• 締切済み


記事の文頭のパラグラフなんですが、後半のFrom the outside~の文章がよくわかりません。訳を教えてください。 I think every person who plays games harbors at least some insecurity about being seen as juvenile, even (or especially?) if the kind of game they love involves shooting people’s limbs off instead of collecting cuddly monsters. From the outside, though, I reckon Pokémon is probably as impenetrable a video game as you can get. http://www.vice.com/read/still-love-pokemon-234 よろしくお願いします!



http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/outside_3 from the outside c) someone who is on or from the outside is not involved in an activity or does not belong to a particular group, とすれば、from the outsideは「部外者」とでも訳せる。 前文が「抱きしめたくなるようなモンスターを収集する代わりに(女性の遊び)、多少、残忍な手足を打ち砕くようなゲームで遊ぶ(男性の遊び)ことすら少しばかり子供じみてはいないかと気恥ずかしくなる。」とは、成人男性が感じる気恥かしさに付いて述べている。その大人の男達が夢中になるポケモンゲームの部外者である私であれば、大人の一般女性となる。 「大人の女性のからしても、ポケモンゲームは読者が手にするビデオゲームで、もっとも不可思議なものであろう。」とは、「女性でも、男性と変わらないようにその面白さに引き込まれる不可思議な代物である。」と、言っているのだろうと思う。 Keza MacDonaldは26歳でビデオゲーム等に精通している女性記者なのでこのような言い方になったのだと思う。



ありがとうございます! お礼が大変遅くなってしまって、運営者側から締め切られてしまいました。すみません!

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> From the outside, though, I reckon Pokémon is probably as impenetrable a video game as you can get.  それでも映像の面では、ポケモンはおそらく世に出回っているビデオ・ゲームの中では、文句の付けようがないものであると思う。 * 他の解釈もあり得るのかもしれませんが、私は From the outside を Seen from the outside ということで、残虐な場面などが皆無であるということを述べているのだと解釈してみました。



ありがとうございます! お礼が大変遅くなってしまって、すみません。



  • 訳でわからないところがあります

    本文中にどうしても上手く訳せないところがあります。 何方か手伝っていただけるとありがたいです。 (英語を話せる日本の子供が『外は黄色で中は白いバナナ』の  ようにたとえられる、という前文をうけて。) Caucasian children raised in Japan whose mother language is Japanese, and for whom English is sometimes difficult, are often referred to as eggs----white on the outside but yellow on the inside. when people of any age hear these kinds of terms or find they are discriminated against, they can become separated from society.

  • 訳がわかりません;;

    訳がわかりません;; どなたか訳をしていただけないでしょうか>< 翻訳機だと上手く出来なくて困っています; お願いいたします。 how are things up there?^^ I'd love to be your pen pal cause Ive never met anybody from japan! it would be soo greatXD and in fact Im in love with japanese culture for as long as I can remember! lol My name´s Leyre Im 16 years old ( Im from 93 generation:Dor pokemon´s generation?XD) and I live in Zaragoza(wow so u live in Japan ? I´d change you anytime cause my uncle was in kyoto with an schoolarship when he was student and he brough me lots of photos from itt 2001with his host family and the city! it was extra cool) thats on the northeast side of spain and is the 5 largest city in the country you know...all is full shops and historical cities but...you know its all cement!:D and saldy we havent got beach:( lol anyway I live here with my family and my 2 cats Freddy(who could be die or alive and you wouldnt enver notice the difference:just to eat and to sleep) and Elvis My hobbies are:Listening to music(wht r your favorite bands?), hanging out with my friends,writting(letters, Stories,Diaries...) of curse exchanging letters and littel gifts!, reading(Harry Potter! but of curse there are much books as twilight saga! I have just read twilight and new moon but 1 friend is going to borrrow me eclipse it looks good! ), Manga!!drawing, cooking,computers, swimming and playing Hockey! sorry my poor english also ! actually I have been studying it eh..(u can freak) for 10 years and I still dont dominate it! I´ll do my best:D how do you say "I love you" in japanese ? I really cant wait to hear from u soon!!

  • 英語の長文の訳助けて><

    Research projicts follow the trends of their times, and life span psychology has developed as the post-war baby boom generation has matured. The current wave of research into ageing and care of the elderlu, for example, can be seen as directly resulting from that generation reaching retirement age. LIFE-TRANSITIONS Gould(1978) developed the idea that adult life consists of a series of transitions, or life changes, which occur ar different times in our lives. The first of these is that of adjusting to the responsibilities of being independent and living away from parental care. Looking after ourselves without someone in the background is quite different from the kinf of independence which occurs when living as part of family group, where there is always someone to fall back on, or to look after you if you become ill. This transition, Gould argued takes place usually between the ages of 16 and 22. Then there is another transition, which takes place during our twenties, in which we develop our own competences and autonomy, and choose our rulus to live by, rather than simply conforming to our parents' rules and principles. A third transition, according to Gould, happens between 28 and 34, as we come to know ourselves better, and learn to come to terms with aspects of our nature which we weren't really aware of before. And the final transition involves accepting that life isn't going to last for ever━that is, developing a sence of our own mortality. This final transition, Gould argued, happens between the ages of 35 and 45.

  • 和訳のアドバイスをお願いします

    英文を訳してみたのですが、柔軟な和訳に直したいのでアドバイスお願いします。特に「purchased outside of a qualified account」と「receipts from the sale of a consumer durable 」の部分の訳し方がわかりません。 Under the proposal, all consumer durables(such as automobiles and homes) are treated as assets purchased outside of a qualified account. No deductions are allowed for the purchase of a consumer durable, and receipts from the sale of a consumer durable are not included in the tax base. その提案の下では、すべての消費者が条件の外で買う車や家などの耐久財は、資産として扱われます。 消費者の耐久財の購入額は控除されず、消費者の耐久財の売却による受領書は課税ベースには含まれません。

  • 訳を教えて下さい

    Tradition is a matter of much wider significance. It cannot be inherited, and if you want it you must obtain it by great labour. It involves, in the first place, the historical sense, which we may call nearly indispensable to anyone who would continue to be a poet beyond his twenty-fifth year; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional. And it is at the same time what makes a writer more acutely conscious of his place in time, of his own contemporaneity. …(中略)伝統は、まず第一に歴史的感覚を意味する。この感覚は25歳を越してもなお詩人たろうとする者にはほとんど不可欠なものといってよかろう。 また、この歴史的感覚は単に過去の過去性についてだけではなく、過去の現在性についての認識を含んでいる。 我々がこの歴史的感覚をもっている限り、我々は、単に自分の生きている世代を骨身に徹して感ずるのみでなく、またホメロス行こうのヨーロッパ文学のすべてが、そしてさらにその中における自分の国の文学のすべてが一つの同時的な存在性を持ち、一つの同時的秩序を形作っていると感じつつ、ものを書かざるをえなくなるのである。 この歴史的感覚は、時間的なものとともに無時間的なものの感覚であり、時間的なものと無時間的なものを同時に感ずる感覚であるが、こういう歴史的感覚がある作家を伝統的ならしめるのである。 そしてまたこれは同時に、作家の時間の中における自分の位置を、自分自身の現代性を鋭く意識させるものなのである。 T.S エリオットの「伝統と個人の才能」なのですが、これは翻訳された文章なのですが、これを要約したいのですが意味がよくわかりません…。 どなたかお助けいただける方、よろしくお願いします<m(__)m>

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    As the infantry advanced over the far edge of the ridge, German artillery and machine-guns east of the ridge began to fire and the British artillery was less able to suppress them. Fighting continued on the lower slopes on the east side of the ridge until 14 June. The offensive removed the Germans from the dominating ground on the southern face of the Ypres salient, which the 4th Army had held since the First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November 1914). The Russian army launched the Kerensky Offensive to honour the agreement struck with its allies, at the Chantilly meeting of 15–16 November 1916. After a brief period of success from 1–19 July, the German strategic reserve of six divisions, captured Riga from 1–5 September 1917. In Operation Albion (September–October 1917), the Germans took the islands at the mouth of the Gulf of Riga and the British and French commanders on the Western Front, had to reckon on the German western army (Westheer) being strengthened by reinforcements from the Eastern Front, in late 1917. Haig wished to exploit the diversion of German forces in Russia for as long as it continued and urged that the maximum amount of manpower and munitions be committed to the battle in Flanders. Haig selected Gough to command the offensive on 30 April and on 10 June, Gough took over the Ypres salient north of Messines Ridge. Gough planned an offensive based on the GHQ 1917 plan and the instructions he had received from Haig. On the understanding that Haig wanted a more ambitious version, Gough held meetings with his corps commanders on 6 and 16 June, where the third objective, which included the Wilhelm Stellung (third line), a second-day objective in earlier plans, was added to the two objectives due to be taken on the first day. A fourth objective was also given for the first day but was only to be attempted at the discretion of divisional and corps commanders, in places where the German defence had collapsed.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Many Americans believe that disputes should be settled by the disputing parties without outside help. Parents often send their children back to the playroom or playground with instructions to settle fights for themselves. Relatives and friends can be heard to say,”It’s between the two of you. I’m not getting in the middle .” Even psychologists tend to regard it as a sign of maturity when someone settles disputes without third parties,whose participation may be regarded as unhealthy. Yet many peoples of the world except conflicts to be resolved by third parties. This reflects an emphasis on harmony and interdependence: the tendency to see individuals as located in a social network,in contrast to the American tendency to over-emphasize independence and see the individual as the fundamental human unit. To manage disputes ranging from quarrels between family members to conflicts between villages, cultures develop informal rules and formal proceedings, just as Americans have assumptions about fair fights as well as legal trials. In contrast to the American way of settling disputes,however, the participation of the community is an important part of the proceedings. Americans cannot simply adopt the rituals of another culture,but thinking about these rituals can give them ideas for devising their own new ways to manage conflicts. できるだけ正確にお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします

    とある論文らしいんですが、難しすぎて分かりません。。 投げやりで申し訳ないのですが、訳していただけると嬉しいです。 Somewhere in your brain, there’s a cake network. You couldn’t see it even if you knew where to look. But it’s there all the same―and it’s powerful thing. You weren’t born with a liking for cake, but long ago, early in your childhood, you got your first taste of cake, and instantly a series of connections was made in your brain. In the process, your brain filed away a simple, primitive, unconscious idea: Cake is good. A life time love affair with cake―perhaps pleasant, perhaps tortured―began. Human beings have always had a complicated relationship with food. Staying alive from day to day requires our bodies to keep a lot of systems running properly, but most of them operate automatically. Eating is different. It’s a voluntary thing. And it’s essential to keep the species going. So nature cleverly controls the game, making sure we can’t resist food. That has lately meant trouble. Human history has usually been characterized by too little to eat rather than too much. Nature never planned for what could happen when unchecked appetites were suddenly matched by unchecked resources. Nut we’re seeing it now. Today, Americans―as any trip to an all-you-can-eat buffet will tell you―have become a soft, inactive, overfed lot. It’s not just that 67% of the U.S. population is overweight (including about 17% of children aged 6 to 19); it’s that we know that fact full well and seem helpless to control ourselves. Our doctors warn us about our rising blood pressure and cholesterol a, and we get briefly frightened―until we’re offered the next helping of cheesecake of curly fries, and then our appetite shouts down our reason, and before we know it, we’re at it again. Just why is our appetite so powerful a driver of our behaviour, and, more important, how can we control it? If that question doesn’t have an easy answer, it’s no wonder. Understanding a process as complex as appetite is an incredible challenge that involves many fields of scientific knowledge. But science is trying. Researchers in labs and institutes around the world are looking into the brain to understand the regions where appetite is perceived and satisfied, and pinpointing the sensitive areas on cell surfaces that keep us hungry or make us feel satisfied. They’re studying the nerve networks of the digestive system, as well as the operation of the genes that drive our appetite in order to track how signals of satisfaction are sent and to determine why they sometimes get lost. And they’re looking back into human history to understand better how we became inclined to overeat from the start and how we might be able, so many thousands of years later, to break away from this tendency at last. “The problem of excessive body weight has become a leading cause of death worldwide”, says Dr. David Cummings, and associate professor of medicine at the University of Washington. “Understanding it is perhaps the most serious challenge in the field of medical research.”

  • 英文の訳

    自分でやってみましたが納得がいくほどうまく出来ないので、訳お願いします。 The evening lights,coloring the nights busy avenues,down the street brings back memories of you, Now I am watching,as lovers pass me by,finding your shadows,in the views of my eyes In the fall of the cold Hold on to all that we had remembering and love me again I'm so depressed living,a quiet life now, There is no one here,in which to hold hands,or protect me from the cold Feeling like this loneliness will tear me apart I am waitng and looking for you voice To get me out of the dark Snowflakes fall like the tears that running down my face Being in the silence of the night Fall into my arms and I'll hold you so tight My kiss will guide our missing hearts and tell me you'll love again

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge was a military engagement fought primarily as part of the Battle of Arras, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France, during the First World War. The main combatants were the Canadian Corps, of four divisions, against three divisions of the German Sixth Army. The battle, which took place from 9 to 12 April 1917, was part of the opening phase of the British-led Battle of Arras, a diversionary attack for the French Nivelle Offensive. The objective of the Canadian Corps was to take control of the German-held high ground along an escarpment at the northernmost end of the Arras Offensive. This would ensure that the southern flank could advance without suffering German enfilade fire. Supported by a creeping barrage, the Canadian Corps captured most of the ridge during the first day of the attack. The town of Thélus fell during the second day of the attack, as did the crest of the ridge once the Canadian Corps overcame a salient against considerable German resistance. The final objective, a fortified knoll located outside the village of Givenchy-en-Gohelle, fell to the Canadian Corps on 12 April. The German forces then retreated to the Oppy–Méricourt line.

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