• ベストアンサー




みなさんのご回答どおり、if it were not for~で「~がなかったら」という意味を成す表現です。withoutやbut forで置き換え可能です。 ちなみに、仮定法過去完了では、if it had not been forです。 would never be beenですが、意味的に、受動的な意味ではないため、would never beでOKです。 また、be+being+p.p.という進行受動態の形はありますが、be+beenのbe動詞の受動態はありません。


  • 仮定法の書き換え文 合っているかみてもらえますか。

    (1)Were I as rich as he (=If I were as rich as he), I would travel abroad.  (彼ぐらいの金があれば海外旅行でもするのだが) (1)書き換え1⇒Being as rich as he, I would travel abroad. (2) If it were not for your quick play, our team would not win.      「君の素速いプレーがなければ、私たちのチームは勝たないだろう」 (2)書き換え1⇒If our team doesn’t have your quick play, we will not win. ↑もしかしたらwe will not win tomorrow.とかなったら仮定法現在でもいけるのでは? 勝てる可能性が増えてしまう?違う意味になるのかな? (2)書き換え2⇒If our team didn't have your quick play, we would not win.  ↑(2)が仮定法(過去形つかう分)で書かれているので、正しいのはやはり書き換え2になるのかな?●やはり「~がなければ」はit be動詞 not for 名詞 でないとだめでしょうか? (3)With your advice, the project would have succeeded. 「君のアドバイスがあったら計画は成功しだだろう」 (3)書き換え文1⇒If it had been for your advice, the project would’ve succeeded. (3)書き換え文2⇒If we had gotten your advice, the project would ‘ve succeeded. (4)A true friend would not betray you. (本当の友達ならあなたを裏切らないだろうに) =If you were a true friend, A true friend(he) would not betray you. (4)書き換え文1⇒Being a true friend, he wouldn’t betray you. (5)With a little more time, I could have solved the problem. (もう少し時間があれば、その問題を解けたのに) (5)書き換え文1⇒If I had had a little more time, I could ‘ve solved the problem. (5)書き換え文2⇒If I had a little more time, I could have solved the problem. ●(5)の場合書き換え文1と2では、どちらが正しいのでしょう? (5)書き換え文3⇒A little more time could’ve led me to solve the problem. (6) I would have forgiven him. 「私だったら彼を許したでしょう。」 (6)書き換え文1⇒If I had been you, I would’ve forgiven him. (7)I don't know his address; otherwise I would write to him. 彼の住所を知りません。 さもなければ手紙を書くでしょう。 (7)書き換え文1⇒ I don’t know his address. If I knew his address, I would write to him. すみません、多いですが、以上です。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 仮定法で困っています。

    英語の仮定法の問題で困っています。一応自分でやってみたので、間違っているところがあったら指摘してください。 Q空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の(1)~(4)のうちから1つずつ選んでください。 (1)I could have gotten much more for the painting if I (  ) it overseas. (1)had sold (2)would sell (3)have sold (4)sold 自分の答え→(2) (2)(  ) your help, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this project. (1)Were not it for (2)If it had not for (3)Had it not been for (4)If it is not for 自分の答え→(1) (3)I do not deny that your information was invaluable. (  ) it, I could never have formed our plan. (1)Far from (2)In spite of (3)With (4)Without 自分の答え→(4) (4)Had I known you were coming to Tokyo, I (  ) to the station to meet you. (1)would have gone (2)didn't go (3)had gone (4)would go 自分の答え→(3) (5)The man at the window must be a spy, since he works slowly and keeps looking around. A real cleaner (  ) the windows twice. (1)had never washed (2)was not washing (3)would not wash (4)did not wash 自分の答え→(3) 問題は以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 過去の仮定文

    下記の過去の事実なんで、その事実に反する、ありそうもない過去の仮定文に書きかえてみたんですが、これで合っているでしょうか? 1.I did not take better notes, since I did not know that question was going to be on the examination. Ans.>I did take good notes for examination. 2.I did not bring my tennis racket and shoes, since I did not know that you were looking for a partner. Ans.>I did bring my tennis racket and shoes, because I did know that you were looking for a partner.

  • 仮定法の英訳について

    自分なりに仮定法を用いて訳してみたのですが、間違いの箇所があれば指摘していただけますか? (1)来年3月までで、私は4年間大学にいることになる。 (2)模試私がそこにいたなら、彼が研究をまとめるのを手伝えたのに。 (3)もしあなたが踊りのグループの中の一つのグループのメンバーにならないとしても、それでも参加することが出来る。 (1)I would have been in university in University for four years until next March. (2)If I had been there, I could have helped him of his research. (3)If you were not to be a member of th dancing groups, however, you could perticipate in the festival. よろしくお願いします。

  • 仮定法を使った英文

    If it were not for you, I would not succeed. の前後にI think をつけても問題はないのですか? つまり、 I think that if it were not for you, I would not succeed. または If it were not for you, I would not succeed, I think . おわかりになる方教えてください。

  • 1、仮定法過去 2、仮定法過去完了 3、1と2が合わさった文

    はじめまして仮定法でつまずいてます。 1、仮定法過去は(~だったら・・・なのにね) If it weren't raining, we could play football. 雨が降ってなかったら、サッカーできたのにね。 2、仮定法過去完了(~だったら・・・だったのに) If I had known you were free, I would have asked you to come with us. あなたが暇だって知ってたら、一緒に行こうって誘ってたのに 3、1と2が合わさった文 If we had left an hour earlier,we would be at the hotel. 1時間前に出発していれば、今頃ホテルにいたのに。 質問です 1,2の違いがわかりません 2の文はIf I knew you were free,I would ask you to come with us. としてはいけないのですか?そうしたら何か変ってしまいますか? 3の文を If we left an hour earlier,we would have been at the hotel. の文にしてはだめですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 仮定法過去 大過去でこんがらかってます。

    海外のサイトの文法クイズです。 ①Need to choose 1)or 2) as a correct clause; If I hadn't got this job, 1)I wouldn't have been able to use what I learned into practice. 2)I wouldn't be able to use what I learned into practice. The answer is 2). 良い例文 “If you hadn’t saved me then, I would have died.”から考えると、1)過去のある時点で、I got the job then.してて、I was able to use my career...だったから I would't have been~.と思っています。 答えの2)I wouldn't be able to use what I learned into practice.から考えると、「ひょっとしたら使えてない。」の意味は過去のある時点を示唆してないと思うので、ここに過去の出来事のニュアンスを入れるために I wouldn't have been able to~にすべきだと思うのですが、なぜ2)だけが正解だと言っているのでしょうか? ②Need to choose 1)or 2) as a correct clause; "James is always lazy. He failed a test last week." 1)If you weren't so lazy, you would pass that test. 2)If you hadn't been so lazy, you would pass that test. The answer is just 2). これも同じような理由で、He failed a test last week.なら  , you would have passed that test. と両方の選択肢文を訂正すべきだと思っています。 この②のクイズが2)If you hadn't been so lazy,を選ぶのは何となく解ります(James is always lazy.⇒James was lazy that day as usual.からIf you hadn't been lazy, なんですよね。) If 仮定法大過去 clauseにつなげる文の時制がわからくなりました。御願いします。 A good example sentence is "If I were a bird, I could fly to you." “If you hadn’t saved me then, I would have died.” the action James made in the past is expressed "If you hadn't been so lazy,(you were lazy that day as usual.),then "you would have passed that test. According to 1), now James is lazy. So his possibility to pass the test is quitelow. If he were According to 2),James was lazy that morning as usual. So he failed a test then. In this case,is the correct sentence that If you hadn't been so lazy, you would have passed that test, isn't it? Why is only "you would pass that test" correct?

  • 仮定法

    If I had been told so then,I( ) happier now.の()にあてはまる答えなんですが、選択肢が4つあって①would be ②will be ③am ④have been なんですけど私は④だと思ったんですが①でした。 ①である理由を簡単に説明してくださる方教えてください

  • 日本語訳を教えてください!

    (1)One of your duties will be some light typing. (2)She would like a real raise, not just a few dollar (3)The software company offers training in Atlanta (4)There will be a holiday on Monday. (5)Our department has never been this productive before. 上記の5つの英文ですが的確な日本語訳が分かりませんので、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら教えて頂きたいです。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします If it were not for computers, our world would be quite different from what it is now.