• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Tear up that stuff)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

stuffというのは、英語でモノを意味する語で、とてもよく使われます。theとかinとかyouとかの冠詞・代名詞・前置詞を除き、名詞や動詞の中では一番多く使われる単語というのを読んだこともあります。(真偽のほとはわかりません) ★Tear up that stuffは何かものを引きちぎってしまえという意味でしょうか? →まず類語との比較をします。      tear (ギザギザの線になるような感じで)引き裂く      cut 鋭利なもので、通常直線的に切る      split 縦に2つに引き裂く      break 瞬時的に一体感を損なう形で壊す      destroy 全体を壊して駄目にする tearの類語の意味は以上のようになります。tearは紙をびりびりっと手で裂いたということになります。 upをつけることで、完全に破った感じがでます。 またSmaller than that!は大したことではないと言いたいのでしょうか? →それよりももっと小さくということです。まだ、破り足りない、それだとあとでつなげられて復元されうるということを言いたい文でしょう。 Let me never see i t again! Never speak of it!"とまで言っています。相当頭に来ている様子ですね。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。





  • turned up the charm

    He tells me he loves me, I tell him I love him, and this has been going on for a year. Knowing I was doing wrong, and that he'd never leave his big-time breadwinning wife, I broke it off and had a date with a wonderful new man. My married friend turned up the charm, I couldn't resist, and we started all over again! turned up the charmの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • sync up

    I am black, while my longtime girlfriend is white. We have been talking about marriage for a while, but after the recent shootings, she told me that she couldn’t have a black baby in this world. She is too afraid. I don’t know what to tell her—she hasn’t had to grow up with sermons on how not to get killed by the police or how to speak “right.” We live on the coast in a diverse city and everything else syncs up: our education, political goals, spending habits, etc., but our skin difference has never been more apparent. I know my parents like her but would rather see me with a girl of my own racial background. I really don’t know how to move on here. Can you help? Should we split up? Does that mean the bigots win? Or are we fooling ourselves? everything else syncs upとfooling ourselvesはどのような意味でしょうか? ”"Get back to me on this and we'll sync up later"という例文があったのですが、we'll sync up laterはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • It’s more that

    I’ve been a really bad friend. Last year, I was in a bad living situation. My best friend owns several properties and helped me out; he asked a long-term tenant to leave, refurbished the whole apartment, and then offered it to me at a steep discount so I could afford it. It’s literally the most beautiful, spacious place I have ever lived in. This coincided with a very intense romantic relationship I was caught up in—which, of course, broke up spectacularly when he stole my stuff and left the country. I realize now that I was really thoughtless. My friend did a lot of the renovations himself and spent thousands of dollars on necessary (but much-appreciated) upgrades. At the time, I was so focused on my relationship that I didn’t even think about pitching in. And now, looking back, I didn’t show up once to clean or paint, or even just bring dinner and say thank you. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried to be a good tenant and show my gratitude. He’s never said anything about it, and I don’t think he holds it against me. It’s more that I realized I really dropped the ball. It’s more thatはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • set me up

    I am an attractive, retired, 65-year-old woman who was widowed some years ago. I’m happy with my life and ready to date again. I’m looking for a kind, professional retired or semi-retired man around my own age, and I’m having no luck meeting anyone. The problem is that I married my high school sweetheart, so I have never had to do this before. I keep hoping my friends will set me up, but so far I am still at square one. ここでのset me upはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 書き換え文その1

    何とかやってみたのですが自信がありません。 答えがないので添削してください。答えだけで結構です。 1 He insists on his innocence. on his→that he is 2 He boasted that he had never had a serious illness. thet he had never→himself never having 3 Only He knew the kind of candy Jill likes. 間接疑問文 the→what 4 Nothing healthier exists than a cold shower. thereを使用→There is nothing healthier... 5 I think that John is going to join us. Jhonを答えとする疑問文に→Do you think who is going... 6 Surprisingly,Jhon returned the money. 形容詞Surprisingを使用→It was surprising that Jhon returned... 7 Drink up your beer quickly. your beerをitに       Drink it up quickly.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。

    But as giant planets such as Jupiter came into existence, the gravitational fields they generated stirred up the smaller bodies. This energy increase made them move likely, if they collided, to break apart than glow, with the result that only the largest protoplanets survived to from planets while the rest were ground down to small fragments.

  • これで伝わりますか?

    先週、ちょっとしたきっかけで憧れの方にお会いすることができました。その方の仕事は常にそんけいしていて、いつかあってみたいなぁと思っていた方でしたので、すごく感激しており、そのお時間を頂けたことを感謝した御礼のメールを書きたいと思います(後程手紙も送る予定ですが・・・) ただ、緊張のあまりまったくといっていいほど英語が話せず、今も後悔しております・・・(涙) 本題ですが、そのメールを書いてみたのですが、意味が伝わるかどうか添削をしてもらえないでしょうか? Dear Mr.XXX, Thank you very much for your hospitality I visited your office last week. It was lovely time to see you and your company stuff. I will never forget the pleasunt time. (先週はどうもありがとうございました。あたなとあなたの会社のスタッフの方々にお会いすることができて、大変かんげきしております<幸せな時間を過ごせました>。忘れられない時になるでしょう) But I'm sorry that I don't speak English. I was nervous becouse I've respected you. (しかし、私が英語を話すことができずザンネンに思っています。さらに、尊敬している方を目の前にして大変緊張しておりました) ↑ここで、「もしよかったら、これに懲りずにお会いする機会を頂けたら幸いです」という日本語だったら入れてみたいのですが・・・ Thank you again for your kindness. Please give my best regards to your stuff. (親切に本当にありがとうございました。スタッフの皆様にもよろしくお伝え下さい) with respect, (尊敬をこめて) XXXXX もし、もっとこう書いた方が感謝の気持ちが伝わるとか、これからお礼の手紙もかくわけですが、その際に気をつける点などアドバイスもいただけましたら、幸いです。

  • 長めですが、和訳をお願いします(>_<)

    Early in life, we understand that never giving up leads to success. When kids try, fail, try again, fail again, and then finally succeed, they develop certain ideas about what they can do. At the same time, they're creating an idea of themselves based on how they interact with other people. So for parents it is important to help kids learn accurate and healthy self-perceptions. 上の英文の和訳をお願いします!!!

  • 愛犬を亡くした人のつぶやきの訳。

    愛犬を先日亡くしたばかりの人のツイッターでのつぶやきなんですが、和訳をお願いします…茶色の犬です。 Bobby would of been 8 years old today. Happy birthday brown bear I miss you snuggling up on my lap and making it really tricky to use my laptop but never moving you. Nothing made us feel more complete than that little brown bear.