• ベストアンサー

Use this to determine~の訳


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1457/3800)

Use this  ⇒ これを使って(下さい) to determine whether ⇒ ~かどうかを見極めるために the sensor is looking for the label to be placed on the same object as the sensor, ⇒ (その)センサーが センサーとしての同じ対象に貼られるラベルを探しているか、 within the sensor’s detection radius, or either of these. ⇒ センサーの検知範囲内なのか、あるいはどちらにおいてもか まとめると: (その)センサーは (いったい) ラベルがセンサーとしての同じ対象に貼られるのか、そのセンサーの検知範囲内なのか探しているのは どちらなのかを決定する(見極める)ために、これを使ってください。 ※センサーの振る舞いを確認するには ”これを使って” やってね との事のようです。 これと言うのは、ここでは分かりませんが、何かを指し示して言っていると思います。





  • whether の使い方で。

    他の質問者の文からなのですが、 Use this to determine whether the sensor is looking for the label to be placed on the same object as the sensor, within the sensor’s detection radius, or either of these. という文で、 whether の使い方は、whether A or B (not), などと覚えたのですが、 ふつうのorの使い方のように 「AやBやCやDなど」を whetherで whether A文、B、C or Dなどと使うことは可能なのでしょうか? お願いいたします。

  • 「使用の可否を決定する」という場合

    こんにちは。 薬品の使用時、身体検査を実施した後、薬品を使用するかどうか決めるという場合、 Perform a physical examination and determine whether to use or not. と表現したのですが、determine以下がぎこちない表現となっている気がします。 よい表現方法があったらご教授ください。 宜しくお願いします。

  • この英文の訳をお願いいたします。 長いです。

    Every society makes laws to protect its way of life. By looking at a country's laws, we can learn something about the culture of that society. We can also understand what is important to its people. Sometimes these laws may surprise outsiders. In Switzerland,for example,you can't hang out laundry on Sundays. It is also against the law to use a power lawn mower on Sundays because it is too noisy. These laws tell us that Sunday are very important to the Swiss. これをお願いいたします。 あとit'sとitsの違いは何なのでしょうか。 よければお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    お願いします。 The Wi-Fi Alliance is making the following specifications available for non-Members to purchase and download. Members may download these specifications at no charge by visiting Specifications. For any questions regarding the material within these documents, please Contact Us. Your privacy is important to us. See our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. All purchases of specifications are final. No refunds will be issued. If you have trouble downloading the specifications, please contact us. All fields are required, except where indicated.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Suddenly three other guys descend on the same area and proceed to use the machines on either side of me and the one directly in front of me. Note: “Descend on” means to arrive unexpectedly.

  • コンピューター英語の訳をお願いします。

    翻訳サイトでの訳はやめてください。 よろしくお願いします。 1 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system extends the reach of a wired network to include wireless laptops and PDAs within a room ob building. 2 Virtually all wireless LANs operate using one of several IEEE 802-series standards; 802.11a,802.11b,and 802.11g, collectively known as the Wi-Fi standards. 3 These standards define a method for transporting Ethernet network signals using a digital radio link instead of a physical Ethernet cable. 4 Wireless LANs use a device called an access point that provides wireless coverage for a limited area. 5 The access point provides a bridge between an existing Ethernet LAN and all of the wireless-equipped computers within range of the access point. 6 Wi-Fi networks use complex data encoding schemes similar to those used in GPS satellites and advanced digital cellular telephone networks to send data across the radio link. 7 The radios in these systems use differential phase shift keying to impose the data onto the radio signal. 8 The range of Wi-Fi access points varies, but each access point typically covers a radius of 200-300 feet and often much less 9 You can cover an entire building or campus by using multiple access points attached to the LAN. 10 Access points broadcast their names and invite client computer to link. 11 A single access point can connect to many clients at the same time. 12 Each client has a unique identifier called a mac address that enables the access point to tell one client from another. 13 If a client is within range of several access points, it chooses the one with the best signal strength. 14 Security across wireless links is important, so wireless LANs use authentication and encryption to maintain security. 15 In the simplest and most effective form of authentication, an access point will only connect to clients having specific mac address number. 16 Mac address are burned into client adapter card chipsets during manufacture and are very difficult to mimic. 17 More complex authentication schemes use public key authentication systems, including smart cards and biometric scanning, to confirm the identity of the user. 18 Wireless network encryption comes in two forms: the older Wired Equivalency Privacy (WEP) and the newer Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). 19 Both use the RC4 encryption algorithm, which is known as a stream cipher. 20 A stream cipher operates by using mathematical operations to create a pseudorandom stream of data from a key of 40 or 128 bits. 21 The transmitting device mixes the payload data with the pseudorandom stream to produce an encrypted data stream.

  • muckの単語を含む例文和訳をお願いします

    1.introduction; use of of These expressions have similar meanings to the determiners muck many and most, but the grammar is not quite the same. In particular, of is used after these expressions even before nouns with no determiner. Compare:

  • 電磁気学の問題です

    まったくわかりません。とき方と答えを教えてください。 Two spherical cavities, of radii a and b, are hollowed out form the interior of a (neutral )conducting sphere of radius R. At the center of each cavity a point charge is placed - call these charge qa and qb. (a) Find the surface charges of three spheres. (b) What is the field outside the conductor? (c) What is the field within each cavity? (d) What is the force on qa and qb? (e) Which of these answers would change if a third charge, qc, were brought near the conductor?

  • What is Use of CBD OIL

    The impacts of CBD oil on your mind's receptors may likewise assist you with overseeing torment. Studies have demonstrated that cannabis can offer a few advantages when taken after chemotherapy medicines. CBD is separated from maryjane plants as either an oil or powder. These can be blended into creams or gels. They can be placed into containers and taken orally, or scoured on your skin. The different sclerosis medicate nabiximols is splashed as a fluid into your mouth. How CBD ought to be utilized relies to a great extent upon what it's being utilized for it.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Tsar took action to address the riots on 10 March (O.S. 25 February) by wiring garrison commander General Khabalov to disperse the crowds with rifle fire. At least 180,000 troops were available in the capital, but most were either partially trained recruits or older working-class reservists from the Petrograd area recalled for duty. The reserve battalions of the Imperial Guard, which made up the bulk of the Petrograd garrison, had a serious shortage of officers and the morale and discipline of these units was low. Historian Ian Beckett suggests around 12,000 of the soldiers could be regarded as reliable, but even these proved reluctant to fire on the demonstrators, both out of fellow feeling and because the crowds included so many women. Rumors spread that police had been armed with machine guns and placed in the upper stories of buildings throughout the city. While apparently unfounded, these reports resulted in attacks on individual policemen throughout the city.