• 締切済み


good day. have SHF31 AU KDDI SHARP AQUOS K,moving on the menu, wandered into the category of running tasks/applications. had the imprudence to complete the process "keyboard" in the end she passed out and the phone only shows the starting screen for hours without control. the phone itself is included, it is possible to call, only to answer will not work. the signal from the keys pressing goes. works only the function restriction side view. and the joystick starts to work in the shutdown menu of the phone: turn off/restart/airplane mode and sound modes at the bottom. that's where the navigation items works. for the video beautiful can be seen that the phone responds to, and what not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb08oXAmz7w please help. thanks in advance. ※OKWaveより補足:「シャープのスマートフォン・携帯電話」についての質問です。


  • _kappe_
  • ベストアンサー率68% (1554/2267)

Go to an au shop.



  • 英作文を見ていただけると幸いです、よろしくお願いします。(手紙形式)

    英作文を見ていただけると幸いです、よろしくお願いします。(手紙形式) The story concerning the cell phone was able to be heard and it was good. Thank you. When the story is heard, the etiquette of the cell phone in the United States is not good. However, the etiquette of the cell phone in Japan is not necessarily also good. Because I am working at the bookstore, the cash register is occasionally stricken. Even Japan : at accounting. There is a person who is speaking with [ni] and the cell phone. Moreover, there are a lot of people who operate the cell phone in the train. However, the taxi driver that is speaking with the cell phone has not seen up to now. It seems to struggle for the report of work though it talks in the wireless. Do not think that it is too speaking even if the taxi driver from the Middle East is struggling for the report of work to India. I want you not to forget feelings of serving. Certainly, the cell phone begins to ring here and there. Then, the cell phone had rung the other day though it visited an art museum. Also in Japan and the United States, there seems to be a problem for manners of the cell phone. When it is used, only I am regarded that it is necessary to worry about other people. There are a lot of places of no smoking also in Japan though no smoking was written. There is a shop that divides the no-smoking zone and the smoking seat, too. As for the cigarette and the cell phone, manners may be defended. ケータイに関する話を聞けてよかったよ。ありがとう。 アメリカにおけるケータイのエチケットは、話を聞く限りではよくないね。 でも、日本におけるケータイのエチケットも、良いとは言えないんだよ。 私は本屋で働いているから、レジを打つときがあるんだ。日本でも、お会計の時 に、ケータイで話している人はいるよ。また、電車の中でケータイを操作する人はたくさんいるよ。 でも、ケータイで話しているタクシードライバーは今まで見たことがない。無線では喋っているけど、仕事の連絡を取り合っているようだよ。もし、インドと中東出身のタクシードライバーが、仕事の連絡を取りあっていたとしても、それは話しすぎだと思うな。接客の気持ちを忘れないでほしいよね。 確かに、ケータイは至る所から鳴り出すね。先日、美術館に行ったんだけど、そ こでもケータイが鳴っていたよ。 日本もアメリカも、ケータイのマナーに関して問題がありそうだね。それを 使うときは、自分のことだけでなく、他の人を気遣わないといけないと考えるよ 。 禁煙について書いていたけど、日本でも禁煙の場所は多いよ。禁煙席と喫煙席を 分けているお店もあるよ。たばこも、ケータイも、マナーが守られるとよいね

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The difficulty of course - and this is an 'of course' added by deconstruction - is that this internal drifting is not only a fundamental part of any act of communication, it is also essential. Deconstruction does not create such internal drifting, such moments of indecision and complication in the sign, but it does work to expose them and to acknowledge their existence. 和訳できるかた宜しくお願いします><

  • 英語の通訳おねがいいたします。

    英語の通訳おねがいいたします。 1) Subject to subclauses (2) and (3), the holder must not engage in work in Australia for more than 20 hours a week during any week when the holder's course of study or training is in session. (2) Subclause (1) does not apply to work that was specified as a requirement of the course when the course particulars were entered in the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. (3) The holder must not engage in work before the course for which the initial student visa was granted commences. 1,2はなんとなぁ~くわかるのですが3番目はつまり学校が始まるまで働くことができないという意味なのでしょうか? 英語に自信あるかたおねがいいたします。

  • おねがいします。訳してください。

     ラストです。    education is good only in so far as it looks to its natural end, which is the divelopment of man both as an indivisual and in society ,not only in body but also in mind and spirit. です。  よろしくおねがいします(;O;)

  • 日本語訳を! 3-(7)

    お願いします。  Today when archaeologists dig up the bodies of pyramid builders it is clear that many survived serious injuries thanks to Imhotep and his long list of cures. But many did not. And, during the Old Kingdom, life everlasting was not for the common man. He could only hope to play his part in the cycle of life and death by building a tribute to his king and in doing so add to the grandeur of Egypt.

  • 至急お願いします!インターンシップ 添削

    インターンシップの志望理由を英語で書かなければ ならないのですが、うまく書けません・・・ 至急添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら、付け加えたほうがよい文章など ありましたら、そちらもお願いします。 This is because it thought that it wants to know what kind of thing the atmosphere of a thing and the company how can make use of having learned at a university in real work is. Furthermore, I wanted to learn the difference between student and durability of the consciousness of the member of society. I do not judge work from only appearance and can feed power to understand including a hiding part generally by experiencing internship. And I can feel weight and a sense of fulfilment ,worth to work,to take work on. In addition,I thought that it let me regarded as one opportunity to check my appropriateness and easy posture for finding employment and that gave me an opportunity to wrestle seriously.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。

    友人が"Only"について教えてくれているようなのですが、詳しく知りたいので力を貸して頂けますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 "Only" refers to it being something and nothing else. For example if I said "I only eat vegetables." That would mean that I eat vegetables and not meat, chicken, fish etc. In the context I used it in ("It's only cold in the mornings,") it would mean that it is cold in the morning, but it is not cold during the rest of the day. In a different context it could mean that it is always cold never hot, warm or cool in the morning. A clearer way to say what I meant that would have my intended meaning regardless of context would be "It is cold in the mornings only."

  • 英単語の訳

    What Abbott and others are calling for is not only more attention to narrative, a detailed description of the processes that variables are presumed to capture, but also to systematic means of coding patterns in the narratives to permit generalization. この文章内のcoding patternsの意味をお教え下さい。

  • whatの用法がわかりません

    The work of NGOs like MSF is helping to solve many of the world's problems, but there is much more to do. It is my hope that many more Japanese will volunteer for such work go and see more of world, and begin to have a sense of compassion for people who need help. Such volunteers will find that they get as much as they give. In my own case, the experience not only gave direction to my life but also gave me an opportunity to think about what it is to live as a human being. 最後の文のwhat it is to live as a human being.のwhatはどういう意味ですか? わかる方教えてください

  • 英文の訳が分かりません

    英文の訳が分かりません。 in representing the coffee-house these literary materials , more than anything else, established and confirmed the place of coffee in modern urban life. It is in the nature of satire to exaggerate what it describes, to heighten foolishness and vice, and to portray its material in the most colourful language. The coffee-house satires can nevertheless be considered not only as works of literature but also as historical evidence: these low and crude satires are not a simple criticism of coffee-house life, but part of their conversation, one voice in the ongoing discussion of the social life of the city. この英文をできれば全訳していただけると嬉しいです。

  • スリープ復旧時に赤色で単色発光する問題について、製品はWIN11で使用されているVK600Aです。設定はアクチエーションポイントに連動していますが、スリープから復旧すると設定がリセットされ、赤色で単色発光します。
  • 問題を解決するために、ケーブルを差し直すと一時的に正常動作に戻りますが、スリープのたびにケーブルを差し直すことで接触不良のリスクがあります。設定を変更しても再度赤色に戻るため、恒久的な解決にはなっていません。
  • エレコム株式会社のVK600A製品にて、スリープ復旧時の発光パターン変更問題が発生。問題は設定がリセットされることで、赤単色で発光するようになります。この問題を恒久的に解決する方法を探している状態です。