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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:titular再び、シャアは適役)

Char's Counterattack: シャアの役割は?


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  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

ご質問の文が下記にありました。  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Char_Aznable  アメリカの小学校の一部で、宿題にウィキの使用が駄目という理由がわかりました。この文を書いた人は原作を読んでいないようで、日本語版にはそのもとらしい単語はありません。



返答有り難うございます そうですか。ウィキの質には期待をしていたのですが、残念です。 今後もおねがいします


  • 訳し方を教えてください。

    In what becomes one of his signature moves, He appears in his black limo and gives her a ride home 後半のHe ppears ~ からは訳せるんですが、 前半がうまく訳せません。 1、in what には何が省略されているのか? 2、接続詞がないけれど、どうやって訳すのか? 3、one of his signature movesは one of his signature(主語) + moves(動詞)?? それともone of his signature movesで1つの単語?? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文を訳してください。

    born March 4, 1975 in Greece, is the current bass player of the Power metal band Firewind. He has also played in Breaking Silence. He is the owner of Emerald Cafe, named after the Thin Lizzy song,[1] in his home town, Thessaloniki. お願いします。

  • 長文ですが

    長文ですが よろしくお願いします Making a planetarium needs an overall knowledge of technology. At first, Takayuki was not good at mathematics and computer engineering.After trying hard to master those fields of study by himself, he managed to create computer programs to calculate how light travels through a set of lenses. He also managed to develop a machine that could make accurate holes in a metal plate. All of his work was done not in a laboratory, but in his small room, so he experienced many problems. For example, even the movement of someone who approached his room would often prevent his machine from making accurate holes in his star plates. Through his tireless efforts he overcame many difficulties, and in 1998 Ohira developed the

  • 添削をお願いします。

    質問No.307063の続きです。 They mutually exhorted each other to be of use in the event of the chances of war throwing either of the parties into the hands of his enemies. 彼らは互いに、敵の渦中に踏み込む場合は、互いの戦力を持って戦うことで手を結ぶことに話を進めた。

  • 翻訳お願いします2*急ぎ

    前の続きです。 It didn't become a great success because the company had no experience with children's books and did not bother to advertise.But mixed critiques would't stop him from drawing;he was convinced that these drawings were perfect for children. Bruna was influenced by the developments in Dutch graphic design of the De Stijl Movement.He is inspired by Rietveld's Schroderhuis(in his hometown),which he thinks is fascinating because of its color and shape simplicity.By limiting the size of the pages to 155x155mm he managed to downsize the costs of his books and fit them exactly into tiny hands. Miffy's appearance chaneged in 1963.Her attitude,the shape of her face,her arms, legs,ears,everything gets a little more tension.It makes her lool moie self-confident.Bruna is always in pursuit of simpler,more perfect forms.

  • 和訳をお願いしますm(_ _;)m

    "Here is an animal that is a perfect model for the human condition," says Jay Neitz of the University of Washington in Seattle, a member of the team that carried out the experiment. Neitz and his colleagues introduced the human form of the red-detecting opsin gene into a viral vector, and injected the virus behind the retina of two male squirrel monkeys — one named Dalton in honour of the British chemist, John Dalton, who was the first to describe his own colour blindness in 1794, and the other named Sam. The researchers then assessed the monkeys' ability to find coloured patches of dots on a background of grey dots by training them to touch coloured patches on a screen with their heads, and then rewarding them with grape juice. The test is a modified version of the standard 'Cambridge Colour Test' where people must identify numbers or other specific patterns in a field of coloured dots. よろしくお願いします人( ̄ω ̄;)

  • 時事英語の質問です

    以下の英文で、with the appearance of greater parity はどういう意味になるのでしょうか?日本側の責務が増えて、アメリカと同等近くになったと言ってるのでしょうか? それから、pre-imperialist とは、どういう帝国主義者なんでしょう? 宜しくお願いします。 In the weeks and months ahead, their opposition may tempt Abe to deal with the many critics of his policies in the same high-handed way his own grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi. Kishi once prevailed against the wishes of the Japanese people when they had united en masse to oppose any renewal of the military alliance with the U.S. In 1960 he revised the security treaty in a way that gave the U.S. largely what it wanted while leaving Japan with the appearance of greater parity. Thereafter, the anti-war opposition to the revised military alliance and movements to defend the Constitution waned rapidly. Conservative politics adjusted to the new situation and Japan's foreign policy goals changed from Kishi's "Great Japan" to a sort of pre-imperialist "little Japan."

  • 英語の和訳

    お時間ある時でかまいませんので、以下の英文の和訳を教えていただけませんか? How come then that in this noble age, in this matchless period no authors of their caliber are found and no writers to equal those learned men are observed? How come that at the time of Selim, and during his own time of power and kingdom, up to this moment, no other author and creator of marvels has made his appearance but the men of high qualities EbusSud of time? SelimとEbusSudは人名で、Selimは国王でEbusSudは学者です。 ちなみにこの文の前の文脈は、 「今の知識人は堕落しているけれど、昔は偉大な知識人がたくさんいたんだ」 というかんじです。 authorsやwritersも多分知識人を指しています。 よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    単語だけでみるとわかるのですが意訳が出来なくて困っています。 ご教授お願いいたします。 1. Being Famous is the first novel from Lee Gray, lead guitarist for the world, famous rock band, The Rumor. Gray tells the story of his own real-life climb to fame through a fictional character named Ringo. 2. The tale begins with Ringo in high school-a shy, unpopular teenager with bad grades in everything except art and music. Ringo leaves school and gets a job cleaning toilets and making tea in a recording studio, hoping that the producers who work there will one day notice his music. We follow Ringo's story as he is rejected by five different record companies, breaks up with his girlfriend three times, and loses numerous jobs. Eventually Ringo, penniless and heartbroken, gets a recording by five with a big record company. He goes on a world tour with his band, and becomes very successful before returning to his hometown, rich and famous. The story describes the people Ringo meets and the humorous situations he finds himself infrom his early days making tea in the recording studio to his travels on the road with his band. 3. Anyone who has ever lost a love, lost a job, or lost all hope, but can still laugh about it will enjoy this funny, interesting, and true story! 4. Elkin Ocean is the third book in Theresa Stevens' Mythical Forest series. The volume tells the story of a group of Elkins, elf-like beings who live in a Magic Forest. The plot centers around a courageous young Elkin named Ocean, who is born with the ability to sense the forces of evil that attack the forest. 5. The day after his 17th birthday, the forest elders take Ocean high into the mountais of the forest to teach him how to use his magical powers. As he grows up in the mountains with his elders, he struggles to accept his destiny as a leader in the saves the Elkin people. He overcomes evil, and wins the love of Portia, the Elkin king's daughter. 6.This is a wonderful novel full of magic, adventure, and courage. It is also a story of the stuggle all young people face as they grow from children into adults, and learn to accept life's responsibilities. A book for people of all ages!

  • 英英辞典のLONGMANの前置詞”in"の説明がわからなくて困っていま

    英英辞典のLONGMANの前置詞”in"の説明がわからなくて困っています。この辞書によると ”used to name the book,document,film,etc where thing or someone appear(物事やだれかが現れるような本・ドキュメント・映画などを名づけるために使われる)”と書かれてあり、例として You shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers.” "Which actress starred in the film 'Cleopatra'?" "There are a few mistakes in your essay." "In his speech Professor Leary praised the work of the volunteers”とあります。 この”in”の定義で、なぜnamed(名づける)という表現を使っているのがわかりません。私の辞書の解釈が間違っているのだと思うのですが、正しい解釈を知りたいのでよろしくお願いします。