• ベストアンサー


I'm almost 30. I have a full-time job, and I'm still going to school. I'm still going to schoolは定期的に行っているのならI still go to school.としたくなるのですが、なぜ進行形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします


  • ベストアンサー

I am still going to school というのは、今はとりあえず学校行っているけど というニュアンスを感じますね。 例えば Im still going to school, but I will graduate next summer なら、もっとしっくりくると思います。 例えば、 I am living in an apartment, but I will move to a single house soon というと、今はアパートに住んでいるけど、一軒家にすぐに引っ越す予定だよ。 とかですね。 I live in an apartment というと、アパートに住んでいる。 (で、別に引っ越す予定もないし) という感じです。






  • willとbe going toの違い

    willとbe going toの違いがよく分かりません。 I'm going to go to school.とI will go to school.ではどのように違うのでしょうか?

  • Jack and Jill Partyの意味は?

    Pet Shop Boysプロデュース、Pete Burns歌唱の"Jack and Jill Party"という歌があります。 とっても「そっち系」な歌詞であるということはわかるのですが、正確に訳せる方、どなたかお願いできませんか? I'm going to a Jack-and-Jill party A Jack-and-Jill party Is always gonna start me On the road to ruin And who knows where? Paint your face And rat your hair In the cathouse With my bitches In the back room of the palace Adding up my riches Such a clown I had the wrong idea Should have gone to stage school And got a career I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going to America A very big subject America We'll walk down the avenue Hand in hand Cameras flashing On command Posessed of a power to fascinate It's almost like I'm almost straight And that's such a great Substantial way To deflect hate In the USA I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going to a Jack-and-Jill party A Jack-and-Jill party And nobody's gonna stop me I don't care What they say These days everybody's A DJ The public reject Collectors collect It's a matter of size And you're up for a prize Turn my back On the human race Gimme an inch And I'm jamming the space I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) Paint your face And rat your hair

  • go to work を現在進行形の形にできますか? 

    go to work を現在進行形の形にできますか?  たとえば、I'm reading a book right now. のように、I'm going to work right now.と言えますか?

  • 意味を教えてください

    Dear Prudence, I am a lawyer and have a unicorn of a legal job—Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, with a good salary and full benefits. I started out at a big corporate firm where I was overworked and miserable, and thought this opportunity would be the key to happiness. Three years later, I’ve realized the law (primarily the constant conflict and lack of creativity) just isn’t for me. I am considering going back to school for a master’s related to my undergraduate degree, a field in which I think I would be happy and excel. My hesitations are twofold: First, I’ve already spent seven years in school and amassed massive student loans which I will be repaying until I’m almost 40 (obviously much longer if I go back to school). I’ve already made the wrong major/career choice once, and I’m genuinely worried I’m just thinking about going back to school because that’s where people go when they don’t know what else to do. Second, I’m in my early 30s and planning on having kids in the next few years, right when I would be finishing my program, presumably unemployed and without any kind of maternity leave benefits. I am sometimes tempted to stick it out in this job in order to ensure my kids will not have to struggle the way I am now. —Job Moans and Student Loans I think you should follow your dreams very cautiously. I just can’t imagine that adding to your already-massive pile of student debt would in any way improve your future. You don’t say that you loathe your job, merely that the law isn’t what you want to do with the rest of your life, and I think if you find your current position at all bearable, it’s not worth going back to school full-time right now, especially if you plan on having children the moment you go onto the job market. You have more options, by the way, than just a) sticking it out as an unhappy lawyer indefinitely and b) chucking it all to rack up a few more tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. Consider looking for a job in a different field that can make use of your law degree (it’s not a stretch to say every kind of business needs a lawyer). If you’re set on leaving law completely, go to class part-time in order to confirm that you actually like the field you’re planning on going back to school for. Schedule an appointment with a career counselor to see if they can offer specific suggestions on how to redirect your career path. I can understand why it’s be tempting to abandon it all for the (comparative) freedom of graduate school, but there’s nothing particularly freeing about debt. Arm yourself with as many options as possible before making your next move. a unicorn of a legal jobとnothing freeingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の質問です。これはどういう意味ですか?

    on the other hand it would be stupid if i wouldnt attend a distance university to get the degree with so little effort to get a good job and as i said on sunday if i have a nice job at a language school i probably wouldnt go to a normal university thats all

  • 和訳希望。お願い致します。

    I still have a ways to go before I'm where I wanna be but I'm glad to say no matter what weight I am... I know my worth and that's all that matters.

  • be going to について

    Be going to の形について教えてください。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q6863342.html 上記の質問をみて、I'm going to go shopping.=I'm going shopping.と略せるのはわかりました。 でも、I'm going to shopping.は間違いですか?(going と shoppingの間の『to』は不要なのか?) では『今夜クラブに行くの場合』はどうでしょうか? I'm going to go clubbing tonight. =I'm going clubbing tonight. か I'm going to clubbing tonight. のどちらですか?? あと、この文章はどうでしょうか? My mother is going to go to a concert next Saturday. この文章は下記のように略せますか?? My mother is going to a concert next Saturday. あきれてしまうような質問かもしれませんが、教えていただけると大変助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    i dont know what you want, you break up with me one day and then you ask me if we`re broken up and want to get back together? look i need you to understand is going to to be difficult, and i may not respond back right away all of the time. i am going to be here for quite a while still , i have no job, and i barely have enough money left for a plane ticket to to japan please i need your patience if this is going to work but i`ll give another chance

  • going や go to の使い方 

    I'm [going to go to] the movies→映画に行くつもりです I'm [going to go] home→家に帰ります I'm [going to] Fukui→私は福井に行く I'm [going] shopping tomorrow→明日、買い物に行きます going や go to の使い方がよく解りません。どなたか解りやすい説明 教えて頂きたいです。 宜しくお願い致します(>_<)

  • 「するつもりだったのに」英訳 確認させてください。

    (1)「私はその仕事をすることになっていた(のに実際にはしなかった。)」  (1) I was to have done the job. (2)「私はその仕事をつもりだった。(のに実際にはしなかった。)」  (2)ー1 I intended to have done the job. (2)ー2 I had planned to do the job. →to have p.pの代わりにhad plannedになっている。  (2)ー3 I was going to do the job.    すべて使えると思っていたいのですが、 (2)ー3だけは、実際Nativeさんがしゃべったセリフで、「あぁまだその仕事はやっていないんだね。」という意図はくめたのですが、これって、 I was going to have done the job.とかにしないといけないですか?彼が間違っただけでしょうか? (2)ー3だけで使えると思っています。(1)、(2)ー1~3まですべて使用可能と考えています。あってますか?

  • 男性が男性を好きになることはあるのか?30代前半の男性が20代半ばの男性に恋心を抱いて困っている。
  • 相手は僕のトレーナーで、最初はただのプラトニックな関係だったが、最近彼に会うのが楽しみでドキドキしてしまう。
  • 周囲の人たちも僕の気持ちに気づいているのか、彼が彼女と別れることを教えてくれたりしている。