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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:時事英語の質問です)



  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> In 1960 he revised the security treaty in a way that gave the U.S. largely what it wanted while leaving Japan with the appearance of greater parity.  ここでの while は 「他方では」 という意味合いを持っています。「米側の希望に沿ってやったが、その代わりこちらとしても ・・・」 というニュアンスを持っています。  「米側の要求を大幅に呑んでやった代りに、日米がより対等の立場に立てるような余地を残した」 のような感じです。  ここせの pre-imperialist は 「imprist がはびこる以前の日本」 ということだから、対外的に領土を求めていた帝国主義的な国家になる前の状態、すなわち江戸時代のように日本列島のみを自国の領土とすること (littleJapan) に甘んじていた状態に戻ることを言っています。要するに帝国主義を放棄した状態ということです。



回答ありがとうございます。 大体分かりました。


  • 時事英語で分からない箇所があります

    続けて質問させていただきます。 下文でWhat right other than than that of conquest, の部分の意味が解りません。thanが2つもあるのはミスプリですか? 宜しくお願いします。 In the South China Sea region, where China claims "undisputed sovereignty," Abe and senior LDP officials joined the U.S. in criticizing China's reclamation projects and its building of airstrips and port facilities in the contested Spratly archipelago and Paracel Islands. The U.S. and Japan interpose themselves in these disputes and support their claims. China's diplomats answer back, asking, "What right other than than that of conquest, does the U.S. have to act as arbitrator of Asian-Pacific affairs?"

  • Issue of comfort woman...

    It is all the matter of the Comfort woman facilities in accord with the Korean Peninsula. ・ Comfort woman facilities at the time of World War II  → Korean ran it, and a Korean woman had anything to do with the Japanese military. ・ Comfort woman facilities at the time of the Korean War  → Korea Government orders it, and a Korean runs it,   A Korean woman had anything to do with U.S. forces, the Korean military. In Korea [only the comfort woman of the Japanese military partner be argued  About the comfort woman of partner of the U.S. forces and the Korean military, nothing is discussed] [The comfort woman of the U.S. forces, and the Korean military files a suit in the Korean government] They are why, and Korea and the United States d'not reflect on an own country Will you criticize Japan? The Korean does'nt tell the truth to criticize Japan!! →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqmWOSV--mE

  • 構造分析お願いします

    Typhoon,however,strike Japan with somewhat greater frequency and usually with more destructiveness to life and property,since the greater part of the Japanese population is concentrated on the seacoasts of southwestern Japan where the typhoons first come ashore. これの訳と構造分析お願いします

  • 英文についての質問です。

    下記英文に関していくつか質問があります。 The premier also said a consultation body should be set up among the ruling and opposition parties to explore the issue, and the secretaries general of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and its two junior coalition partners agreed later in the day to set up the panel and to urge the opposition to join it, participants said. Hatoyama’s eagerness to seek a ban on corporate donations comes at a time when the Liberal Democratic Party and other opposition parties have been grilling the DPJ-led coalition government over funding scandals in which DPJ lawmakers have been embroiled, such the prime minister himself and DPJ Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa (1)1行目にあるthe secretaries general と 4行目DPJ Secretary General  はどのように違いますか? (2)4行目のin which DPJ のinってどうゆう意味がありますか? (3)3行目のcomes at a time ってどう訳せばよろしいでしょうか? (4)Hatoyama’s eagerness の ’s は所有格でしょうか?とするとtoは  必要ありますか?宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    At this time the united states was still the over-whelmingly dominant force in the relationship. japanese foreign policy was tired very closely to the Western bloc in the cold war. Not only was japanese security guaranteed by the american military, but the fledgling japanese economic miracle was dependent upon its ties to the american economy. The Amer-icanization of japan was becoming more evident every year. Major changes were bound to follow the steady increase in the strength of the japanese economy. the first japanese surplus in the balance of trade came in 1965. From that year until 1969 the U.S. and Japan maintained a relatively balanced trade. In 1969 Japan accumulated a surplus of almost one billion dollars and, with the exception of a few years in the middle of the 1970s, never looked back.The growing power of the japanese economy was forcing changes in the relationship.

  • 英字新聞の読み方

    ネットで英字新聞を読み始めました。 4月30日早朝の記事で、 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 【was set to address】 a joint session of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday morning to underscore that the two nations’ solid bilateral ties are conducive to the peace and stability of the world. In the planned 40-minute English speech, 【Abe was to recall】 the postwar era in which Japan and the United States, after reconciliation, became strong allies sharing basic values, and express his determination to open up a new era with the United States. Abe 【was to stress】 the importance of the alliance, saying, “Let us call the U.S.-Japan alliance, an alliance of hope.” Abe 【was to announce】 that Japan will contribute to global peace and stability by closely working with the United States. とありました。(【 】は私が付与) 「未来のことにはtoプラス動詞の原形」と一つ覚えでしたが、これら【 】のBe動詞が何故過去形なのでしょうか? 初心者の質問ですが、宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    During the 19th century, the major European powers went to great lengths to maintain a balance of power throughout Europe, resulting in the existence of a complex network of political and military alliances throughout the continent by 1900.[20] These began in 1815, with the Holy Alliance between Prussia, Russia, and Austria. When Germany was united in 1871, Prussia became part of the new German nation. Soon after, in October 1873, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck negotiated the League of the Three Emperors (German: Dreikaiserbund) between the monarchs of Austria-Hungary, Russia and Germany. This agreement failed because Austria-Hungary and Russia could not agree over Balkan policy, leaving Germany and Austria-Hungary in an alliance formed in 1879, called the Dual Alliance. This was seen as a method of countering Russian influence in the Balkans as the Ottoman Empire continued to weaken.[9] This alliance expanded, in 1882, to include Italy in what became the Triple Alliance.[21] Bismarck had especially worked to hold Russia at Germany's side in an effort to avoid a two-front war with France and Russia. When Wilhelm II ascended to the throne as German Emperor (Kaiser), Bismarck was compelled to retire and his system of alliances was gradually de-emphasised. For example, the Kaiser refused, in 1890, to renew the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia. Two years later, the Franco-Russian Alliance was signed to counteract the force of the Triple Alliance. In 1904, Britain signed a series of agreements with France, the Entente Cordiale, and in 1907, Britain and Russia signed the Anglo-Russian Convention. While these agreements did not formally ally Britain with France or Russia, they made British entry into any future conflict involving France or Russia a possibility, and the system of interlocking bilateral agreements became known as the Triple Entente.[9]

  • 英語ができる人、この英文をやくしていただけませんか

    In 1995, 94.5% of the wood material used was produced in the country. However, with the nation’s rapid economic expansion there was a surge in demand for more wood material. With the rise of the strong yen, Japan bought more things from abroad, and material produced in Japan fell to 45.0% by 1970. Afterwards, this figure fell even further, and by 2000 the percentage of wood material produced in the country was only 18.2%. A large percentage of imported wood is wood pulp, the basic material for paper products.

  • 続編:英語訳が上手くいきません。。

    内容は自衛隊の歴史についてです。 特に後半の日本語がおかしくなってしまいます。 どなたかに訂正やご教授願えたら幸いです。 Japan's approach towards security policy,its strategic bargain with the US and the assumptions underlying the Yoshida doctorine have undergone significant questioning since the end of the Cold War. This has resulted in a re-intensified debate in Japan on future security opitons,and muves to accelerate,if not yet fully break,the pattern of incremental change in Japan's security policy;to reconsider the asymmetries of the bilateral alliance;and to assume a more direct role in regional security. The overall consequence has been to set in train fundamental shifts in Japan's post-war security trajectory towards demonstrating greater military proactivity. 『防衛政策、戦略に基づくアメリカとの協力と吉田ドクトリンがあるという前提を考えての日本のアプローチは、冷戦の終わりから重要な疑問を投げかけてきた。 このことは日本内の再検討で将来の防衛選択肢を解決し、まだ完璧に実現しないとしても、日米相互協調の不均衡を再検討したり、局地防衛へのもっと直接的な関与を考えるといった日本防衛政策での変化傾向を助長する。 その結果、戦後日本の防衛軌道のなか軍事先取りを示すことを考えて一連の順序で基本的変化を目指した。』

  • 英語 長文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    how we got here perry's display of american technology and weaponry was succesful in opening japan, and during the first three decades of the meiji period the U.S. served as a model for japanese modernization, but it was never an equal relationship. americans were the teachers and were more than happy in their role, teaching the japanese everything from english to baseball to military strategy. they believed that God had given them the best country and the best civiliza-tion in the word, and that their duty was to spread their culture to others.