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  • cbm51901
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  • 和文英訳お願いします。

    Drawing on studies that point to significant differences in the psychological development of women and men, these scholars suggest that feminist approaches to the relational character of human society need to be incorporated into social scientific research designs. 文章自体が長く、なかなか綺麗な訳にできません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いいたします

    自分の答と照らし合わせたいのでご解答お願いします。 (1)The social science disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and history have been developed to explain puzzling social phenomena. They particularly investigate "collective" phenomena, that is, aspects of people's lives that are not unique to them, ones that they share with at least some others. that is以下のto them, ones, they shareのtheyが指しているものがわかりません。 (2)Being able to give answers to questions such as "Why do these people typically or regularly do that?" or "Why did that event or kind of event happen when and where it did?" is a practical requirement of life for everyone. (3)Effective human beings must have a practical, sound grasp of the concepts needed to analyse social reality, concepts which social theory makes explicit for the social sciences. (4)The key point is that realists hold that there are many different kinds of causes at work producing social phenomena. Thus realism provides a good basis for introducing the varieties of social theory which seek to understand the causes of social phenomena.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    As a member of the GSMA, TS intend to actively contribute to GSMA programmes that offer the biometrics authentication capability for mobile applications and services provided by the telephone operators. We aim to actively involved in GSMA working groups that defines communication protocols and implementations that drive highly secure and convenient user verification in mobile devices initiatives. We are proud to be an integral part of these initiatives which establish and secure the international mobile operating infrastructure.

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    The field of ubiquitous computing was inspired by Mark Weiser’s11 vision of computing artifacts that disappear. “They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” Although Weiser cautioned that achieving the vision of ubiquitous computing would require a new way of thinking about computers, that takes into account the natural human environment, to date no one has articulated this new way of thinking.3 Here, we address this gap, making the argument that ubiquitous computing artifacts need to be physically and cognitively available. We show what this means in practice, translating our conceptual findings into principles for design. Examples and a specific application scenario show how ubiquitous computing that depends on these principles is both physically and cognitively available, seamlessly supporting living. The term ‘ubiquitous computing’ has been used broadly to include pervasive or context-aware computing, anytime-anywhere computing (access to the same information everywhere) and even mobile computing. Work on this ‘ubiquitous computing’ has been largely application driven, reporting on technical developments and new applications for RF(Radio Frequency) ID technologies, smart phones, active sensors, and wearable computing. The risk is that in focusing on the technical capabilities, the end result is a host of advanced applications that bear little resemblance to Weiser’s original vision. This is a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees. In this article, we want to take a walk in the forest, that is, to suggest a new way of thinking about how computing artifacts can assist us in living. In doing this, we draw on German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s analysis of the need for equipment to be ‘available.’1 While several influential studies in human- computer interaction (HCI) have also drawn on Heidegger and the concept of availability, these studies have focused on physical availability. 訳してください。お願いします。

  • assigns dishes

    My husband and I are very social and have several groups of friends. Lately, one of these friends has started to make every get-together a potluck. Even for special occasions such as birthdays, the hostess asks each guest to bring a food item. Many times, she actually assigns dishes. assigns dishesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳をお願いします

    上手く訳せないので、英訳お願いします。 These disciplines are founded on the ordinary common-sense recognition that the behavior of individuals, and what happens in the social world, is powerfully affected by the way individual people are ’collectivized’, that is, by the ways they come to be in similar circumstances of one kind or another. Everyone understands that how people are collective makes a difference to how they are likely to act and what they are likely to think, and that knowing these things helps us when we have to deal with them. これらの分野は、つまり、個人の振る舞いは、個々の人間は”集合化される”という方法により、つまり、様々な種類の環境において、人間は存在するようになるという方法により、強力に影響されるという普通で共通の認識に基づいている。 全ての人は、いかに集合化された人々が、彼らが考えそうなことや彼かがいかに行動しそうかということに対して理解し、そして、彼らを扱わなければ行けない時、これらを知っていることが私たちを助けるかということを理解している。

  • 英訳をお願い致します。

    槇原敬之さんの『Such a Lovely Place』という大好きな歌なのですが、 歌詞にはなく、最後に小さな声で歌われており、ずっと気になっています。 You were born to be loved. So let me say hello and welcome. You were born to be loved baby. So let me say hello and welcome. Welcome to Lovely Place... どなた様か、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 大至急、英訳お願いします!!

    Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) may get a useful lesson from the history of artificial flight. The development of aircraft succeeded only when people stopped trying to imitate birds and instead approached the problem in the ways, thinking about airflow and pressure, for example. Watching hovering birds inspired the Wright brothers to use wing warping – turning an aircraft by twisting its wings – but they did not set out to imitate the bird’s wing. Starting with a box kite, they first worked on achieving sufficient lift, then on vertical and horizontal stability., then on steering and finally on power and engine design, carefully solving each problem in turn. After that, no airplane could be confused with a bird either in its overall shape or in its flying abilities. In some ways, aircraft may never match the elegant precision of birds, but in other ways, their performance is clearly superior to that of birds. Aircraft do not land in trees, catch fish from the ocean or use the natural breeze to hover motionless above the countryside. However, no bird can fly at 45,000 feet or faster than sound. Rather than limiting the scope of AI to the study of how to imitate human behavior, we can more usefully think of it as the study how computing systems must be organized in order to behave intelligently. AI programs are often components of larger systems that are not themselves labeled “intelligent”. There are hundreds of such applications in use today, including those that make investment recommendations, analyze medical symptoms plan military troop and supply movements, schedule the repair of the space shuttle and detect illegal use of credit cards. These systems make expert decision, find meaningful patterns in complex data and improve their performances by learning. All these actions, if done by a human, would be taken to display good judgment, expert knowledge or responsibility. Many of these tasks, however, could not be done by humans, who are too slow, too easily distracted or not sufficiently reliable. Our intelligent machines already surpass us in many ways. The most useful computer applications, including AI applications, are valuable exactly by virtue of their lack of humanity. A truly humanlike program would be just as useless as a truly pigeon like aircraft.

  • この一文ので分からない構造があります

    We have to make up these rules as we go along--a fascinating process to watch and,for a social scientist,very exiting,as one does not often get the opportunity to study the formation of a new set of unwritten social rules ここの--以降からexcitingまでが分かりません その後のasは理由を説明しているということは分かるのですが、訳を見ても ?という感じです 誰か教えて下さい

  • 英訳お願いします。

    英訳お願いします。 However,these days large male-dominated corporations(男性中心の企業) are no longer perceived to be so safe and reliable and public and private organizations have begun supporting prospective female entrepreneurs in various ways. 後できたら文法について教えていただきたいのですが よろしくおねがいします。