• ベストアンサー

As they rode

下記の直訳を文を区切って教えていただけますか? As they rode down the castle road, the cold weather once again gave way to grass and flowering orange trees.


  • ベストアンサー
  • gldfish
  • ベストアンサー率41% (2895/6955)

As they rode down the castle road, 城に続く道を下っていると、 the cold weather 寒い天気は once again かつてと同じように gave way to grass and flowering orange trees. 草原と花々に満ちたオレンジの木々に代わった。



  • Home. They say once gone,

    Home. They say once gone, you can never return.But what about those like me? Mourning the dust whose home was the road.No family with whom to share. Hammer and nail, we build our heaven.Room by room, our hell.And so now we build.What a magnificent structure it will be. こちらも殺人の置きた部屋を集めてきて一軒の家を建てようとする男のモノローグなのですが、どういう意味になりますでしょうか。このモノローグより前に「It is said that one can never go home again.」と言っているところがあって、ここと、冒頭の「Home. They say once gone, you can never return.」は同じことを指しているのでしょうか。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の和訳が出来ないです。

    英文の和訳が分かりません。1文です。 「woman………I…We gave a life she told to show way down.」 文脈も良くわからない状況なので、文法的に直訳していただけたら嬉しいです。よろしくお 願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    For the first few miles they trekked over heavy sand dunes, which were difficult to negotiate for the doubled teams of horses pulling the guns and ammunition wagons. Once the great shallow trough, worn down by traffic since ancient times, along the Old Road or Pilgrims' Way appeared, the guns and ammunition wagons travelled on the firm middle way while the mounted units rode on either side. The vanguard of the column reached Sheikh Zowaiid at about 22:00; the Desert Column bivouacked near the crossroads to the west of the village. Here the first grass the horses had seen since leaving Australia was found on the edge of the fertile maritime plain, 16 miles (26 km) north of El Arish. The plan for the attack at Rafa the next morning, 9 January, was a repetition of Chauvel's successful encirclement attack at Magdhaba.

  • 【翻訳】The way they can see

    the way they can seeは直訳すると「彼らが見る方法」ですが 要するに彼らと同じ価値観や考え方と言う意味なのでしょうか。 以下は趣味で洋ゲーをしていて見つけた文章です。 意味や背景(薀蓄などなんでもいいです)も分かる方いれば教えて下さい。 【原文】 Tree of Truth So many things can be learned from the trees, but only if you can see the way they see. 【出典】 Duel of Champions / Ubisoft http://duelofchampions.gamepedia.com/Tree_of_Truth 【自分で訳した結果】 真実の木 その木々からは非常に多くのことが学べる。 しかしながら、それはあなたがその木々と同じように物事を見ることが出来る場合だけだ。 【辞書で調べた結果】 so B [程度を表わして] c[強意的に] 《口語》 とても,非常に,大変. That's só sweet of you! 本当にご親切さま. truth 1【不可算名詞】 真理,真. 用例 God's truth 絶対的真理; 誓って言う, 本当だ. 2【可算名詞】 真実,真相,事実 (⇔lie,→falsehood) 《★【類語】 ⇒→fact》. 用例 tell [speak] the truth 本当のことを言う. 3【不可算名詞】 本当のこと,真実性,(事の)真偽 (⇔falsity). 用例 I doubt the truth of it. それが本当かどうか疑わしい. 4【不可算名詞】 誠実,正直.

  • 訳を教えてください。

    They drove past green John Deere tractors parked in deep muddy ruts. Up and down hill they drove, over bumpy railroad crossings with X-shaped signs that said: RAIL-SING CROS-ROAD if you read them the wrong way, through little towns that were no more than a church, a food store with a gas pump outside, and a flagpole on a triangle of green grass where the roads met. 訳を教えてください。特に : の後がどのような構造になっているのかわかりません。よろしくお願いします。


    ダライラマ14世に関する記事です。 This determination to be completely empirical - as if he were a doctor of the mind pledged to examine things only as they are, to come up with a clear diagnosis and then to suggest a practical response - is one of the things that have made the current Dalai Lama such a startling and tonic figure on the world stage. 完全に経験から言えば、この決断は - まるで彼が心のドクターで pledged to examine things only as they are, はっきりした診断を下し、実用的な対処を勧めるため - 現在のダライラマを世界的に驚くべき強壮な人物にしたもののひとつである。 ここの pledged to examine things only as they areという部分を訳してみると、"ものごとをあるがままに試験することを保証するとなってしまい、しっくりきません。 どなたか教えてください(´_`。)

  • as they are を教えてください。

    With home values falling as they are, very few houses are going on the market right now. 御ぞんじのように不動産価格が下落していますので… as they areのtheyは何の代名詞なのでしょうか。それと考え方を教えてください。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    These new, fresh troops allowed the Romanians to gain numerical superiority over the Bulgarians, but once again they were delayed on their way and would arrive gradually on the battlefield, reducing their impact on the overall course of the battle. The first reinforcements crossed the Danube late in the afternoon and during the night on 4 September. When they stepped on the southern shore they were immediately parceled out to strengthen the different sectors, with no regard for the direction of the main Bulgarian attack or for the establishment of a sufficient reserve.

  • 『The sound of summer ~』1

    Ray Bradburyの『The sound of summer running』という短編からの質問です。 “Dad!” He blurted it out. “Back there in that window, those Cream-Sponge Para Litefoot Shoes . . .” His father didn’t even turn. “Suppose you tell me why you need a new pair of sneakers. Can you do that?” “Well . . .” It was because they felt the way it feels every summer when you take off your shoes for the first time and run in the grass. They felt like it feels sticking your feet out of the hot covers in wintertime to let the cold wind from the open window blow on them suddenly and you let them stay out a long time until you pull them back in under the covers again to feel them, like packed snow. The tennis shoes felt like it always feels the first time every year wading in the slow waters of the creek and seeing your feet below, half an inch further downstream, with refraction, than the real part of you above water. “Dad,” said Douglas, “it’s hard to explain.” *********************** It was because they felt the way it feels every summer when you take off your shoes for the first time and run in the grass.のところなのですが the wayは接続詞的な用法で「・・・のように」という意味ですか? theyはa new pair of sneakersですか?a new pair of sneakersは単数扱いのような気もするのですが。 it feels every summer~のitは何を指しているのでしょうか? 状況のitですか? ********************** They felt like it feels sticking your feet out of the hot covers in wintertime to let the cold wind from the open window blow on them suddenly についてですが sticking・・・・突き出している? out of the hot covers in wintertime to let the cold wind from the open window blow on them suddenly・・・開いた窓から冷たい風が突然あなたの靴に吹きかけさせるために、冬の暖かいカバーから外へ?? letは使役動詞だと思うのですが、言っていることがわかりません。 ******************* 質問が多くなってしまったので投稿を2つに分けました。 (後半部分の質問は『The sound of summer ~』2に続きます) 教えていただけるとありがたいです。

  • as best they can?

    They are human beings, who are trying to survive as best they can and …. このas best they canはas possibleと似ていますが、 何か関係しているのですか?

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