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40 years of backward thinking: The impact of low-fat diet on health


  • agnler
  • ベストアンサー率28% (53/183)

意外とfear of fatという表現は難しいのでしょうかね? この表現は、No2でも触れましたとおり、「食事で脂肪分を取ることへの恐れ」です。これが肥満等の防止にあまり意味が無いと言っています。また、low-fat dietつまり、脂肪分の少ない食事をしているのに、コレステロール値が増えていると言っています。 これらは同じ事を別の言い回しで言っているのです。 >体脂肪の率を数値で表示 体脂肪率表示せずに、肥満について語れると思っているかたがいるとは、、、驚きました。 そもそもfatだけで、「体脂肪の率を数値で」などと意味することは不可能です。



うーむ、難しいですね。仰っていただいて初めてちゃんと理解できました。 貴重な気づきをありがとうございます。 回答遅くなってしまいすみませんでした。


  • fear of fatの意味?

    下記の文章中のfear of fatは、「(食事での)脂肪分をとる事を恐れる事」だと思いますが、「肥満への恐怖」とか、「体脂肪の率を数値で表示するなどということ」という訳だと仰る方が間違いを認めません。皆さんはどう思いますか? And as a result of those myths, more experts are agreeing that it's time to stop focusing on calorie-counting and fear of fat. "It’s been backward thinking for the last 40 years,” Johnson added. http://www.examiner.com/article/for-cholesterol-diabetes-and-weight-loss-low-carb-diets-are-key-to-success 正しいfear of fatの意味を教えてください。

  • It's been ages since・・

    久しぶり太陽が出た。 It 's been ages since the sun has been out. sinceは過去から現在までのことなので(太陽はずーっと出ていなかったのだから)the sun hasn't been outではないのでしょうか? It's been ages since we've seen you.英英辞典に載っていた文です。意味は載っていなかったのですが、=since we saw you last で最後に会った時から時間が経っている(久しぶりだ)という意味なので since we haven't seen youではないのでしょうか? なぜ否定形にならないのかが分かりません。教えてください。

  • 和訳お願い致します

    I know we've spent some time together and I like hanging out with you, but since it's mostly been when we're drunk and after being out with other friends, I have thought of it as us being friends and having fun time together. I hope you are okay with that and you don't feel awkward.

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    (1) It's not true that all Americans are fat. But it's true that too many Americans are overweight and that obesity has become not only a personal problem but a social one. (2) Statistics show that more than 60% of Americans are either overweight or obese. While some people insist that a person's weight is a private matter, American people pay for the problem of obesity through higher healthcare costs. In that way, it has become every American's problem. (3) I think Americans have a harder struggle than Japanese when it comes to staying fit. The main reason is the difference between the basic diet of the two countries. A big part of the problem can be summed up in two words : butter and cheese. They are the most common seasoning for traditional American food. Take this typical dinner menu for example : broiled chicken, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli. In my household, we use butter for broiling the chicken, lots of butter and cheese on the baked potato, and butter on the broccoli. Butter and cheese are to the Japanese one. And there lies the problem. While American seasonings are full of fat and calories, Japanese onces are almost calorie free. (4) Moving to Japan, I lost about 10 pounds (4.5k) without even trying. It happened naturally over a period of years as my diet changed. I admit when I first moved here, I couldn't eat rice without butter and salt. But little by little, I came to like the Japanese way of mixing flavors, and ate rice along with more flavorful things like miso soup, pickles, and fish. Japanese are lucky to have a basic diet that is truly healthy and low-calorie. Eating buttery, salty foods every day probably makes anyone want junk food more. Of course junk food is pretty popular in Japan these days too, and I see more overweight people around than I used to. But because the basic diet is so healthy, most Japanese will not become overweight, even if they like junk food. よろしくお願いします!!! 番号は段落です(´∀`*)

  • We've seen so little so

    英会話教室で習ったのですが意味がよく理解できませんでした。 It's a shame Chuck couldn't make it. We've seen so little of him this trip. Well, he hasn't been himself lately. これは We've seen so little time with him this trip. で 日本語にすると、 「私たちはチャックと会う時間を作ったのに彼がここに来れなくて残念です」 と言う意味との事でしたが まだよく理解できていません すっきりするようにどなたか 分かりやすく教えてください お願いします

  • 和訳お願いします

    【至急】英語解読得意な方、和訳お願いします…!! I didn't intend to do that stupid things yesterday, but it forces me because every time we had some misunderstanding you always scared me to death...this not the matter of win or loss we just destructing each other., I think it's time to us to be separated, move on without any hatred forgive us each other for what we had done wrong ...since yesterday ,it relief the pain I felt and it's over. I did love you for the best I know , I dedicated most of my time waiting to see you for your free time, . But it still worthless .... Sometimes I kept asking my self why we still fighting., since we love each other.. Did you ever trust me?, or Did I ever trust you?, it's vice versa..we don't know, isn't it ?, because, it can't be us. Thank you for all the love and sacrifices you given me. And when the times come that we're free us together , I will grab that opportunity. Still wishing you the best, good luck!

  • 和訳してください

    和訳してください A bagel and cookies are almost all refined carbs―after that quick burst of energy, you'll crash during your next class! Scrape off the greasy butter, and add a banana for fiber and peanut butter and low-fat chocolate milk for protein.It's sweet but hits the spot, so you'll stay full and alert longer!

  • 英文和訳助けて!

    以下の英文でわからない部分があるので手助けいただけるとありがたいです。 Sometimes we fall down and can’t get back up We’re hiding behind skin that’s too tough←hide behind skinとはどういう意味でしょうか? How come we don’t say I love you enough Till it’s to late, it’s not too late Our hearts are hungry for a food that won’t come We could make a feast from these crumbs←make a feast from these crumbs「パンくずで祝宴をあげる」?うまく日本語に表現できません。 Lookin at the hand of the time we’ve been given here←the hand of the timeが辞書に載っていませんでした。予想では「限られた時間」と訳しました。 This is all we got and we gotta start pickin it Every second counts on a clock that’s tickin’ Gotta live like we’re dying←いつ死ぬか分からないから「死んでるように生きる」という意味だと思うのですが詩的な訳が浮かびません。 長々すみませんでした。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    I am very (comcern) about healthy eating since I want to keep fit, and perhaps eating healthy, happy life. Nowadays I try to have a healty, low-sodium diet. I eat more fresh fruits and vegetables than processed foods. I try to avoid foods that have a (highly) content of sodium. Instant noodles are not my daily food any longer. Instead of potato chips, I choose unsalted snacks. I read labels and buy foods low in sodium. I think it important to maintain the safe level of sodium intake recommended by medical (expert), because a high-sodium diet (cause) high blood pressure. People who have high blood pressure, they claim, can have a higher chance of (develop) heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. Do you know how much sodium you can have daily? カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。お願いします。

  • 文構造というか省略?:It's law they ask of me and not grace.

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 現在、Iain Crichton SmithのCollected Poems(詩集)を読んでいます。 その中で、The Law and the Graceというタイトルの詩の一節で、文構造が良く分からない文がありましので、教えてください。 ~~上記本の上記詩の一部引用~~~~~~~~~~ It's law they ask of me and not grace. 'Conform,' they say, 'your works are not enough. Be what we say you should be' even if graceful hypocrisy obscures my face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *質問箇所は、タイトルの通り一番上の行の一文だけですが、文意をわかりやすくするために、少し多めに引用しました。 続きの文章を考えると、It's law they ask of me and not grace.は、 It's law and not grace they ask of me. つまり、「規律が彼らの要求するもので、上品さではない。」の意味だと思うのですが、、、、どうやったら正しく復元できるのでしょうか? It's law they ask of me and (it's) not grace (they asked of me). これを、it'sをxとして、数学的にax+bx=x(a+b)と考え、 It's (law they ask of me )+ (it's) (not grace (they asked of) me). =It's (law they ask of me and not grace (they asked of me)). その後共通要素の省略で、冒頭の、 It's law they ask of me and not grace.になるのでしょうか? 僕的には、It's law and not grace they ask of me.だったら、僕の考えた訳「規律が彼らの要求するもので、上品さではない。」の意味に絶対なるのにな~、、、やっぱり、違った訳を考えるべきなのかな???とも考えています。 教えてください、よろしくお願い致します。