• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳 Twining v. State of)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9774/12178)

>Twining v. State of New Jersey, 211 U. S. 78, 211 U. S. 91, (1908): Privilege against self-incrimination,“It was generally regarded then, as now, as a privilege of great value, a protection to the innocent, though a shelter to the guilty, and a safeguard against heedless, unfounded or tyrannical prosecutions.” >ツイニング対ニュージャージー州 211 U.S. 78, 211 U.S. 91(1908):自己負罪に対する特権、「それはその時と今も、有罪である人の避難所にもかかわらず、無実の人への保護、無礼な、根拠のない、あるいは暴力的な告発に対する保護手段として一般的に大いなる価値のある特権とみなされています。」 (語句) *It was generally regarded as a privilege of great value, a protection to the innocentは、「それは、一般的に無実の人への保護として、大いに価値のある特権と(して)みなされています」という語順にしてはいかがでしょう。 *then, as nowは、「当時も今も」。 *thoughは、通常は「~であるにもかかわらず」ですが、ここでは「~であると同時に」とした方がいいかもしれません。 (添削文) ⇒ツイニング対ニュージャージー州 211 U.S. 78, 211 U.S. 91(1908):自己負罪に対する特権、「それは、当時も今も、有罪である人の避難所であり、無礼な、根拠のない、あるいは暴力的な告発に対する保護手段であるにもかかわらず/であると同時に、一般的に無実の人への保護として、大いに価値のある特権と(して)みなされています。」 ☆むずかしいですね!「要再点検」(necessity to double-check)かもしれません。 ...while having eggnog?



I think this is good. To be honest, the judge's English is like mine... not so easy to read :o) Thanks a lot ! I actually didn't get the rum last night so I didn't make eggnog yet. I'm going to do that today so I can have a glass or two tonight. Strange maybe but I celebrate Christmas, not on Christmas, but on Christmas eve. For example, instead of the kids opening presents on Christmas morning, they open them on Christmas eve at midnight !! thanks again :o)


  • 英和翻訳 of release

    正しい日本語に書き直すことをお願いします Can a prosecutor offer an inducement “of release” to force a defendant to (falsely) plead guilty, without violating the defendant's right against self-incrimination? 検察官は、被告の不利益供述を強要されない権利を侵害することなく、自白を強制するために釈放の誘導を提供ことができるか? right against self-incrimination = 不利益供述を強要されない権利

  • 和訳 forcing Plaintiff to

    和訳はあっているでしょうか? (外国人) Defendants violated Plaintiff's right to present a defense, by forcing Plaintiff to violate his right against self-incrimination and falsely confess, in order to prevent Plaintiff from going to trial and presenting a defense. 被告は、原告が裁判で防御を提示するのを防ぐために、原告が自らの自己負罪拒否権を侵害し、虚偽の自白を強要することによって、原告の防御権を侵害した。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Political tensions have been running especially high, and have been expected to rise further, as U.S. officials have told Mr. Maliki that without a formal invitation soon the U.S. will not be able to prepare to leave even a small number of troops behind to provide training and assistance after the bulk of U.S. forced depart at the end of the year. 「as」 以下の意味が分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願い致します(長めです)。

    和訳をお願いします。 自分で訳してみたのですが、どうも意味が分かり辛い部分が合って、うまく把握できないので、どなたか和訳をして頂けると助かります。アメリカの交通違反の違反切符についての説明の一部です。 Q:What does it mean to plead “no contest” to a criminal or traffic offense? A: A plea is a person’s formal response to a criminal or traffic charge. A person charged with a criminal or traffic offense is called the defendant. The defendant can choose from the pleas of guilty, not guilty, not guilty by reason of insanity, or no-contest. Entering a plea refers to the judge’s act of formally noting a defendant’s plea, or “entering” it, in the court’s official file. If you enter a no-contest plea, it means that, while you do not admit your guilt, you do admit the truth of the facts alleged in the indictment, information or complaint (the so-called “charging” documents that start a criminal or traffic case). No-contest pleas are sometimes know as “nolo contendere” or just “nolo” pleas. Q: So what’s the difference between pleading guilty and pleading no contest? A: Good question. Sometimes there’s no difference whatsoever and sometimes there’s a big difference. If you plead guilty, you are admitting to the facts and the legal consequences of those facts. The benefit of a no-contest plea (when you admit the facts, but not your guilt) is that it allows you to avoid a trial if your defense has become hopeless, but it prevents the plea from being used against you in any later civil or criminal proceeding. It also allows you the opportunity to appeal rulings by the court, such as rulings allowing certain evidence to be used by the government.

  • 和訳 or have no defense

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?(外国人) Defendants violated Plaintiff's right against self-incrimination, because their policy to refuse suspects from writing their own statements in defense, directly compels Plaintiff to violate his right or have no defense at all. 被告の方針により、被疑者が防御に自分の陳述書を書くことを拒否させられたことは、原告に権利の侵害を直接強制したか、あるいは全く防御がないを完全に否定したことになるので、被告は原告の自己負罪拒否権を侵害した。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    “The reason why Wii has been given so much appreciation is not because of technological superiority; rather, it must be due to the fact that we have been able to provide customers with unexpected and unprecedented entertainment value,” he said, referring to Wii's lower price and more extensive basic specifications than its main rival, the Sony PlayStation 3. Wii's biggest selling point has been its motion-sensing remote, which has usurped the joystick and led to players using the system for sports training. it is now possible to buy a plug-in balance board as part of a “Wii Fit” software package. Mr Iwata says that video games, far from being the mindless toy of today's youth, will soon be regarded as a crucial part of a child's development. Nintendo's hand-held DS product, along with the software program Dr kawashima's More Brain Training, has been used as part of a trial in Scotland to improve children's concentration. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいですよろしくお願いします!! After many had only joined with scepticism and hesitation, action against resistant farmers was announced. At the end of the 1950s there was a campaign against anyone who refused. The continuing stream of refugees towards the ‘free’ West illustrated that the SED and their programme were not particularly popular amongst the population. Within the Party voices were at once raised against Ulbricht and his practice of going along with Soviet domination. A purge was already underway at the end of the 1940s against former SPD members and those Old Communists who had come out against the merger of the KPD and the SPD. Their opposition was particularly directed against the restructuring of the SED as a Stalinist cadre Party.

  • 英文和訳

    1.The certification will declare that the quality system conforms to the requirement of Regulation. The certification can't make a declaration against a conformity assessment standard such as ISO 13485, if it had been used, for example. The manufacturer may then prepare a declaration of conformity. 2.Certification against the Annex of the MDD may be used in support of the certification required by the AZ conformity assessment procedures. 特に、両文においての特に、againstの訳し方に苦慮しています。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Churchill’s proposal was not regarded as unrealistic in the rest of the West but as unwelcome. After 17 June the proposal from Churchill of 11 May 1953 to work at the highest level with the Kremlin towards an arrangement on a neutral all-German solution was robbed of any basis. The victors of the Second World War remained Allies, true to their principles, against Germany even through the period of 17 June 1953, particularly since they were dealing primary with the security and consolidation of their areas of interest in relation to the German partial states

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    和訳をお願い致します。 (1)the new GM will inherit the good parts of the old GM under the stewarship of the U.S goverment, which will hold 60% of the company's shares. (2)State's archetypal free economy, or for a company such as GM, than spending so much tax money to save company.