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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文についての質問です。)

How Do We Determine If a State Is Legitimate?


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9762/12160)

以下のとおりお答えします。(都合により質問と回答の順序を変えさせていただきます。) >一つ目がよくわからないのですが、「政治学者は、州が合法であるときとそうでないときを判断する信頼できる方法を開発していない。」 *「州」を「国家」に変えるだけでいいです。 ⇒「政治学者は、国家が合法である時とそうでない時を決定する信頼できる方法を開発していない」。 >・2行目以降の英文を訳して欲しいです。 ⇒「我々は、定義できない猥褻について語る最高裁判所判事の立場にあるが、彼はそれを見た時にはそれと分かったのだ。」 >2つ目の訳は「もう一つの現実的な正当性の要素は、他の国家が国家を正当なものと見なすかどうかである。これら二つの現実的な正当性のは矛盾し、混乱を招く可能性があります。」 ということでしょうか? *ほとんどこのままでもいいと思います。 ⇒「実際的な正当性のもう一つの要素は、他の国家がある国家を正当なものと見なすかどうかである。実際的な正当性に関するこれら2つの要素は矛盾し、混乱を招く可能性がある」。 補足1:普通、一つ目=第1文、2つ目=第2文と言います。 補足2:「この後の訳文が分かりません」とおっしゃったように、確かに2行目以降(第2文)が分かりにくいですね。 訳はこうでした。 「我々は、定義できない猥褻(わいせつ)について語る最高裁判所判事と同じような立場にあるが、彼はそれを見た時にはそれと分かったのだ」。 このたとえ話を、当面する国家問題に対応させながら考えれば、こういうことです。 ☆「(猥褻とは何かを説明できないのと同じように)国家の合法性を定義することはできないが、(卑猥なものを直に見た時、それが猥褻かどうか分かるように)実際の国家の状況を直接見れば、その国家が合法的かそうでないかは、分かるものだ。」(補足終り) 以上、ご回答まで。



詳しく回答していただきありがとうございます!! 大変わかりやすかったです。 猥褻は例えで提示していたのですね。 わいせつかどうかを判断する基準?と国家が合法であるかを判断するのは似ている。ということですよね。 まとめていただいた内容をもとに英文を作ってみます。 ありがとうございました!!


  • 英文についての質問です

    What is the “habit of compliance”?という質問があるのですがそれに該当する文を引用しました。 (引用文が長くて申し訳ないです。訳していただかなくて大丈夫です) Whether we can philosophically justify it or not, the state is an institution of violence, and yet most often people do not revolt. As a practical matter, it is this acquiescence that political scientists call legitimacy. [Indeed this acquiescence is the primary reason people obey laws, not out of fear of punishment. ] [This “habit of compliance,” as political scientists call it,stems from people viewing the laws as legitimate enactments of the state. ] And their view of state legitimacy may itself be primarily a habit, or it may be based on their perceptions of whether they are getting sufficient benefits in exchange for the price the state extracts from them. In any case, it is rarely a considered philosophical conclusion. そして質問に対する答えです。[]内が該当する文章かな、と思いそれに基づいて英文を作りました。 ・Hibit of compliance is acquiescence that the people abey laws. It is that political scientists considers it the laws as legistimate enactments of the state. これらの回答は質問に対する答えになっているでしょうか? また、こちらの英文も添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文についての質問

    似たような質問が続きすみません。 What did Edmund Burke say is the problem with the state?という質問に対し、 He said the problem of the state is that all states trying to control human violence must be run by members of the same violence species. という回答をしようと思うのですが、こちらの英文の添削をして欲しいです。 下記の内容から少し文章を変えて英文を作りました。 Whether or not we accept the legitimacy of states as at least a theoretical possibility, we all are concerned with controlling the violence of the state. Edmund Burke was pessimistic about the possibility, given that all states intended to control the violence of humans must be run by members of that same violent species. The state itself, he argued, was the problem. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文についての質問です。

    I do not believe we can have any freedom at all in the philosophical sense, for we act not only under external compulsion but also by inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying--"A man can surely do what he wills to do, but he cannot determine what he wills"--impressed itself upon me in youth and has always consoled me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. This conviction is a perpetual breeder of tolerance, for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously; it makes rather for a sense of humor. (What I Believe by A. Einstein) 内容が掴めないところがあります。 1)"A man can surely do what he wills to do, but he cannot determine what he wills" 訳すと 「彼はすることを望むことが確かにできます、しかし望むことを決心することができません。」でしょうか?(willは「望む」という意味ですか?) この言葉がなぜ ~and has always consoled me(いつも私を慰めていた)のか、 この言葉の意味自体がよく理解できません。 (訳し方が違うでしょうか?) どういう意味なのでしょうか? 2)【This conviction】とit does not allow~の【it】は   Schopenhauer's sayingのことですか?  ("A man can surely do what he wills, but he cannot determine what he wills") よろしくお願いいたします。

  • どっちの英文が難しいか

    (1) Do you often talk on the phone for a long time? I have a sister.Her name is Sachiko.She likes talking on the phone.She sometimes enjoys it for a long time.When my sister talks on the phone,my mother often says to her,so long.When someone needs to call us,he can't.” The telephone is very important in our life today. There are many useful things about it.For example,We can send messages very fast.We can talk easily with people all over the world. But we should remember some things when we use telephones.One night last month there was a phone call while I was sleeping.My family didn't answer it. So I got up and answered it.I said,“Hello.”A man said,“Hi,Takashi.Did you see the soccer game? Who won?”“Takashi? I think you have the wrong number,”I said.Then he hung up the phone.He didn't even say,“I'm sorry.”I got angry.My brother,Hideo,often calls late at night,but we should not do so if it is not urgent.Also,if we call the wrong number,We should say,“I'm sorry.” The telephone is very useful,but we should always remember some important things when we use it.Thank you for listening. (2) In 1963, Dr, Martin Luther King, Fr. stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., and gave his famous speech, "I Have a Dream." Dr. King spoke at a time when black Americans faced many difficulties. In some southern states, they could not vote. They could not use the same restaurants, hotels, theaters, or even restroom as whites. Black children had to go to separate schools. Dr.King dreamed of a country where "For Whites Only" signs world would come down everywhere, and people of all races could sit down together at the same table. He dreamed that "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character."He dreamed of a day when America would truly be a land of freedom and justice for all. He dreamed of a day when "all of God's children-black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics-will be able to join hands and to sing the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last, Free at last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last." Forty-five years later, in November 2008, Barack Obama, an African-American, was elected President of the United States. It seemed as though Dr. King dream had come true. 1と2の英文で英文の構造と内容、読みやすさではどっちが難しいですか?

  • 英文についての質問です。

    Can the power/violence of the state be justified? という質問があり、下記のような内容の文章がありました。 Huemer calls the special moral status we grant to government the problem of political authority, and argues that such legitimacy is an illusion, that nobody can have a right to rule, nor can anybody have an obligation to obey. In the Anglo-American political tradition, the justification of state legitimacy comes from social contract theory. In this theory the violence of the state is justified by comparing it to the supposedly much greater violence in a state of nature. 質問の回答として According to the Anglo-American political tradition, justification of the legitimacy of the state comes from social contract theory. In this theory, state violence is justified by comparing state of nature with much larger violence. (英米?政治によると、国家の合法性の正当化は社会契約理論から来ている。 この理論では、国家の暴力は、自然の国家をはるかに大きな暴力と比較することによって正当化される。) でいいでしょうか? 添削をお願いします。

  • 英文質問 その2

    When designing Congress, what kind of representation did the small states want? What kind did the big states want? という質問に対して該当する文章を探しています。 As the country developed a stronger sense of national identity after the Civil War, and as claims of corruption in the selection of Senators grew, the demand for direct election of Senators grew. This was finally achieved with the 17th amendment in 1913. A minority of people still argue that this amendment was a mistake, and that an important check on the federal government was lost when the state legislatures’ representation in Congress was eliminated. But even though the state legislatures are no longer directly represented in the Senate, each state still has equal representation, and are so are still represented as distinct political bodies: Wyoming’s less than 600,000 people and California’s 40 million people have the same voice. Some people argue that this is undemocratic, and see the Senate as illegitimate, while others see it as important to ensure the small states are not dominated by a handful of big states. こちらの文章の1段落目を参考にしたのですが、 質問に対して、small stateは州議会の議論を求めている。ということでいいでしょうか? そして2段落目では、big stateはsmall stateが数の少ないbig stateを支配しないことを求めている。 ということでいいでしょうか?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 We only see it when we look at a star or when it is reflected from some objects. When no light reaches our eyes, we say that we "see"blackness, or darkness. Blackness is not a color. It has no light. In space, objects are very far away. The stars the astronauts see are many trillions of miles from them and from each other. They also see a few things, such as the moon, that reflect light. But there`s nothing in most of the space around them.So, space looks black to them.

  • 至急! 英文翻訳

    In fact,when it comes to agricultural imports,Japan buys the most. The products that we import most are wheat, soybeans, and corn.We import them from the United States,Australia, Canada, and China.Why do we import such a lot of agricultural products? It is partly because Japanese have begun to eat more meat. To produce one ton of beef,we need seven tons of grain. To produce seven tons of grain, we need 7,000 tons of water. We are importing millions of tons of grain in order to eat meat. That means we are using billions of tons of water from overseas.

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください "Some of the reasons are simple. To show that we can watch a horror movies, that are not afraid, that we can ride this roller coaster. Which is not to say that a really good horror movie may not surprise a scream out of us at some point, the way we may scream when the roller coaster twists through a complete 360 or plows through a lake at the bottom of the drop."

  • 英文を翻訳してください。

    以下の英文を訳してください。 誤字脱字あったらすみません。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Dr.jung: Ladies and Gentlemen : Dream analysis is the central problem of the analytical treatment,because it is the most important technical means of opening up an avenue to the unconscious. The main object in this treatment,as you know,is to get at the message of the unconscious. The patient comes to the analyst usually because he finds himself in an impasse or cul-be-sac,where there seems to be no way out,and he assumes that the doctor will know a way. If the doctor is honest,he recognizes that he also does not know the way . But doctors sometimes are not :only one hundred and fifty years ago,doctors were those quacks who went to fairs and pulled out teeth,performed marvellous cures,etc., and this attitude still day --human beings are everywhere bad! In analysis we must be that we know the way out of his difficulties. If the doctor tells him what he thinks the trouble may be,he follows the doctors sugges-tions and does not experience himself. Suggestions may work for a time,but when he is away the the patient collapses because he has no contact with himself and is living not his own way but the doctors way. Then he has to return to the doctor for new suggestions, and after a while this becomes disgusting to both. It is important that the doctor admits he does not know ; then both are ready to accept the impartial facts of nature, scientific realities . Personal opinions are more or less arbitrary judgments and may be all wrong ; we are never sure of being right. Therefore we should seek the facts pro-vided by dreams. Dreams are objective facts. They do not answer our expectations , and we heve not invented them ; if one intends to dream of certain things, one finds it impossible. We dream of questions, our difficulties. There is a saying.