
  • 大学入学試験の英語和訳について解説します。
  • 教職の選択理由や教育への興味について調査結果をまとめました。
  • 教師の満足度や再び教育を選ぶ理由について紹介します。
  • ベストアンサー


(1) It means only that liking for children was not, for the large majority, their primary reason for choosing to teach. Not surprisingly, money wasn't either. (2) It comes as no surprise that the teachers in our group who entered teaching because of the professinal values inherent in it, an interest in or desire to teach a subject, or liking for children said most frequently that their expectations had been fulfilled and that they would be likely to select teaching again.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

97年生まれなら高1だと思いますが、もう大学の入試問題をやってるのですか? 基礎は大丈夫なんでしょうか。 > It means only that liking for children was not, for the large majority, their primary reason for choosing to teach. Not surprisingly, money wasn't either.  構文は it means X という形。「それが意味するのは X ということである」 であるが、「つまり ・・・ ということだ」 とも訳せる。It means only that ... で 「それは ・・・ ということだけを意味する」 となる。「・・・」 は that 以下の内容が入る。  that 以下は、for the large majority が挿入なので、liking for children was not their primary reason ... という文。liking は名詞。liking for children は 「子供を好むということ」 で、このひとまとまりで名詞。  そこまでで 「子供を好むということが彼らの主要な理由ではない」 と訳せる。  for choosing to teach は reason を修飾している。  また挿入部分の for the large majority は 「大多数の者にとって」 という意味。  それだけ分かれば全体を訳せるはずです。 > It comes as no surprise that the teachers in our group who entered teaching because of the professional values inherent in it, an interest in or desire to teach a subject, or liking for children said most frequently that their expectations had been fulfilled and that they would be likely to select teaching again.  このような長い文の場合は、意味のある文のまとまりが集まったものと見て、区切りを入れて読んでみると分かりやすい。  それと、主語と述語が何であるかを、常に意識して読むこと。  長いのでむつかしいかもしれないが、that の次の the teachers が主語とすると、それに対する述語動詞は何かを見る。途中にグチャグチャと書いてあるが、said が the teachers に対する述語。  それが分かれば、その部分だけをつなげてみる。the teachers said ... だから、「その教師たちは ・・・ と言った」 となる。  はじめに It comes as no surprise that ... とある。これは 「・・・ は驚くに当たらない」 という意味。「・・・」 には that 以下の内容が入る。  すると、そこまでで 「その教師たちが ・・・ と言ったのは、驚くには当たらない」 という文だと分かる。  それから細部を見ていく。  まず、the teachers in our group who entered teaching という部分。who entered teaching の enter teaching は、「教えるということに入る」 と直訳できるが、それはつまり 「教育の道に入る」 あるいは 「教職に就く」 といった意味。直訳してみると、「教職の道に入った我々のグループの中の教師たち」 となる。  because of the professional values inherent in it, an interest in or desire to teach a subject, or liking for children という部分は長いけれども、単に理由を羅列しているだけ。because of ... とあるから、ここでは 「教職の道を選んだ教師たち」 がその仕事を選んだ理由を述べている。  inherent in ... は辞書を引けば分かるように 「・・・ に備わっている」 という意味を表す表現で、in it の it は teaching を指す。「教えるということに伴う専門家としての価値のために」 と述べて、続けて an interest in or desire to teach a subject とある。a subject は 「科目」 「学科」 で、desire to teach ... は 「・・・ を教えたいという願望」 だから、「興味あるいは科目を教えたいという気持ち」 となる。  そしてまた or が出てくる。ここでちょっと考えてみる必要がある。カンマで区切られているが、ここには大きく3つの要素が併記されていることに注目。つまり、because of A, B, or C という形を作っている。C に相当する部分が liking for children で 「子供たちを好むということ」。  これら A, B or C をまとめると 「教えるということに伴う専門的な価値、興味あるいは科目を教えたいという願望、あるいは子供たちが好きだという理由で」 のような意味であることが分かる。  ここまでの文を振り返ってみると、   the teachers in our group who entered teaching because of the professional values inherent in it, an interest in or desire to teach a subject, or liking for children said ...  というあたりの意味が分かってきた。「・・・ という理由で教職に就いた我々のグループのその教師たちは ・・・ と言った」 という内容なわけです。最期の 「・・・ と言った」 の 「・・・」 の部分はこれから見てみます。  most frequently that their expectations had been fulfilled and that they would be likely to select teaching again  初めの most frequently は、その前の said を修飾している。「非常にしばしば ・・・ と言った」 となります。  their expectations had been fulfilled の fulfill は 「満たす」 という意味の動詞。had been ... は過去完了形 (高1で習うものかどうか、私には分かりませんが、過去においてある動作が完了していることを表します)。「彼等の期待はかなった」 という文。  続いて and that they would be likely to select teaching again とあり、be likely to ... は 「・・・ したい」 という意味だから、「また教職を (教師となることを) 選ぶだろう」 と言う、ということになります。  そこまで理解した上で初めに戻って、It comes as no surprise that ... と始まっていたのだから、「(彼らがそのようなことを言うのは) 何ら驚くべきことではない」 という文で訳文が完成することになります。訳文では、この部分は最後に持って来るのがいいと思います。 * 口頭で説明すればもう少し分かりやすいかもしれませんが、それが出来ないので文章で説明しましたが、読むだけでも大変かもしれないという気はします。それに私はそれこそ教師ではないので、説明もうまいわけではありません。また、いくら大学入試でも、(2) のような長い文を日本語に訳せという問題が出題されるものかどうか、疑問です。長い文は、細切れにして、最後に部分をつなぎ合わせて全体の訳文とするとよいのではないかと思います。出来れば不完全でも自分の訳文も示して、間違っているところと不備なところを指摘して直してもらう形で投稿されると、すぐれた回答者の方々から、いろいろとアドバイスしてもらえるかもしれません。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

(1) 彼らの大多数にとって、教職を選んだ主な理由は、こどもが好きだからではなかったということだけをそのことは意味する。当然、お金でもなかった。 (2) 教師集団固有の、教科の関心または教科を教えたいという欲求、または子供が好きだという、プロの価値観ゆえに教職についたわれわれのグループの教師達が、もっともたびたび言うことは、自分たちの期待が満たされ、もういちど人生をやり直したとしても教職を選ぶ見込みが高いということは、ごく当然のことであった。 以上でいかがでしょうか?


  • 英語の最上級について

    お世話になります。以下の英文の出だしのeasiestにtheがない理由を教えていただけますでしょうか。 It is easiest to teach mathematics to very young children, for they have inquiring minds and they are self-reliant and they want to understand things for themselves. It is much harder to teach adults, because so many adults have had their confidence shaken by bad teaching......

  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい

    (1)It is the dury of parents to teach their children manners. (2)It is important not to give up till the very end. (3)I found it impossible to read that book in a day. (4)She makes it a rule to read a newspaper after breakfast. 上記の英語を日本語に訳して下さい。 御願い致します><

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    There is another difference that visitors often notice in American schools. There is less importance given to the learning of facts than is usual in the school systems of many other countries. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves,to ask questions, to explore, and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities. Students spend much time learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics, and computers. Computers are used in many classrooms, frequently stating in kindergarten. The American system of education is based on the idea that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. This is America's answer to the question that thoughtful parents around the world are asking the world are asking themselves in this fast-paced time: "How can one prepare today's child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?"

  • 英語の和訳

    和訳お願いしますO(><;)(;><)O ↓ ↓ How and why did the family meel start to disappear in the United States? My friends in the United States have various explanations about this. Parents and children lead busy lives and there just isn't time for a sit-down meal. Kids'sports schedules run on into dinner hour. After a long day at work,parents are too tired to cook. Teenagers are off on their own after school. Yet study after study shows that having meals together as a family is good for both adults and children. A University of Michigan study found that mealtime at home was the single strongest factor predicting better achievement scores and fewer behavioral problems for children. Mealtime was far more powerful than time spent in school,studying,worshiping,playing sports or doing arts activities. Other studies show that children like family meals. In one report,nearly four-fifths of adolescents cited eating dinner at home as one of their top-rated family activities. In a national YMCA poll in 2000,when teenagers were asked about their worries,21 percent rated“not having enough time with parents”as their top concern.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    英語のサンタの本?エッセイ?の一部なんですが、英語が全くわからないので 和訳していただけないでしょうか? Some little children doubt that Santa still lives because often their letters, for one reason or another, never seem to reach him. Nurses in hospitals know who some of these children are. Teachers in great city schools know others. Dear children of yesterday, won’t you try to seek out these trusting children of today and make sure that their letters in some way may reach Santa Claus so that “he will continue to make glad that heart of childhood”? That, I believe, is the best way of proving there is a Santa Claus, for ourselves and for the children. What will you tell your children about Santa Claus someday?

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Not only had the Normans disciplined the English people and welded them into a nation, they had also, directly or in-directly, given form and cohesion to their arts: a classical symmetry to their architecture, formal conventions to their painting and sculpture, measure to their music, and now metre and rhyme to their poetry. It was a beneficial discipline, but once it had been thoroughly learned, the time had come for variations on the conventions, for experiment, a greater natu-ralism, a freer, though still ordered, romanticism.

  • 英語 長文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    how we got here perry's display of american technology and weaponry was succesful in opening japan, and during the first three decades of the meiji period the U.S. served as a model for japanese modernization, but it was never an equal relationship. americans were the teachers and were more than happy in their role, teaching the japanese everything from english to baseball to military strategy. they believed that God had given them the best country and the best civiliza-tion in the word, and that their duty was to spread their culture to others.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    Don't believe the press telling only the bad news that motherhood is all dirty nappies and sleepless nights which are said to cause mothers to abuse kids. When I got married, it seemed the most natural thing in the world that I would that I would have three babies in four years. Having children was what I had always wanted. I was fulfilled in my work and happy generally, but having children was the absolute high point. Fortunately my partner shared this view. But for some people, raising their children is a tough thing. Surely, raising children is a responsibility. You make a baby and you can't get drunk, stay out all night or go on holiday on impulse. In fact, you can't really have any arbitrary thought at all when everything you do has to be so well-organized. It's also true that I would love just occasionally to be totally irresponsible, unmindful of anyone's needs but my own. I remember the time I was seven months pregnant and struggled with a stroppy three-years-old son and a crawling one-year-old daughter. My back ached, and what is worse, I couldn't find the right colored crayon for my son to shade in Batman's cape. He repeatedly complained to me, "A pencil just would not do." I was greatly embarrassed, at last lay on the kitchen floor, and sobbed. Then he was filled with wonder.

  • 英語に自信のある方 和訳お願いします

    Now, when we compare teh account of the creation and of man given by the doctrine of evolution with that given in the Bible, we see at once that the two are in different regions. The purpose of giving the accounts is diffrent; the spirit and character of the accounts is different; the details are altogether different. The comparison must take note of the difference of spirit and aim before it can proceed at all. It is then quite certain, and even those who contend for the literal interpretation of this part of the Bible will generally admit, that the purpose of the revelation is not to teach science at all. It is to teach great spiritual and moral lessons, and it takes the factsof nature as they appear to ordinary people.When the creation of man is mentioned there is clearly no intention to say by whta processes this creation was effected or how much time it took to work out those processes. The narrative is not touched by the question, 'Was this a single act done in a moment or a process lasting throughmillions of years?' The writerof the Book of Genesis sees the earth peopled,as we may say, by many varieties of plants of animals. he asserts that God made them all, and made them resemble each other and differ from each other He knows nothing and says nothing of the means used to produce their resemblances or their diferrences. he takes them as he see them , and speakes of their creation as God's work. Had he been commisoned to teach his people the science of the matter, he would have had to put a most serious obstacle in the way of their faith. They would have found it almost impossible to belive in a process of creation so utterly unlike all their own experience. And it would have been quite useless to them besides, since their science was not in such a condition as to enable them to coordinate this doctrine with any other. As science it would have been dead; and as spiritual truth it would have been a hindrance.

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    (1) A teacher who grades the class on a sliding scale with A’s going to the children who complete the most problems correctly or write the most imaginative or sophisticated papers and B's, C's and D's awarded to the other children as their work compares to that of the A children, is setting up a competitive situation that will defeat some children all of the time. with A’s going to the childrenここが不明です。また、as their work compares to that of the A childrenここも不明、thatは何を示している? (2) A child who does not excel in this group might have been one of the pacesetters of the class had he just come along one year sooner or later and had lesser or different competition. 仮定法なのはわかりますが、 had lesser or different competition.ここの訳し方がわかりません。平常文?になおすとif he come along lesser or different competitionになるんでしょうか?