him the most attractive, the most challenging to draw near to for that. 1点目は、the most attractive の後の「コンマ」はどのような役割をしているのかです。後ろの文と並列しているのか、補足説明をしているのかが分かりません。 2点目は、the most challenging to draw- の「to 不定詞」がどのような働きをしているのが分かりません。直前のthe most challengingを修飾しているのでしょうか? ご教示頂けたら幸いです。宜しくお願い致します。

  • How can I make friends?

    How can I make friends in Japan? Don't you think it difficult that if you drop out the place you born and grow up?? I'm so tired of the situation being alone. I've tried to make friends, but don't like the people where I meet.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします The three months I spent in Shishmaref left a very deep impression on me. Staying with Eskimos, I became more and more interested in different lifestyles. It taught me one important lesson: even in the most remote places, "real" people are living their lives. That idea reallyn attracted me. I also began to feel that all of us have one thing in common: each of us has only one life to live. It is all those single lives that make up our world. When I got back to Japan, I kept thinking about Alaska. I felt that one day I wanted to live there. So, after graduating from university, I decicded to become a photographer. I wanted to know more about Alaska ond photograph its wildlife and people. Finally, in 1978, after studying photography for two years, I chose to make my home there.  

  • To use the law of attraction to you

    To use the law of attraction to your advantage, make it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event. 以上の文のmake it a habitual way of beingはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか? 特にof beingの意味が良く分かりません。文法的にどう理解すればよいか教えていただければ幸甚です。

  • on the make

    (外国人に日本で女性にある方法の紹介文)While there are a lot of places for dates in Shinjuku, the nightlife doesn’t have many options for a young guy on the make and it has a lot more open spaces making it one of the best choices in the warmer months when the weather is good. ここでのon the makeはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、places for datesは「デートする場所」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 添削お願いいたします.

    こんにちは. 和訳してみました.添削お願い致します. (1)That idea really attracted me. →そのアイデアは私を引き寄せた. (2)I also began to feel that all of us have one thing in common: each of us has only one life to live. →私はすべての持っている共通のこと、つまり暮らしそれぞれが持っていることについて感じはじめた。 (3)It is all those single lives that make up our world. →これらすべてたったひとつの暮らしが世界を作り上げます。 和訳がすごく苦手です. 添削と解説お願い致します.

  • 英文法チェックしてください

    1 I promised her to keep it a secret. I always keep promises. 2 I heard that yumi had her ring stolen on the way to the school 3 I make myself understood that yumi and I was broken out last week. 4 I heard him singing Eminem’s songs in his room, which make me annoying a lot. 5 Most of English books are very nice of me to make myself understood in English. 6 I saw her cross the road without paying attention to cars. It was very dangerous for her.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・It may not be wise spend a huge amount of money on space exploration if other basic needs are being ignored. ・To make matters worse, the little girl`s condition seemed to be getting more serious as time wore on.