• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の質問です!)

Long and short questions about furniture, time, and stories


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

There (3) so it will take a long time to move. (1)is many furniture (2)are a lot of funitures (3)is a lot of furniture (4)are many furnitures *furnitureは単数形で集合名詞 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=furniture&ref=sa He will be back (4) about ten minutes. (1)during (2)till (3)of (4)in *in ~以内 He is very ill but there is (1) hope for him. (1)a little (2)little (3)a few (4)few *but ~ a little 少しだけれども http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=a+little (4) passed the test, but there were some who failed. (1)Almost students (2)Most of the student (3)Almost the students (4)Most students *どれも『ほとんど』の意味ですが、後のbut ~ someに整合するのは4 It was (1) we found the nice antique silver spoons. (1)in London that (2)what in London (3)London in where (4)in London which *強調構文 He (3) us a tale about his adventure. (1)said (2)spoke (3)told (4)talked *tell a tale『物語を語る』 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=tell+a+tale


  • 英語の質問

    mostlyとalmostとmost ofの違いをおしえてください。 例えば、there are over fifty students in the class,and they are [   ] girls この中が、most of ではなく、mostly なのか、用法から、きちんと教えてください。

  • 中学英語です

    「ほとんどの生徒がプールに水がほんの少ししかないことを知りませんでした。」 という文章で、答えは Few students knew that there was little water in the pool. なのですが、 Almost students didn't know ~ とか Almost every student ~ってのはだめですか? それと、the pool had little water はどうでしょうか? よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の問題の答えを教えてください。【大至急】

    1.All students will go to school.(AllをEveryにして現在時制で書き直す) 2.All of them were absent from school.(AllをEachにして正しく書き直す) 3.He is good at playing the piano. =He ( ) a good ( ) 4.How many books does your library have? =how many books ( ) ( ) in your library? 5.Please close the door, Jim. =( ) ( ) close the door, Jim? 6.The news cannot be true. =The news ( ) ( ) false. 7.My little brother could not open the bottle. =My little brother ( ) ( ) to open the bottle. 8.You don't have to go there. =You ( ) not go there. 9.It snowed a lot last night. =We ( ) a lot of ( ) last night. 10.The woman made a bicycle trip alone. =The woman ( ) alone ( ) bicycle. 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題お願いします!

    英語の問題お願いします! 五問あります! 空所に入れるのに最も適当な語 句を下の(1)~(4)から1つずつ選 んでください。 1.The climate of my city is like () . (1)London (2)its London (3)those of London (4)that of London 2.The interview was very difficul t. They asked me a lot of questio ns, most of () I couldn't answer. (1)that (2)them (3)which (4)whom 3.The school () you need to find is located just around the block. (1)where (2)in which (3)at which (4)which 4.This television series is a () ric her visual experience. (1)more (2)most (3)much (4)very This dress is a little tight for me. please show me () (1)other (2)another (3)each other (4)one 以上のごもんです! よろしくおねがいします(;> <)

  • 英語 問題

    英語の問題 お願いします! 問題数多いのはわかっていますがよかったらおねがいします(;´∀`) ()の中から適切な語句を選びなさい。 また訳も教えてください! 1.My father didn't give me (an advice/ many advice/ many advices/ much advice/ mu0ch advices) even when I was in trouble. 2.NGOs are working to protect (peace/ a peace/ the peace/ some peace) in various (an area/ areas/ some areas/ the area)in the world. 3.As we live in a countryside, we don't need so (much/ many/ a few/ a little) money. 4.There were so(many/ much/ few/ a lot of)people in the building that we could hardly walk. 5.Bob bought (a/ one/ a pair of/ a piece of) scissors at the shopping mall. 6.I got (an infomation/ many infomation/ many infomatians/ a lot of infomanian/ a lot of infomatians) about the book in the library. 英訳しなさい。 1.ローラ(Laura) の顔 2.ジム(Jim)の上司 3.サルの脳みそ 4.私の母の貧しさ 以上です!すみませんがおねがいします!

  • 英語の質問です

    アメリカに住んでる知り合いに「一週間くらい家に泊まらせてください。それと、そちらの地域の観光地をネットで調べたんですが、特に見つけられませんでした。なのでおすすめの観光地を教えてください」 とメールしたら下記のように返ってきたんですが、(1)(2)(3)(4)の文がいまいち理解できません。 There are not a lots of places around Little Rock to visit. Little Rock is not a big city. It does not have national parks. You can ask Shota where he went last time. I can bring you some places he went. There is a Clinton Library in Little Rock. There is a limestone cave 3 hrs away from my home. There is a city called Dallas 5.5 hours away from my home. There is a roller coaster park you can ride if you like riding roller coaster.We need to stay there at lease one night in hotel though. There is a water park in a city 1 hr away from us. It has all kinds of water roller coasters. It depends what you want to do. It is impossible if you want to see those famous places in a week. (1)『I have not gone to those places yet except Disney.』 (2)『I want to wait for Alex a little bit older.』 (3)『It is ok if you want to have some fun.』 (4)『I can take few days off to go with you.』 (1)「私はディズニーを除いた上記の場所に行ったことが無い」 (2)「アレックスがもうちょっと育つまで待ちたい」←何を待ちたいのか分かりません (3)「もしあなたが楽しみたいのならokです?」 (4)「あなたのために数日休みを取ることができる」 僕とこの知り合いの関係や、他の事情を解してないと答えづらいかと思いますが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 7問あります!

    空所に適当な選択肢の語を入れてください! 1.() students missed the train. (1)The most of (2)Almost of (3)Aimost all of the (4)Almost all of 2.“Is it true that Frank had a car accident?” “I'm afraid ().” (1)it (2)true (3)so (4)that 3.“Is Tom coming to the party todey?” “I (). He's sick.” (1)don't suppose it (2)suppose it (3)suppose not (4)suppose so 4.I am innocent. I had () to do with the accident. (1)everything (2)something (3)nothing (4)anything 5.Just relax and () yourself. There's nothing to worry about. (1)ease (2)enjoy (3)favor (4)please ()内の語句を並べ替えて正しい英文を作ってください。 6.この洗濯機は妙な音が出る。どこか故障しているに違いない。 This washing machine is making a strange noise. I think that (be/ something/ there/ with/ must/ wrong/ it) 誤った箇所を指摘して正しい形に直してください。 7.Most of (1)(students) seemed to (2)(have understood) (3)(how fortunate) they were (4)(to be living) in a peaceful country. 以上の7問です! よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の解答お願いします

    解答お願いします。 Do you have [ ] money? No just [ ]. (a few/little/ a little/a lot/ a lot of/ much)

  • 中学英語 期末テストの模範解答をお願いします

    模範解答を教えてください。 (1)Nowadays not many children can use a of scissors correctly. アfew イonly ウpair エpiece (2)He has( ) about the matter. アmany informations イmany information ウ much informations エmuch information (3)I heard ( )from my friend,Ted. アsome news イsome newses ウ a good news エsome good news’ (4)His opinion is quite different from mine. There is a great ( )( )his opinion and mine. (5)She has been with us for a long time. We think she belongs to the family. She has been with us for a long time. We think of her ( )a( )of the family. (6)彼はいつも何かあたらしいことを求めています。 He is always looking for ( )( ). (7)I’ve lost my umbrella,so I have to buy( ). ア one イ it ウ that (8)I made with her during my stay in London. ア friend イ a friend ウ friends エthe friend (9)This computer is very useful. This computer is of great ( ). (10)( )of the students in this class like soccer very much . アEvery イ Each ウ Almost エMost 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題で分らないのがあるので教えてください。

    (1)空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を(1)~(4)から一つ選んでください。 A number of parents ( ) about their children smoking cigarettes. (1)are worried (2)has worry (3)have worry (4)is worried   (2)英文の{ }には誤っている箇所がそれぞれ一つずつあります。それを指摘した上で、正しい形に直してください。 ・Most of the class members {is} working {people} and {very} few of them ever {miss} a class. ・There {has} been many {class} of {the} flu in this area {in recent} years. ・A change that {is likely} {to take place} {in you} {enable} you to have a different point of view. よろしくお願いします。