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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の邦訳)



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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9768/12169)

以下のとおりお答えします。原文(英和)・語句説明・添削訳文の順に列記します。 >One advantage of time-series data is that they should allow the analyst to avoid this problem: It must only be ensured that the presence of the banker on the board precedes the firm’s borrowing, using a lagged dependent variable. >時系列データの一つの利点は,それらが分析を行う者に,この問題を排除することを可能にするはずであるという点にある。すなわち,ラッグのある従属変数を用いて,企業の借入れに先立って取締役会の席に銀行家が就いているかを確かめる以外にない。 *It must only be ensured that ~:「それ(=利点を役立たせること)は~によってはじめて保証されるに違いない」。 *the firm’s borrowing, using ~:「~を用いて企業が借入れをする」。 *a lagged dependent variable:「ラッグのある(=時代遅れになった)従属変数」。 ⇒時系列データの一つの利点は、分析を行う者がそのデータによってこの種の問題を回避するようにできることです。すなわちその利点を役立たせるのは、企業が時代遅れになった従属変数を用いて借入れをするのに先立って、取締役会に銀行家が隣席することによってはじめて保証されるものに違いありません。





  • この英文が分かりません。

    (1)I assume that the house will not be burn, but the fire gets in on it.. この文でbut以下にgett in on というのがあるのですが、それが分かりません。 なぜinとonがつながってるのでしょうか。 (2)Dont presume on a persons goodnature by borrowing money from her. この文章で presume と goodnatureが分かりません。 質問すると、Presume- to take an unfair advantage.と言われました。 よくわかりません。 (3)The tv that i bought have 2 months guarantee of service.. この文でなぜhasではなくhaveなんですか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 統計解析の英文和訳について

    統計に関する英語を日本語にしたいのですが、自信がありません。 添削お願いいたします。 All preoperative and postoperative factors, as well as the occurrence of postoperative atrial fibrillation, were analyzed using an unpaired t test or x2 test, as required. Continuous variables are presented as means ±standard deviation (SD). Non-normal values were logarithmically transformed before analysis. Logistic regression was used when the dependent variable was dichotomous and represented an event or a presence/absence relation. 術後心房細動の発生と同様、必要とされたすべての術前術後の要因は、対応のないt検定(unpaired t-test)またはχ2乗検定(x2 test)を使って解析された。連続変数は,標準偏差の平均値として示される。正規分布に従わないデータは解析前に対数変換された。従属変数が二分変数であり、事象、または在•不在の関係が見られたときにはロジスティック回帰が使われた。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳

    和訳 It is possible to argue that because of the idea of an other we have such disciplines as anthropology (dependent on the culturally other to supply its data) or history of religions (dependent on the claim that people live their lives in some sort of relationship to some other order of reality). 他者という概念のために私たちは、(そのデータの供給元が文化的に異なる)人類学や、(現実とは違う秩序となんらかの関係をもって人々が生活するのだと主張する)宗教史といった学問があるのだと主張することができる。 自分の訳に自信がもてません。dependent onが上手く訳せません。 ご教示ください。

  • 線形代数 Theorem 8

    例題に The vectors [2], [ 4], [-2] [1] [-1] [ 2] are linearly dependent by Theorem 8, because there are three vectors in the set and there are only two entries in each vector. Notice, however, that none of the vectors is a multiple of one of the other vectors. とあり、この図(二次元で、0からそれぞれの点に線が引かれている)を見ると この例題に関しては納得なのですが、 Theorem 8に関してはどうも納得いきません。 Theorem 8 If a set contains more vectors than there are entries in each vector, then the set is linearly dependent. That is, any set{v1, ..., vp} in R^n is linearly dependent if p>n. p [* * * * *] n[* * * * *] [* * * * *] この説明を読む限り、p(=columnの数)がn(=rowの数)よりも大きい場合はいつでもlinearly dependent(一次で従属している,って言うんですか???)になる、というように解釈しています。それが正しいならば、上の例題の(4,-1)の4が5になったとしても、まだp>n (3>2)なのでlinearly dependentのはずです。しかし、実際にはなりません(よね?)。このTheorem 8は何が言いたいのでしょう? このTheorem 8の矛盾、というか私の勘違いを正して下さい。

  • 和訳添削願い

    和訳してみたものの上手く訳すことができず、日本語として理解し難い訳になってしましました。和訳を添削していただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。 We believe that this is partly due to the research tradition of empirical studies that does not treat the attribute-variable like gender as a causal variable. 私たちは、因果変数としてのジェンダーのような属性変数は部分的には、伝統的な実証研究では扱われていないと信じている。 Most empirical tests generally control the gender factor statically, and have not gone further to identify the differences when testing mass media effects. おおよその実証研究は、一般的にジェンダー変数を統計的にコントロール(統制)しており、マスメディア効果を検証するときに、差異を明らかにするためには使われていない。 We agree that there is a limitation on putting a gender variable into the simple causal model. ジェンダー変数を単純な因果モデルに入れるのは制限があることは同意する。 Yet, in this study, our premise is that the process of identifying mass media effects needs to determine the role of the variable “gender”, and if this variable indeed produces any difference in our independent, mediate and dependent variables. しかし、この研究において、私たちの前提は、マスメディア効果を特定する過程はジェンダー変数の役割を測定する必要があり、独立、媒介、従属変数において、この変数が差異を生み出すかどうかも測定する必要がある。 That is, if gender is somehow related to the core variables of communication effects gap hypothesis, such as education, media use, political knowledge and participation, we need to clarify the additional intervening role of gender before generalizing the media effects. つまり、もしジェンダーギャップが、教育、メディア利用、政治知識や参加などのコミュニケーション効果ギャップ仮説の主要な変数といくらか関係しているのなら、メディア効果を一般化する前に、私たちは ジェンダーの新たな干渉的な役割を明確にする必要がある。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Zionism was first discussed at a British Cabinet level on 9 November 1914, four days after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire. David Lloyd George, then Chancellor of the Exchequer "referred to the ultimate destiny of Palestine." Lloyd George's law firm Lloyd George, Roberts and Co had been engaged a decade before by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland to work on the Uganda Scheme. In a discussion after the meeting with fellow Zionist and President of the Local Government Board Herbert Samuel, Lloyd George assured him that "he was very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine." Samuel then outlined the Zionist position more fully in a conversation with Foreign Secretary Edward Grey. He spoke of Zionist aspirations for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state, and of the importance of its geographical position to the British Empire. Samuel's memoirs state: "I mentioned that two things would be essential—that the state should be neutralized, since it could not be large enough to defend itself, and that the free access of Christian pilgrims should be guaranteed. ... I also said it would be a great advantage if the remainder of Syria were annexed by France, as it would be far better for the state to have a European power as neighbour than the Turk." The same evening, Prime Minister H. H. Asquith announced in a speech that the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire had become a war aim, "It is the Ottoman Government, and not we who have rung the death knell of Ottoman dominion not only in Europe but in Asia."

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Finally, the German defences, manned by the German 2nd Army (General Georg von der Marwitz), were relatively weak, having been subjected to continual raiding by the Australians in a process termed peaceful penetration. The Battle of Amiens, also known as the Third Battle of Picardy (French: 3ème Bataille de Picardie), was the opening phase of the Allied offensive which began on 8 August 1918, later known as the Hundred Days Offensive, that ultimately led to the end of the First World War. Allied forces advanced over 11 kilometres (7 mi) on the first day, one of the greatest advances of the war, with Henry Rawlinson's British Fourth Army playing the decisive role. The battle is also notable for its effects on both sides' morale and the large number of surrendering German forces. This led Erich Ludendorff to describe the first day of the battle as "the black day of the German Army". Amiens was one of the first major battles involving armoured warfare and marked the end of trench warfare on the Western Front; fighting becoming mobile once again until the armistice was signed on 11 November 1918. On 21 March 1918, the German Army had launched Operation Michael, the first in a series of attacks planned to drive the Allies back along the length of the Western Front. With the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with revolutionary-controlled Russia, the Germans were able to transfer hundreds of thousands of men to the Western Front, giving them a significant, if temporary, advantage in manpower and materiel. These offensives were intended to translate this advantage into victory. Operation Michael was intended to defeat the right wing of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), but a lack of success before Arras ensured the ultimate failure of the offensive. A final effort was aimed at the town of Amiens, a vital railway junction, but the advance had been halted at Villers-Bretonneux by British and Australian troops on 4 April. Subsequent German offensives—Operation Georgette (9–11 April), Operation Blücher-Yorck (27 May), Operation Gneisenau (9 June) and Operation Marne-Rheims (15–17 July)—all made advances elsewhere on the Western Front, but failed to achieve a decisive breakthrough. By the end of the Marne-Rheims offensive, the German manpower advantage had been spent and their supplies and troops were exhausted. The Battle of Amiens アミアンの戦い

  • 英文の邦訳

    Two concepts of the firm motivate Berle and Means to level the charge of social inefficiency at the modern corporation: their conception of the firm in economic theory and their contrasting conception of the real modern corporation. 上記英文中,level the charge of social inefficiency,特に levelの訳し方が判りません。ご教示ください。

  • 英文の邦訳

    For instance, a randomly chosen TNC in the core has about 50% chance of also being among the top holders, compared to, e.g., 6% for the in-section( in-section:入口). 上記英文の邦訳を特に,also being amongの意味が分かるようにお訳し下さい。

  • 英文の邦訳

    ある表を見て判る事柄の一つとして,次のような一節があります。前後の脈絡がないため,分かりにくいかとは思いますが,純粋に英文として,邦訳すればどうなるか,ご教示いただければ,幸いです。 First, six of the top ten private share controllers are based, or at least originate, in the US, as are ten of the top 21. 分からないのは最後の as are ten of the top 21の部分です。 和訳をお願い致します。