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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:わからない個所を教えてください。)

The Mysterious Glowing waters of the Mediterranean


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。glowerは「にらむ」という意味だと思うのですが、ここではthe deeper waters of the Mediterraneanが主語なので、にらむというとどういう感じになるのでしょうか?  ここはwave-crests dance brightly in the shallow bay という湾内の明るい波頭の踊り、に対比させた、それとは全くちがう沖の海の表情を擬人的に表したものだと思います。  (湾の中の浅い海の明るい波頭の踊りとは打って変わって)地中海の深い海は雨風の力で(濁った水が流れ込んで)緑や茶色に(変わり、まるで怒って)睨みつけているように見えた、 2。またsullenは形容詞だと思うのですが、「陰鬱な」という意味で、still being sullenというのが本来の形なのでしょうか?(なおいっそう陰鬱である、と読むのでしょうか)  「まだ」前の晩の嵐の後をとどめていて、という意味でしょう。豪雨の後は川の水が濁り、海が緑や茶色に変わって、いつもは青く明るい海が、「笑いを取り戻していない」という意味だと思います。



読み方を教えていただいてありがとうございます。 stillは「まだ」の意味なんですね。


  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I look for Orion, and find him almost at once, a small smile of acknowledgement twitching the corner of my mouth. There are a few clouds low on the line of hills, but leaning out of the window I can see that the sky overhead is clear.(前回の終わりの部分です) I find myself searching the darkness at the head of the valley for the winking green light that is my signal, but I am more than forty years too late. There is nothing there, and yet I still can’t get rid of it: the suspicion that I might catch it out of the corner of my eye – the three blinks of green from up by the dandelion clock that mean it is time to set off. I shake my head. There is no hermit any more. There never was a hermit; not a real one. I look up at the sky again. It’s not the time of year for the shooting stars yet; a few months must pass before the Perseids wash through the Earth’s orbit and burn briefly through the high atmosphere. Jamie tells me all about them. We watch them together. *************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに帰ってきています。 JamieはAlexの幼友達です。 I find myself searching the darkness at the head of the valley for the winking green light that is my signal, but I am more than forty years too late. のところがわかりません。 私は谷の頂上で暗闇を探している。。。私の合図であるウィンクしている緑の光に対して??search for~で熟語になっているような気もするのですが。。。 There is nothing there, and yet I still can’t get rid of itの最後のitはthe winking green light ですか? the three blinks of green from up by the dandelion clock that mean it is time to set off.ここのthe dandelion clockはこの作品のタイトルにもなっているのですが、 ここの英文の意味はどうやってとるのでしょうか?(the dandelion clock はタンポポの綿毛?it is time to set off=出発の時間である? from up byの前置詞が繋がっているところがよくわかりません) thatは関係代名詞でしょうか?先行詞はthe three blinks of green from up by the dandelion clockですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    But I’ve seen that before: it’s the hairstyle she had when I first knew her. And she is five years older. But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don’t understand. (前回の終わりの部分です) We drag our cases up the staircase of the sixteenth-century palazzo hidden away in the backstreets near the Duomo and sign in. The proprietor glances approvingly at Anna and nods to me as he shows us to our room. Inside, she goes straight to the windows, opens them to let in the sound and light of the city afternoon. ‘Well, we got here,’ she says. ‘We did.’ She slings her cases on the bed and looks around. ‘Huge room. How can it be this big and still be so cheap?’ ‘It’s out of season,’ I say, shrugging. ‘And we have to eat out.’ ‘Suits me. God, I’m stiff. My feet are killing me.’ She’s kicking off her shoes as she speaks. ‘There’s time for a shower, isn’t there? You don’t want to rush off and do anything right away?’ ‘No. Fine by me.’ ‘Good. I’m going to soak myself. I feel all shrivelled up, like a prune.’ I make a face, and she laughs. ‘I do. It’s flying. I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towels.’ She’s going round the room inspecting things. ‘And a writing-desk. That’s nice. I had the most awful flight. You should have seen who I had to sit next to.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。AnnaはAlexの幼なじみです。 How can it be this big and still be so cheap?'と聞いている個所ですが、‘It’s out of season,’「シーズンを外しているからだよ」(合っているでしょうか?)と答えているので、どうやってこの大きくてそんなに安い部屋が取れたの?みたいな感じの事を聞いているのでしょうか? stillは「その上」、という意味ですか? ‘No. Fine by me.’はどうやって意味をとるのでしょうか?Noと言っているのはAnnaのセリフを受けて、何もしたくないよ、と答えていると思うのですが。Fine by meがわかりません。 ‘Good. I’m going to soak myself. I feel all shrivelled up, like a prune.’ I make a face, and she laughs.で、彼女が笑ったのは、Alexが顔を作ったからですか?I make a faceはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか? I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towelsこの流れがわかりません。飛ぶことは嫌いだ、と言っていてExcellent素晴らしい?they’ve given us towelsのtheyは誰を指しているのでしょうか?? たくさんの質問ですみません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください

    There is a second door through to the bathroom, and from this comes the sound of water hissing on tiles, sometimes constant, sometimes shifting its pitch. I realize after listening for a while that the changes must be Anna moving about under the flow, blocking it more and less from moment to moment with her body.(前回の終わりの部分です) The moment I realize this, I am imagining seeing her: the water on her skin, her head back, hair drenched and clinging, the slenderness of her neck and body. It is as if the wall has dissolved for a second and I can see through it. I feel something clench in the pit of my stomach at the sight of her, and then I force the image from my mind. I actually make myself shake my head and smile ruefully, as if someone might be watching me and checking my reaction – is he her lover or her friend? – and I have to be seen to do the right thing. But it is difficult to get her out of my head. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。文中のherは、Alexの幼なじみの女性(Anna)を指しています。 I feel something clench in the pit of my stomach at the sight of her, and then I force the image from my mind.の I force the image from my mind.についてですが、the imageはsomething clench in the pit of my stomach (何かがみぞおちで固まる、というイメージ)で、forceはそのイメージを心から出す、ということですか? 最後の方の、I have to be seen to do the right thing.私は正しい事をすることを見られる必要がある、ですか?もう少し意訳するとどうなるでしょうか? But it is difficult to get her out of my head.私の頭の外へ彼女を得ることは難しい?彼女を頭の中から取り出せない、みたいな感じですか?(彼女のことを考えたくないのに、考えてしまう、みたいな感じでしょうか?) 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ~Think you can come up with something for her?' In my head there is a ghost of a voice: my voice, lodged somewhere out of sight in a different time. It's still a crap joke, Jamie, I hear myself saying; and a moment later, there is the ghost of Jamie's voice also: All the best ones are. I say, ‘I'll try.'(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Good. I’ve been up to look over the gallery. Paul Horshot’s in charge. It’s going to be tremendous, Alex. There’s advance publicity coming out right now. Deborah’s working the press for us, and we’ll probably do a preview showing the day before it opens – get the reviews out on the day, which should be good. And Alan Harper wants you to say something at a kind of drinks and vol-au-vents bash, which I know isn’t your kind of thing, but would be very good for the momentum of it all. It’s – wait a moment – it’s two days before, on the twenty-second. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Alex? Alex, are you there?’ ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 And Alan Harper wants you to say something at a kind of drinks and vol-au-vents bash, which I know isn’t your kind of thing,~で、I know isn’t your kind of thingの個所がわからないのですが、”drinks and vol-au-vents bashについては君のわからない分野だと思うけど”、みたいなことを言っているのでしょうか? It’s – wait a moment – it’s two days before, on the twenty-second. で言っているのは、a preview showingがthe galleryがオープンする2日前に開かれる、ということですか?on the twenty-secondというのは22日?secondのところがわかりません。22日はtwenty-twoですか? It shouldn’t be too difficult.それは難しすぎる・・・shouldn't beの意味の取り方がわかりません。またitが指しているものはa preview showingですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所について教えてください。

    "The valley is sharp, and Altesa extends about a quarter of the way up it from the sea. The buildings of the town are huddled together between shoulders of land that rise on either side. From the very top of the town, the coast is only an hour’s walk away, if you’re young. You can go the whole way in bare feet in that time. The beaches are rocky, and there are inlets and coves hidden away which can be reached only by the cliffs, or by scrambling around promontories. In summer, the sea from the cliffs is hugely blue, like deeply fired ceramic, but glittering with motion. Gentle Mediterranean currents guide the shoals of fishes, and underwater the rocks are furred with weed and patterned with constantly moving bands of cool light." Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** Altesa extends about a quarter of the way up it from the sea.の個所について。 Altesaというのは地名だと思うのですが、about a quarter of the way up it from the sea.のところがわかりません。itはThe valleyですか?about a quarter(4分の1?) of the wayとは? The buildings of the town are huddled together between shoulders of land that rise on either side. の個所について。 shoulders of land that rise on either side.のところがよくわかりません。どんな感じなのでしょうか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    "It's Alex," I say. "Alex. How's Italy?" His voice sounds very far away; a bad connection, perhaps. "It's fine." "And the house and so on? Everything sorted out all right?" "Well---" I say. "Not yet. I mean, there's---" "Is it legal stuff?" he breaks in. "You don't need to worry about that kind of thing. You've seen the attorney there?" "Yes," I say. "I got the key from him yesterday. I was going to call in again on my way back. But it's not that. It's--- the place is really run down, Max." I grope for a way to explain it to him. "I mean, it's a terrible mess. I don't think anyone would touch it the way it is at the moment." "Oh," he says. "Yes. I see. Are there structural problems?" "I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, the verandah--the one my mother had---well, that's all rotted at one end. And the chimney's broken loose. From the stove. I think a storm did that. I've hardly had a proper look---I'm going to do that today. There are bound to be other things as well. I mean, there's a window broken in the room where I slept, and the garden's---the garden's awful. It needs work doing on it, that's all. It's mostly small things." ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 "I got the key from him yesterday. I was going to call in again on my way back. But it's not that. It's--- the place is really run down, Max." のBut it's not that. は、Alexが帰りの途中で代理人に電話をしなかった(いまだにしていない)、ということですか?itとthatの代名詞が使われていてよくわからなかったのですが。 "I mean, it's a terrible mess. I don't think anyone would touch it the way it is at the moment." のat the momentは、「今の所は」という意味だと思うのですが、 I don't think anyone would touch it at the moment.とすると 全体の意味が変わってしまうのでしょうか? the way it is at the moment.の個所について、なぜthe way it isが入っているのかがわかりません。 最後の方にあるIt needs work doing on it, that's all.のon itは庭で、ということですか?workは単に作業の意味でしょうか?修理ですか?that's allとありますがthatはAlexが話した家の壊れた個所のことですか?それですべてだよ、みたいな。 たくさんになってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    When it's sunny, the space around you here is white, all white, capped with blue, and the eye is drawn and caught by the bright scatter of water from the lion's mouth. Some things are different, I notice. The cafe is no longer. Toni's: the red, cursive script in the window reads Cafe Co-Co, and the chairs and tables now gathered in are plastic. Small details. They feel bright and brash on my eyes, intrusive. Up close, I know that the lion's face is almost as big as mine; but from a distance he looks small, like a toy or a tame lion. His eyes are dark and sometimes I think he looks sad. The tumble of mane around his face is deep brown, sea-brown, the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time. It's bronze. I know now; bronze like the sundial on the church wall, and some of the numbers on the gateposts. Like the dandelion clock, too. Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** They feel bright and brash on my eyes, intrusive. ここのintrusiveはどういう意味にとればよいですか? 辞書には(意見などの)押しつけ、(場所への)侵入、押し入り、などの意味があったのですが、よくわかりませんでした。 The tumble of mane around his face is deep brown, sea-brown, the color the metal he's made of goes after a long time. について tumbleの意味は”乱雑”ですか? the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time.はどのように読むのでしょうか?文の構造がわかりません。 It's bronze.のItは何を指しているのでしょうか? the tumble of mane around his faceですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    I actually make myself shake my head and smile ruefully, as if someone might be watching me and checking my reaction – is he her lover or her friend? – and I have to be seen to do the right thing. But it is difficult to get her out of my head.(前回の終わりの部分です) She has changed a lot in the five years since I last saw her. I see it the moment I catch sight of her in the airport in Pisa – a difference about her I would never have guessed at. It’s the same when we embrace: something that has altered, something I can feel for the short time I’m holding her, before she pulls away and grins and we start to talk. I keep looking. I can’t help it. Even on the train I keep stealing glances at her, hoping she won’t realize. And I keep trying to find what the things are that have changed; and I keep failing. She has her hair shorter now, to the nape of her neck rather than to her shoulders. But I’ve seen that before: it’s the hairstyle she had when I first knew her. And she is five years older. But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don’t understand. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。She(Anna)はAlexの幼なじみです。 I see it the moment I catch sight of her in the airport in Pisaのitは彼女が変わってしまったことですか? a difference about her I would never have guessed at.彼女が変わってしまうなんて思いもしなかった、みたいな意味でしょうか? It’s the same when we embrace: something that has altered, something I can feel for the short time I’m holding her, before she pulls away and grins and we start to talk.が全体的によくわからないのですが、 It’s the same when we embrace私たちが抱合う時は同じです?(意味がよくわかりません) :のマークがついていてsomething~と繰り返されているのが読み取れません。 before she pulls away and grins and we start to talk.彼女が身を引き離し、歯を見せて笑い、そして私たちが話し始める前に、ですか?(このbefore以下の内容がなぜsomething that has altered, something I can feel for the short time I’m holding her,の後に必要なのかがよくわかりません。) But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don't understand.のwhen I isolate themのthemはthe physical changes のことだと思うのですが、それらを分離する(isolate)、とはどういうことなのでしょうか? たくさんになってしまいましたが教えてください。お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 (1)the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep,while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. (2)Through want and hard hunger they gnaw the dry and desolate ground.

  • わからない個所を教えてください。1

    A bunch of wild myrtle hung at the window will keep the flies away. I go happily along with her, sometimes running ahead and waiting for her to catch me up, sometimes carrying her basket for her. (前回の終わりの部分です) We walk for a long time, further than I have ever been before; I can’t see our house any longer, and the countryside around us is full of the sounds of crickets and the quieter, daytime cicadas. We pass a few derelict buildings, and two which clearly still have people living in them: in the fenced-in yard of one, a big brown dog raises his head gently from where he is lying in the shade, but doesn’t seem able to work up the enthusiasm to bark at us. At last, just as Lena is saying that maybe we should be heading back, I see a bridge ahead of us in the dirt road. ‘Lena – a bridge!’ She smiles. ‘Go on, then.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は現在からまた過去のシーンに戻っているように思われます。 She smiles. ‘Go on, then.’ のthenはどういう意味になるのでしょうか? 「進んで、・・・?」 教えてください。 お願いします。