• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

刃物のセールをなさるようですが、関税がかからなくてよいように、注文品を贈り物あつかいにしていただくことはできせんか。 イギリスまでの郵送料と、研磨サービスこみでいくらになるかお知らせください。よろしくお願いします。 と書かれています。


  • ざっくりと和訳をお願いします

    I have a question as a collector and a straight razor shaver, I'm just interested if you kno w maybe why this razor has no etching on the blade compared to other Filarmonica duble temple 13. And a kind request: can you please declare the razor as low as possible value to help me get through the customs.

  • 簡単に和訳のほうをよろしくお願いします。

    the blade sharpening (for which you charged me $30) was less than satisfactory. I would like to ask that you refund the fee charged for this as it appears that it was either not done or done poorly.

  • 簡単に和訳をお願いします

    just nake sure tobsend all 3 knife i bought okay? i noticed you replied only to one item... oh and would you mind stating that ots a gift in the customs declaration form?

  • 和訳お願いします。

    イギリスのサイトからネットショッピングしたのですが、間違った商品が届いたので返品しました。 以下のメールが届きました。 I will be more than happy to offer this as a credit and free shipping for your next order. Unless of course you want a full refund including your return postage to us. If you prefer the credit note, when ordering your next order please write it down the following: Credit Note and free shipping due to the item from this order. If you rather have a full refund, I need to get your credit card details from you as we don't keep them on file once an order is processed. You also have the option to place a new order in the website for a T-shirt ( don't worry you will not be charged for the T-shirt) and write in the space for the Notes REFUND so I can get your credit card details safely.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします。

    if I knew this razor was in this bad of shape I would not have bought it its pieced to gather with glue the blade will take days to get fixed. not pleased.

  • 英訳見てください(><)

    英訳見てください(><)  頼まれていた窓の見積が届き、内容を知らせたいのですが、自然な英語に直して頂けますか?   I just got the estimate of the window. It's 43,000yen including postage. How many would you like to order? いま見積もりを貰いました、 送料こみで1枚43.000円です    何枚注文する? (1枚と書かなくても1枚あたりってわかりますか??)

  • ざっくり和訳わお願いします。

    Hi There, can you tell me if this Henckels is a Stainless steel or carbon blade.The other henckels I've bought from you are all stamped "INOX", this does not appear to have that stamp.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします(>_<) In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill, an Englishman, devised a new system for playing postal fees. In those days most countries required the person who received the letter to play the postage. It was Sir Rowland Hill's idea that ( 24 ) should attach a stamp to show that the necessary postage had been paid. His plan was put into practice, and in 1840 Great Britain issued the first postage stamp, which the person who had written the letter would put on the letter before it was sent. This stamp, known as the Penny Black, showed a picture of Queen Victoria and the woulds “Postage ”and “One Penny.”

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I enjoy weekly massages from a popular self-employed masseuse. I have a standing appointment. If I cancel within 24 hours, I understand that I must pay her. However, if I give her more notice, must I still give her some remuneration? We have never discussed it. I feel bad about canceling, as she may rely on this income, but it's difficult to pay for the event that requires me to cancel in addition to a massage that didn't happen. it's difficult to pay for the event that requires me to cancel in addition to a massage that didn't happenの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳してください

    What would you like out of this? What would you like the photograph to say about you. Do you find that being a psychic impacts much on your day-to-day life? Like to like get to know the person お願いします