• 締切済み



  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

でも、わたしは、あなたの愛情生活の邪魔をしたくはないです。 それにスカイプでの会話よりも、現実の生活でいっしょになにか するのがわたしはすきですから。 あなたが何をのぞむにせよ、えらぶのはあなた。あなたは最高 のものにふさわしいと思うよ。 少し突き放した言い方です。スカイプで一緒に会話していた知 人から言われたのではないでしょうか。


  • この英語を日本語に

    訳してもらえませんか? 私は英語が出来なくて 辞書とかで調べても さっぱりわかりません なので分かる方教えてください。 You that I have only you who is the dearest who should love I will swear that I love you as long as it is alive. I want you to wait... offering one's hand.... until the moment please me you when transmitting. this desire この3つです。 お願いします

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    メールをしている外国の友達からこんな文がきました。これって告白でしょうか.....I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I want to meet someone special. Could you be that speci al one. ん~和訳をお願いします。 追加で、こんな時、「今はまだわからないけど、これから二人の関係が良い方に進めばあなたの特別な人になりたいと思っています。」は. I don't know what i say now, but I want to become a special one of you if our relationship will grow well って感じで良いのでしょうか? お願いします。 ちなみに、I want these feelings to grow how about you? ともきました。

  • お手数ですが日本語訳をお願いします。

    I’ve never been in a romantic relationship and I’m on the verge of being 21 and honestly I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen, I’m not mad or bitter or looking for validation. Sometimes people who want to love just can’t find the right people to love them back and that’s ok. Just want people to know that when you can’t find someone to pour your love into it just means you have all that much more to focus on yourself and your own individual happiness.

  • 日本訳を教えてください(1)

    Everyday you make a little sweet sound that I really love to stay and hear for long as you walk and talk and sing a song I feel this way wherever you are going I will go if it's so hard to do, so many things I have to lose, I've decided that I live my life for you I'll be there with you, my love I'll always be a part of you your joys and your pains or your tears are mine you are all I realize as true, no more I'll be there with you, my love I'll always be a part of you And I want you to know that by rule and line you are all, all that I live my life for I think of you think of every word we talked and every thing that we did together every moment we spent with each other Quite a few people in my life so far I met have gone away from me now you're the only one I see and the world is spinning just for you and me 長すぎるので分けますm(_ _)m (2)へ…

  • 英語から日本語へ

    長文で申し訳ありません。どなたか英語が得意な方、翻訳して頂きたいです。 どうかよろしくお願い致します。 I was being immature and ambitious about starting my trip. Now that I have gone though, the realization of leaving you has left a large wound in my heart. I will not be able to function as a normal human being for the foreseeable future. Sadness and regret has overtaken me entirely. You were NEVER just a convenience for me. It was convenient having you as a girlfriend yes, bet you were never only that. You were a highly cherished, valued and loved partner to me. I understand after all of this if you are upset or angry with me and if your view of me as a person has changed. The fact remains though that I do love you, and I will not be able to forget you for a very long time. Like I said at the train station, I went in to this relationship with a very cold, and well guarded heart from previous situations. You re-opened my heart 名前, and filled with nothing but love, affection, and good long lasting memories. You are a wonderful person, who deserves nothing but the absolute best in life. In the end, I would not have been able to provide that for you. I still have a long way to go to get where I want to be in life.

  • 英語できる方、日本語に訳してもらえませんか。

    I did not want to tell you this before, but now its like am forced to let you know I am the one you know as the Actor but I am a secret agent that works with the American Military, I was going to explain to you later, but since you have found out yourself I have to tell you now. Please you have to keep this as a top secret because in the profile you sent I know you should have read I was once in the US Marine Corps, But I had a deal with the Defence council when i was going into acting, and I still work as an underground agent, I want a new and free life that is why I want a good and real love from you.this is why I decided to look for someone\ outside America to find true love. I hope you will understand all I have told you and know that what i need is your love Please find part of the link you sent me below, What I need is your love, your love is very important to me I need a serious and real love in my life. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Spent four years as a U.S. Marine serving in combat units. During his time, he studied the hand to hand combat, line-training and Brazilian ju-jitsu. In his first credited speaking role on-screen, he played the lead role of John Merser in Maverick Entertainment's 'Champion Road'. Was an uncredited extra in a scene with Michael Jai White and Tasha Smith in 2007's hit film, 'Why Did I Get Married?'. In 2011, he signed on with those same two actors as a series regular in a TBS sitcom based on that movie. Although known for being athletic and performing his own stunts in films; Brad James is working with an ankle that never healed correctly after he broke it in in late 2000 while serving in the US Marine Corps.

  • 日本語に訳してもらえませんか?

    次の文を訳していただけないでしょうか? I do hope you werent offended by my reference to being close to you and what I imagined us doing together. I know you get upset by these things.....although it is difficult as I get to love you more and more... 翻訳サイトで調べまして、大体はわかったような気がするのですが、正確な訳が知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この日本語はどう訳せばいいのですか?

    「私は,どんな事をしてでも,そのレースで彼に勝ちたい」は I want to win him (in?) the race [whatever I do/no matter what I do]. この文で合っていますか?(  )の部分が特に心配です. 「私は,そんな事をしてまで彼に勝ちたくない.」 I don't want to win him as much as I do such a thing. [not~as much as I do such a thing.]を使って 「そんな事をするほど~ない」と言うようにしたかったのですが,何か不自然な気がします. この文より良い文を教えてください.

  • 至急お願い致します。日本語に沿う英文になっているでしょうか?

    何だかんだ言って、私は主治医に死期宣告されようと何だろうと、骨髄移植ドナーが現れるのをひたすら待ちます。あなたが好きだから、やっぱり死にたくないんです。 Believe or not, I would never give up waiting a bone marrow donor's offer even though my doctor told me how long my life last. It's because I love you and I dont want to die. 英会話教室で訳していただいた文章です。 日本語に沿う文章になっていると良いのですが・・・。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語の訳と英作を教えてください。

    (1)「Going to see you live always reminds me that life is for living.」 という英文がありました。 「あなたが活動しているのを見に行くことで、いつも私は生きる意味を見出す。」という感じでしょうか?that lifeというところがよくわかりませんでした。 (2)「あなたと同じ時代に生まれたことを神に感謝せずにはいられない。」という感じの英文は 「 I can't help thanking God for living in the same time as you.」 では不自然でしょうか? または 「I am happy to live in the same time as you.」 ではどうでしょうか? おわかりになる方、是非教えていただきたいと思います。宜しくお願いいたします。