• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9758/12152)

>It’s hard to pretend that you love someone when you don’t, but it’s even harder to pretend that you don’t love someone when you really do. ⇒人を愛していないときに愛している振りをするのはむずかしいですが、本当に愛しているときに愛していない振りをするのはもっとむずかしいです。



Nakayさん前回に引き続きありがとうございます!m(_ _)m


  • 和訳と解説をお願い致します

    先日、イスラエルの作家 Etgar Keretの本を読んでいると、 こういうくだりに出くわしました。 She says I don't really love her. That I say I do, that I think I do, but that I don't. I've heard of people who say they don't love someone, but to decide for someone else if he loves them? このうち、3行目の意味がはっきりとつかめません。 愛してるかどうかを他の誰かが決めるは聞いたことがないよね? という感じなんでしょうか? 特に最後にどうして?がついているのか、というのが一番の疑問点です。 読み飛ばしても問題ないとはいえ、ちょっと気になったままです。 和訳とできましたら、何故こういう文章になっているのかというのも分かれば幸いです。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳のお願い!

    I'm sorry they are hard! :( You don't have to do it if it's too hard. .. お願いします。

  • 和訳について質問です。

    和訳について質問です。 I lived with a friend of mine that lives in Paris now. It was really cool because we got along very well. But living with someone even when you're not a couple means that you'll have trouble similar to a couple ^^; Like when someone doesn't clean.. or eat your stuff..or invite friends when you just want to sleep, etc... ところどころ和訳できない場所があるので教えていただけますか? 今はパリにすんでいる友人とルームシェアをしていました。私たちはとってもうまくいっていたけど (私たちはカップルじゃないけど)カップルが一緒に生活しているようなちょっとしたトラブルもあったよ。 例えば誰かが掃除をしないとか誰が誰のものを食べたとか。それとか自分は寝たいのに相手が友達を呼んでるとかね。 living with someone even when you're not a couple means that you'll have trouble similar to a couple の下りがちょっとよくわかりません。 おしえてください!

  • 和訳をお願いします

    こちらの和訳を教えてください! Even though I know about something. But I will still do it. It's not easy to change. Because you might leave me, forever. The 2 choices for me are: still here or leave out of your life but I know that there is not enough time for me to try. I just want to smile with you by my side for as long as possible. I hope that someday, you will understand the things that I have done. I love you so much. I do this because I don't want to lose you. if you had a chance to read this, you will know that I have good intentions. But since I love you. Only one reason is, I need you happy and you smile every day every time, My angel.

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    When you told me you broke up with me I didn't block you. I still wanted to be friends with you, because when you like someone truly, you don't go away because they say no to you. この文章の和訳をよろしくお願い致しますm(._.)m

  • 英訳、和訳お願いします。

    英訳お願いします。 ・前回は返信遅れて本当ごめんね。 ・私は日本での生活しか知らないから海外での生活がどんなものか知りたい。 和訳お願いします。 ・times are hard here food and gas are way over priced and no one has money ・ Lets see what do i look for when i was to date someone. Really im not to picky when im dateing but i like someone show is nice to me and someone that likes to hold hands or cuddle. Im a easy guy to get along with plus im funny so that is always good. I really like it when the person im with likes to laugh. 多くてすみません。 よろしくお願いします!!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “To me it's just like, I don't know man. To me it's like gratitude is a little bit cooler than crapping all over everybody. I love Scott, love him, but I also know what it's like to have fans, and I shake hands every day and sign autographs and stuff like that. It's just like when you start thinking that like they're just going to show up every single day and not care and it's okay, at some point it's going to come back and hurt you.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? やっと顔の比喩の段落が終わったようです。 多分出てこないとは思いますが・・。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You should not disregard someone you meet if they do not fit the chart picture perfectly. But likewise, don't try to make the particles fit someone if they don't, for that in the end will lead self delusion, and the agony of disappointment. Without ever knowing it, you have waited all your life to meet this one great love, when you meet your soul mate all the doubts will dissolve, you will know inside. Maybe you are already acquainted with someone who fits the description, maybe not. But be rational and accept this description only as a guide, a likeness, a glimpse into the future and nothing more than that.

  • 至急です(>_<)翻訳してくださいm(_)m

    I'm sorry but we don't talk usually. I won't talk to her ever again. Yuna you really don't need to worry about something like that. She isn't even in the USA. Truly I'm so sorry for making you feel this way. I swear I really do love you.←翻訳してくださいm(__)m

  • 和訳お願いします

    ・I really like that. You can tell me things like that too, I would love it. ・It can go away, it did for my father but it is kind of random. ・ I know I seem really direct now, but i feel the same, we need to meet. ・I want to be the one to do that one you. Me either. I love it though. 以上です。前後の文が見えていないので、難しいと思いますが、分かる範囲で大丈夫です。お願い致します。