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Traditionally grown and hand picked by the folks who have developed tea for centuries , Green Mountain Tea gives you a taste of history . どうしても日本語が成立しなかったので この文章を英訳してください!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)



  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    英文を訳して下さい。 (1)A small country brimming with beauty, Costa Rica has mountain cloud forests, lush green jungles, and miles of stunning beaches that are famous for their beauty and their legendary waves. An incredible amount of flora and fauna thrive in its perfect climate, making it one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet. Established in 2009, Costamor was founded by Elizabeth Wright, a California native who is half Costa Rican. As a child, visiting Costa Rica felt like a magical place: waterfalls, jungles, wild sugarcane, monkeys playing in the trees, friendly people and the ever-present flurry of brilliantly膨olored butterflies. She was enchanted. As an adult, Elizabeth remembers not just the sights of Costa Rica, but the scents: the dark rich soil, the massive coconut groves, the sweet citrus trees, the lush flowers, the windswept beaches and the glossy green leaves of the rain forest. In 2008, Elizabeth set forth to develop a fragrance concept based on Costa Rica, using notes from the plants and elements indigenous to this special place. (2)A sultry, feminine spin on one the prized crops of Costa Rica ・tobacco. Grown in the volcanic highlands and cured with the care of fine winemakers, this is tobacco destined for excellent cigars. Tobacca uses both the raw leaves (green, fresh and sweetened with a subtle hint of apple) and the richly aromatic dried tobacco and blends them with a deeply romantic rose tea. Velvety amber and soft precious woods add luxurious, cashmere-like warmth to this hypnotic, seductive fragrance. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Biofuels are heavily subsidized throughout the developed world , including the European Union and the United States, and enjoy tax breaks that are given because they are more expensive to produce than conventional fuel. In the United States and Brazil most biofuel is ethanol , derived from corn and, used to power vehicles . In Europe it is mostly local rapeseed and sunflower oil, used to make diesel fuel. But as many European countries push for more green energy, they are increasingly importing plant oils from the tropics, since there is simply not enough biomass at home. On the surface, the environmental equation that supports biofuels is simple: Since they are derived from plants, biofuels absorb carbon while they are grown and release it when they are burned. In theory that neutralizes their emissions. But the industry was promoted long before there was adequate research, said Reanne Creyghton, who runs Friends of the Earth’s campaign against palm oil here.

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願いします。  Imagine how people lived long before anyone knew of any sciences or of writing. Then, as now, they would try to answer fundamental questions about their existence. Where did the would comd from? How did people originate? Why is there evil in the world? What happens to people when they die? What forces control the weather, the seasons, the cycle of agriculture? Questions such as these have persisted throughout history in every culture. The stories made so long ago to try to offer answers to these questions, and to try to account for a society's customs and rituals, are called myths.  Traditionally, myths did not originate in written form. They developed slowly as an oral tradition that was handed down over generations. Early people looked around and tried to make sense of the confusing world around them. They tried to imagine how it cnuld have come into being.  The elders of society two were considered wise analyzed what they saw. They came up with their own conclusions about natural events and human behavior. They developed stories that explained how such things came to be. They had to account for everything that happenedーfrom the origin of the world up to and including the present. These accounts, passed down in story form, were eventually accepted as traditional truth. Much letter the stories were written down.  Although mythmaking is an ancient practice, it is not a practice limited to people who lived thousands of years ago. People continue to create myths to explain their world. The American West of the 19th century (a,been,favorite,has,on,subject,towhich) build modern myths.  Mythmaking has traditionally looked to the past to try to make sense out of the present. Some modern myths look instead to the future. Storytellers make use of the countless inventions of the last few centuries to give striking descriptions of what Earth may be like  hundreds of years from now. They imagine life on worlds billions of light-years away in space or far in the future. These stories also help cultures understand their world. 以上になります。

  • 和訳

    Animals have developed various ways to communicate. They have( 1 )many different ways of communicating with each other that to list them would fill several books. However,even a few examples show that other animals,communication styles are as surprising and peculiar ( 2 )our own. A smiling human who holds out her hand to be shaken is communicating( 3 )words.( 1 )is the bee that whirs her body in dance. The bee gives other bees directions to the flowers she discovered. You may think that humans are always communicating the more complicated message( 4 )bees. However,in this case,it is the bee that is communicating the more complicated message. Many animals signal each other not by gestures( 5 )by using body chemicals. Ants frightened by an enemy give out chemical alarms that other ants can smell. Then every ant can hide or prepare( 6 )attack. アtoo イso ウthat エto オbut カas キwith クwithout ケfor コthan かっこの中に入る記号と和訳をお願いしたいです。

  • 問題添削してくださいお願いします

    It is not often that someone asks me that, but it is a good question and one ( 1 ) considering. Common dietary guidelines are insufficient for two reasons. First, they are based on averages - average weight, average height, average lifestyle. They do not accurately describe how people should be, just how they are. Because individuals differ, I would ( 2 ) you to treat these kinds of guidelines with caution. Secondly, food varies too. It isn't enough to say you should have 3 servings of vegetables a day or 4 servings of fruit, because each vegetable or fruit is different.Where they are grown, when they were picked, how long they've been stored - all these things make difference. For example, vegetables grow in soil.They take their nutrients from the soil. If the soil is poor ( 3 ) nutrients, then the vegetables will be too. And you can't tell this from looking at them from the outside.This is why I ( 4 ) getting in touch with organizations such as the Green Vegetable Growers' Association, who can advise you about conditions in your local area. You should try and eat food that is nutritious and be aware that two similar sized servings of spinach, for example might not contain the same amount of nutrition : it all depends on where they were grown. ( 1 )~( 4 )に当てはまるものを選ぶ ( 1 )は  a. worth b. necessary c. value d. important to ( 2 )は  a. suggest b. advice c. advise d. consider ( 3 )は  a. with b. in c. for d. by ( 4 )は  a. revommendation b. recommend c. am recommending d. recommends  という問題なのですが、 私は (1) a (2) c (3) b (4) b になりました。 解答がなくて、答えがわからないので みなさんのご意見聞きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳(誰が英訳をお願いします。)

    PAYPALより払い戻しがありましたが、 私は決して注文分をキャンセルしておりません。 あなたのところから発送が遅れているため 私はPAYPAL経由で私の保証期間を確保するために、異議申し立てをして 注文分を早く発送するようお願いしただけです。 キャンセルはしてませんので誤解しないようにお願い致します。 現在、私の注文分は取り消しになったのでしょうか? あなたから返事で あなたのサプライヤから入荷が遅れるとのことでしたので いつになれば発送できるのか正確な情報を私は知りたいです。 質問したら無視しないで必ず返事していただけないでしょうか 宜しくお願い致します。 誰か英訳お願いできませんか 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英訳で困ってます。英訳お願いします。

    英訳で困ってます。英訳お願いします。 「私も同じ気持ち。私にとってあなたや子供達は私の全てだよ。今の私達の状況はとても厳しいものだけど、これはテンポラリーなものなんだって自分に言い聞かせながら毎日過ごしてる。 昨日2人でよく話し合ったよね、私達の夢が早く実現すればいいね、ここから1日も早く出ていけれますように。私も愛してるよ!」

  • 【緊急英訳】英訳をお願いします

    あるイベントについて「11月上旬開催」を英語で表現したいのですが、どうもしっくりした表現が思いつきません。できるだけネイティブに近い感性の表現にしたいのですが、是非アイデアをください。11月上旬はbigining of Novemberかな?とか、開催はtake place?などと辞書をひいているのですが、いま一つピントきません。

  • 【急募 英訳】英訳お願いします

    条件としては10~15文であること、全体で65語以上使用する事です。 よろしくお願いします。 以下本文となります。 私が好きな歴史について話します。 私は歴史がとても好きで、とても興味があります。 孔子は言いました「温故知新」と 歴史から古い事を知り、新しい事に活かせる所が私は良い所だと思っています。 また、歴史好きの人は最近増えています。 歴史好きから友人が沢山できるのです。 更に人々の過去の偉業を知れるので、自分にも活かせ、自分を高める事もできます。 そして最後に正しい歴史認識をもち、自分の生まれた国の日本に誇りがもてる日本人になれるという事です。 今の日本人は日本に誇りをもてない日本人が多く、残念に思います。 そのような事から正しい歴史教育が必要なのだと私は感じます。 そして生まれた国「日本」に誇りをもてる日本人を作るのです。

  • 英訳教えてください。

    入学おめでとう。学生生活を楽しんでくださいね、そして夢がかないますように。 Congratulations on your acceptance at the school ! Give student life enjoyably So that your dream is realized まったく自信ありません。添削してください。 よろしくお願いいたします。