• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の作り方をご指導ください!)


  • He got $1 million from Sentral Banok to expand his restaurants he has owned for 45 yers.
  • 質問(1)上記のような英文作成のコツを教えてください!
  • 質問(2)He got $1 million from Sentral Banok to expand his restaurants owned for 45 yers.のように過去分詞にしてしまいたいのですが可能でしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • boyinusa
  • ベストアンサー率58% (80/137)

質問(1)上記のような英文作成のコツを教えてください! まずは関係代名詞の理解が必要です。関係代名詞とは2つの文をまとめるために補うもので、直前の先行詞を修飾することができます。先行詞が人の場合はwho、物の場合which / thatが基本です。 例えば今回の例文の場合(Sentral Banokが馴染みないのでCentral Bankに変えてあります): (1)He got $1 million from Central Bank to expand his restaurants. (2)He has owned his restaurants for 45 years. これらの2文を1つにします。andを用いて記述することもできますが関係代名詞を用いるほうが学術的かつ自然な表現になります。先行詞は (1)のhis restaurantsになるので(2)の修飾文からhis restaurantsを抜かし先行詞が目的語となるようにします。 >He got $1 million from Central Bank to expand his restaurants (which / that) he has owned for 45 years. この際、目的格の関係代名詞は省略が可能なので例文のような英文となります。 補足例: This is the book and I bought the book yesterday. >This is the book I bought yesterday. 質問(2)He got $1 million from Sentral Banok to expand his restaurants owned for 45 yers. のように過去分詞にしてしまいたいのですが可能でしょうか? 書き換えとしては適切ではありません。過去分詞の形容詞的用法は受け身の関係が成り立たなければいけません。 the restaurants owned for 45 years → the restaurants which are owned for 45 years 他回答者様も指摘されていますが、ここでのownは他動詞になりますので誰が所有しているのか述べる必要があります。 ですから the restaurants owned by him でしたら可能です。 さらに彼が45年間オーナーをしているという意味合いにするためには現在完了を用いることが好まれます。 the restaurants owned for 45 years では he has owned for 45 years の現在完了部分が抜けてしまっているので書き換えとしては成り立ちません。 以上を踏まえて、あえて書き換えをするなら関係代名詞の主格を用いて次のようになります。 >He got $1 million from Central Bank to expand his restaurants that have been owned by him for 45 years. 分かりづらい表現もあったかと思いますが、ご参考までに。



お礼が遅くなり申し訳ありません。 丁寧な説明ありがとうございます。 とても解かりやすく文法書を読んでも消化不良だったのがすっきりしました。 (*´▽`*)


その他の回答 (1)

  • umeco51
  • ベストアンサー率41% (35/85)

He got $1 million from Central bank to expand his restaurant と He has owned the restaurant for 45 yearsを一つのセンテンスでスマートに言おうとすると、He got $1 million from Central bank to expand his restaurant he has owned for 45 years. となります。 二つ目のセンテンスの目的語が一つ目のセンテンスの目的語になっている場合は、このように1文でつなげて作ってみてください。 2については、間違いではないですが、誰がownしているのかが明確ではないので、首を傾げたくなるかもしれません。



お礼が遅くなり申し訳ありません。 ありがとうございます。 ownは所有者を明確にしなくてはいけないのですね・・・ 指摘して頂けるまで気が付きませんでした。 これからも勉強頑張ります !(^^)!



  • 英文のニュース

    Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has received a refund from tax authorities of about 130 million yen out of the 609.7 million yen he paid in gift tax on assets provided by his mother, as the statue of limitation in some cases has been reached, sources close to the matter said Thursday. as以下からの訳が分かりにくいのと、some casesとは何をさしているのでしょうか? Hatoyama had long failed to take the necessary tax procedures with regard to the assets. The tax authorities has judged that the gift tax he later paid on the funds he received in 2002 and 2003 was unnecessary due to the five-year statute of limitation, sparing him more than 100 million yen in tax he would otherwise have paid. sparingからも訳していただけないでしょうか?

  • explainingとexplanation?

    explainingとexplanation? NHKラジオ英会話講座より Why didn't Sean clean his room? He told me he'd see to it. He's got some explaning to do.(・・・。ちょっと説明してもらわないとね。) 質問: (1)He's got some explaning to do.はHe's got to do some explaining.とは同じでないですね? (2)have gotとhave got toは違いますね? (3)explainingと現在分詞が使われていますが、explanationsという名詞を使ってはいけませんか?なぜ、わざわざ現在分詞ですか?  以上

  • 英文和訳

    That sort of inaccuracy is not likely to place Woods in contention this weekend. Indeed, Woods is closer to missing the cut at the Open for the first time since 1995, when he withdrew from his first Open after shooting a first-round 83 here at Shinnecock, than he was to Maruyama's lead. 上記英文の he was to Maruyama's lead.はどう訳すのですか?

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    長文で恐縮ですが、 英文の和訳をお願いします。 He will attract money. He has little understanding of the depth of human greed cupidity and envy, jealousy. He is weak willed where friendships or illicit unions are concerned, the combination will bring about his rune. Not everyone will understand his motives and will think he is only concerned with pleasure and falls victim to it, for he has a sense of gaiety, fun, and independence or unconventionality, but it is also circumstance, not shallowness or weakness that place her in difficult relationships. Unfortunate or foolish in human relationships or marriage. But in other area s of life successful. He can brighten up drab days and difficult surroundings and likes to add color to life, he has much energy that way, but will help others and will do them with no great fuss or bother, and won't expect praise or recognition. For this reason he has many good qualities but they tend to get taken for granted, while his minor falls from grace get noticed..

  • 英文を翻訳希望

    以下の英文を翻訳お願いしたいです。 He puts a lot of time and effort into establishing relationships and involvements and contacts that are meaningful or which he thinks will be useful to him, in the future these acquaintanceships are like investments he makes for his future. Good at organizing and building up a backdrop of social networks of people in his life., that he can call on for various things when he needs them. He can seem to accept people exactly as they are and to be non-judgmental and even humble if he has to be Though he has a pride in him that is hard to cut down. He gains from people he thinks are greater, or wealthier or more talented or knowledgeable than himself. Or from those who have more contacts, which he adds to his own. He learns from them, while tolerating their difficultness. While others may wonder, how does he put up with this dreadful person! What does he see in this irate cantankerous character? He gives a lot of time to his friends and acquaintances and contacts And to everyone he knows however slightly he knows them.,

  • (短)英文和訳

    カール=マルクスに関する英文の和訳なのですが…。 He read many books and "while out of sorts, got to know Hegel from beginning to end." " "内がどうしてもわかりません。 どのように訳すのが正しいのでしょうか?

  • この英文を直して欲しい(><)!!

    There are three reasons why Mr.Tucker was fired from his job. To begin with, he was often absent from his work. He missed thirty working days last year. Second, His personality was a problem. He was nasty to other employees and to the customers. Finally, His performance on the job was poor. He did not follow the boss's instructions, and he rarely completed assignments. 注目して頂きたいところは1行目の「To begin with」と2行目の「Second」と3行目の「Finally」です。英文を箇条書きにしてから作った文章なので上に3つ挙げたような「繋ぎの語」が重要ですよね!? 「この繋ぎの語はこう変えた方ががいいよ!」「ここにも他の繋ぎの語が必要だよ!」と、言うようなご解答をお待ちしております。お時間がよろしければよろしくお願いします(^^)/♪

  • 英文の解釈を教えてください

    Yet in the eyes of history, this error established his greatness, for in failing to reach Asia, he and those who followed him opened to the European masses a means of escape from poverty and hardship for ages to come. 上記の英文につきまして、以下の点がわからないのですが、 ご教示いただけないでしょうか。 (コロンブスに関する文章です。) (1)"for in failin to~"について、挿入句だと思うのですが、このforは接続詞のforでしょうか。 それとも前置詞でしょうか。 (2)"opened to~"の部分で、調べたところopen to+人+モノという形が 見つからなかったのですが、openにはこのような形があるのでしょうか。 あるいは構文の解釈が誤っているのでしょうか。

  • 次の英文が文法的に理解できません。

    「He has yet to fulfil his promise to buy me a ring..」という例文があります。 和訳は「彼は私に指輪を買うという約束をまだ果たしていない」との記載があります。 上記の例文はどうして「He has not yet fulfiled ・・・・.」にならないのでしょうか。 上記の例文が正しい場合、肯定文でyetを使用する時、 「まだ~ない」という意味があるのでしょうか。 また、「to fulfil」のtoの用法について教えて下さい。 質問ばかりで恐縮ですが、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文!

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします! But he did not have enough resources to realize his dream:money, navigation skill, and command of English. For five years, he worked hard to prepare for his trip. He practiced sailing a yacht, read many books and manuals, and learned English. At the age of 23, he finally left Japan in a small yacht.