• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

neither を用いるなら、neither in Japan nor in other countries とかでしょうね。 内容的にも 2 の not unusual で内容的にも合います。 結婚式のギフトとしてお金をあげることは日本では異常というわけではない。 単なる誤植でしょうね。


  • 私の英作は間違ってますか?

    教えてください。 解答は、"Italy is as poor in natural resources as Japan is."です。 私の英作は、"Italy has as poor natural resources as Japan has."です。 間違っていますか?

  • "as many of you as"の文法的解説

    次の英文例の中の"as many of you as"がわかりません。どなたかご解説いただけないでしょうか。 For as many of you as were baptized into Chirist have put on Christ. 「as A as B」 は 「Bと同じくらいA」 ですよね。 この文例の場合、二つめのasの後にBに相当するものが無いように思え、理解できずにいます。 ちなみに、前後の文章は次のようになっています。 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文

    「彼が息子を自慢するのは最もである」 という和文ですが,解答において,may well は現代あまり使われていないとかいてあって,解答例には, It is not surprising that~とあるのですが, It is natural that he is proud of his son. でも言いと思いますか?

  • 英作文の添削お願いします

    問題  Write your answer in English giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it. Space exploration is a waste of money. 答え    I think space exploration is a waste of money. You may say that there are potential benefits which you will obtain in exploring it. However, it is only about 50years since human beings got tp the surface of the moon, so it is seemed to me that it will take great time, therefore, it will cost too much money until we surely make a great success exploring it. Also,we have many problems which we should pay money for, such as solving environmental problem, the poverty in developing countries. These problems must be solved as early as possible. In my conclusion, we pay money for something else rather than the unreliable projects.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Apple Music: Please Add Song Credits to your Platform! With the touch of a button we can stream tracks, explore genres, artists and albums, and even read the lyrics of the songs we listen to within the Apple Music platform...but nowhere can listeners find the names of the songwriters, musicians, engineers and producers who created the music. It's not just about giving credit where credit is due, it’s about giving us the experience we want as music consumers.

  • 英作文です。

    次の英作文お願いします。 与えられた日本文に合うように(  )に適語をいれて英作しなさい。 1.ルーシーほど気をくばる人はいない。   I don't know (      ) than Lucy. 2.統計によれば、中国の人口は日本の8倍ある。   Statistics (             ). 私の答えは  1.I don't know a person who is more careful than Lucy.  2.Statistics show that China has population  eight times as large as that of Japan.  または Statistics show that the population of   China is eight times as large as that of Japan.  1。気を配るという単語が思い浮かびません。  2.はどちらでがいいですか。  1.2.とも間違いがあれば教えてください。  また別の書き方があればお願いします。

  • 文法問題が分かる方、御願い致します

    問1 次の【 】に注目しながら,各文が英語として正しい文かどうかを答えなさい。正しければ「容認可能」で,正しくなければ「容認不可能」で答えなさい。 Lisa is a confident,glad child.      (1)容認可能 (2)容認不可能 問2 Jeff was utter in Russian.    (1)容認可能 (2)容認不可能 問3 Mr. Laver is definitely more clever than Mr. Smith.    (1)容認可能 (2)容認不可能 問4 George was not a well man.    (1)容認可能 (2)容認不可能 問5 Lynn very resembles her father.    (1)容認可能 (2)容認不可能 問6 次の空欄に入れるべき形容詞・副詞の形を,選択肢から選びなさい。 Which is ( ) from Japan, the United States or India?    (1)far (2)farther (3)furthest (4)farthest 問7 The ( ) half of the movie was quite interesting.     (1)late (2)later (3)latter (4)latest 問8 Australia is about twenty times as ( ) as Japan    (1)large (2)larger (3)largest (4)the largest 問9 Nothing is ( ) than health.    (1)precious (2)preciouser (3)more precious (4)presiousest 問10 Suzanne danced ( ) of all the contestants.    (1)good (2)well (3)better (4)best 問11 次の空欄に入れるべき前置詞を,選択肢から選びなさい。 Justine will be waiting ( ) the station now.    (1)at (2)for (3)into (4)on 問12 There is a clock ( ) the wall.    (1)at (2)from (3)on (4)with 問13 Is this the train ( ) Nagoya?    (1)at (2)for (3)in (4)till 問14 Louise married ( ) her.    (1)above (2)to (3)up (4)with 問15 Our baby was born ( ) February 24th in 2007.    (1)at (2)in (3)of (4)on 問16 Please return this book to this library ( ) Saturday.    (1)by (2)till (3)to (4)toward 問17 I haven’t seen Ken ( ) Monday.    (1)after (2)before (3)from (4)since 問18 We paid a visit to a lot of temples ( ) my stay in Kamakura.    (1)among (2)between (3)during (4)at 問19 Max shot the bear ( ) his gun.    (1)at (2)by (3)in (4)with 問20 Wine is made ( ) grapes.    (1)by (2)from (3)of (4)with

  • 大学入試英作文添削

    大学入試英作文添削 前に質問をしたものです よろしければ添削していただけるとありがたいです よろしくお願いします 次のテーマについて、あなたの意見を80字以上の英語でまとめよ(添削していただく文は語数足りてます) テーマ  Supermarkets should stop giving free plastic shopping bags? 私の解答  In my opinion,I think that supermarkets should giving free plastic shopping bags. This is because,to stop giving free plastic shopping bags can reduce wastes and protect the environment. Of course some people may think that they do not want to pay money for plastic shopping bags ,but I think that it is more important to reduce wastes and protect the environment than to save a little money. That is why I agree with the opinion that supermarkets should stop giving free plastic shopping bags.

  • 日本の財政問題について英作文を作ってみました。

    Japan is confronted with which is financial crisis problem. First, it problem is gradually increase the amount of the national debt. Now amount of the national debt is about 9 hundred trillion yen. Japanese national debt is increase in about one million yen in one minute. There are about sixteen million to a household. Greece finance was fell through but even Japanese economy is on the verge of collapse about to fall apart. If gradually more increase the amount of the national debt, Japanese economy is no doubt end in failure. Secondly, it problem is member of the Diet, which have too many member of the Diets and a member of the Diet’s too high salary. Number of Japanese member of the Diet is about 7 hundred thirty two people. It is felt that there are a lot of numbers of member of the Diet members in Japan even if it sees worldwide or it sees personally and objectively. There are a lot of numbers of member of the Diet members for the population. There is sleeping Diet member when member of the Diet is held and the discussion is done. The salary paid to such an assembly member is indeed useless money. No impossible problem this, and exist. Such Diet member doesn't have the qualification who is the assembly member and not have the qualification that receives one's salary either. Eyes of the society do not permit it though it is permitted to keep getting a position a private company in the law. The people who receive a large sum of retirement allowance in getting a position a private company and run away are like stealing money in the country and money of the independent administrative agency. Many politicians spend money in the country and meal and the amusement. Actually, eyes of the society won't permit it of course though it is permitted in the law. This can easily spend money in the country only because it writes the purpose to spend money on the document at random. For Diet members in Japan, Shinkansen is the unlimited rides. This is also indeed strange. Thirdly, it problem is waste of the provinces, it is putting out. The provinces have received the aid money from the country every year. The aid money can be used by making various fiscal programs. However, there is then putting out problem of brightness. It is money that is spent to construct the road and gotten. If the gotten subsidy is not exhausted, the subsidy is decreased from the age of entertainment. Therefore, the subsidy is tried even if it exhausts it by unnecessary construction. This road works concentrate in February from November. Fourth, it problem is Tohoku earthquake. Economic shock due to the Tohoku earthquake is very large. The economy of Japan and industry do not operate and cannot be restarted. The nuclear plant has destroyed it. The trust of Tokyo Electric Power Company swings by the influence, and the credibility to Japanese businesses and the stock has weakened. The economy of Japan will not recover at a dash. Japan will recover slowly. These four problems are truly terrible and make financial crisis in Japan. 添削をお願いします!文法語法のミスなど教えていただければと思います。

  • 中学英文法

    (1) As she was very tired,she decided not to go swimming. He stayed home all day because it was reinning. Asとbecauseは理由をあらわしますが、(~なので、~だから) 使い分けがあるのでしょうか? それとも全く同じと考えていいのでしょうか? (2)Althoughとthoughの使い分け 両方とも訳は(~けれども)と書いてあるので(1)のように悩んでいます。 (3)琵琶湖はすべての日本の湖の中で一番大きい。 Lake Biwa is bigger than all lakes of Japan. Lake Biwa is bigger than lakes in Japan "すべての日本の湖" この部分の英語がわかりません。  どなたか詳しい方よろしくお願いします。