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Environmental Nightmare: The Dark Side of Palm Oil


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9770/12171)

以下のとおりお答えします。 〔アムステルダム通信〕 わずか数年前に、オランダの政治家および緑のグループは、国が初期(先がけ)の「持続可能なエネルギー」を迅速に採用したことにわくわくしていた。それは、一部にはバイオ燃料―特に東南アジア産のヤシ油を利用して発電装置をうまく稼動させることにより達成されたものだった。 政府補助金によって拍車がかかって、エネルギー会社は非常に熱心になったので、もっぱら油脂で動く発電機を設計しました。それは、植物に由来するので、理論上は石炭のような化石燃料より清潔なはずでした。 しかし、昨年、科学者がインドネシアとマレーシアでヤシの植樹実践を研究した時、この緑の夢物語は、むしろ環境上の悪夢のように見え始めました。 ヨーロッパにおけるヤシ油の需要増大が、東南アジアにおける熱帯雨林の広大な地域を一掃し、化学肥料の使い過ぎを引き起こしてしまったのです。 さらにまずいことに、拡大するヤシ植樹用のスペースは、しばしばピート地帯(泥炭地域)の排水と焼畑によって作られましたが、それが大気中に膨大な量の炭素を放射してしまったのです。 以上、ご回答まで。





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    Supported by hundreds of millions of euros in national subsidies, the Netherlands rapidly became the leading importer of palm oil in Europe, taking in 1.7 million tons last year, a figure that has been nearly doubling annually. The Dutch green energy giant Essent alone bought 200,000 tons , before it agreed to suspend new purchase until a better system for certifying sustainably grown palm oil could be developed. The company now has replaced the palm oil it used with conventional sources of energy and local biofuels . But already the buoyant demand has created damage far away. "When you drastically increase the demand for agriculture products, that puts new pressure on the land and can have uniteded consequences and hidden casts, " Jensen, of the European Enviroment Agency, said. Friends of the Earth estimates that 87 percent of the deforestation in Malaysia from 1985 to 2000 was caused by new palm oil plantations. In Indonesia, the amount of land devoted to palm oil has increased 118 percent in the past eight years. Oil needed by poor people for food was becoming too expensive for them. "We have a problem satisfying the Netherlands ' energy needs with someone else's food resources," said Creyghton of Friends of the Earth. Such concerns were causing intense misgiving about palm oil already when ,in December, scientists from Wetlands International released their bombshell calculations about the global emissions that palm farming on peatland cause.

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    “If you make biofuels properly, you will reduce greenhouse emissions,” said Peder Jensen, of the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen. “But that depends very much on the types of plants and how they’re grown and processed. You can end up with a 90 percent reduction compared to fossil fuels — or a 20 percent increase." “It’s important to take a life-cycle view,” and not to “just see what the effects are here in Europe.” In the Netherlands, the data from Indonesia has provoked soul-searching, and helped prompt the government to suspend palm oil subsidies. The Netherlands, a leader in green energy, is now leading the effort to distinguish which biofuels are truly environmentally sound. The government, environmental groups and some of the Netherlands’ “green energy” companies are trying to develop programs to trace the origins of imported palm oil, to certify which operations produce the oil in a responsible manner. Krista van Velzen, a member of Parliament, said the Netherlands should pay compensation to Indonesia for the damage that palm oil has caused. “We can’t only think: does it pollute the Netherlands?”

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    Biofuelswatch, an environment group in Britain, now says that “biofuels should not automatically be classed as renewable energy.” It supports a moratorium on subsidies until more research is done to define which biofuals are truly good for the planet. Beyond that, the group suggests that all emissions rising from the production of a biofuel be counted as emissions in the country where the fuel is actually used, providing a clearer accounting of environmental costs. The demand for palm oil in Europe has skyrocketed in the past two decades, first for use in food and cosmetics, and more recently for biofuels. This versatile and cheap oil is used in about 10 percent of supermarket products, from chocolate to toothpaste, accounting for 21 percent of the global market for edible oils. Palm oil produces the most energy of all vegetable oils for each unit of volume when burned. In much of Europe it is used as a substitute for diesel fuel, though in the Netherlands, the government has encouraged its use for electricity.

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    In their efforts to "buy green",customers tend to focus on packaging and chemicals, issues that do not factor in with clothing. Likewise, they purchase “natural” fibers like cotton, believing they are good for the environment. But that is not always the case: while " organic "cotton is exemplary in the way it avoids pesticides, cotton garments squander energy because they must be washed frequently at high temperatures, and generally require tumble-drying and ironing. Sixty percent of the carbon emissions generated by a simple cotton T-shirt comes from the 25 washes and machine dryings it will require, the Cambridge study found. A synthetic blouse, in contrast, takes more energy to make, since synthetic fabrics must be processed from materials like wood and oil. But upkeep is far more fuel-efficient, since synthetic fiber clean more easily and dry faster. Over a lifetime, a synthenic blouse uses less energy than a cotton T-shirt. One way to change the balance would be to develop technology to treat cotton so that it did not absorb odors so readily. "Reducing" washing temperature has a huge impact,” Allwood said.

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    But some environmental groups are convinced that Palm oil can't be produced sustainably at reasonable prices. Part of the reason palm oil is now relatively inexpensive is because of poor environmental practices and labor abuses, they say. Still, some Dutch companies like Biox, a young company fully devoted to a solution and are banking on this biofuel. Biox has applied to build three palm oil power plants in the Netherlands ;the first one gained approval just last week. It is currently auditing its plantation and refineries in Indonesia for sustainability . “Yes, there have been bad examples in the palm oil industry,” said Arjen Brinkman, a company official. “But it is now clear that to serve Europe’s markets for biofuel and bioenergy, you will have to prove that you produce it sustainably — that you are producing less, not more CO2.”

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    Factoring in these emissions, Indonesia had quickly become the world’s third-leading producer of carbon emissions that scientists believe are responsible for global warming, ranked after the United States and China, according to a study released in December by researchers from Wetlands International and Delft Hydraulics, both in the Netherlands. “It was shocking and totally smashed all the good reasons we initially went into palm oil,” said Alex Kaat, a spokesman for Wetlands, a conservation group. Biofuals, long a cornerstone of the quest for greener energy, may sometimes create more harmful emissions than fossil fuels, scientific studies are finding. As a result, politicians in many countries are rethinking the billions of dollars in subsidies that have indiscriminately supported the spread of all of these supposedly eco-friendly fuels for vehicles and factories. The 2003 European Union Biofuels Directive, which demands that all member states aim to have 5.75 percent of transportation run by biofuel in 2010, is now under review.

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    'The second verse may describe the condition of the earth on the evening of this first day(for in the Jewish mode of computation used by Moses each day is reckoned from the beginning of one evening to the beginning of another evening). This first evening may be considered as the termination of the indefinite time which followed the primeval creation announced in the first verse, and[may be considered]as the commencement of the first of the six succeeding days in which the earth was to be filled up and peopled in a manner fit the reception of mankind. .We have in this second verse a distinct mention of earth and waters as already existing and involved in darkness ;their condition also is described as a state of confusion and emptiness (tofu bofu), words which are usually interpreted by the vague and indefinite Greek term 'chaos',and which may world. At this intermediate point of time the preceding undefined geological periods had terminated, a new series of events commenced, and the work of the first morning of this new creation was the calling forth of light from a temporary darkness which had overspread the ruins of the ancient earth'.

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    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 ABU DHABI — Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company, is turning its attention to finding cost-effective ways to remove the salt from seawater, using renewable energy like solar power. There is a huge need for desalination in the Gulf, the world’s driest region and home to a rapidly growing population. In the desert lands of the Gulf and other parts of the Middle East, drinking water is mostly supplied from energy-intensive processes including chemical treatments, thermal distillation and filtration by reverse osmosis. These are all big energy consumers — and can burn up oil, the lifeblood of the region’s economy.

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    Biofuels are heavily subsidized throughout the developed world , including the European Union and the United States, and enjoy tax breaks that are given because they are more expensive to produce than conventional fuel. In the United States and Brazil most biofuel is ethanol , derived from corn and, used to power vehicles . In Europe it is mostly local rapeseed and sunflower oil, used to make diesel fuel. But as many European countries push for more green energy, they are increasingly importing plant oils from the tropics, since there is simply not enough biomass at home. On the surface, the environmental equation that supports biofuels is simple: Since they are derived from plants, biofuels absorb carbon while they are grown and release it when they are burned. In theory that neutralizes their emissions. But the industry was promoted long before there was adequate research, said Reanne Creyghton, who runs Friends of the Earth’s campaign against palm oil here.

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    It is obvious, then, to start with, that by Mind we may mean two very different things, according as we contemplate it in our own individual selves, or as manifested by other beings. For if I contemplate my own mind, I have an imme diate cognizance of a certain flow of thoughts and feelings, which are the most ultimate things — and, indeed, the only things— of which I am cognizant. But if I contemplate Mind in other persons or organisms, I can have no such immediate cognizance of their thoughts and feelings ; I can only infer the existence of such thoughts and feelings from the activities of the persons or organisms which appear to manifest them. Thus it is that by Mind we may mean either that which is subjective or that which is objective. Now throughout the present work we shall have to consider Mind as an object ; and therefore it is well to remember that our only instrument of analysis is the observation of activities which we infer to be prompted by, or associated with, mental antecedents or accompaniments analogous to those of which we are directly conscious in our own subjective experience. That is to say, starting from what I know subjectively of the operations of my own individual mind, and of the activi ties which in my own organism these operations seem to prompt, I proceed by analogy to infer from the observable activities displayed by other organisms, the fact that certain mental operations underlie or accompany these activities.