• ベストアンサー


So when my wife is not home, I urinate in the bathroom sink. Then I wash my hands, which rinses the sink basin at the same time. sinkとbasinは同意のように思えるのですが、流しの中に器のようなものがあるということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします


  • ベストアンサー

ご返事ありがとうございます。 もしかすると説明不足かもしれませんので,加筆。 「流し sink にションベンする」はこれだけで意味が通じるでしょう。いっぽう,洗う場合に basin をつけているのは,日本語でいえば「流しの内側を洗う」に相当する表現だと思います。流しの中に器があるのではなく,「流し=器」だと明示しているわけです。 これは,「口 mouth 」に似ています。われわれがふつう「口」と呼んでいるものは「唇,上あご,下あごで囲まれた空間(口腔)」であって,物体はありません。「口を水でゆすぐ」といいますが,正確には「口の内壁を水でゆすいでいる」のですね(笑)。





その他の回答 (1)


汚ねえとうちゃんだな(笑)。sink(流しの設備) にダメ押しで basin (くぼんだ部分に水が流れるイメージがともなう)をつけたのでしょう。






  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a weird question for you. I live in a Midwestern community that has expensive water and sewer costs. I also exercise every day, and as a result, I drink a lot of water -- and I mean a lot of water. So when my wife is not home, I urinate in the bathroom sink. Then I wash my hands, which rinses the sink basin at the same time. This uses a fraction of the water that flushing the toilet would use. Multiply that by dozens of times a day and the savings are significant. Urine is sterile which rinses the sink basin at the same time.のwhichは何にかかっているのでしょうか?Urine is sterileの意味もよろしくお願いします

  • notの繰り上げについて

    I think you haven't met my wife yet. notの繰り上げが起こると I don't think you have met my wife yet. となるそうなんですが、納得できません /を入れて I don't think / you have met my wife yet. と分けると、/の後ろの部分の訳は 「あなたはまだ私の妻に会ったことがあります」 ...となります。意味が分かりません これらのことを踏まえた上での私の主張は 「notの繰り上げが起こると  I don't think you have already met my wife.  になるのでは?」 というものです 問. 私を納得させなさい

  • 英語の和訳に関しての質問です。

    エイブラハム・カウレー(1618-67)という人のエッセイの中の文章で意味が取れない箇所があります。 That I was then of the same mind as I am now(which I confess I wonder at myself)may appear by the letter end of an ode which I made when I was but thirteen years old,and which was then printed with many other verses. という文です。 難しくて辞書を使っても分かりません。 どなたかご教授願います。

  • この英文がうまく訳せません。

    この英文がうまく訳せません。 I am hoping that my next girlfriend will be my wife, so I will think about it some more as I think you would be a good wife and mother:) ある小説の一文です。 次の恋人が私の奥さんになることを願っている。だから私はあなたが良い妻、良い奥さんになるだろうと思うことを考える・・・?という感じでしょうか??? about itが指すものが前のセンテンスなのかasから後ろなのか・・・良く分かりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • What do you think?

    What do you think? My name is Rich Oaktreefield. I think "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it. When the speed of a substance approaches infinitely to the speed of light, it becomes infinite [ mass ] and Un-attraction also becomes infinite. So Cosmos expansion. What do you think about it?

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am 56 years old. When I was 44, my wife and I divorced after 17 years of marriage. I think we were lovely parents to two amazingly independent and strong daughters. They are now 22 and 26. I feel that I was married at the perfect age, 28, and my wife was 25. We had a very good run, and we did a good job of co-parenting after we divorced, ここでのrunはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • sexual overtures

    Years ago, while my wife and I were separated, I foolishly slept with “Molly,” who became pregnant with my daughter “Ally.” I reconciled with my wife, and ultimately we won custody of Ally when she was 9, after Molly went through a series of boyfriends and made repeated sexual overtures toward me. My wife has been incredible, but Molly’s influence has been strong. After completing her court-ordered therapy, Molly filed for custody when Ally was 13, and two years later Ally went to live with her permanently. Ally went from respectful and sweet to insubordinate and cruel. Finally, she used racial epithets against my wife and stepdaughters, and I threw her out of the house. She did the same thing when my wife and I came to her high school graduation. Molly looked so proud of her. Ally is now 21. I haven’t spoken to her beyond a phone call on Christmas and her birthday unless she needs money. My wife openly grieves for the little girl that we lost, and my stepdaughters refuse to acknowledge Ally. made repeated sexual overturesとfiled for custodyの意味を教えてください。あと、ここでのacknowledgeの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 大過去について教えてほしいのですが・・・

    大過去について教えてほしいのですが・・・ Last week I lost the watch which my uncle had bought me when I entered high school.という文があるのですが、この文はwhen節も過去完了にして、Last week I lost the watch which my uncle had bought me when I had entered high school.という文は成り立ちますか? 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その31)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1つらい時はオヤジがシベリアで強制労働させらた事を思って、なにくそこのぐらいの事でと  思う。 When I'm in troble, always I think my father,he was in forced labor at Siberia in World War II. I think that I have to work this kind of situation ,even I have seriously ill. 2 嫁さんに徳島にひっこすか?って言った。  I said to my wife that Shall we move to Tokushima? 3 徳島には有名なリムズ徳島クリニックがあるから。 Because,Tokushima has famous "Lims Tokushima clinic. 4 嫁さんがリンパ浮腫で苦しんでるのをみるのは辛い。 My heart is broken, when my wife in hard troble with lymphedema. 5 癌の手術をした医者の野郎は生きてるだけでいいだろ!!ってな態度だ。   てめぇが一回癌にでもなってみろ!!  The fucking doctor operated cancer of my wife,looks like it is enough for her to live!! I pray God he has so many cancers, never dei,but always in hard troble in body and mind!! 英訳宜しくお願い致します。

  • main level

    My son and his wife hardly ever really clean their house. The bathroom on the main level gets cleaned once in a while -- when friends are coming over -- but the ones upstairs are disgusting. main levelはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • EP-712Aのパソコンからのプリント方法について教えてください。
  • フロントの指示画面でパソコンからのプリントを設定する方法を教えてください。
  • EP-712Aを使ってパソコンからプリントする際の設定画面について教えてください。