• 締切済み



  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9770/12171)

以下のとおりお答えします。(意訳しすぎた部分があるかも知れませんが、悪しからずご了承ください。) ストックトンは、もっと大きなスーツケースを使って訓練し続けても、またうまくやります。 「でかしたね。これをよくでかしたね、ストックトン?」バッグの上にストックトンが座ると、ヘルトが尋ねます。 「いい子だ! それ、ご褒美だ! 肉のご褒美だぞ! いい子だね!」 しかし、ストックトンにとって物事がいつもそううまくいくわけではありません。 次の一連のテストで、彼は幾つか間違いをしてしまいます。 座ることが想定される時なのに、寝そべってしまったのです。 また別のテストでは、先走っていって、ヘルトから離れてしまうので、結局ヘルトが、「どこへ行くんだっけ? 待て!」などの指示を彼に思い出させなければならなくなるのです。 そういう時、彼は犬に冗談ぽく言います。「私と一緒にやらなきゃだめだよ。私がお前のパートナーなんだからね、分かってるね?」 けれどもその間中ヘルトはストックトンに微笑みかけ、激励し続けます。 たとえそれが重大な仕事であっても、それは動物にとっては常に楽しいものであることが必要なのです。 でなければ、検出犬であることに何の得があるでしょうか? ヘルトは、これらの有能な犬に必要な資質について説明します。「一番重要なことは、明らかに、彼らが人々や子供に対して素晴らしい存在でなければならないということです。なぜなら、例えば空港で働いてもらうとき、私達は、外国からの公的な来賓を相手に働くということなんですから。」 続いて彼は、よい検出犬を訓練する助けになるものは何かを説明します。「彼らは、食べ物が欲しくて働くので、本当によい食べ物にはよく操られるという習性があるのです。」 そして、彼は冗談ぽくつけ加えます、「ビーグル犬を飼っている人は誰でも、彼らは食べ物が大好きであるということを知っています。彼らはたっぷりと夕飯をとった後でさえ、それでもなお、かなりの分量を喜んで食べてしまう(*)ものなんです。」 (*) 確かに、「犬の大飯食らい」は有名で、「自分で背負うことができないくらい食べる」とも言われますね。 以上、ご回答まで。


  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 インドの方です。勝手に.をつけました。 切る場所が間違っている可能性もあります。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I had written to you earlier also that you will have to use the guide with whom. you are comfortable and he or she knows and understands your work. this has to be totally your decision as . you will have to make him work in your way. Regarding Mr Arora, i think you have to be more happy than him as. he is working for you for which you are paying him. but since he knows your work . you are comfortable. but he should know that in case he has made a mistake. he should be sorry for it and should not Repeat it again. When you come to Darjeeling. you can decide about your Kalimpong programme as. you will be in darjeeling for 10 days.

  • 英語の翻訳

    以下、イギリス人とebyでやり取りの中です、google翻訳で何言ってるかわかりませんでした。 翻訳できる方お願いします。 What world do you live in where a buyer can dictate to a seller how much he can sell his good for ? I think it best if you found someone else to buy these parts from. Peculiar that you now know how to write in English. I find it very difficult to deal with fools who think they can tell me what they think and expect me to go along with it, I prefer not to deal with these people as is the case here.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17 , 2155 , she wrote , “Today tommy found a real book..” It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it When he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages , which were yellow. It was very funny to read the word. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen , you know. And then , when they turned back to the page before , it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time. “Oh,” said Tommy. “What a waste!” When you're through with the book , you just throw it away , I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it , and it's good for many more. “Same with mine ,” said Margie. She was 11 and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was 13. She said , “Where did you find it?” “In my house.” He pointed without looking , because he was busy reading. “In the attic.” “What's it about?” “School.”

  • 翻訳願います

    (1)It's got to have something to do with who he was staking out. (2)Which means it has something to do with who he was staking out. be got to do ~するに違いない who 以下の節は文章中でどんな役割なんでしょう?

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Your saik will be in Japan tommrorw. I went to the post office and they told me this Here is the Tracking number that i made a mistake the first time and gave you the wrong one. THey told me it was at customs for 44 days.! Just like what happens before with those X Drivers. Remeber.! It got stuck at customs. THis is the huge delay my friend. This si what has been holding them out. They have gotton realeased today and should be in Japan tommrorw.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The reason he wants to negotiate is because his bombs work now. They’re done. He’s not going to give them up. If you think trump caused this you are wrong. NK has detonated 6 bombs since 2003 and only one fizzled. And their rockets make it over Japan into the pacific. So he can now blow up any country within 1000k for sure and they could possibly reach California. Though that might be pushing it. He wants to keep his bombs and also get iPads and Instagram and McDonald’s and Starbucks. He wants a big boy seat at the nuke table - he doesn’t have to shake his saber anymore.

  • 英語の翻訳で分からない所があります

    宿題で出た英文の "To sweep under the rug what we don't like, what does not serve our tactical purpose, is a sing of weakness." "It has been a privilege to have served with you, to have learned from you, to have had fun with you." この英文が日本語で略せません 一文に関しては本当にちんぷんかんぷんです どなたか回答よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Yes I got your funds and I see you did not send as a gift so they took out $4.00 for the fees, I will add that on to your shipping cost when I am ready to ship to you. I have ordered your SAIK host ! and you have been entered into the work log Man that is one heck of an address I am bit confused as I have not seen one like it before, I'll ask about it just before I'm ready to ship. Have a good day SAIK host=ライトの名前です。

  • 翻訳がわかりません;;

    翻訳がわからない文があるので少し助けていただきたいです! (1)What ignorant sin have I committed? (2)When a man has made a happy effort,he is possessed with an absurd ambition to have it thought that it cost him nothing. の2つです。 (1)は、ignorant sinの訳の仕方が微妙です。これによってWhatの訳し方も変わるのかな・・・と思いつつ。 (2)はhappy effort の適切な訳がわかりません。 とは、いっても全訳も微妙なのでできれば、こんなのどうかな・・・というのありましたら 是非教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Duff McKagan recently spoke on the Standard Ass Rock Show to support the DeLeo bros (and Kretzel's) decision to boot frontman Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots. “The Stone Temple Pilots guys, they had to do what they had to do. I completely [chuckle]… I understood what they had to do. I think they got a lot of backlash from STP fans, but what are you gonna do? They did the thing they needed to do, and good for them – they're healthy guys and good fellows, guys you pull for if you know them and you understand what they went through. “I went through the same thing with their singer and it's really frustrating. It's utterly frustrating when things are going good and one guy's kind of dragging it down. Or dragging it sideways at least … Sideways … I'll say sideways.”