
  • ミレニアル世代はブログやSNS、YouTubeなどの影響を受けて育ち、オンライン上で自分の生活を共有することを当然のように期待している。
  • 彼らがネット上で情報発信することに対する視聴者の存在を当然としており、その影響が彼らの生活に大きな影響を与えている。
  • このエッセイでは、ミレニアル世代のオンライン共有の習慣について考察しており、その現象がどのような影響をもたらしているのかについて問いかけている。
  • ベストアンサー


Millennials, after all, have been brought up with blogs, social networks, YouTube and the like. They've been conditioned to expect an audience for every bit of their lives they share online. 週刊STの過去エッセイから抜粋です。 「ミレニアル世代は結局のところ、ブログやネット、ユーチューブなどとともに成長してきた。 彼等は、自分たちの生活をオンライン上で共有するための視聴者を期待するように慣らされてきている」 書き手の言いたいことが私にはよくわかりません。和訳してみましたが意味不明です。 どなたか知恵を貸してください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

every bit of their lives they share online. ここの部分で lives 一語、あるいは every bit of their lives を先行詞として (which/that) they share online とかかりますので、 彼らがオンライン上で共有する、彼らの生活の一つ一つの細かい部分 へと、視聴者(閲覧者)が来ることを予期する 共有する情報をアップしては、皆に見てほしいと思っている ということでしょうね。



windさん、何度も何度も教えて頂きありがとうございます。 ああ、よくわかりました! 若い世代は、結局、自分のことを見てもらいたい、知ってもらいたいと思わせる環境下にいるということなのですね・・・ まさに読解力が試されました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

最初の文章はあっています ネットの部分が本当はSNSですが 二番目の文章は、彼らには、オンライン上で共有する生活のはしばしについてそれを見聞きする人間がいることが当然だと思う習性がある。 といったかんじの文章です。こういうのは意訳しないと日本語にならないですね。



いつもありがとうございます。 頂いた訳、とてもよくわかります! ネットではなくSNSと訳すのですね。勉強になりました。


  • 英訳お願いいたします

    自分の答と照らし合わせたいのでご解答お願いします。 (1)The social science disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and history have been developed to explain puzzling social phenomena. They particularly investigate "collective" phenomena, that is, aspects of people's lives that are not unique to them, ones that they share with at least some others. that is以下のto them, ones, they shareのtheyが指しているものがわかりません。 (2)Being able to give answers to questions such as "Why do these people typically or regularly do that?" or "Why did that event or kind of event happen when and where it did?" is a practical requirement of life for everyone. (3)Effective human beings must have a practical, sound grasp of the concepts needed to analyse social reality, concepts which social theory makes explicit for the social sciences. (4)The key point is that realists hold that there are many different kinds of causes at work producing social phenomena. Thus realism provides a good basis for introducing the varieties of social theory which seek to understand the causes of social phenomena.

  • 大至急!!!日本語訳お願いします

    This “evidence” can then be used to challenge the original custoby ruling. But shouldn’t the children have some say in the matter? Yes,says social worker Dr.Ruth Bettelheim in a recent new york times essay. “Once children have reached the age of reason ---generally agreed to be about seven--- they should be recognized as the ultimate experts on their own lives. In other words,they should have the right to speak up on their own behalf and,in effect,to decide with whom they want to live. To this end,Bettelheim proposes that every two years, children should be allowed to talk confidentially with social workers about their own custody.

  • 英文の日本語訳について教えてください

    今、とある長文を訳しているのですが、少しずつ訳すことの出来ない場所があるので、訳していただけるとありがたいです。 文が全然繋がっていないので訳しにくいとは思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 We would like to celebrate her retirement and her contribution to the company. We would like to take this opportunity to present Ms. Muller with a gift that will remind her of us for quite some time. So at some point in time, people are going to hesitate to hire the job hopper as they don't expect that person to stick arounnd for liog. Others choose to change jobs when they receive better offers, when they're forced to do so because they've moved to another location or have been affected by some change in their personal lives. The thing about changing jobs is that it could backfire if the timing is not right, and you could end up in a less desirable position than the one you were in before. よろしくお願い致します。

  • No ACTA 動画 英語版の翻訳

    下記の英語の翻訳をどなたかお願いできませんでしょうか? Can you imagine your Internet Service Provider policing everything you do online? Can you imagine generic drugs that could save lives being banned? Can you imagine seeds that could feed 1000's being controlled and withheld in the name of patents? This will become reality with ACTA. ACTA is the Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. Disguised as a Trade Agreement, ACTA goes much, much further than that. For the past 3 years, ACTA has been negotiated in secret by 39 countries. But the negotiators are not democratically elected representatives. They don't represent us, but they are deciding laws behind our backs. Bypassing our democratic processes, they impose new criminal sanctions to stop online file sharing. ACTA aims to make Internet Service & Access Providers legally responsible for what their users do online, turning them into Private Copyright Police & Judge, censoring their networks. The chilling effects on free speech would be terrible. In the name of patents, ACTA would give large corporations the power to stop generic drugs before they reach them people who need them, and stop the use of certain seeds for crops. The European Parliament will soon vote on ACTA. This vote will be the occasion to say no once and for all to this dangerous treaty. As citizens, we must urge our representatives to reject ACTA. NO TO ACTA. Learn more, Take action

  • 文章の訳を、また自分の訳の確認をして欲しいです

    訳を教えて欲しいです。 I expect the reason that disabled people are said to have easier lives in Western societies is because Westerners are willing to let other people be who they are. said to have と続いているのがよく分からないです それと n Western societies is because と isのあとにすぐbecauseがきてるのもよくわからないです。 Where a great many ethnic groups live in one nation, as in the U.S.A ore parts of Europe, if you rejected others because they were defferent in the way that happens in Japan, there`d be no end to it. Where a great many ethnic groups live in one nation, as in the U.S.A ore parts of Europeは a great many ethnic groups live in one nation in the U.S.A ore parts of Europeと考えていいんでしょうか? それとthere`d be no end to itというのがうまく訳せず、困っています。 Discrimination and prejudice await those who do. これも訳がうまくできません。。 I am not the only one who has been given a part to play. 私は役割を与えられてきた唯一(の人間)ではない。という訳はあっているでしょうか? Japanese children and teenagers today often dwell on what they see as their own imperfections (and they are probably not the only kids who do that). 日本の今日の子供たちや10代は自分自身が完璧ではないと自分を見ることにたびたびくよくよ悩む。 という訳はどうでしょうか? 括弧内と dwell on以降がなんかよく分かりません。。 I would like to see everyone live with a proud awareness of who they are so that they don`t waste the life they have been given, but live it to the full. さいごのほうのthe life they have been given, but live it to the fullがよく分からないです どのように訳せばいいんでしょうか? 長くなりましたが、おねがいします。

  • 和訳困っています><

    Insight Ritirement was originally introduced to give people a couple of year's rest before death. But people died younger in those days:nowadays, we can expect a healthy 20 or 30 years of life after retirement. Using that time constructively is one of the personal challenges of modern society. DISENGAGEMENT THEORY The first psychological theories about retirement tended to take a rather negative position. Cummings and Henry(1961) saw retirement as a gradual process of separating off from society. Old people might be numerous, but they were less visible than younger people, and less involved in social activities. Cummings and Henry saw this as part of a natural mechanism, similar to a weakend animal withdrawing from its herd to die. Cummings and Henry put forward a biological explanation for this. They proposed that, as people grow older, there is a kind of inherited biological mechanism which encourages them, gradually, to withdraw from society. They have fulfilled their evolutionary function by bringing up families and helping their offspring to survive and now, Commings and Henry argued, evolution has no place for them. As a cosequence, they become less and less involved in social affairs, leaving decision-making and social organization to younger people and become increasingly withdrawn into their own lives.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a retired male. My girlfriend is still working. We have been exclusive for three years. We live 300 miles apart, but see each other every two or three weeks for at least three days and, until now, have had a very good relationship. The problem is, she's saying she wants to socialize with her ex-husband, who lives in her town. They have been divorced for eight years, but she wants to see him occasionally in a social setting, not just when it pertains to their two adult children, who live out of state. 1 We have been exclusiveというのは、「二人以外とは誰も付き合っていない」ということでしょうか? 2 every two or three weeks for at least three daysは「2、3週間に少なくとも3日」ということでしょうか? 3 not just when it pertains to their two adult childrenの訳を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 下記、英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    The accumulations in those long times must brought the great progress for the band either for artists. However,"Love"for our fans was the another precious issue that we raised. They've been together for last 20 years, no matter how far we were away. Therefore,no doubt,nothing is more important than our love for them. So great to have this day with all of you. you're the ones whose desires have developed us for these 20years. i wish to go through rest of lives with you from wholeheartedly. ちなみにこの文章は、日本のロックバンドL'Arc en Ciel の20周年ツアー のパンフレットに掲載されているものです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • なぜ進行形ではないか

    Two years ago I moved to a beautiful suburb where there is no social life for someone under 40 without kids. I’ve mostly counted on my friends online. My best friend had also been living somewhere where she didn’t have a big social life, and we were both fairly depressed. I felt we were really close, and we talked almost every day online and a couple of times a month on the phone. A month ago she moved to New York City, where she now lives with an old friend and has many other friends nearby. She got a pet she loves and is doing really well in her field, and her depression is improving. I’m really happy for her. But she hasn’t spontaneously contacted me since she moved. I messaged her once, and her replies were monosyllabic. She hasn’t really engaged with me on social media, although she’s been more active than ever. I miss her, and I feel incredibly alone and depressed. I’ve cried for days about this. Our mutual friend thinks she’s just busy, but I suspect she doesn’t have room for me in her life anymore. I tried to be a supportive friend through all her rough times, but she’s basically gone from my life. How do I get over the hurt? Am I just jealous? 最後のところは「今まさにそのような状態」なのでAm I just being jealous?とはならないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • わたしの英文見てください。

    The U.S. education has progrresed with the U.S. history, ant the education has been influenced by the history. Also, the education has itsb own history. Many dramatical changes were made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own country's historical aspects of edcation. もう一つ Many people think that schools today are worse than they were in the past, but this is not true. For example, in the past it was difficult topoor to go to school. 80-90percent ofstudents droped out by the 9th grade.Other example,the schools did not provide them textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her house. African American were segregated. According to this essay, we cannot say that schools in the past were better than schools today. アメリカの大学の宿題の一部なんで、そんなにフォーマルな文でなくて大丈夫です。ただ、NATURAL英語にしたいです。お願いします。