
  • 高校生の英語より中学生レベルの英文が読みにくいと感じる人もいます。簡単に読めることに越したことはないのですが、英文が単純すぎて読みにくいという声もあります。例えば、小学生低学年の国語の教科書と新聞の記事を比較すると、新聞の記事の方が読みやすいと感じる人もいます。
  • 英文の例を挙げると、高度な技術を習得することの結果、私たちの生活や社会が想像を超えるほど変わる可能性があります。例えば、地球温暖化や大気汚染などの環境問題を解決することができるかもしれません。また、がんのような重い病気に苦しむことなく、ずっと長い寿命を楽しむことができるかもしれません。ただし、新しい技術には危険性もあることを忘れてはいけません。こうした点に注意が必要です。
  • 別の例として、Sergio Benitezという男性の物語があります。彼は悪い子供だったが、20歳の時に地元の神父に助けを求めました。しかし、神父は彼の話を全く聞かずに彼を追い出しました。その後、Sergioは神父になり、貧しい子供たちを助けるために努力しました。10年後、彼は神父になり、次々に子供たちが彼のもとに集まってきました。最初は25人ほどの子供でしたが、彼らに教えることは彼にとって大変な挑戦でした。しかし、彼らのために十分なお金を稼ぐことはさらに困難でした。
  • ベストアンサー


変なことなんですが高校2、3年の英文に慣れると中学生レベルの英文が読みにくく感じます 簡単に読めることに越したことはないのですが英文が単純すぎて読みにくいというか、例を挙げると小学生低学年の国語の教科書と新聞の記事では新聞の記事のほうが読みやすいというか・・・ 説明がとても下手で申し訳ございませんがこんな感じに思う人はいませんか? 英文で例を挙げると 1. What we can do is still limited, but the result of mastering this technology could change our lives and our society beyond anything we can imagine today. We might be able to solve environmental problems such as global warming and air pollution. We also be able to enjoy a much longer life span without suffering from serious illnesses like cancer. It would be seem, therefore, that nanotechnology offers the promise of a happy future, but we have to be aware of fact that, as with nay new technology, there may be dangers. Even Drexler, a strong supporter of nanotechnology, has some reservations. 2. Sergio Benitez was a bad boy.When he became 20, he went to see the local priest for help.The priest turned him out of the church without listening to him at all.Sergio decided to become a priest and help poor children.He studied very hard. Ten years later, he became a priest.One after another, children came to him.At first, there are about 25 children.Teaching children was hard to him. But earning enough money for them was harder than that. 1と2の文では1の英文のほうが読みやすくないですか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

言いたいことはわかります 思っていることとは違うと思いますが、1の方が目印(marker)が多いから区切りがわかりやすいんですよ markerというのは、what we can do is...とか、such asとか、aware of factとか・・・ あるフレーズのあとは大体何が来るかが決まっているわけで、聞いても読んでも、受け取る人間にとっては次に来る情報の合図になるわけです 2の方は基本、andかbutでつなげているだけ 何を強調したいのかが構文上はっきりせず、文章の"抑揚"を感じにくいです でも順番に出来事を並べているので、その意味では1よりもわかりやすいとも言えます 個人的にどちらが好きかといえば、2の方です ま、わかりやすいかどうかという問いに関しては、1の方がわかりやすいというのには同意します でも、1の文の構造や文体は個人的にはあまり好きじゃないです なんか凝りすぎというか、もっとサラっと言えるところを変にこねくりまわしているところがあって好きじゃないです そして、次の展開が読めてしまう書き方なので、逆にあまりおもしろくないです 多くの日本の英語学習者が好んで書きそうな英文です

その他の回答 (1)


>例を挙げると小学生低学年の国語の教科書と新聞の記事では新聞の記事のほうが読みやすい これは解りますが、 >1と2の文では1の英文のほうが読みやすくないですか? 個人的には2のほうが読みやすいです。 2のほうが平易な文なので(^_^; 使われている単語も簡単ですし。。。 1に出てくる、nanotechnologyが解らない。 ・・・・ああ、ナノテクノロジーか!(笑) http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=nanotechnology&ref=sa そのまんまでしたね・・・ まあ、私の英語力が低いのかもしれません。


  • 英語の問題について

    古い英文学なのですが、この物語の中の父親の人物像について、どのようなものだと書かれていますか? 書かれている部分とその意味を教えてください。 Father made a great point of our getting down to breakfast on time. I meant to be prompt, but it never occurred to me that I had better try to be early. My idea was to slide into the room at the last moment. Consequently, I often was late. My brothers were often late, too, with the exception of George. He was the only thoroughly reliable son Father had. George got down so early, Father pointed out to me, that he even had time to practise a few minutes on the piano. The reason George was so prompt was that he was in a hurry to see the sporting page before Father got hold of the newspaper, and the reason he then played the piano was to signal to the rest of us, as we dressed, which team had won yesterday’s ball game. He had made up a code for this purpose, and we leaned over the banisters, pulling on our stockings and shoes, to hear him announce the results. I don’t remember now what the titles were of the airs he selected, but the general idea was that if he played a gay, lively air it meant that the Giants had won, and when the strains of a dirge or lament floated up to us, it meant that Pop Anson had beaten them. As Father didn’t approve of professional baseball, we said nothing to him about this arrangement. He led his life and we led ours, under his nose. He took the newspaper away from George the moment he entered the room, and George said good morning to him and stepped innocently into the parlour. Then, while Father watched him through the broad doorway and looked over the political headlines, George banged out the baseball news for us on the piano. Father used to admonish him with a chuckle not to thump it so hard, but George felt that he had to. We were at the top of the house, and he wanted to be sure that we’d hear him even if we were brushing our teeth. George always was thorough about things. He not only thumped the piano as hard as he could but he hammered out the tune over and over besides, while Father impatiently muttered to himself, “Trop de zèle.” Upstairs, there was usually some discussion as to what kind of news George was sending. He had not been allowed to learn popular tunes, which it would have been easy for us to recognize, and the few classic selections which were available in his little music-book sounded pretty much alike at a distance. George rendered these with plenty of goodwill and muscle but not a great deal of sympathy. He regarded some of the rules of piano-playing as needlessly complicated. The fact remained that he was the one boy who was always on time, and Father was so pleased by this that he bought a watch for him with “George Parmly Day, Always on Time” engraved on the back. He told me that as I was the eldest he had meant to give me a watch first, and he showed me the one he had bought for me. It was just like George’s except that nothing had been engraved on it yet. Father explained that to his regret he would have to put it away for a while, until I had earned it by getting down early to breakfast. Time went on, without much improvement on my part. Dawdling had got to be a habit with me. Sometimes my lateness was serious. One morning, when breakfast was half over and I had nothing on but a pair of long woollen drawers, Father called up from the front hall, napkin in hand, that he wouldn’t stand it and that I was to come down that instant. When I shouted indignantly that I wasn’t dressed yet, he said he didn’t care. “Come down just as you are, confound it!” he roared. I was tempted to take him at his word, but thought there might be some catch in it and wouldn’t, though I hurried, of course, all I could. Father ate his usual hearty breakfast in a stormy mood, and I ate my usual hearty breakfast in a guilty and nervous one. Come what might, we always ate heartily. I sometimes wished afterward that I hadn’t, but it never seemed to hurt Father.

  • 意味の分かりにくい英文です

    "The world knows nothing of its greatest men." That may be true, but how can we tell? If we know nothing about them, we cannot tell whether they were great. But there is a good chance that, by the time the world knows about them, they will have ceased to be great. A man usually does his best work just before he is found out. If he has done anything very well, there is a conspiracy to prevent him from doing it again. He becomes a celebrity, and the lion-hunters give him no peace. It must be owned that sometimes he likes it. 上記で、But there is a good chance that, by the time the world knows about them, they will have ceased to be great. If he has done anything very well, there is a conspiracy to prevent him from doing it again. It must be owned that sometimes he likes it. などが特によく理解出来ません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この短い英文について教えてください^^;

    この短い英文について教えてください^^; 以下の英文と和訳が、英語の本に載ってました。 He was lucky to be injured that lightly. (彼が軽症で住んで、運が良かった。) この英文の中の、thatは、どうして必要なのでしょうか?^^; He was lucky to be injured lightly. では、おかしい理由を教えてください。 お手数ですが、お願いしますm(_ _)m

  • よろしくお願いします

    A few months ago, my husband uncovered an affair I was having with an old flame. He moved out and initiated divorce proceedings, but in the time since, I was able to convince him that I am truly repentant and to give our marriage another chance for the sake of our children. The problem I have now is that he says that if we are to stay married, he wants it to be an open marriage. I’ve tried to tell him that I’ve gotten that out of my system and I don’t want to be with anybody other than him, but he says there just isn’t any way he can ever trust me again, he doesn’t feel an obligation to be faithful to me anymore, and at least this way we’re being honest about it. ここでのgotten that out of my systemはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語にする練習

    クラス発表の前、一番の関心は誰が私の担任になるかだった。実は私は田中先生が私の先生になるのは嫌だったでも彼が先生だった なぜ私が彼が嫌だったかというと先生はたくさんの宿題をだすので有名だったから。 でも先生を知るにつれて先生が素晴らしい先生だということがわかりました。 英語 the biggest concern for me was who would be my teacher. in fact i was afraid that he would be my teacher but he is the one. the reason i didnt like him is because he was well known as a teacher who assigned his student to a lot of assignments when i got to know him more i found that he was a great teacher. まだまだですが将来は翻訳家になりたいと思い勉強しています。 間違いなどがあればぜひ教えて下さい お願いします

  • 高校生レベルの英語の課題(3)

    高校生レベルの英語を和訳してください! 小テストの範囲なのですが、和訳を写したプリントを紛失してしまいました(--;) 先生に頼んでも「自己責任よ」ということで教えてもらえず……(泣) 残念ながらアホ学校のため、友人の中にはまともに訳せる人間がいません! どうか答えを教えてください! 1問ずつでも構いません(;_;) {次の文を仮定法を用いて書き換えて空欄を埋め、訳を書きなさい} (1)As he spoke fast,I was not able to understand him. →If he had spoken slowry,I ( ) ( ) understood him. (2)If was raining.So we couldn't go on a picnic. →If it ( )( )( )raining,we ( )( ) gone on a picnic. (3)I'm sorry that I am not a bird. →I wish I ( )a bird. とりあえず3問お願いします!

  • この英文訳してください。。。

    この英文訳してください。。。 文が難しくて訳せません。 わかるかた教えてください Jamie `s program is fun, but he is a serious young man. For example, he has trained disadvantaged young ?sters to be professional chefs. Also he was won awards for helping children to learn about healthy eating. His program teaches skills which many young people don`t learn at home anymore-how to shop well, or how to choose fruit and vegetables. Jamie`s philosophy can be found in the title of his program. The naked chef. It shows that he values preparing simple, healthy food. Today many young people eat fast food. But Jamie`s is telling us to be creative with the things that we find in our kitchen. He also reminds us of the pleasure of sharing good food with family and friends. This is the recipe for his success, and for great cooking お願いいたします

  • 英文解釈

    こんにちは早速ですが、英文解釈の質問をします。 ・Little did the humble parents think at the time of that sorrowful parting, that their modest child was destined to become the most famous man of his age. thinkの目的語とカンマ(同格?)の役割を教えてください。 ・We leave undone those things which we ought to have done. 強調構文でSVCOの順になることはあるのでしょうか? ・It is not the reading of many books that is necessary to make a man wise or good, but the well-reading of a few, could he be sure to have the best. could以下の構文・訳がわからないです。詳しくお願いします。

  • 比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおね

    比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおねがいします。 The first day my husband and I were in Tokyo. We went to a department store and did a lot of shopping. After shopping we got on a taxi in front of the department store to return to the hotel where we stayed. After a while we arrived at the hotel. My husband paid the taxi fare to a driver and we got out of the taxi. We reached our room in the hotel. A few minutes later I found that my purse was nowhere in our room. But I immediately rememberd that I had left my purse behind the taxi. What a terrible thing it was! I wondered if I should try to call a taxi company but did'nt know which one we had used. I was very confused and at a loss what I should do. Just then the phone in our room rang. It was a call from the clerk at the front desk. He said the taxi driver had just come at the front desk to deliver my purse to me. I was very happy to hear that. I went to the front desk right away and received my purse from the driver. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, shaking hands with him.

  • 英文についての質問

    似たような質問が続きすみません。 What did Edmund Burke say is the problem with the state?という質問に対し、 He said the problem of the state is that all states trying to control human violence must be run by members of the same violence species. という回答をしようと思うのですが、こちらの英文の添削をして欲しいです。 下記の内容から少し文章を変えて英文を作りました。 Whether or not we accept the legitimacy of states as at least a theoretical possibility, we all are concerned with controlling the violence of the state. Edmund Burke was pessimistic about the possibility, given that all states intended to control the violence of humans must be run by members of that same violent species. The state itself, he argued, was the problem. よろしくお願いします。