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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:アドバイスをください。)



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  • wuyan
  • ベストアンサー率51% (183/352)

integrated single-vendor and single-buyer approach まではひと続きで、「統合的単一ベンダー/単一バイヤーアプローチ」ではないでしょうか。 また、production.inventory model と書かれていますが、正しくは production/inventory model または production-inventory model (生産/在庫モデル) ではありませんか? こう書き直したらどうでしょうか。 This article incorporates [the view of the integrated single-vendor/single-buyer approach and imperfect items] into the production/inventory model. 「この論文は、統合的単一ベンダー/単一バイヤーアプローチと欠陥品の観点を生産/在庫モデルに取り入れる」



非常にわかりやすい説明をありがとうございます。 おかげさまでうまく訳すことができました。


  • 【ミクロ】企業の利潤最大化について

    いつもこちらのサイトでお世話になっております。 ミクロ経済の企業の利潤最大化の例で以下の文章が上がっています。 Key assumption: Firms maximize their profits. The profit is defined as revenue minus costs. Simplest Case: single-input-single-output firm. The firm uses its technology to transform R units of input into y units of output. The relation between input and output is described by a production function f, with y = f(R). Let p; q denote the prices of y and R. Then the profit is π= max (pf(R) - qR)⇒ pf’(R*) = q and pf’’R*) < 0   R This implicitly defines demand for R as a function in p and q, R* = R(p, q), and supply y*= f(R*). π= max (pf(R) - qR)、R*がpとqの関数であるというところまでは、理解できたのですが、なぜ y*= f(R*)となるのでしょうか? a production function f, with y = f(R)のこの、Rはto transform R units of an input into y units of an outputよりp,qを示していると解釈しても良いのでしょうか? 読めば読むほどこんがらがってきて、生産関数はf=(K,L)で教科書にも出てくるので、このRもそれと同じかなと思ったのですが。この例のあとに例題も乗っていてそれもよくわからなくなってきたので、質問をさせていただきました。 もしもお時間がありましたら、ご教授お願い致します。

  • ある文章の和訳

    数学の英論文で,以下の文章が出たのですが、和訳の意味がうまくいきません。どのように和訳したらいいのでしょうか?一応、和訳した分を載せるので、間違いなど教えてください。 「Given knots K1 and K2, explain how a single picture of K1 could exist so that changing crossings in that one picture could turn it into K2.」 =「結び目k1とk2を与えると,ある絵で交点を変えるとK1をk2に変えるようなk1の絵がどのように存在したか説明せよ。(自分なりの和訳)」

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Construction was organised by Rupprecht and Kuhl; when the plans were ready the line was divided into sectors and officers from the General Staff, gunners and engineers were appointed to oversee construction, which was expected to take five months. The defences were built by German construction companies, who brought skilled workmen to fabricate ferro concrete emplacements, while 12,000 German and 3,000 Belgian labourers and 50,000 mainly Russian prisoners of war dug the trenches. The building works absorbed most of the cement, sand and gravel production of occupied France and Belgium plus that of west Germany. Transport of materials was conducted by canal barge and railway, which carried 1,250 trainloads of engineering stores, although the building period from October 1916 to March 1917 meant that only about eight trains a day were added to normal traffic. Mass-production techniques were used to produce items for the position.

  • 英訳、和訳をお願いいたします。

    英訳、和訳をお願いいたします。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q5874927.htmlのご助言で解決したと思ったのですが、出品者から「送料を20ポンドに訂正したのは、他のバイヤーとのやりとりと勘違いした私の完全なミスだ。」と謝罪の連絡があり、その後以下のようなメールが送られてきました。 「Acknowledged, thank you. Forgive me, but I had quite forgotten that you had bought 2 other items. I will have a juggle and see if I can fit all 5 into one box that does not risk damage to anything and I will then see what cost that bigger box will cost to ship and if I can save anything in the shipping cost, I will make you a refund. Thanks again and Regards, 」 これは、「一つにまとめることが可能なら一つにまとめますよ。損傷のリスクはそっち持ちですよ。安くなればすでに払った分は払い戻しますよ。」と言っているのでしょうか? その訳が正しいことを前提に以下の「」内の日本語を英訳していただきたいのです。 「損傷のリスクは負いますが、一つにまとめた際に緩衝材などである程度必要な処置はしていただけるのですか? 一つにまとめた際の送料を教えていただけますか?」 それと、カテゴリ違いの質問なのですが、払い戻しの際にこちらからpaypalアカウントを知らせる必要はありますか? ご回答お待ちしております。 長くなってしまいましたがご回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳して頂けませんか?

    毎回毎回ごめんなさい! 大学の講義内容がさっぱり分かりません。 教授が外国の方で、日本語を使いません。論文などは聞き取れても自分じゃ訳に限界があります(しっくりくる日本語にうまく訳せません)。長くて申し訳ありませんが、どなたか訳してください!! Environmentally, breast milk is one of the few food items that is produced and consumed without any pollution, additives, packaging or waste. It provides nutrition and immunization for the consumer and benefits the producer as well. But one problem with trying to raise awareness about breastfeeding is that it dose not fit nicely into a ゛slot," according to Safia Minney, coordinator of Baby Milk Action Jpan. Involving aspects of resource use and the environment, human rights and consumer concerns, it is widely ignored by groups in these areas. In an effort to raise awareness among groups and individuals in Japan, Minney's group held an exhibition and workshops during International Breast-feeding Week, Aug.1-7. よろしくお願いします!

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Almost single-handedly, Freud created a new framework for the clinical understanding of dreams, which became an important activity in the new therapy of psychoanalysis. Dreams were called "the royal road to the unconscious." In the classic Freudian view, the dream is a method for maintaining sleep in spite of unacceptable impulses-usually sexual oraggressive-that arise when the censorship of the conscious mind is relaxed during sleep.the unacceptable impulse which might disturb the sleeper is transformed into a more acceptable and dramatic form by the dream work, using such mechanisms as displacement and condensation. Displacement , for example, is unconsciously moving the repressed sexual wish for the mother to the doream image of a more acceptable substitute woman, thereby hiding the incestuous nature of the wish. In the mechanism of condensation, several discrete figures are condensed into one composite figure that stands for all of them. Secondary elaboration, such as disguising actual persons and events, is used to put the resulting images into more acceptable form before they are experienced as a dream. The dream in the Freudian view allows a partial discharge of the original impulse, without allowing it to appear in such a primitive form as awaken the dreamer. In Freudian dream interpretation, the free-association of ideas to the motifs of the dream is supposed to lead back to the original and undisguised latent dream behind the experienced and remembered manifest dream.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Showing it diagrammatically(as a graph) makes it clear that it could not be called a universal franchise. The phrase beside it, ‘Ich gehe falten‘(I’m going to fold) instead of ‘Ich gehe wahlen’(I’m going to vote), proves that the single-list elections had nothing to do with elections in the usual sense of a real democracy. Even through it made a claim to represent the whole of Germany and affirmed democratic principles, this constitutional document immediately developed into an instrument for the construction of a Socialist partial state using political repression and the persecution of those with differing views. Article 6 was particularly striking in this respect as it characterized a ‘boycott campaign against democratic institutions and organizations’ as a crime.

  • SHF31 AU

    good day. have SHF31 AU KDDI SHARP AQUOS K,moving on the menu, wandered into the category of running tasks/applications. had the imprudence to complete the process "keyboard" in the end she passed out and the phone only shows the starting screen for hours without control. the phone itself is included, it is possible to call, only to answer will not work. the signal from the keys pressing goes. works only the function restriction side view. and the joystick starts to work in the shutdown menu of the phone: turn off/restart/airplane mode and sound modes at the bottom. that's where the navigation items works. for the video beautiful can be seen that the phone responds to, and what not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb08oXAmz7w please help. thanks in advance. ※OKWaveより補足:「シャープのスマートフォン・携帯電話」についての質問です。

  • 穴埋め問題なんですが・・

    こんにちは、ケンブリッジ検定を受ける者なんですが、以前テキストブックを購入したんですが答えが付いなくかなり苦労しています。私の答えがあっているのかの確認と空欄部分を助けて下さい。 She specialises in pop music and is (1, ? ) for managing the production (2, ?  ) a pop singer's new single or album and (3, ? ) that it involves. She is the person who selects the songs for the album, the photographs for publicity purposes, who shoots the video and chooses the clothes the singer (4, ? ) for that video. In (5, ? ) typical day she will meet the people designing the artwork for the album, the singer's manager, journalists and marketing managers. (6, During ) the week she will have to listen to the hundreds of tapes that are (7, sent ) to the record company by singers and bands hoping to (8, get ) famous one day. She needs to understand (9, what ) makes a good pop band and at the same time has to be (10, ? ) to stop star potential. In (11, ? ) of working long hours she feels it is (12, worth ) it when a song finally gets into the pop charts. She learnt about the pop industry by (13, having ) work experience and editing pop magazines (14, as ) well as taking a business course. In that way she (15, ? ) out how to go about marketing and selling in the highly competitive music industry.

  • 英文の訳を教えてください。

    論文を読んでいて、以下のような文章があったのですが、 自分で訳してみたとき 今ひとつ訳がしっくりきません… どなたか訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 (1)BML is activated to from site specific radicals which are able to directly generate single or double strand breaks (DSB), thus resulting in a potent mutagenic and cytotoxic agent. (2)MMC produce prevalently mono- and bifunctional aikylation of guanine residues that irreversibly bind to DNA to form interstrand and intrastrand DNA cross-links via a reductive metabolism. (3)VCR binds to a site on the tubulin subunits, inhibiting their plymerisation to form the mitotic spindle microtubules and possibly also the centriole microtubules, thus causing chromosome malsegregation. (4)These three mutagenic drugs are regarded as suspected human carcinogens, and VCR has been already included into group 1 carcinogens (carcinogenic to humans) by IARC. BML、MMC、VCRはいずれも抗がん剤の一種であり、 (4)の一文でVCRがIARCより グループ1に属していることが分かっている というような理解はできたのですが… (1)~(3)の文章で述べられている 抗がん剤が効果を示す メカニズムについて述べている文章の訳が いまひとつ分かりません… 英語力に全く自信が無い上に 分野外の事なのでお手上げになってしまいました(;;) 一部でも良いので、 どなたか訳せる方 よろしくお願いします。