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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:『The Lovebirds』2)

The Lovebirdsとは?


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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。it was the loveliest thing that~のthatは関係代名詞ですか?  はい、そうです。 2。it=to have a lovebird sitting on your fingerですか?  はい、そうです。 3。that wasn't allはit wasn't allにはできないのでしょうか?  出来ない事はないと思います。  ただ単語が短くなると(例えば that が it になると)それだけ軽くなります。スーザンの一生で最も重要な出来事、と言った後で一挙に it に格下げするのは、不自然と思われたのでしょう。



that wasn't allについて、スーザンの一生で最も重要な出来事、と言った後なので重きを置いてthatにしたということですね。なるほどです。 他の質問もご回答ありがとうございました!


  • 『The Lovebirds』

    Eleanor Farjeonの『The Lovebirds』という短編からの質問です。(これで最後です) In time Marion and Cyril and Helen and Hugh stopped going to school. They had lost their fortunes long ago, and forgotten all about them. And Marion married the chemist's young man, and Cyril sat all day in an office, and Helen never happened to marry at all, and Hugh never happened to do anything whatever. But Susan Brown kept her fortune all her life. By day she kept it in her pocket, and by night she kept it under her cheek. She didn't know what was in it, because she couldn't read. But it was a rose-pink fortune, and she hadn't had to buy it--it had been given to her. (The End) ******************* 一番最後の But it was a rose-pink fortune, and she hadn't had to buy it--it had been given to her.のところで、But it was a rose-pink fortune(しかしそれはローズピンクの幸運でした)とあり、a rose-pink fortuneがどういう幸運だったのかは具体的な説明がありません。 これは読者の想像に任せる、という狙いでしょうか? 前文になります: The cat turned away as though it was thinking of something else, and Susan put her hand down to the lovebird, and the lovebird hopped on to her finger. Now to have a lovebird sitting on your finger is as lovely a thing as anyone can wish for on a summer day; it was the loveliest thing that had happened to Susan Brown in all her life. But that wasn't all; for just as they got to the cage-door the lovebird stretched out its beak, and picked a rose-pink fortune from the packet, and gave it to Susan. She couldn't believe it was true, but it was. She put the lovebird in the cage, and went back to her corner with her fortune in her hand. 教えていただけるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 「The Lovebirds」について

    1. Eleanor FarjeonのThe Lovebirdsという作品が私たちに伝えたいこととはなんですか?? 2. Susanが学校に行っていない理由 3. Susanが自分の年齢をちゃんと認識できていない理由 4. 12時半に学校が終わる理由、早い? 5. Now to have a Lovebird sitting on your finger is as lovely a thing as any one can wish for on a summer dayの部分について詳しく教えてください、意味についてもですが、summer dayな理由についても教えていただきたいです 6. 最後の、But it was a rose-pink fortune, and she hadn't had to buy itーit had been given to her の部分について詳しくお願いします。これは幸運は買うものではなくて与えられるものだ、みたいなことでしょうか、昔くじを買った子供たちはくじの内容通りにはなっていないが、スーザンについては文字が読めないので、なにかこの作品が伝えたいテーマに繋がっているんでしょうか、 7. and by night she kept it(her rose-pink fortune) under her cheek. これは、嬉しくて、頬を赤らめているという意味でしょうか 教えていただける範囲で構わないので、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 『The Lovebirds』1

    Eleanor Farjeonの『The Lovebirds』という短編からの質問です。 But one day, when the children had gone, and Old Dinah was nodding in the sun, something lovely happened. The door of the lovebirds' cage had been left open a little by accident, and one of them got out. Old Dinah, asleep on her corner, didn't see. But Susan, awake on hers, did see. She saw the little green bird hop from its perch and flutter to the pavement. She saw it run along the kerb a little way, and she saw a thin cat crouch in the gutter. Susan's heart gave such a jump that it made her body jump too. She jumped before the cat did, and ran across the road crying, "Shoo!" ******************** Susan's heart gave such a jump that it made her body jump too.のところはどうやって読むのでしょうか? such~that構文だと思うのですが、 スーザンの気持ちは非常にジャンプを与えたので、彼女の体もジャンプさせた、ですか? なんとなくしっくりこない感じです。 教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 『The Lovebirds』1

    Eleanor Farjeonの『The Lovebirds』という短編からの質問です。 At the end of the street stood the School. On the right-hand street corner sat Old Dinah the gypsy, who kept a pair of lovebirds in a cage. And on the left-hand street corner sat Susan Brown, who sold bootlaces. Susan thought she was about nine years old, but she never quite knew. As for Old Dinah's age, it was too great to be remembered, and she had forgotten it long ago. Susan thought she was about nine years old, but she never quite knew.について スーザンは自分が大体9歳ぐらいだろうと思っていました、しかし彼女は決してはっきりとはわかりませんでした? quiteの訳し方は合っているでしょうか? 教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 『The Lovebirds』2

    Eleanor Farjeonの『The Lovebirds』という短編からの質問です。 At half-past twelve every morning, when school was over, the little boys and girls ran out through the gates on the way home, and Susan Brown would remember it was dinner time; and she would begin to eat her bit of bread and dripping, and admire the little girls' hair-ribbons, and the little boys' boots without holes in them. Very often their bootlaces were broken and knotted together, for you know what bootlaces are, but Susan Brown never really expected the little boys to come and give her their penny for a new pair. Their mothers bought their bootlaces for them in a shop, and they wanted the penny for something else, for a top, or an ounce of bull's-eyes, or a balloon. And the little girls with their pennies got beads, or pear-drops, or a bunch of violets. But almost every day at least one or two of the little girls and boys would stop in front of Old Dinah's lovebirds, and hold out their pennies and say, "I want a fortune, please." Very often their bootlaces were broken and knotted together, for you know what bootlaces areについて were broken and knotted togetherの個所がよくわからないのですが、 靴ひもが切れて一緒に結ばれている、というのは切れた個所を結んで使っている、ということですか? for you know what bootlaces areは、「というのは、靴ひもがどういうものかわかっていると思いますが」という感じですか? a topとan ounce of bull's-eyesはそれぞれ何を意味しているのでしょうか? topはコマですか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 『The Lovebirds』

    Eleanor Farjeonの『The Lovebirds』という短編からの質問です。 Whenever a child came to buy a penny fortune, Old Dinah said, "Put your finger in the cage, Ducky!" And when the child did so, one of the two lovebirds hopped on to the finger and was brought out with a flutter of wings. Then Old Dinah held out the fortunes in a little packet of folded papers, pink, and green, and purple, and blue, and yellow, that always hung outside the cage-door. And the wonderful lovebird picked out one of the fortunes with its curved beak, and the child took it. But just how did the lovebird know just which was the right fortune for that child?--the children put their heads together over the little coloured papers, and wondered. "What's your fortune, Marion?" "I'm going to marry a King. It's a purple one. What's yours, Cyril?" "A green one. I'm to go a long journey. What's Helen's?" "I got a yellow one," said Helen, "and I'm to have seven children. What's your fortune, Hugh?" "I'm to succeed in all my undertakings. It's blue," said Hugh. Then they ran home to their dinners. Susan Brown sat listening with all her ears. How beautiful to have a fortune! If only she had a penny to spare! But Susan Brown never had a penny to spare, and not often any other sort of penny, either. ************************** "Put your finger in the cage, Ducky!"について ここでのDuckyとはどういう意味ですか? the children put their heads together over the little coloured papers, and wondered.について ここはどうやって読むのでしょうか? over the little coloured papersのoverのところがよくわかりません。 質問文の英文で説明している"a penny fortune"とは、おおまかに言うと lovebird が色紙をくちばしで選んでその子供に合った幸運を当てる、ということなのでしょうか? (例えば、I'm going to marry a King. It's a purple one.と言っているのですが、紫色=王様と結婚するという設定は予め決められていて、子供達には"a penny fortune"を買う前に周知なことになっているのでしょうか?) 教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • asの用法

    The lead singer was ill and her substitute wasn't nearly as good. これは The lead singer was ill and her substitute wasn't nearly as good as her. の省略形と考えればいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • The game was the thing とは

    下文中の The game was the thing. の訳と解説を、お願いします。 Jack Holbrook wasn't a professional gambler. But he dearly loved to bet. He called it wagering, and he would do it on anything from the Super Bowl to whether the next car coming around the corner would be foreign-made or domestic. Two bucks,ten, a hundred-it really didn't matter to Jack. The game was the thing. He was, and always had been, the most fiercely competitive man Brian had ever known.

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)My mom says it felt as though someone tapped her on the shoulder, but when she turned around no one was there. (2)It was then that she noticed I wasn't in sight. (3)She saw me in the pool, kicking and waving my arms in the air, trying to keep my head above the water. (4)She held me in her arms and thanked God that I was all right.

  • 和訳してください。

    英語に詳しい方、翻訳機を使わずに和訳してください。 細かい部分がよく理解できません。 I trying to convince her that she didn't need to ask me for everything, that I wasn't always right about everything, that she should speak up and stand up for herself and argue with me when I had the wrong idea... but she just didn't want to learn. Deep down inside, I discovered, she was the sort of woman who wanted a strong man to dominate her, whom she could lean on and rely on for anything she needed. She wanted to feel safe and taken care of. I don't think that's a bad thing on its own... but over those years I started to become a man I don't want to be: arrogant, controlling, overconfident. Like I couldn't help but enjoy all that power she was always giving me. But I don't want to be that man. And I don't want to live that relationship. I *have* to be able to grow, to learn, to always be taking life as a new lesson, but how can I do that if I'm never wrong about anything? It was too tempting, and it made me a darker person. So, though I loved her very much and it tore my heart to do it, I had to end our relationship. I was not the man she was looking for, even though she wanted me to be. And she was not the woman I have been looking for, even though I desperately loved her beauty and inner light