• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の並べ替え問題が解けないです、教えてください)



  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

1、Their motto was (advanced, catch, of, technologies, the, the West, up, with)  → Their motto was "catch up with the the advanced technologies of the West."  (彼らのモットーは、「西洋の進んだ技術に追いつけ」 だった)  * catch up with ... ・・・に追いつく 2, The (demand, food, for, more, passed on, urgently, was) from the areas stuck by the disaster.  → The demand for more food was passed on urgently from the areas stuck by the disaster.  (もっと食料を送れという要求が、被災した地域からしきりに届いた) 3. Open (and, for, out, reach, the new knowledge, your, mind) that is being created every minutes.  → Open your mind and reach out for the new knowledge that is being created every minutes.  (心を開いて、この瞬間にも生まれている新しい知識を得ようと努めなさい)  * reach out for ... ・・・を得ようと努める 4. With (argument, defend, he, himself, may, to, try, whatever), his conduct still remains unpardonable.  → With whatever argument he may try to defend himself, his conduct still remains unpardonable.  (彼がどんな理屈をもって自分を弁護しようとも、彼の行為はまだ許されてはいない)


  • 和訳をお願いします

    If possible kindly declare less than 40 USD on the customs form to avoid that the shipment remains stuck at Milano Rosario Postal Hub, Italy, waiting for customs. Last time I bought a Japanese stone from Metal Master JP for 180 USD and it was stuck at the hub for 45 days, making me extremely worry. I was forced to open a case with Paypal, finally the shipment

  • 英語問題

    1I thought it was a bad idea for Sally to go hiking all alone, so I tried to talk her ( ) it. アagainst イaway from ウout of エup against 2The boy begged his parents ( ) the toy for him. アbought イbuy ウshould buy エto buy 3The theater was filled to ( ). アcapacity イcompletion ウfullness エsize 4If you ( ) to water the flowers every day, they may die. アneglect イobject ウreflect エreject 5William got ( ) nothing for designing the new library computer system. アbeside for イeven in ウnext to エof for 自分はウエアアエにしました。 ・共通の一語 1・He has more ( ) than to go where he is not wanted. ・What is the ( ) of spending so much money? 2・Education is a ( ) of national concern. ・Is there anything the ( ) with the engine? 3・It was greatly to his ( ) that he refused the reward. ・May I have the ( ) of dancing with you? 4・To do her ( ), she was a good-natured woman. ・All men should be treated with ( ). ・次の定義に合うもの 1inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods 2the totality of socially transmitted conduct patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought 3a chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or an institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events 4imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value 5the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession [ideology・philosophy・principle・history・ethics・culture・identity・literature・psychology・religion・belief] 自分はphylosophy,literature,history,culture,ethicsの順にしました。 ・英作文 ある人が「ダイエットをしようと思う」というと、おそらく10人中9人が、その人は食事を減らすことを言っているのだと思うでしょう。ダイエットを始める人たちは、ほとんどの場合肥満に悩んでいるからです。確かに食べ過ぎから生じる肥満は、本人にとっては全く笑い事ではないのです。 お願いします。

  • 英語ができる人、この英文をやくしていただけませんか

    In 1995, 94.5% of the wood material used was produced in the country. However, with the nation’s rapid economic expansion there was a surge in demand for more wood material. With the rise of the strong yen, Japan bought more things from abroad, and material produced in Japan fell to 45.0% by 1970. Afterwards, this figure fell even further, and by 2000 the percentage of wood material produced in the country was only 18.2%. A large percentage of imported wood is wood pulp, the basic material for paper products.

  • 英語が得意な方、問題をお願いします。

    ( )内に入る最も適当な語句を選びなさい。また、完成した文を訳しなさい。 1. It ( ) for Mary to learn that her bike had been stolen. (1)has shocked (2)shocked (3)was shocked (4)was shocking 2. When I was walking through the woods at night in the rainstorm, I felt something ( ) on my back. But, to my relief, it was my hair. (1)crawled (2)crawling (3)crawls (4)to crawl 3. ( ) why he was late this morning, he said that he been involved in the train accident. (1)Asking (2)To ask (3)Asked (4)By asking 4. She is sitting on the bench in the park ( ) he eyes closed. (1)to (2)in (3)on (4)with 5. Mary was ( ) to go to thr party at first, but she found that it was fun. (1)pleasant (2)likely (3)willing (4)reluctant 6. To ( ) with. let me ask you what your name is. (1)talk (2)begin (3)be honest (4)be frank 7. When I fell, I felt something ( ) wrong with my food. (1)goes (2)has gone (3)go (4)will go 8. I really regret ( ) everyone what happened to John. I didn't know he wanted to keep it secret. (1)telling (2)told (3)to tell (4)to have told 9. The angry person went away without so much ( ) some apologetic words. (1)as saying (2)in saying (3)saying (4)saying about 10. He's been fishing for two hours, but ( ) no fish has taken the bait. (1)as if (2)so as (3)so that (4)as yet 11. Some people say that the Internet is a passing fasion, ( ) others believe it is a turning point in human history. (1)during (2)while (3)judging from (4)considering 12. You may have ( ) soup or salad with your dinner. (1)both (2)either (3)neither (4)a choice 13. It was getting dark, and ( ) was worse, it began to snow. (1)as (2)how (3)what (4)where 14. The Baspue language, ( ) origin remains a mistery, is not related to any other language that we know of. (1)that (2)what (3)which (4)whose 15. Michael works very hard. That's ( ) I respect him. (1)that (2)the person (3)the thing (4)why 16. I am afraid I am not prerared to ( ) the risk of losing all my money. (1)catch (2)deal (3)put (4)take 17. A : Hello. Customer service. This is Fiona speaking. May I help you? B : Hello. I ordered some books two months ago, but they haven't arrived yet. Could you ( ) this matter, please? (1)look for (2)watch for (3)look into (4)watch into 18. She often worked for twenty-four hours ( ). (1)end on (2)on end (3)at an end (4)end for end 19. They robbed ( ) on his way home from the office. (1)his money (2)his money of him (3)him from his money (4)him of his money 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。 間違いなどありましたら、お知らせください。

  • 次の英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    次の???に入る選択肢はどれだと思いますか?できれば詳しい解説(訳など)もお願いします。 1.Research revealed that recently the demand ??? a powerful household cleaner has increased faster than the supply. (A)for (B)as (C)to (D)in 2.The advertising campaign promoting the G-Max cell phone was so successful that sales rose 30% ??? only one month. (A)on (B)at (C)by (D)in 3.One of the alarm systems ??? the factory failed to pass inspection. (A)at (B)by (C)from (D)above 4.Invoices may be presented ??? clients after they are fully satisfied with a project we have completed. (A)to (B)on (C)during (D)behind 5.Advertisers will be informed of the cost of their advertisements ??? 24 hours. (A)between (B)by (C)within (D)before

  • 英語の問題です。

    特に【A】と【E】が難しく感じました。 それぞれの問題で訳や何か重要なポイントなどを合わせてつけてくださると助かります。 お願いいたします。 【A】 1 Linda doesn´t dance much now, but I know she () a lot.   アwas used to イused to ウwould エwould have 2 The tourists were made () for more than six hours at the airport.   アwait イwaited ウto wait エwaiting 3 A seventeen-years-old is () to vote in an election.   アnot enough old イold not enough ウnot old enough エenough not old 4 John, () the news of the earthquake, couldn´t utter a word.   アshock at イshocking at ウshocked at エhaving shocked by 5 We were taught that the American Revolution () over in 1783.   アis イhas been ウhave エwas 6 Mother seems to be () on Monday, when she has lots of things to wash.   アbusiest イthe busier ウthe more busier エthe most busiest 7 () from the expressionon her face, she doesn´t seem to be very pleased with the result.   アSeem イLooking ウGuessed エJudging 8 I´m afraid Tom´s argument rests only on his imagination, not on ().   アfancy イfictions ウopinions エfacts 9 Look () the words in the dictionary whose meanings you don´t know.   アon イout ウup エwith 10 I was late because my car broke () on the way.   アup イin ウdown エby 11 The result fell short () our expectations.   アfrom イof ウfor エin 12 She took her guests into the kitchen to show () her new washing machine.   アoff イup ウaround エinto 【B】 1 Everyone laughed loudly when he appeared on the stage.   Everyone burst into () when he appeared on the stage. 2 I never see this picture without thinking of my high school days.   This picture always () () of my high school days. 3 We met her at the station by chance.   We () () meet her at the station. 4 He got quite angry with me when I broke his cup.   He () () temper with me when I broke his cup. 【C】間違いの指摘 1 The road remained (closing) for (more than) a week (owing) to the (heavy) snow. 2 This is the park (where) we (used to) (visit) (when young). 3 (That´s) (the way how) she (got) (out of) danger. 4 Jane is (much) (pretty) (than) (beautiful). 5 He was (long) lost (in) deep (thought) with his arms (folding). 【D】 1 It (be,remains,to,whether,seen) the new car will sell well. 2 He suggested (she,to,that,take,her,up) music lessons. 3 He (from,is,for,far,suitable) the job. 4 He speaks French, (say,English,nothing,to,of). 【E】次の英文と同じ内容を表すもの 1 Not all of his plans were accepted.   アThey didn´t take any of his plans. イThey turned down some of his plans.   ウThey accepted all of his plans. エAll of his plans were rejected. 2 He stops in from time to time.   アHe never comes to see us. イHe visits us occationally.   ウHe visits us ever hour. エHe hardly ever comes to stay. 3 We have something in common.   アIn two ways, we´re different. イIn one way, we´re similar.   ウIn no way are we identical. エIn some ways, we´re the some in appearance. 4 The trouble with Seth is that he always takes things seriously.   アSeth has trouble taking things seriously.    イIt´s a lot of trouble for Seth to take things seriously.   ウSeth takes things seriously, and as a result, gets other people into trouble.   エOne of Seth´s problems is that he takes things seriously. 以上です。

  • DIVXインストールについて

    DIVXダウンロード後インストールがうまくいきません。searching for installed でキャンセルを押し、その後、this installation was created with installer VISE from MindVISION softwareという画面が出て終わってしまいます。インストールもされていないみたいです。どうすればインストール出来るのでしょうか?もともとMPEG2ファイルをストリーミング配信するためにやったのですが、mpeg2からストリーミング形式へエンコードって他に方法がありますか?

  • 英語が得意な方お願いします。

    英語学習を始めたばかりのものです。次の問題の丸付けをしたいのですが、答えがついてなかったので、次の英文の( )に当てはまる[ ]から選んだ語句を教えて下さい。 1.Are you ( ) this idea? [for or agaisnt /in or out/ back or forth] 2.( ) , please. Tim will be with you in a moment. [hold up/hold/with/hold on] 3.I hope she can ( ) all her colleagues. [get by with /get along with /get on with] 4.I hope she can ( ) all her colleagues. [get by with /get along with /get on with] 5.I ( ) that you will be present at tomorrow's meeting. [take it for granted/take it in truly/take it with sure] 6.The salesman was waiting for his client in the hotel lobby , but she did't ( ). [show off /show up /show on/ show at] 7.The long-term recession is over , and the economy now seems tobe ( ) the better. [turing for / driving towards/aiming for/heading over] 8.Job opportunities should be available to anybody ( ) physical disabilities , age , gender , or cultural background. [regarding/as regards / in regard to/regardless of] 9.In this age of information technology , we can no longer ( ) the Internett. [do with /live with/live without/afford without] 10.The president of our partner financial company recommeended the new accountant , so I am ( ) her ability and efficiency. [convinced of /satisfied/persuaded/determined] 11.All ( ) are included in the total published price for each gift advertised on ur website. [delivering cost/delivery charges/shipping moneys/transferring charge] 12.The very long limousine ( ) when the driver tried to make a right turn along the narrow country road. [stood still/bogged down/got stuck /ran around] 13.The contract was not signed at the meeting yesterday , so the start of the project has to be( ) until we get an official signature. [held on/put out/called off/put off] 14.The mechanic told me that there was ( ) with my car now and that it was working fine. [nothing the matter / something the matter/nothing to do/anything wrong] 15.If you participate in the golf competition next month , I'll ( ) , too. [sign up/sign for/sign with /sign in]

  • (   )に入る語&並べ替えを教えてください。

    1 Most comic books are to the brain ( ) junk food is to the body. ア what イ which  ウ that エ whatever 2 You should buy your tickets to the game ( ). ア in effect  イ on the brave ウ in kind エ in advance 3 The soccer game last night was really ( ) to watch. ア to excite イ excitement ウ excited エ to watch 4 `What's wrong with the toaster ?` `It just stopped ( ).` ア to wark イ to working ウ working エ to have worked 5 いったん悪い習慣が身についてしまうと、それを断ち切るのは難しい。  (Once) you have acquired a bad habit, it is difficult to get ( )( ) it. ※(合ってますか?) 6 If it had not been for your support, I could not have succeeded. ( )( ) your support, I could not have succeeded. 7 While I was staying in Italy, I visited a lot of museums.(一語補って同じ意味の文に) ( stay / called / Italy / I / my / at / in ) a lot of museums. 8 He could not go out because of a bad storm.(一語補って同じ意味の文に) ( go out / it / to / a bad storm / impossible / him / for ). 9 自然を守ることは国民の利益につながるということが多くの人に認識されるようになった。   It came to be recongnized by many people to protect the nature leads to the profit of the nation. 10 この間いただいた地図のおかげで迷わずに来られました。   Thanksfor the map that I had before, I could come without losing my way. (※9と10の英作の添削をお願いします。) どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の問題の添削をお願いします。

    1.次の各文の( )内から適する語句を選びなさい。 (1)Jim was born on the day (アwhich イwhen ウwhere) his father went to Paris. (2)We live (アwhich イthat ウwhere) our aunt used to live. (3)He went to Osaka, (アwhich イwhere ウthere) he met a friend of his. (4)Do you know the exact time (アwhich イwhom ウwhere エwhen) the accident occurred? (5)Keep on with your studies, (アhowever イno matter what ウso エwhatever) hard it sometimes seems. (6)"Are you going somewhere during the vacation?"-"Yes,I've found a nice beach (アhow イwhen ウwhere エwhich) I can enjoy swimming even in February." (7)It's not only her friends that Ms.Kinoshita is kind to. She helps (アthose イwhatever ウwhoever エwhom) needs her help. 2.次の各文の_に適する関係副詞を書きなさい。 (1)Tell me the reason _ she refused my offers. (2)Kumi wanted to live in a place _ she could see the ocean. (3)I remember the day _ my grandmother left Japan. (4)Kathy was taken _ she had never been before. (5)The day was very windly _ we visited our teacher. (6)I was going to shopping,_ Tom called me up. (7)He returned to his native land,_ he spent the last few years of his life. 3.次の各文の誤りを正して全文を書きなえなさい。 (1)You may invite whomever wants to come. (2)Please call on me whatever you want to. (3)This is the house which I lived in my early days. (4)They come to a large lake, that they took a rest for a while. (5)She didn't tell me the reason, why she would not work. (6)How careful he was, he couldn't avoid the accident. 4.次の文を関係副詞を使って書き変えなさい。 (1)This is the way in which they ran out of the burning house. (2)This is the village that I first met him in. (3)The day on which we arrived in New York was Sunday. 5.次の2つの文を関係副詞を使って1つの文にしなさい。 (1)August is the month. We have no school then. (2)Last week I visited the town. You used to live there. (3)We walked to the park. And there we played tennis for an hour. (4)I went to see Bill last Saturday. And then it was raining. 6.次の日本文に合うように、( )内の語句を並べ変えなさい。(4)は( )内の語を並び替えて_に入れ、英文を完成させなさい。 (1)私たちはこうして友だちになりました。(became/friends/how/is/this/we/.) (2)私はロイが早起きをしたわけを知っています。(early/got up/I/know/Roy/the reason/why/.) (3)意志があるところには道がある。(a/there's/where/will),there's a way. (4)Unfortunately,_ _ _ _, _ was one step ahead of us. (fast/he/however/ran/we) 7.次の英文を日本文に直しなさい。 (1)Dinner is ready whenever you may come back. (2)Wherever you may go, always be kind to others. 1.(1)イ (2)ウ (3)イ (4)エ (5)ア (6)エ (7)ウ 2.(1)why (2)where (3)when (4)where (5)when (6)when (7)where 3.(1)You may invite whoever wants to come. (2)Please call on me whenever you want to. (3)This is the house where I lived in my early days. (4)They came to a laege lake, where they took a rest for a while. (5)She didn't tell me the reason why she would not work. (6)However careful he was, he couldn't avoid the accident. 4.(1)This is how they ran out of the burning house. (2)This is the village where I first met him. (3)The day when we arrived in New York was Sunday. 5.(1)August is the month when we have no school. (2)Last week I visited the town where you used to live. (3)We walked to the park, where we played tennis for an hour. (4)I went to see Bill last Sunday, when it was raining. 6.(1)This is how we became friends. (2)I know the reason why Roy got up early. (3)Where there's a will, there's a way. (4)Unfortunately, [however we ran fast, he] was one step ahead of us. 7.(1)あなたがいつ戻ってきても、夕食の準備はできています。 (2)どこへ行っても、他人にはいつも親切にしなさい。 多いですが、よろしくお願いいたします。